123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297 |
- // SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense OR MIT
- package material
- import (
- "image"
- "image/color"
- "math"
- "gioui.org/font"
- "gioui.org/internal/f32color"
- "gioui.org/io/semantic"
- "gioui.org/layout"
- "gioui.org/op"
- "gioui.org/op/clip"
- "gioui.org/op/paint"
- "gioui.org/text"
- "gioui.org/unit"
- "gioui.org/widget"
- )
- type ButtonStyle struct {
- Text string
- // Color is the text color.
- Color color.NRGBA
- Font font.Font
- TextSize unit.Sp
- Background color.NRGBA
- CornerRadius unit.Dp
- Inset layout.Inset
- Button *widget.Clickable
- shaper *text.Shaper
- }
- type ButtonLayoutStyle struct {
- Background color.NRGBA
- CornerRadius unit.Dp
- Button *widget.Clickable
- }
- type IconButtonStyle struct {
- Background color.NRGBA
- // Color is the icon color.
- Color color.NRGBA
- Icon *widget.Icon
- // Size is the icon size.
- Size unit.Dp
- Inset layout.Inset
- Button *widget.Clickable
- Description string
- }
- func Button(th *Theme, button *widget.Clickable, txt string) ButtonStyle {
- b := ButtonStyle{
- Text: txt,
- Color: th.Palette.ContrastFg,
- CornerRadius: 4,
- Background: th.Palette.ContrastBg,
- TextSize: th.TextSize * 14.0 / 16.0,
- Inset: layout.Inset{
- Top: 10, Bottom: 10,
- Left: 12, Right: 12,
- },
- Button: button,
- shaper: th.Shaper,
- }
- b.Font.Typeface = th.Face
- return b
- }
- func ButtonLayout(th *Theme, button *widget.Clickable) ButtonLayoutStyle {
- return ButtonLayoutStyle{
- Button: button,
- Background: th.Palette.ContrastBg,
- CornerRadius: 4,
- }
- }
- func IconButton(th *Theme, button *widget.Clickable, icon *widget.Icon, description string) IconButtonStyle {
- return IconButtonStyle{
- Background: th.Palette.ContrastBg,
- Color: th.Palette.ContrastFg,
- Icon: icon,
- Size: 24,
- Inset: layout.UniformInset(12),
- Button: button,
- Description: description,
- }
- }
- // Clickable lays out a rectangular clickable widget without further
- // decoration.
- func Clickable(gtx layout.Context, button *widget.Clickable, w layout.Widget) layout.Dimensions {
- return button.Layout(gtx, func(gtx layout.Context) layout.Dimensions {
- semantic.Button.Add(gtx.Ops)
- return layout.Background{}.Layout(gtx,
- func(gtx layout.Context) layout.Dimensions {
- defer clip.Rect{Max: gtx.Constraints.Min}.Push(gtx.Ops).Pop()
- if button.Hovered() || gtx.Focused(button) {
- paint.Fill(gtx.Ops, f32color.Hovered(color.NRGBA{}))
- }
- for _, c := range button.History() {
- drawInk(gtx, c)
- }
- return layout.Dimensions{Size: gtx.Constraints.Min}
- },
- w,
- )
- })
- }
- func (b ButtonStyle) Layout(gtx layout.Context) layout.Dimensions {
- return ButtonLayoutStyle{
- Background: b.Background,
- CornerRadius: b.CornerRadius,
- Button: b.Button,
- }.Layout(gtx, func(gtx layout.Context) layout.Dimensions {
- return b.Inset.Layout(gtx, func(gtx layout.Context) layout.Dimensions {
- colMacro := op.Record(gtx.Ops)
- paint.ColorOp{Color: b.Color}.Add(gtx.Ops)
- return widget.Label{Alignment: text.Middle}.Layout(gtx, b.shaper, b.Font, b.TextSize, b.Text, colMacro.Stop())
- })
- })
- }
- func (b ButtonLayoutStyle) Layout(gtx layout.Context, w layout.Widget) layout.Dimensions {
- min := gtx.Constraints.Min
- return b.Button.Layout(gtx, func(gtx layout.Context) layout.Dimensions {
- semantic.Button.Add(gtx.Ops)
- return layout.Background{}.Layout(gtx,
- func(gtx layout.Context) layout.Dimensions {
- rr := gtx.Dp(b.CornerRadius)
- defer clip.UniformRRect(image.Rectangle{Max: gtx.Constraints.Min}, rr).Push(gtx.Ops).Pop()
- background := b.Background
- switch {
- case !gtx.Enabled():
- background = f32color.Disabled(b.Background)
- case b.Button.Hovered() || gtx.Focused(b.Button):
- background = f32color.Hovered(b.Background)
- }
- paint.Fill(gtx.Ops, background)
- for _, c := range b.Button.History() {
- drawInk(gtx, c)
- }
- return layout.Dimensions{Size: gtx.Constraints.Min}
- },
- func(gtx layout.Context) layout.Dimensions {
- gtx.Constraints.Min = min
- return layout.Center.Layout(gtx, w)
- },
- )
- })
- }
- func (b IconButtonStyle) Layout(gtx layout.Context) layout.Dimensions {
- m := op.Record(gtx.Ops)
- dims := b.Button.Layout(gtx, func(gtx layout.Context) layout.Dimensions {
- semantic.Button.Add(gtx.Ops)
- if d := b.Description; d != "" {
- semantic.DescriptionOp(b.Description).Add(gtx.Ops)
- }
- return layout.Background{}.Layout(gtx,
- func(gtx layout.Context) layout.Dimensions {
- rr := (gtx.Constraints.Min.X + gtx.Constraints.Min.Y) / 4
- defer clip.UniformRRect(image.Rectangle{Max: gtx.Constraints.Min}, rr).Push(gtx.Ops).Pop()
- background := b.Background
- switch {
- case !gtx.Enabled():
- background = f32color.Disabled(b.Background)
- case b.Button.Hovered() || gtx.Focused(b.Button):
- background = f32color.Hovered(b.Background)
- }
- paint.Fill(gtx.Ops, background)
- for _, c := range b.Button.History() {
- drawInk(gtx, c)
- }
- return layout.Dimensions{Size: gtx.Constraints.Min}
- },
- func(gtx layout.Context) layout.Dimensions {
- return b.Inset.Layout(gtx, func(gtx layout.Context) layout.Dimensions {
- size := gtx.Dp(b.Size)
- if b.Icon != nil {
- gtx.Constraints.Min = image.Point{X: size}
- b.Icon.Layout(gtx, b.Color)
- }
- return layout.Dimensions{
- Size: image.Point{X: size, Y: size},
- }
- })
- },
- )
- })
- c := m.Stop()
- bounds := image.Rectangle{Max: dims.Size}
- defer clip.Ellipse(bounds).Push(gtx.Ops).Pop()
- c.Add(gtx.Ops)
- return dims
- }
- func drawInk(gtx layout.Context, c widget.Press) {
- // duration is the number of seconds for the
- // completed animation: expand while fading in, then
- // out.
- const (
- expandDuration = float32(0.5)
- fadeDuration = float32(0.9)
- )
- now := gtx.Now
- t := float32(now.Sub(c.Start).Seconds())
- end := c.End
- if end.IsZero() {
- // If the press hasn't ended, don't fade-out.
- end = now
- }
- endt := float32(end.Sub(c.Start).Seconds())
- // Compute the fade-in/out position in [0;1].
- var alphat float32
- {
- var haste float32
- if c.Cancelled {
- // If the press was cancelled before the inkwell
- // was fully faded in, fast forward the animation
- // to match the fade-out.
- if h := 0.5 - endt/fadeDuration; h > 0 {
- haste = h
- }
- }
- // Fade in.
- half1 := t/fadeDuration + haste
- if half1 > 0.5 {
- half1 = 0.5
- }
- // Fade out.
- half2 := float32(now.Sub(end).Seconds())
- half2 /= fadeDuration
- half2 += haste
- if half2 > 0.5 {
- // Too old.
- return
- }
- alphat = half1 + half2
- }
- // Compute the expand position in [0;1].
- sizet := t
- if c.Cancelled {
- // Freeze expansion of cancelled presses.
- sizet = endt
- }
- sizet /= expandDuration
- // Animate only ended presses, and presses that are fading in.
- if !c.End.IsZero() || sizet <= 1.0 {
- gtx.Execute(op.InvalidateCmd{})
- }
- if sizet > 1.0 {
- sizet = 1.0
- }
- if alphat > .5 {
- // Start fadeout after half the animation.
- alphat = 1.0 - alphat
- }
- // Twice the speed to attain fully faded in at 0.5.
- t2 := alphat * 2
- // Beziér ease-in curve.
- alphaBezier := t2 * t2 * (3.0 - 2.0*t2)
- sizeBezier := sizet * sizet * (3.0 - 2.0*sizet)
- size := gtx.Constraints.Min.X
- if h := gtx.Constraints.Min.Y; h > size {
- size = h
- }
- // Cover the entire constraints min rectangle and
- // apply curve values to size and color.
- size = int(float32(size) * 2 * float32(math.Sqrt(2)) * sizeBezier)
- alpha := 0.7 * alphaBezier
- const col = 0.8
- ba, bc := byte(alpha*0xff), byte(col*0xff)
- rgba := f32color.MulAlpha(color.NRGBA{A: 0xff, R: bc, G: bc, B: bc}, ba)
- ink := paint.ColorOp{Color: rgba}
- ink.Add(gtx.Ops)
- rr := size / 2
- defer op.Offset(c.Position.Add(image.Point{
- X: -rr,
- Y: -rr,
- })).Push(gtx.Ops).Pop()
- defer clip.UniformRRect(image.Rectangle{Max: image.Pt(size, size)}, rr).Push(gtx.Ops).Pop()
- paint.PaintOp{}.Add(gtx.Ops)
- }