package main import ( "fmt" "image" "image/color" "log" "math" "math/rand" "os" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) const pi Radians = 3.14159 type C = layout.Context type D = layout.Dimensions var darkPalette = material.Palette{ Bg: color.NRGBA{R: 0x28, G: 0x28, B: 0x28, A: 0xff}, Fg: color.NRGBA{R: 0xeb, G: 0xdb, B: 0xb2, A: 0xff}, ContrastBg: color.NRGBA{R: 0x48, G: 0x85, B: 0x88, A: 0xff}, ContrastFg: color.NRGBA{R: 0xeb, G: 0xdb, B: 0xb2, A: 0xff}, } func main() { go func() { window := new(app.Window) window.Option(app.Title("Physarum")) err := run(window) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } os.Exit(0) }() app.Main() } func run(window *app.Window) error { theme := material.NewTheme() theme.Palette = darkPalette theme.Shaper = text.NewShaper(text.WithCollection(gofont.Collection())) seed := int64(0) s := Simulation{} s.random = rand.New(rand.NewSource(seed)) s.trails = s._trails[:] s.headings = s._headings[:] s.halfFoV = Radians(3 * pi / 4) s.focus = 2 s.offset++ s.move = 4 s.turn = Radians(pi / 16) s.deposit = 128 initialPos := GridId(524288) // GridId(len(s.grid) >> 1) initialHeading := Radians(0) for i := range s.headings { s.headings[i] = initialHeading s.trails[i*TrailLenMax] = initialPos } var ops op.Ops for { switch e := window.Event().(type) { case app.DestroyEvent: return e.Err case app.FrameEvent: gtx := app.NewContext(&ops, e) if s.grid == nil { /*squareMax := min( gtx.Constraints.Max.X, gtx.Constraints.Max.Y, )*/ // Turn this into a power of 2 for fast modulo /*nearestPow2 := log2(uint32(squareMax)) squareMax = int(1 << nearestPow2) s.grid = make([]uint8, squareMax<= center: if center > right { heading += s.turn // Steer left break } fallthrough default: if s.random.Float32() < 0.5 { heading += s.turn // Steer left } else { heading -= s.turn // Steer right } } s.headings[i] = heading // Move cos := math.Cos(float64(heading)) sin := math.Sin(float64(heading)) mx := s.move * cos my := s.move * sin p1 := Pos{ int32(float64(p0.x) + mx), int32(float64(p0.y) + my), } // If we exceed the bounds of the grid, stop at the // boundary and change heading according to the angle of // incidence. gridMin := Pos{0, 0} gridMax := Pos{s.dimension - 1, s.dimension - 1} fromWallMin := p1.Sub(gridMin) fromWallMax := gridMax.Sub(p1) cnt := 0 for !inBounds(p1, s.dimension) && cnt < 4 { cnt++ if !inBounds(p1, s.dimension) && cnt >= 2 { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\nstart at %v; out of bounds at %v\n", p0, p1) } if p1.x < gridMin.x { // Left wall s.headings[i] = pi - heading // Cosine cannot be zero when distance to wall is zero distToImpact := math.Abs(float64(fromWallMin.x) / cos) p1.x = gridMin.x // 0 p1.y += int32(sin * distToImpact) // -1 if inBounds(p1, s.dimension) { break } } if gridMax.x < p1.x { // Right wall s.headings[i] = pi - heading distToImpact := math.Abs(float64(fromWallMax.x) / cos) p1.x = gridMax.x p1.y += int32(sin * distToImpact) if inBounds(p1, s.dimension) { break } } if p1.y < gridMin.y { // Bottom wall s.headings[i] = 2*pi - heading distToImpact := math.Abs(float64(fromWallMin.y) / sin) p1.x += int32(cos * distToImpact) p1.y = gridMin.y if inBounds(p1, s.dimension) { break } } if gridMax.y < p1.y { // Top wall s.headings[i] = 2*pi - heading distToImpact := math.Abs(float64(fromWallMax.y) / sin) p1.x += int32(cos * distToImpact) p1.y = gridMax.y if inBounds(p1, s.dimension) { break } } } if !inBounds(p1, s.dimension) { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\nstart at %v; out of bounds at %v\n", p0, p1) panic("blarg") } gridId = posToGrid(p1, s.dimLog2) s.trails[next] = gridId // Deposit and diffuse s.grid[gridId] = s.deposit s.diffuse(gridId) // Decay trail for j := 1; j < TrailLenMax; j++ { tid := (int(s.offset) + j) & (TrailLenMax - 1) s.grid[s.trails[tid]]-- } } s.offset++ s.offset &= uint8(TrailLenMax - 1) } func (s *Simulation) diffuse(id GridId) { value := s.grid[id] >> 4 s.grid[id] = s.grid[id] >> 1 p := gridToPos(id, s.dimension, s.dimLog2) for i := -1; i < 2; i++ { for j := -1; j < 2; j++ { bp := Pos{p.x + int32(j), p.y + int32(i)} if !inBounds(bp, s.dimension) { // For now, just send deposits that fall outside the // grid back to the center of the ball. s.grid[id] += value continue } bid := posToGrid(bp, s.dimLog2) // Protect against overflow. s.grid[bid] = max(s.grid[bid], s.grid[bid]+value) } } } func (s *Simulation) gridMean(id GridId) (mean uint8) { p := gridToPos(id, s.dimension, s.dimLog2) n := 0 for i := -1; i < 2; i++ { for j := -1; j < 2; j++ { bp := Pos{p.x + int32(j), p.y + int32(i)} if !inBounds(bp, s.dimension) { continue } mean += s.grid[posToGrid(bp, s.dimLog2)] n++ } } return uint8(float32(mean) / float32(n)) } func (s *Simulation) Layout( gtx layout.Context, th *material.Theme, ) D { circle := clip.Ellipse{Max: image.Pt(8, 8)} // Outer margin defer op.Offset(image.Pt(10, 10)).Push(gtx.Ops).Pop() halfW, halfH := circle.Max.X>>1, circle.Max.Y>>1 trailColor := th.Fg for _, gridId := range s.trails { if gridId == 0 { continue } trailColor.A = s.gridMean(gridId) p := gridToPos(gridId, s.dimension, s.dimLog2) pos := image.Pt(int(p.x)-halfW, int(s.dimension-1-p.y)+halfH) macro := op.Record(gtx.Ops) stack := op.Offset(pos).Push(gtx.Ops) paint.FillShape(gtx.Ops, trailColor, circle.Op(gtx.Ops)) stack.Pop() c := macro.Stop() op.Defer(gtx.Ops, c) } return layout.Dimensions{ Size: image.Pt(int(s.dimension), int(s.dimension)), } } func inBounds(p Pos, dim int32) bool { return -1 < p.x && p.x < dim && -1 < p.y && p.y < dim } func posToGrid(p Pos, logOfDim uint32) GridId { id := uint32(p.y) << logOfDim id |= uint32(p.x) return GridId(id) } func gridToPos(id GridId, dim int32, logOfDim uint32) Pos { x := int32(id) & (dim - 1) y := int32(id) >> logOfDim return Pos{x: x, y: y} } func log2(x uint32) uint32 { b := []uint32{0x2, 0xC, 0xF0, 0xFF00, 0xFFFF0000} s := []uint32{1, 2, 4, 8, 16} var r uint32 = 0 for i := 4; i >= 0; i-- { if x&b[i] != 0 { x >>= s[i] r |= s[i] } } return r }