123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230 |
- // SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense OR MIT
- /*
- Package op implements operations for updating a user interface.
- Gio programs use operations, or ops, for describing their user
- interfaces. There are operations for drawing, defining input
- handlers, changing window properties as well as operations for
- controlling the execution of other operations.
- Ops represents a list of operations. The most important use
- for an Ops list is to describe a complete user interface update
- to a ui/app.Window's Update method.
- Drawing a colored square:
- import "gioui.org/unit"
- import "gioui.org/app"
- import "gioui.org/op/paint"
- var w app.Window
- var e system.FrameEvent
- ops := new(op.Ops)
- ...
- ops.Reset()
- paint.ColorOp{Color: ...}.Add(ops)
- paint.PaintOp{Rect: ...}.Add(ops)
- e.Frame(ops)
- # State
- An Ops list can be viewed as a very simple virtual machine: it has state such
- as transformation and color and execution flow can be controlled with macros.
- Some state, such as the current color, is modified directly by operations with
- Add methods. Other state, such as transformation and clip shape, are
- represented by stacks.
- This example sets the simple color state and pushes an offset to the
- transformation stack.
- ops := new(op.Ops)
- // Set the color.
- paint.ColorOp{...}.Add(ops)
- // Apply an offset to subsequent operations.
- stack := op.Offset(...).Push(ops)
- ...
- // Undo the offset transformation.
- stack.Pop()
- The MacroOp records a list of operations to be executed later:
- ops := new(op.Ops)
- macro := op.Record(ops)
- // Record operations by adding them.
- ...
- // End recording.
- call := macro.Stop()
- // replay the recorded operations:
- call.Add(ops)
- */
- package op
- import (
- "encoding/binary"
- "image"
- "math"
- "time"
- "gioui.org/f32"
- "gioui.org/internal/ops"
- )
- // Ops holds a list of operations. Operations are stored in
- // serialized form to avoid garbage during construction of
- // the ops list.
- type Ops struct {
- // Internal is for internal use, despite being exported.
- Internal ops.Ops
- }
- // MacroOp records a list of operations for later use.
- type MacroOp struct {
- ops *ops.Ops
- id ops.StackID
- pc ops.PC
- }
- // CallOp invokes the operations recorded by Record.
- type CallOp struct {
- // Ops is the list of operations to invoke.
- ops *ops.Ops
- start ops.PC
- end ops.PC
- }
- // InvalidateCmd requests a redraw at the given time. Use
- // the zero value to request an immediate redraw.
- type InvalidateCmd struct {
- At time.Time
- }
- // TransformOp represents a transformation that can be pushed on the
- // transformation stack.
- type TransformOp struct {
- t f32.Affine2D
- }
- // TransformStack represents a TransformOp pushed on the transformation stack.
- type TransformStack struct {
- id ops.StackID
- macroID uint32
- ops *ops.Ops
- }
- // Defer executes c after all other operations have completed, including
- // previously deferred operations.
- // Defer saves the transformation stack and pushes it prior to executing
- // c. All other operation state is reset.
- //
- // Note that deferred operations are executed in first-in-first-out order,
- // unlike the Go facility of the same name.
- func Defer(o *Ops, c CallOp) {
- if c.ops == nil {
- return
- }
- state := ops.Save(&o.Internal)
- // Wrap c in a macro that loads the saved state before execution.
- m := Record(o)
- state.Load()
- c.Add(o)
- c = m.Stop()
- // A Defer is recorded as a TypeDefer followed by the
- // wrapped macro.
- data := ops.Write(&o.Internal, ops.TypeDeferLen)
- data[0] = byte(ops.TypeDefer)
- c.Add(o)
- }
- // Reset the Ops, preparing it for re-use. Reset invalidates
- // any recorded macros.
- func (o *Ops) Reset() {
- ops.Reset(&o.Internal)
- }
- // Record a macro of operations.
- func Record(o *Ops) MacroOp {
- m := MacroOp{
- ops: &o.Internal,
- id: ops.PushMacro(&o.Internal),
- pc: ops.PCFor(&o.Internal),
- }
- // Reserve room for a macro definition. Updated in Stop.
- data := ops.Write(m.ops, ops.TypeMacroLen)
- data[0] = byte(ops.TypeMacro)
- return m
- }
- // Stop ends a previously started recording and returns an
- // operation for replaying it.
- func (m MacroOp) Stop() CallOp {
- ops.PopMacro(m.ops, m.id)
- ops.FillMacro(m.ops, m.pc)
- return CallOp{
- ops: m.ops,
- // Skip macro header.
- start: m.pc.Add(ops.TypeMacro),
- end: ops.PCFor(m.ops),
- }
- }
- // Add the recorded list of operations. Add
- // panics if the Ops containing the recording
- // has been reset.
- func (c CallOp) Add(o *Ops) {
- if c.ops == nil {
- return
- }
- ops.AddCall(&o.Internal, c.ops, c.start, c.end)
- }
- // Offset converts an offset to a TransformOp.
- func Offset(off image.Point) TransformOp {
- offf := f32.Pt(float32(off.X), float32(off.Y))
- return Affine(f32.Affine2D{}.Offset(offf))
- }
- // Affine creates a TransformOp representing the transformation a.
- func Affine(a f32.Affine2D) TransformOp {
- return TransformOp{t: a}
- }
- // Push the current transformation to the stack and then multiply the
- // current transformation with t.
- func (t TransformOp) Push(o *Ops) TransformStack {
- id, macroID := ops.PushOp(&o.Internal, ops.TransStack)
- t.add(o, true)
- return TransformStack{ops: &o.Internal, id: id, macroID: macroID}
- }
- // Add is like Push except it doesn't push the current transformation to the
- // stack.
- func (t TransformOp) Add(o *Ops) {
- t.add(o, false)
- }
- func (t TransformOp) add(o *Ops, push bool) {
- data := ops.Write(&o.Internal, ops.TypeTransformLen)
- data[0] = byte(ops.TypeTransform)
- if push {
- data[1] = 1
- }
- bo := binary.LittleEndian
- a, b, c, d, e, f := t.t.Elems()
- bo.PutUint32(data[2:], math.Float32bits(a))
- bo.PutUint32(data[2+4*1:], math.Float32bits(b))
- bo.PutUint32(data[2+4*2:], math.Float32bits(c))
- bo.PutUint32(data[2+4*3:], math.Float32bits(d))
- bo.PutUint32(data[2+4*4:], math.Float32bits(e))
- bo.PutUint32(data[2+4*5:], math.Float32bits(f))
- }
- func (t TransformStack) Pop() {
- ops.PopOp(t.ops, ops.TransStack, t.id, t.macroID)
- data := ops.Write(t.ops, ops.TypePopTransformLen)
- data[0] = byte(ops.TypePopTransform)
- }
- func (InvalidateCmd) ImplementsCommand() {}