gotext.go 27 KB

  1. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense OR MIT
  2. package text
  3. import (
  4. "bytes"
  5. "fmt"
  6. "image"
  7. "io"
  8. "log"
  9. "os"
  10. ""
  11. ""
  12. gotextot ""
  13. ""
  14. ""
  15. ""
  16. ""
  17. ""
  18. ""
  19. ""
  20. giofont ""
  21. ""
  22. ""
  23. ""
  24. ""
  25. ""
  26. ""
  27. )
  28. // document holds a collection of shaped lines and alignment information for
  29. // those lines.
  30. type document struct {
  31. lines []line
  32. alignment Alignment
  33. // alignWidth is the width used when aligning text.
  34. alignWidth int
  35. unreadRuneCount int
  36. }
  37. // append adds the lines of other to the end of l and ensures they
  38. // are aligned to the same width.
  39. func (l *document) append(other document) {
  40. l.lines = append(l.lines, other.lines...)
  41. l.alignWidth = max(l.alignWidth, other.alignWidth)
  42. calculateYOffsets(l.lines)
  43. }
  44. // reset empties the document in preparation to reuse its memory.
  45. func (l *document) reset() {
  46. l.lines = l.lines[:0]
  47. l.alignment = Start
  48. l.alignWidth = 0
  49. l.unreadRuneCount = 0
  50. }
  51. func max(a, b int) int {
  52. if a > b {
  53. return a
  54. }
  55. return b
  56. }
  57. // A line contains the measurements of a line of text.
  58. type line struct {
  59. // runs contains sequences of shaped glyphs with common attributes. The order
  60. // of runs is logical, meaning that the first run will contain the glyphs
  61. // corresponding to the first runes of data in the original text.
  62. runs []runLayout
  63. // visualOrder is a slice of indices into Runs that describes the visual positions
  64. // of each run of text. Iterating this slice and accessing Runs at each
  65. // of the values stored in this slice traverses the runs in proper visual
  66. // order from left to right.
  67. visualOrder []int
  68. // width is the width of the line.
  69. width fixed.Int26_6
  70. // ascent is the height above the baseline.
  71. ascent fixed.Int26_6
  72. // descent is the height below the baseline, including
  73. // the line gap.
  74. descent fixed.Int26_6
  75. // lineHeight captures the gap that should exist between the baseline of this
  76. // line and the previous (if any).
  77. lineHeight fixed.Int26_6
  78. // direction is the dominant direction of the line. This direction will be
  79. // used to align the text content of the line, but may not match the actual
  80. // direction of the runs of text within the line (such as an RTL sentence
  81. // within an LTR paragraph).
  82. direction system.TextDirection
  83. // runeCount is the number of text runes represented by this line's runs.
  84. runeCount int
  85. yOffset int
  86. }
  87. // insertTrailingSyntheticNewline adds a synthetic newline to the final logical run of the line
  88. // with the given shaping cluster index.
  89. func (l *line) insertTrailingSyntheticNewline(newLineClusterIdx int) {
  90. // If there was a newline at the end of this paragraph, insert a synthetic glyph representing it.
  91. finalContentRun := len(l.runs) - 1
  92. // If there was a trailing newline update the rune counts to include
  93. // it on the last line of the paragraph.
  94. l.runeCount += 1
  95. l.runs[finalContentRun].Runes.Count += 1
  96. syntheticGlyph := glyph{
  97. id: 0,
  98. clusterIndex: newLineClusterIdx,
  99. glyphCount: 0,
  100. runeCount: 1,
  101. xAdvance: 0,
  102. yAdvance: 0,
  103. xOffset: 0,
  104. yOffset: 0,
  105. }
  106. // Inset the synthetic newline glyph on the proper end of the run.
  107. if l.runs[finalContentRun].Direction.Progression() == system.FromOrigin {
  108. l.runs[finalContentRun].Glyphs = append(l.runs[finalContentRun].Glyphs, syntheticGlyph)
  109. } else {
  110. // Ensure capacity.
  111. l.runs[finalContentRun].Glyphs = append(l.runs[finalContentRun].Glyphs, glyph{})
  112. copy(l.runs[finalContentRun].Glyphs[1:], l.runs[finalContentRun].Glyphs)
  113. l.runs[finalContentRun].Glyphs[0] = syntheticGlyph
  114. }
  115. }
  116. func (l *line) setTruncatedCount(truncatedCount int) {
  117. // If we've truncated the text with a truncator, adjust the rune counts within the
  118. // truncator to make it represent the truncated text.
  119. finalRunIdx := len(l.runs) - 1
  120. l.runs[finalRunIdx].truncator = true
  121. finalGlyphIdx := len(l.runs[finalRunIdx].Glyphs) - 1
  122. // The run represents all of the truncated text.
  123. l.runs[finalRunIdx].Runes.Count = truncatedCount
  124. // Only the final glyph represents any runes, and it represents all truncated text.
  125. for i := range l.runs[finalRunIdx].Glyphs {
  126. if i == finalGlyphIdx {
  127. l.runs[finalRunIdx].Glyphs[finalGlyphIdx].runeCount = truncatedCount
  128. } else {
  129. l.runs[finalRunIdx].Glyphs[finalGlyphIdx].runeCount = 0
  130. }
  131. }
  132. }
  133. // Range describes the position and quantity of a range of text elements
  134. // within a larger slice. The unit is usually runes of unicode data or
  135. // glyphs of shaped font data.
  136. type Range struct {
  137. // Count describes the number of items represented by the Range.
  138. Count int
  139. // Offset describes the start position of the represented
  140. // items within a larger list.
  141. Offset int
  142. }
  143. // glyph contains the metadata needed to render a glyph.
  144. type glyph struct {
  145. // id is this glyph's identifier within the font it was shaped with.
  146. id GlyphID
  147. // clusterIndex is the identifier for the text shaping cluster that
  148. // this glyph is part of.
  149. clusterIndex int
  150. // glyphCount is the number of glyphs in the same cluster as this glyph.
  151. glyphCount int
  152. // runeCount is the quantity of runes in the source text that this glyph
  153. // corresponds to.
  154. runeCount int
  155. // xAdvance and yAdvance describe the distance the dot moves when
  156. // laying out the glyph on the X or Y axis.
  157. xAdvance, yAdvance fixed.Int26_6
  158. // xOffset and yOffset describe offsets from the dot that should be
  159. // applied when rendering the glyph.
  160. xOffset, yOffset fixed.Int26_6
  161. // bounds describes the visual bounding box of the glyph relative to
  162. // its dot.
  163. bounds fixed.Rectangle26_6
  164. }
  165. type runLayout struct {
  166. // VisualPosition describes the relative position of this run of text within
  167. // its line. It should be a valid index into the containing line's VisualOrder
  168. // slice.
  169. VisualPosition int
  170. // X is the visual offset of the dot for the first glyph in this run
  171. // relative to the beginning of the line.
  172. X fixed.Int26_6
  173. // Glyphs are the actual font characters for the text. They are ordered
  174. // from left to right regardless of the text direction of the underlying
  175. // text.
  176. Glyphs []glyph
  177. // Runes describes the position of the text data this layout represents
  178. // within the containing text.Line.
  179. Runes Range
  180. // Advance is the sum of the advances of all clusters in the Layout.
  181. Advance fixed.Int26_6
  182. // PPEM is the pixels-per-em scale used to shape this run.
  183. PPEM fixed.Int26_6
  184. // Direction is the layout direction of the glyphs.
  185. Direction system.TextDirection
  186. // face is the font face that the ID of each Glyph in the Layout refers to.
  187. face *font.Face
  188. // truncator indicates that this run is a text truncator standing in for remaining
  189. // text.
  190. truncator bool
  191. }
  192. // shaperImpl implements the shaping and line-wrapping of opentype fonts.
  193. type shaperImpl struct {
  194. // Fields for tracking fonts/faces.
  195. fontMap *fontscan.FontMap
  196. faces []*font.Face
  197. faceToIndex map[*font.Font]int
  198. faceMeta []giofont.Font
  199. defaultFaces []string
  200. logger interface {
  201. Printf(format string, args ...any)
  202. }
  203. parser parser
  204. // Shaping and wrapping state.
  205. shaper shaping.HarfbuzzShaper
  206. wrapper shaping.LineWrapper
  207. bidiParagraph bidi.Paragraph
  208. // Scratch buffers used to avoid re-allocating slices during routine internal
  209. // shaping operations.
  210. splitScratch1, splitScratch2 []shaping.Input
  211. outScratchBuf []shaping.Output
  212. scratchRunes []rune
  213. // bitmapGlyphCache caches extracted bitmap glyph images.
  214. bitmapGlyphCache bitmapCache
  215. }
  216. // debugLogger only logs messages if debug.Text is true.
  217. type debugLogger struct {
  218. *log.Logger
  219. }
  220. func newDebugLogger() debugLogger {
  221. return debugLogger{Logger: log.New(log.Writer(), "[text] ", log.Default().Flags())}
  222. }
  223. func (d debugLogger) Printf(format string, args ...any) {
  224. if debug.Text.Load() {
  225. d.Logger.Printf(format, args...)
  226. }
  227. }
  228. func newShaperImpl(systemFonts bool, collection []FontFace) *shaperImpl {
  229. var shaper shaperImpl
  230. shaper.logger = newDebugLogger()
  231. shaper.fontMap = fontscan.NewFontMap(shaper.logger)
  232. shaper.faceToIndex = make(map[*font.Font]int)
  233. if systemFonts {
  234. str, err := os.UserCacheDir()
  235. if err != nil {
  236. shaper.logger.Printf("failed resolving font cache dir: %v", err)
  237. shaper.logger.Printf("skipping system font load")
  238. }
  239. if err := shaper.fontMap.UseSystemFonts(str); err != nil {
  240. shaper.logger.Printf("failed loading system fonts: %v", err)
  241. }
  242. }
  243. for _, f := range collection {
  244. shaper.Load(f)
  245. shaper.defaultFaces = append(shaper.defaultFaces, string(f.Font.Typeface))
  246. }
  247. shaper.shaper.SetFontCacheSize(32)
  248. return &shaper
  249. }
  250. // Load registers the provided FontFace with the shaper, if it is compatible.
  251. // It returns whether the face is now available for use. FontFaces are prioritized
  252. // in the order in which they are loaded, with the first face being the default.
  253. func (s *shaperImpl) Load(f FontFace) {
  254. desc := opentype.FontToDescription(f.Font)
  255. s.fontMap.AddFace(f.Face.Face(), fontscan.Location{File: fmt.Sprint(desc)}, desc)
  256. s.addFace(f.Face.Face(), f.Font)
  257. }
  258. func (s *shaperImpl) addFace(f *font.Face, md giofont.Font) {
  259. if _, ok := s.faceToIndex[f.Font]; ok {
  260. return
  261. }
  262. s.logger.Printf("loaded face %s(style:%s, weight:%d)", md.Typeface, md.Style, md.Weight)
  263. idx := len(s.faces)
  264. s.faceToIndex[f.Font] = idx
  265. s.faces = append(s.faces, f)
  266. s.faceMeta = append(s.faceMeta, md)
  267. }
  268. // splitByScript divides the inputs into new, smaller inputs on script boundaries
  269. // and correctly sets the text direction per-script. It will
  270. // use buf as the backing memory for the returned slice if buf is non-nil.
  271. func splitByScript(inputs []shaping.Input, documentDir di.Direction, buf []shaping.Input) []shaping.Input {
  272. var splitInputs []shaping.Input
  273. if buf == nil {
  274. splitInputs = make([]shaping.Input, 0, len(inputs))
  275. } else {
  276. splitInputs = buf
  277. }
  278. for _, input := range inputs {
  279. currentInput := input
  280. if input.RunStart == input.RunEnd {
  281. return []shaping.Input{input}
  282. }
  283. firstNonCommonRune := input.RunStart
  284. for i := firstNonCommonRune; i < input.RunEnd; i++ {
  285. if language.LookupScript(input.Text[i]) != language.Common {
  286. firstNonCommonRune = i
  287. break
  288. }
  289. }
  290. currentInput.Script = language.LookupScript(input.Text[firstNonCommonRune])
  291. for i := firstNonCommonRune + 1; i < input.RunEnd; i++ {
  292. r := input.Text[i]
  293. runeScript := language.LookupScript(r)
  294. if runeScript == language.Common || runeScript == currentInput.Script {
  295. continue
  296. }
  297. if i != input.RunStart {
  298. currentInput.RunEnd = i
  299. splitInputs = append(splitInputs, currentInput)
  300. }
  301. currentInput = input
  302. currentInput.RunStart = i
  303. currentInput.Script = runeScript
  304. // In the future, it may make sense to try to guess the language of the text here as well,
  305. // but this is a complex process.
  306. }
  307. // close and add the last input
  308. currentInput.RunEnd = input.RunEnd
  309. splitInputs = append(splitInputs, currentInput)
  310. }
  311. return splitInputs
  312. }
  313. func (s *shaperImpl) splitBidi(input shaping.Input) []shaping.Input {
  314. var splitInputs []shaping.Input
  315. if input.Direction.Axis() != di.Horizontal || input.RunStart == input.RunEnd {
  316. return []shaping.Input{input}
  317. }
  318. def := bidi.LeftToRight
  319. if input.Direction.Progression() == di.TowardTopLeft {
  320. def = bidi.RightToLeft
  321. }
  322. s.bidiParagraph.SetString(string(input.Text), bidi.DefaultDirection(def))
  323. out, err := s.bidiParagraph.Order()
  324. if err != nil {
  325. return []shaping.Input{input}
  326. }
  327. for i := 0; i < out.NumRuns(); i++ {
  328. currentInput := input
  329. run := out.Run(i)
  330. dir := run.Direction()
  331. _, endRune := run.Pos()
  332. currentInput.RunEnd = endRune + 1
  333. if dir == bidi.RightToLeft {
  334. currentInput.Direction = di.DirectionRTL
  335. } else {
  336. currentInput.Direction = di.DirectionLTR
  337. }
  338. splitInputs = append(splitInputs, currentInput)
  339. input.RunStart = currentInput.RunEnd
  340. }
  341. return splitInputs
  342. }
  343. // ResolveFace allows shaperImpl to implement shaping.FontMap, wrapping its fontMap
  344. // field and ensuring that any faces loaded as part of the search are registered with
  345. // ids so that they can be referred to by a GlyphID.
  346. func (s *shaperImpl) ResolveFace(r rune) *font.Face {
  347. face := s.fontMap.ResolveFace(r)
  348. if face != nil {
  349. family, aspect := s.fontMap.FontMetadata(face.Font)
  350. md := opentype.DescriptionToFont(font.Description{
  351. Family: family,
  352. Aspect: aspect,
  353. })
  354. s.addFace(face, md)
  355. return face
  356. }
  357. return nil
  358. }
  359. // splitByFaces divides the inputs by font coverage in the provided faces. It will use the slice provided in buf
  360. // as the backing storage of the returned slice if buf is non-nil.
  361. func (s *shaperImpl) splitByFaces(inputs []shaping.Input, buf []shaping.Input) []shaping.Input {
  362. var split []shaping.Input
  363. if buf == nil {
  364. split = make([]shaping.Input, 0, len(inputs))
  365. } else {
  366. split = buf
  367. }
  368. for _, input := range inputs {
  369. split = append(split, shaping.SplitByFace(input, s)...)
  370. }
  371. return split
  372. }
  373. // shapeText invokes the text shaper and returns the raw text data in the shaper's native
  374. // format. It does not wrap lines.
  375. func (s *shaperImpl) shapeText(ppem fixed.Int26_6, lc system.Locale, txt []rune) []shaping.Output {
  376. lcfg := langConfig{
  377. Language: language.NewLanguage(lc.Language),
  378. Direction: mapDirection(lc.Direction),
  379. }
  380. // Create an initial input.
  381. input := toInput(nil, ppem, lcfg, txt)
  382. if input.RunStart == input.RunEnd && len(s.faces) > 0 {
  383. // Give the empty string a face. This is a necessary special case because
  384. // the face splitting process works by resolving faces for each rune, and
  385. // the empty string contains no runes.
  386. input.Face = s.faces[0]
  387. }
  388. // Break input on font glyph coverage.
  389. inputs := s.splitBidi(input)
  390. inputs = s.splitByFaces(inputs, s.splitScratch1[:0])
  391. inputs = splitByScript(inputs, lcfg.Direction, s.splitScratch2[:0])
  392. // Shape all inputs.
  393. if needed := len(inputs) - len(s.outScratchBuf); needed > 0 {
  394. s.outScratchBuf = slices.Grow(s.outScratchBuf, needed)
  395. }
  396. s.outScratchBuf = s.outScratchBuf[:0]
  397. for _, input := range inputs {
  398. if input.Face != nil {
  399. s.outScratchBuf = append(s.outScratchBuf, s.shaper.Shape(input))
  400. } else {
  401. s.outScratchBuf = append(s.outScratchBuf, shaping.Output{
  402. // Use the text size as the advance of the entire fake run so that
  403. // it doesn't occupy zero space.
  404. Advance: input.Size,
  405. Size: input.Size,
  406. Glyphs: []shaping.Glyph{
  407. {
  408. Width: input.Size,
  409. Height: input.Size,
  410. XBearing: 0,
  411. YBearing: 0,
  412. XAdvance: input.Size,
  413. YAdvance: input.Size,
  414. XOffset: 0,
  415. YOffset: 0,
  416. ClusterIndex: input.RunStart,
  417. RuneCount: input.RunEnd - input.RunStart,
  418. GlyphCount: 1,
  419. GlyphID: 0,
  420. Mask: 0,
  421. },
  422. },
  423. LineBounds: shaping.Bounds{
  424. Ascent: input.Size,
  425. Descent: 0,
  426. Gap: 0,
  427. },
  428. GlyphBounds: shaping.Bounds{
  429. Ascent: input.Size,
  430. Descent: 0,
  431. Gap: 0,
  432. },
  433. Direction: input.Direction,
  434. Runes: shaping.Range{
  435. Offset: input.RunStart,
  436. Count: input.RunEnd - input.RunStart,
  437. },
  438. })
  439. }
  440. }
  441. return s.outScratchBuf
  442. }
  443. func wrapPolicyToGoText(p WrapPolicy) shaping.LineBreakPolicy {
  444. switch p {
  445. case WrapGraphemes:
  446. return shaping.Always
  447. case WrapWords:
  448. return shaping.Never
  449. default:
  450. return shaping.WhenNecessary
  451. }
  452. }
  453. // shapeAndWrapText invokes the text shaper and returns wrapped lines in the shaper's native format.
  454. func (s *shaperImpl) shapeAndWrapText(params Parameters, txt []rune) (_ []shaping.Line, truncated int) {
  455. wc := shaping.WrapConfig{
  456. Direction: mapDirection(params.Locale.Direction),
  457. TruncateAfterLines: params.MaxLines,
  458. TextContinues: params.forceTruncate,
  459. BreakPolicy: wrapPolicyToGoText(params.WrapPolicy),
  460. DisableTrailingWhitespaceTrim: params.DisableSpaceTrim,
  461. }
  462. families := s.defaultFaces
  463. if params.Font.Typeface != "" {
  464. parsed, err := s.parser.parse(string(params.Font.Typeface))
  465. if err != nil {
  466. s.logger.Printf("Unable to parse typeface %q: %v", params.Font.Typeface, err)
  467. } else {
  468. families = parsed
  469. }
  470. }
  471. s.fontMap.SetQuery(fontscan.Query{
  472. Families: families,
  473. Aspect: opentype.FontToDescription(params.Font).Aspect,
  474. })
  475. if wc.TruncateAfterLines > 0 {
  476. if len(params.Truncator) == 0 {
  477. params.Truncator = "…"
  478. }
  479. // We only permit a single run as the truncator, regardless of whether more were generated.
  480. // Just use the first one.
  481. wc.Truncator = s.shapeText(params.PxPerEm, params.Locale, []rune(params.Truncator))[0]
  482. }
  483. // Wrap outputs into lines.
  484. return s.wrapper.WrapParagraph(wc, params.MaxWidth, txt, shaping.NewSliceIterator(s.shapeText(params.PxPerEm, params.Locale, txt)))
  485. }
  486. // replaceControlCharacters replaces problematic unicode
  487. // code points with spaces to ensure proper rune accounting.
  488. func replaceControlCharacters(in []rune) []rune {
  489. for i, r := range in {
  490. switch r {
  491. // ASCII File separator.
  492. case '\u001C':
  493. // ASCII Group separator.
  494. case '\u001D':
  495. // ASCII Record separator.
  496. case '\u001E':
  497. case '\r':
  498. case '\n':
  499. // Unicode "next line" character.
  500. case '\u0085':
  501. // Unicode "paragraph separator".
  502. case '\u2029':
  503. default:
  504. continue
  505. }
  506. in[i] = ' '
  507. }
  508. return in
  509. }
  510. // Layout shapes and wraps the text, and returns the result in Gio's shaped text format.
  511. func (s *shaperImpl) LayoutString(params Parameters, txt string) document {
  512. return s.LayoutRunes(params, []rune(txt))
  513. }
  514. // Layout shapes and wraps the text, and returns the result in Gio's shaped text format.
  515. func (s *shaperImpl) Layout(params Parameters, txt io.RuneReader) document {
  516. s.scratchRunes = s.scratchRunes[:0]
  517. for r, _, err := txt.ReadRune(); err != nil; r, _, err = txt.ReadRune() {
  518. s.scratchRunes = append(s.scratchRunes, r)
  519. }
  520. return s.LayoutRunes(params, s.scratchRunes)
  521. }
  522. func calculateYOffsets(lines []line) {
  523. if len(lines) < 1 {
  524. return
  525. }
  526. // Ceil the first value to ensure that we don't baseline it too close to the top of the
  527. // viewport and cut off the top pixel.
  528. currentY := lines[0].ascent.Ceil()
  529. for i := range lines {
  530. if i > 0 {
  531. currentY += lines[i].lineHeight.Round()
  532. }
  533. lines[i].yOffset = currentY
  534. }
  535. }
  536. // LayoutRunes shapes and wraps the text, and returns the result in Gio's shaped text format.
  537. func (s *shaperImpl) LayoutRunes(params Parameters, txt []rune) document {
  538. hasNewline := len(txt) > 0 && txt[len(txt)-1] == '\n'
  539. var ls []shaping.Line
  540. var truncated int
  541. if hasNewline {
  542. txt = txt[:len(txt)-1]
  543. }
  544. if params.MaxLines != 0 && hasNewline {
  545. // If we might end up truncating a trailing newline, we must insert the truncator symbol
  546. // on the final line (if we hit the limit).
  547. params.forceTruncate = true
  548. }
  549. ls, truncated = s.shapeAndWrapText(params, replaceControlCharacters(txt))
  550. hasTruncator := truncated > 0 || (params.forceTruncate && params.MaxLines == len(ls))
  551. if hasTruncator && hasNewline {
  552. // We have a truncator at the end of the line, so the newline is logically
  553. // truncated as well.
  554. truncated++
  555. hasNewline = false
  556. }
  557. // Convert to Lines.
  558. textLines := make([]line, len(ls))
  559. maxHeight := fixed.Int26_6(0)
  560. for i := range ls {
  561. otLine := toLine(s.faceToIndex, ls[i], params.Locale.Direction)
  562. if otLine.lineHeight > maxHeight {
  563. maxHeight = otLine.lineHeight
  564. }
  565. if isFinalLine := i == len(ls)-1; isFinalLine {
  566. if hasNewline {
  567. otLine.insertTrailingSyntheticNewline(len(txt))
  568. }
  569. if hasTruncator {
  570. otLine.setTruncatedCount(truncated)
  571. }
  572. }
  573. textLines[i] = otLine
  574. }
  575. if params.LineHeight != 0 {
  576. maxHeight = params.LineHeight
  577. }
  578. if params.LineHeightScale == 0 {
  579. params.LineHeightScale = 1.2
  580. }
  581. maxHeight = floatToFixed(fixedToFloat(maxHeight) * params.LineHeightScale)
  582. for i := range textLines {
  583. textLines[i].lineHeight = maxHeight
  584. }
  585. calculateYOffsets(textLines)
  586. return document{
  587. lines: textLines,
  588. alignment: params.Alignment,
  589. alignWidth: alignWidth(params.MinWidth, textLines),
  590. }
  591. }
  592. func alignWidth(minWidth int, lines []line) int {
  593. for _, l := range lines {
  594. minWidth = max(minWidth, l.width.Ceil())
  595. }
  596. return minWidth
  597. }
  598. // Shape converts the provided glyphs into a path. The path will enclose the forms
  599. // of all vector glyphs.
  600. func (s *shaperImpl) Shape(pathOps *op.Ops, gs []Glyph) clip.PathSpec {
  601. var lastPos f32.Point
  602. var x fixed.Int26_6
  603. var builder clip.Path
  604. builder.Begin(pathOps)
  605. for i, g := range gs {
  606. if i == 0 {
  607. x = g.X
  608. }
  609. ppem, faceIdx, gid := splitGlyphID(g.ID)
  610. if faceIdx >= len(s.faces) {
  611. continue
  612. }
  613. face := s.faces[faceIdx]
  614. if face == nil {
  615. continue
  616. }
  617. scaleFactor := fixedToFloat(ppem) / float32(face.Upem())
  618. glyphData := face.GlyphData(gid)
  619. switch glyphData := glyphData.(type) {
  620. case font.GlyphOutline:
  621. outline := glyphData
  622. // Move to glyph position.
  623. pos := f32.Point{
  624. X: fixedToFloat((g.X - x) - g.Offset.X),
  625. Y: -fixedToFloat(g.Offset.Y),
  626. }
  627. builder.Move(pos.Sub(lastPos))
  628. lastPos = pos
  629. var lastArg f32.Point
  630. // Convert fonts.Segments to relative segments.
  631. for _, fseg := range outline.Segments {
  632. nargs := 1
  633. switch fseg.Op {
  634. case gotextot.SegmentOpQuadTo:
  635. nargs = 2
  636. case gotextot.SegmentOpCubeTo:
  637. nargs = 3
  638. }
  639. var args [3]f32.Point
  640. for i := 0; i < nargs; i++ {
  641. a := f32.Point{
  642. X: fseg.Args[i].X * scaleFactor,
  643. Y: -fseg.Args[i].Y * scaleFactor,
  644. }
  645. args[i] = a.Sub(lastArg)
  646. if i == nargs-1 {
  647. lastArg = a
  648. }
  649. }
  650. switch fseg.Op {
  651. case gotextot.SegmentOpMoveTo:
  652. builder.Move(args[0])
  653. case gotextot.SegmentOpLineTo:
  654. builder.Line(args[0])
  655. case gotextot.SegmentOpQuadTo:
  656. builder.Quad(args[0], args[1])
  657. case gotextot.SegmentOpCubeTo:
  658. builder.Cube(args[0], args[1], args[2])
  659. default:
  660. panic("unsupported segment op")
  661. }
  662. }
  663. lastPos = lastPos.Add(lastArg)
  664. }
  665. }
  666. return builder.End()
  667. }
  668. func fixedToFloat(i fixed.Int26_6) float32 {
  669. return float32(i) / 64.0
  670. }
  671. func floatToFixed(f float32) fixed.Int26_6 {
  672. return fixed.Int26_6(f * 64)
  673. }
  674. // Bitmaps returns an op.CallOp that will display all bitmap glyphs within gs.
  675. // The positioning of the bitmaps uses the same logic as Shape(), so the returned
  676. // CallOp can be added at the same offset as the path data returned by Shape()
  677. // and will align correctly.
  678. func (s *shaperImpl) Bitmaps(ops *op.Ops, gs []Glyph) op.CallOp {
  679. var x fixed.Int26_6
  680. bitmapMacro := op.Record(ops)
  681. for i, g := range gs {
  682. if i == 0 {
  683. x = g.X
  684. }
  685. _, faceIdx, gid := splitGlyphID(g.ID)
  686. if faceIdx >= len(s.faces) {
  687. continue
  688. }
  689. face := s.faces[faceIdx]
  690. if face == nil {
  691. continue
  692. }
  693. glyphData := face.GlyphData(gid)
  694. switch glyphData := glyphData.(type) {
  695. case font.GlyphBitmap:
  696. var imgOp paint.ImageOp
  697. var imgSize image.Point
  698. bitmapData, ok := s.bitmapGlyphCache.Get(g.ID)
  699. if !ok {
  700. var img image.Image
  701. switch glyphData.Format {
  702. case font.PNG, font.JPG, font.TIFF:
  703. img, _, _ = image.Decode(bytes.NewReader(glyphData.Data))
  704. case font.BlackAndWhite:
  705. // This is a complex family of uncompressed bitmaps that don't seem to be
  706. // very common in practice. We can try adding support later if needed.
  707. fallthrough
  708. default:
  709. // Unknown format.
  710. continue
  711. }
  712. imgOp = paint.NewImageOp(img)
  713. imgSize = img.Bounds().Size()
  714. s.bitmapGlyphCache.Put(g.ID, bitmap{img: imgOp, size: imgSize})
  715. } else {
  716. imgOp = bitmapData.img
  717. imgSize = bitmapData.size
  718. }
  719. off := op.Affine(f32.Affine2D{}.Offset(f32.Point{
  720. X: fixedToFloat((g.X - x) - g.Offset.X),
  721. Y: fixedToFloat(g.Offset.Y + g.Bounds.Min.Y),
  722. })).Push(ops)
  723. cl := clip.Rect{Max: imgSize}.Push(ops)
  724. glyphSize := image.Rectangle{
  725. Min: image.Point{
  726. X: g.Bounds.Min.X.Round(),
  727. Y: g.Bounds.Min.Y.Round(),
  728. },
  729. Max: image.Point{
  730. X: g.Bounds.Max.X.Round(),
  731. Y: g.Bounds.Max.Y.Round(),
  732. },
  733. }.Size()
  734. aff := op.Affine(f32.Affine2D{}.Scale(f32.Point{}, f32.Point{
  735. X: float32(glyphSize.X) / float32(imgSize.X),
  736. Y: float32(glyphSize.Y) / float32(imgSize.Y),
  737. })).Push(ops)
  738. imgOp.Add(ops)
  739. paint.PaintOp{}.Add(ops)
  740. aff.Pop()
  741. cl.Pop()
  742. off.Pop()
  743. }
  744. }
  745. return bitmapMacro.Stop()
  746. }
  747. // langConfig describes the language and writing system of a body of text.
  748. type langConfig struct {
  749. // Language the text is written in.
  750. language.Language
  751. // Writing system used to represent the text.
  752. language.Script
  753. // Direction of the text, usually driven by the writing system.
  754. di.Direction
  755. }
  756. // toInput converts its parameters into a shaping.Input.
  757. func toInput(face *font.Face, ppem fixed.Int26_6, lc langConfig, runes []rune) shaping.Input {
  758. var input shaping.Input
  759. input.Direction = lc.Direction
  760. input.Text = runes
  761. input.Size = ppem
  762. input.Face = face
  763. input.Language = lc.Language
  764. input.Script = lc.Script
  765. input.RunStart = 0
  766. input.RunEnd = len(runes)
  767. return input
  768. }
  769. func mapDirection(d system.TextDirection) di.Direction {
  770. switch d {
  771. case system.LTR:
  772. return di.DirectionLTR
  773. case system.RTL:
  774. return di.DirectionRTL
  775. }
  776. return di.DirectionLTR
  777. }
  778. func unmapDirection(d di.Direction) system.TextDirection {
  779. switch d {
  780. case di.DirectionLTR:
  781. return system.LTR
  782. case di.DirectionRTL:
  783. return system.RTL
  784. }
  785. return system.LTR
  786. }
  787. // toGioGlyphs converts text shaper glyphs into the minimal representation
  788. // that Gio needs.
  789. func toGioGlyphs(in []shaping.Glyph, ppem fixed.Int26_6, faceIdx int) []glyph {
  790. out := make([]glyph, 0, len(in))
  791. for _, g := range in {
  792. // To better understand how to calculate the bounding box, see here:
  793. //
  794. var bounds fixed.Rectangle26_6
  795. bounds.Min.X = g.XBearing
  796. bounds.Min.Y = -g.YBearing
  797. bounds.Max = bounds.Min.Add(fixed.Point26_6{X: g.Width, Y: -g.Height})
  798. out = append(out, glyph{
  799. id: newGlyphID(ppem, faceIdx, g.GlyphID),
  800. clusterIndex: g.ClusterIndex,
  801. runeCount: g.RuneCount,
  802. glyphCount: g.GlyphCount,
  803. xAdvance: g.XAdvance,
  804. yAdvance: g.YAdvance,
  805. xOffset: g.XOffset,
  806. yOffset: g.YOffset,
  807. bounds: bounds,
  808. })
  809. }
  810. return out
  811. }
  812. // toLine converts the output into a Line with the provided dominant text direction.
  813. func toLine(faceToIndex map[*font.Font]int, o shaping.Line, dir system.TextDirection) line {
  814. if len(o) < 1 {
  815. return line{}
  816. }
  817. line := line{
  818. runs: make([]runLayout, len(o)),
  819. direction: dir,
  820. visualOrder: make([]int, len(o)),
  821. }
  822. maxSize := fixed.Int26_6(0)
  823. for i := range o {
  824. run := o[i]
  825. if run.Size > maxSize {
  826. maxSize = run.Size
  827. }
  828. var font *font.Font
  829. if run.Face != nil {
  830. font = run.Face.Font
  831. }
  832. line.runs[i] = runLayout{
  833. Glyphs: toGioGlyphs(run.Glyphs, run.Size, faceToIndex[font]),
  834. Runes: Range{
  835. Count: run.Runes.Count,
  836. Offset: line.runeCount,
  837. },
  838. Direction: unmapDirection(run.Direction),
  839. face: run.Face,
  840. Advance: run.Advance,
  841. PPEM: run.Size,
  842. VisualPosition: int(run.VisualIndex),
  843. }
  844. line.visualOrder[run.VisualIndex] = i
  845. line.runeCount += run.Runes.Count
  846. line.width += run.Advance
  847. if line.ascent < run.LineBounds.Ascent {
  848. line.ascent = run.LineBounds.Ascent
  849. }
  850. if line.descent < -run.LineBounds.Descent+run.LineBounds.Gap {
  851. line.descent = -run.LineBounds.Descent + run.LineBounds.Gap
  852. }
  853. }
  854. line.lineHeight = maxSize
  855. // Iterate and resolve the X of each run.
  856. x := fixed.Int26_6(0)
  857. for _, runIdx := range line.visualOrder {
  858. line.runs[runIdx].X = x
  859. x += line.runs[runIdx].Advance
  860. }
  861. return line
  862. }