// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /* Package iconvg implements a compact, binary format for simple vector graphics: icons, logos, glyphs and emoji. WARNING: THIS FORMAT IS EXPERIMENTAL AND SUBJECT TO INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES. A longer overview is at https://github.com/google/iconvg The file format is specified at https://github.com/google/iconvg/blob/main/spec/iconvg-spec.md This package's encoder emits byte-identical output for the same input, independent of the platform (and specifically its floating-point hardware). */ package iconvg // TODO: shapes (circles, rects) and strokes? Or can we assume that authoring // tools will convert shapes and strokes to paths? // TODO: mark somehow that a graphic (such as a back arrow) should be flipped // horizontally or its paths otherwise varied when presented in a Right-To-Left // context, such as among Arabic and Hebrew text? Or should that be the // responsibility of higher layers, selecting different IconVG graphics based // on context, the way they would select different PNG graphics. // TODO: hinting?