123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751 |
- // SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense OR MIT
- // Most of the algorithms to compute strokes and their offsets have been
- // extracted, adapted from (and used as a reference implementation):
- // - github.com/tdewolff/canvas (Licensed under MIT)
- //
- // These algorithms have been implemented from:
- // Fast, precise flattening of cubic Bézier path and offset curves
- // Thomas F. Hain, et al.
- //
- // An electronic version is available at:
- // https://seant23.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/fastpreciseflatteningofbeziercurve.pdf
- //
- // Possible improvements (in term of speed and/or accuracy) on these
- // algorithms are:
- //
- // - Polar Stroking: New Theory and Methods for Stroking Paths,
- // M. Kilgard
- // https://arxiv.org/pdf/2007.00308.pdf
- //
- // - https://raphlinus.github.io/graphics/curves/2019/12/23/flatten-quadbez.html
- // R. Levien
- // Package stroke implements conversion of strokes to filled outlines. It is used as a
- // fallback for stroke configurations not natively supported by the renderer.
- package stroke
- import (
- "encoding/binary"
- "math"
- "gioui.org/internal/f32"
- "gioui.org/internal/ops"
- "gioui.org/internal/scene"
- )
- // The following are copies of types from op/clip to avoid a circular import of
- // that package.
- // TODO: when the old renderer is gone, this package can be merged with
- // op/clip, eliminating the duplicate types.
- type StrokeStyle struct {
- Width float32
- }
- // strokeTolerance is used to reconcile rounding errors arising
- // when splitting quads into smaller and smaller segments to approximate
- // them into straight lines, and when joining back segments.
- //
- // The magic value of 0.01 was found by striking a compromise between
- // aesthetic looking (curves did look like curves, even after linearization)
- // and speed.
- const strokeTolerance = 0.01
- type QuadSegment struct {
- From, Ctrl, To f32.Point
- }
- type StrokeQuad struct {
- Contour uint32
- Quad QuadSegment
- }
- type strokeState struct {
- p0, p1 f32.Point // p0 is the start point, p1 the end point.
- n0, n1 f32.Point // n0 is the normal vector at the start point, n1 at the end point.
- r0, r1 float32 // r0 is the curvature at the start point, r1 at the end point.
- ctl f32.Point // ctl is the control point of the quadratic Bézier segment.
- }
- type StrokeQuads []StrokeQuad
- func (qs *StrokeQuads) pen() f32.Point {
- return (*qs)[len(*qs)-1].Quad.To
- }
- func (qs *StrokeQuads) lineTo(pt f32.Point) {
- end := qs.pen()
- *qs = append(*qs, StrokeQuad{
- Quad: QuadSegment{
- From: end,
- Ctrl: end.Add(pt).Mul(0.5),
- To: pt,
- },
- })
- }
- func (qs *StrokeQuads) arc(f1, f2 f32.Point, angle float32) {
- pen := qs.pen()
- m, segments := ArcTransform(pen, f1.Add(pen), f2.Add(pen), angle)
- for i := 0; i < segments; i++ {
- p0 := qs.pen()
- p1 := m.Transform(p0)
- p2 := m.Transform(p1)
- ctl := p1.Mul(2).Sub(p0.Add(p2).Mul(.5))
- *qs = append(*qs, StrokeQuad{
- Quad: QuadSegment{
- From: p0, Ctrl: ctl, To: p2,
- },
- })
- }
- }
- // split splits a slice of quads into slices of quads grouped
- // by contours (ie: splitted at move-to boundaries).
- func (qs StrokeQuads) split() []StrokeQuads {
- if len(qs) == 0 {
- return nil
- }
- var (
- c uint32
- o []StrokeQuads
- i = len(o)
- )
- for _, q := range qs {
- if q.Contour != c {
- c = q.Contour
- i = len(o)
- o = append(o, StrokeQuads{})
- }
- o[i] = append(o[i], q)
- }
- return o
- }
- func (qs StrokeQuads) stroke(stroke StrokeStyle) StrokeQuads {
- var (
- o StrokeQuads
- hw = 0.5 * stroke.Width
- )
- for _, ps := range qs.split() {
- rhs, lhs := ps.offset(hw, stroke)
- switch lhs {
- case nil:
- o = o.append(rhs)
- default:
- // Closed path.
- // Inner path should go opposite direction to cancel outer path.
- switch {
- case ps.ccw():
- lhs = lhs.reverse()
- o = o.append(rhs)
- o = o.append(lhs)
- default:
- rhs = rhs.reverse()
- o = o.append(lhs)
- o = o.append(rhs)
- }
- }
- }
- return o
- }
- // offset returns the right-hand and left-hand sides of the path, offset by
- // the half-width hw.
- // The stroke handles how segments are joined and ends are capped.
- func (qs StrokeQuads) offset(hw float32, stroke StrokeStyle) (rhs, lhs StrokeQuads) {
- var (
- states []strokeState
- beg = qs[0].Quad.From
- end = qs[len(qs)-1].Quad.To
- closed = beg == end
- )
- for i := range qs {
- q := qs[i].Quad
- var (
- n0 = strokePathNorm(q.From, q.Ctrl, q.To, 0, hw)
- n1 = strokePathNorm(q.From, q.Ctrl, q.To, 1, hw)
- r0 = strokePathCurv(q.From, q.Ctrl, q.To, 0)
- r1 = strokePathCurv(q.From, q.Ctrl, q.To, 1)
- )
- states = append(states, strokeState{
- p0: q.From,
- p1: q.To,
- n0: n0,
- n1: n1,
- r0: r0,
- r1: r1,
- ctl: q.Ctrl,
- })
- }
- for i, state := range states {
- rhs = rhs.append(strokeQuadBezier(state, +hw, strokeTolerance))
- lhs = lhs.append(strokeQuadBezier(state, -hw, strokeTolerance))
- // join the current and next segments
- if hasNext := i+1 < len(states); hasNext || closed {
- var next strokeState
- switch {
- case hasNext:
- next = states[i+1]
- case closed:
- next = states[0]
- }
- if state.n1 != next.n0 {
- strokePathRoundJoin(&rhs, &lhs, hw, state.p1, state.n1, next.n0, state.r1, next.r0)
- }
- }
- }
- if closed {
- rhs.close()
- lhs.close()
- return rhs, lhs
- }
- qbeg := &states[0]
- qend := &states[len(states)-1]
- // Default to counter-clockwise direction.
- lhs = lhs.reverse()
- strokePathCap(stroke, &rhs, hw, qend.p1, qend.n1)
- rhs = rhs.append(lhs)
- strokePathCap(stroke, &rhs, hw, qbeg.p0, qbeg.n0.Mul(-1))
- rhs.close()
- return rhs, nil
- }
- func (qs *StrokeQuads) close() {
- p0 := (*qs)[len(*qs)-1].Quad.To
- p1 := (*qs)[0].Quad.From
- if p1 == p0 {
- return
- }
- *qs = append(*qs, StrokeQuad{
- Quad: QuadSegment{
- From: p0,
- Ctrl: p0.Add(p1).Mul(0.5),
- To: p1,
- },
- })
- }
- // ccw returns whether the path is counter-clockwise.
- func (qs StrokeQuads) ccw() bool {
- // Use the Shoelace formula:
- // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shoelace_formula
- var area float32
- for _, ps := range qs.split() {
- for i := 1; i < len(ps); i++ {
- pi := ps[i].Quad.To
- pj := ps[i-1].Quad.To
- area += (pi.X - pj.X) * (pi.Y + pj.Y)
- }
- }
- return area <= 0.0
- }
- func (qs StrokeQuads) reverse() StrokeQuads {
- if len(qs) == 0 {
- return nil
- }
- ps := make(StrokeQuads, 0, len(qs))
- for i := range qs {
- q := qs[len(qs)-1-i]
- q.Quad.To, q.Quad.From = q.Quad.From, q.Quad.To
- ps = append(ps, q)
- }
- return ps
- }
- func (qs StrokeQuads) append(ps StrokeQuads) StrokeQuads {
- switch {
- case len(ps) == 0:
- return qs
- case len(qs) == 0:
- return ps
- }
- // Consolidate quads and smooth out rounding errors.
- // We need to also check for the strokeTolerance to correctly handle
- // join/cap points or on-purpose disjoint quads.
- p0 := qs[len(qs)-1].Quad.To
- p1 := ps[0].Quad.From
- if p0 != p1 && lenPt(p0.Sub(p1)) < strokeTolerance {
- qs = append(qs, StrokeQuad{
- Quad: QuadSegment{
- From: p0,
- Ctrl: p0.Add(p1).Mul(0.5),
- To: p1,
- },
- })
- }
- return append(qs, ps...)
- }
- func (q QuadSegment) Transform(t f32.Affine2D) QuadSegment {
- q.From = t.Transform(q.From)
- q.Ctrl = t.Transform(q.Ctrl)
- q.To = t.Transform(q.To)
- return q
- }
- // strokePathNorm returns the normal vector at t.
- func strokePathNorm(p0, p1, p2 f32.Point, t, d float32) f32.Point {
- switch t {
- case 0:
- n := p1.Sub(p0)
- if n.X == 0 && n.Y == 0 {
- return f32.Point{}
- }
- n = rot90CW(n)
- return normPt(n, d)
- case 1:
- n := p2.Sub(p1)
- if n.X == 0 && n.Y == 0 {
- return f32.Point{}
- }
- n = rot90CW(n)
- return normPt(n, d)
- }
- panic("impossible")
- }
- func rot90CW(p f32.Point) f32.Point { return f32.Pt(+p.Y, -p.X) }
- func normPt(p f32.Point, l float32) f32.Point {
- if (p.X == 0 && p.Y == l) || (p.Y == 0 && p.X == l) {
- return f32.Point{X: p.X, Y: p.Y}
- }
- d := math.Hypot(float64(p.X), float64(p.Y))
- l64 := float64(l)
- if math.Abs(d-l64) < 1e-10 {
- return f32.Point{}
- }
- n := float32(l64 / d)
- return f32.Point{X: p.X * n, Y: p.Y * n}
- }
- func lenPt(p f32.Point) float32 {
- return float32(math.Hypot(float64(p.X), float64(p.Y)))
- }
- func perpDot(p, q f32.Point) float32 {
- return p.X*q.Y - p.Y*q.X
- }
- func angleBetween(n0, n1 f32.Point) float64 {
- return math.Atan2(float64(n1.Y), float64(n1.X)) -
- math.Atan2(float64(n0.Y), float64(n0.X))
- }
- // strokePathCurv returns the curvature at t, along the quadratic Bézier
- // curve defined by the triplet (beg, ctl, end).
- func strokePathCurv(beg, ctl, end f32.Point, t float32) float32 {
- var (
- d1p = quadBezierD1(beg, ctl, end, t)
- d2p = quadBezierD2(beg, ctl, end, t)
- // Negative when bending right, ie: the curve is CW at this point.
- a = float64(perpDot(d1p, d2p))
- )
- // We check early that the segment isn't too line-like and
- // save a costly call to math.Pow that will be discarded by dividing
- // with a too small 'a'.
- if math.Abs(a) < 1e-10 {
- return float32(math.NaN())
- }
- return float32(math.Pow(float64(d1p.X*d1p.X+d1p.Y*d1p.Y), 1.5) / a)
- }
- // quadBezierSample returns the point on the Bézier curve at t.
- //
- // B(t) = (1-t)^2 P0 + 2(1-t)t P1 + t^2 P2
- func quadBezierSample(p0, p1, p2 f32.Point, t float32) f32.Point {
- t1 := 1 - t
- c0 := t1 * t1
- c1 := 2 * t1 * t
- c2 := t * t
- o := p0.Mul(c0)
- o = o.Add(p1.Mul(c1))
- o = o.Add(p2.Mul(c2))
- return o
- }
- // quadBezierD1 returns the first derivative of the Bézier curve with respect to t.
- //
- // B'(t) = 2(1-t)(P1 - P0) + 2t(P2 - P1)
- func quadBezierD1(p0, p1, p2 f32.Point, t float32) f32.Point {
- p10 := p1.Sub(p0).Mul(2 * (1 - t))
- p21 := p2.Sub(p1).Mul(2 * t)
- return p10.Add(p21)
- }
- // quadBezierD2 returns the second derivative of the Bézier curve with respect to t:
- //
- // B''(t) = 2(P2 - 2P1 + P0)
- func quadBezierD2(p0, p1, p2 f32.Point, t float32) f32.Point {
- p := p2.Sub(p1.Mul(2)).Add(p0)
- return p.Mul(2)
- }
- func strokeQuadBezier(state strokeState, d, flatness float32) StrokeQuads {
- // Gio strokes are only quadratic Bézier curves, w/o any inflection point.
- // So we just have to flatten them.
- var qs StrokeQuads
- return flattenQuadBezier(qs, state.p0, state.ctl, state.p1, d, flatness)
- }
- // flattenQuadBezier splits a Bézier quadratic curve into linear sub-segments,
- // themselves also encoded as Bézier (degenerate, flat) quadratic curves.
- func flattenQuadBezier(qs StrokeQuads, p0, p1, p2 f32.Point, d, flatness float32) StrokeQuads {
- var (
- t float32
- flat64 = float64(flatness)
- )
- for t < 1 {
- s2 := float64((p2.X-p0.X)*(p1.Y-p0.Y) - (p2.Y-p0.Y)*(p1.X-p0.X))
- den := math.Hypot(float64(p1.X-p0.X), float64(p1.Y-p0.Y))
- if s2*den == 0.0 {
- break
- }
- s2 /= den
- t = 2.0 * float32(math.Sqrt(flat64/3.0/math.Abs(s2)))
- if t >= 1.0 {
- break
- }
- var q0, q1, q2 f32.Point
- q0, q1, q2, p0, p1, p2 = quadBezierSplit(p0, p1, p2, t)
- qs.addLine(q0, q1, q2, 0, d)
- }
- qs.addLine(p0, p1, p2, 1, d)
- return qs
- }
- func (qs *StrokeQuads) addLine(p0, ctrl, p1 f32.Point, t, d float32) {
- switch i := len(*qs); i {
- case 0:
- p0 = p0.Add(strokePathNorm(p0, ctrl, p1, 0, d))
- default:
- // Address possible rounding errors and use previous point.
- p0 = (*qs)[i-1].Quad.To
- }
- p1 = p1.Add(strokePathNorm(p0, ctrl, p1, 1, d))
- *qs = append(*qs,
- StrokeQuad{
- Quad: QuadSegment{
- From: p0,
- Ctrl: p0.Add(p1).Mul(0.5),
- To: p1,
- },
- },
- )
- }
- // quadInterp returns the interpolated point at t.
- func quadInterp(p, q f32.Point, t float32) f32.Point {
- return f32.Pt(
- (1-t)*p.X+t*q.X,
- (1-t)*p.Y+t*q.Y,
- )
- }
- // quadBezierSplit returns the pair of triplets (from,ctrl,to) Bézier curve,
- // split before (resp. after) the provided parametric t value.
- func quadBezierSplit(p0, p1, p2 f32.Point, t float32) (f32.Point, f32.Point, f32.Point, f32.Point, f32.Point, f32.Point) {
- var (
- b0 = p0
- b1 = quadInterp(p0, p1, t)
- b2 = quadBezierSample(p0, p1, p2, t)
- a0 = b2
- a1 = quadInterp(p1, p2, t)
- a2 = p2
- )
- return b0, b1, b2, a0, a1, a2
- }
- // strokePathRoundJoin joins the two paths rhs and lhs, creating an arc.
- func strokePathRoundJoin(rhs, lhs *StrokeQuads, hw float32, pivot, n0, n1 f32.Point, r0, r1 float32) {
- rp := pivot.Add(n1)
- lp := pivot.Sub(n1)
- angle := angleBetween(n0, n1)
- switch {
- case angle <= 0:
- // Path bends to the right, ie. CW (or 180 degree turn).
- c := pivot.Sub(lhs.pen())
- lhs.arc(c, c, float32(angle))
- lhs.lineTo(lp) // Add a line to accommodate for rounding errors.
- rhs.lineTo(rp)
- default:
- // Path bends to the left, ie. CCW.
- c := pivot.Sub(rhs.pen())
- rhs.arc(c, c, float32(angle))
- rhs.lineTo(rp) // Add a line to accommodate for rounding errors.
- lhs.lineTo(lp)
- }
- }
- // strokePathCap caps the provided path qs, according to the provided stroke operation.
- func strokePathCap(stroke StrokeStyle, qs *StrokeQuads, hw float32, pivot, n0 f32.Point) {
- strokePathRoundCap(qs, hw, pivot, n0)
- }
- // strokePathRoundCap caps the start or end of a path with a round cap.
- func strokePathRoundCap(qs *StrokeQuads, hw float32, pivot, n0 f32.Point) {
- c := pivot.Sub(qs.pen())
- qs.arc(c, c, math.Pi)
- }
- // ArcTransform computes a transformation that can be used for generating quadratic bézier
- // curve approximations for an arc.
- //
- // The math is extracted from the following paper:
- //
- // "Drawing an elliptical arc using polylines, quadratic or
- // cubic Bezier curves", L. Maisonobe
- //
- // An electronic version may be found at:
- //
- // http://spaceroots.org/documents/ellipse/elliptical-arc.pdf
- func ArcTransform(p, f1, f2 f32.Point, angle float32) (transform f32.Affine2D, segments int) {
- const segmentsPerCircle = 16
- const anglePerSegment = 2 * math.Pi / segmentsPerCircle
- s := angle / anglePerSegment
- if s < 0 {
- s = -s
- }
- segments = int(math.Ceil(float64(s)))
- if segments <= 0 {
- segments = 1
- }
- var rx, ry, alpha float64
- if f1 == f2 {
- // degenerate case of a circle.
- rx = dist(f1, p)
- ry = rx
- } else {
- // semi-major axis: 2a = |PF1| + |PF2|
- a := 0.5 * (dist(f1, p) + dist(f2, p))
- // semi-minor axis: c^2 = a^2 - b^2 (c: focal distance)
- c := dist(f1, f2) * 0.5
- b := math.Sqrt(a*a - c*c)
- switch {
- case a > b:
- rx = a
- ry = b
- default:
- rx = b
- ry = a
- }
- if f1.X == f2.X {
- // special case of a "vertical" ellipse.
- alpha = math.Pi / 2
- if f1.Y < f2.Y {
- alpha = -alpha
- }
- } else {
- x := float64(f1.X-f2.X) * 0.5
- if x < 0 {
- x = -x
- }
- alpha = math.Acos(x / c)
- }
- }
- var (
- θ = angle / float32(segments)
- ref f32.Affine2D // transform from absolute frame to ellipse-based one
- rot f32.Affine2D // rotation matrix for each segment
- inv f32.Affine2D // transform from ellipse-based frame to absolute one
- )
- center := f32.Point{
- X: 0.5 * (f1.X + f2.X),
- Y: 0.5 * (f1.Y + f2.Y),
- }
- ref = ref.Offset(f32.Point{}.Sub(center))
- ref = ref.Rotate(f32.Point{}, float32(-alpha))
- ref = ref.Scale(f32.Point{}, f32.Point{
- X: float32(1 / rx),
- Y: float32(1 / ry),
- })
- inv = ref.Invert()
- rot = rot.Rotate(f32.Point{}, 0.5*θ)
- // Instead of invoking math.Sincos for every segment, compute a rotation
- // matrix once and apply for each segment.
- // Before applying the rotation matrix rot, transform the coordinates
- // to a frame centered to the ellipse (and warped into a unit circle), then rotate.
- // Finally, transform back into the original frame.
- return inv.Mul(rot).Mul(ref), segments
- }
- func dist(p1, p2 f32.Point) float64 {
- var (
- x1 = float64(p1.X)
- y1 = float64(p1.Y)
- x2 = float64(p2.X)
- y2 = float64(p2.Y)
- dx = x2 - x1
- dy = y2 - y1
- )
- return math.Hypot(dx, dy)
- }
- func StrokePathCommands(style StrokeStyle, scene []byte) StrokeQuads {
- quads := decodeToStrokeQuads(scene)
- return quads.stroke(style)
- }
- // decodeToStrokeQuads decodes scene commands to quads ready to stroke.
- func decodeToStrokeQuads(pathData []byte) StrokeQuads {
- quads := make(StrokeQuads, 0, 2*len(pathData)/(scene.CommandSize+4))
- scratch := make([]QuadSegment, 0, 10)
- for len(pathData) >= scene.CommandSize+4 {
- contour := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(pathData)
- cmd := ops.DecodeCommand(pathData[4:])
- switch cmd.Op() {
- case scene.OpLine:
- var q QuadSegment
- q.From, q.To = scene.DecodeLine(cmd)
- q.Ctrl = q.From.Add(q.To).Mul(.5)
- quad := StrokeQuad{
- Contour: contour,
- Quad: q,
- }
- quads = append(quads, quad)
- case scene.OpGap:
- // Ignore gaps for strokes.
- case scene.OpQuad:
- var q QuadSegment
- q.From, q.Ctrl, q.To = scene.DecodeQuad(cmd)
- quad := StrokeQuad{
- Contour: contour,
- Quad: q,
- }
- quads = append(quads, quad)
- case scene.OpCubic:
- from, ctrl0, ctrl1, to := scene.DecodeCubic(cmd)
- scratch = SplitCubic(from, ctrl0, ctrl1, to, scratch[:0])
- for _, q := range scratch {
- quad := StrokeQuad{
- Contour: contour,
- Quad: q,
- }
- quads = append(quads, quad)
- }
- default:
- panic("unsupported scene command")
- }
- pathData = pathData[scene.CommandSize+4:]
- }
- return quads
- }
- func SplitCubic(from, ctrl0, ctrl1, to f32.Point, quads []QuadSegment) []QuadSegment {
- // Set the maximum distance proportionally to the longest side
- // of the bounding rectangle.
- hull := f32.Rectangle{
- Min: from,
- Max: ctrl0,
- }.Canon().Union(f32.Rectangle{
- Min: ctrl1,
- Max: to,
- }.Canon())
- l := hull.Dx()
- if h := hull.Dy(); h > l {
- l = h
- }
- maxDist := l * 0.001
- approxCubeTo(&quads, 0, maxDist*maxDist, from, ctrl0, ctrl1, to)
- return quads
- }
- // approxCubeTo approximates a cubic Bézier by a series of quadratic
- // curves.
- func approxCubeTo(quads *[]QuadSegment, splits int, maxDistSq float32, from, ctrl0, ctrl1, to f32.Point) int {
- // The idea is from
- // https://caffeineowl.com/graphics/2d/vectorial/cubic2quad01.html
- // where a quadratic approximates a cubic by eliminating its t³ term
- // from its polynomial expression anchored at the starting point:
- //
- // P(t) = pen + 3t(ctrl0 - pen) + 3t²(ctrl1 - 2ctrl0 + pen) + t³(to - 3ctrl1 + 3ctrl0 - pen)
- //
- // The control point for the new quadratic Q1 that shares starting point, pen, with P is
- //
- // C1 = (3ctrl0 - pen)/2
- //
- // The reverse cubic anchored at the end point has the polynomial
- //
- // P'(t) = to + 3t(ctrl1 - to) + 3t²(ctrl0 - 2ctrl1 + to) + t³(pen - 3ctrl0 + 3ctrl1 - to)
- //
- // The corresponding quadratic Q2 that shares the end point, to, with P has control
- // point
- //
- // C2 = (3ctrl1 - to)/2
- //
- // The combined quadratic Bézier, Q, shares both start and end points with its cubic
- // and use the midpoint between the two curves Q1 and Q2 as control point:
- //
- // C = (3ctrl0 - pen + 3ctrl1 - to)/4
- // using, q0 := 3ctrl0 - pen, q1 := 3ctrl1 - to
- // C = (q0 + q1)/4
- q0 := ctrl0.Mul(3).Sub(from)
- q1 := ctrl1.Mul(3).Sub(to)
- c := q0.Add(q1).Mul(1.0 / 4.0)
- const maxSplits = 32
- if splits >= maxSplits {
- *quads = append(*quads, QuadSegment{From: from, Ctrl: c, To: to})
- return splits
- }
- // The maximum distance between the cubic P and its approximation Q given t
- // can be shown to be
- //
- // d = sqrt(3)/36 * |to - 3ctrl1 + 3ctrl0 - pen|
- // reusing, q0 := 3ctrl0 - pen, q1 := 3ctrl1 - to
- // d = sqrt(3)/36 * |-q1 + q0|
- //
- // To save a square root, compare d² with the squared tolerance.
- v := q0.Sub(q1)
- d2 := (v.X*v.X + v.Y*v.Y) * 3 / (36 * 36)
- if d2 <= maxDistSq {
- *quads = append(*quads, QuadSegment{From: from, Ctrl: c, To: to})
- return splits
- }
- // De Casteljau split the curve and approximate the halves.
- t := float32(0.5)
- c0 := from.Add(ctrl0.Sub(from).Mul(t))
- c1 := ctrl0.Add(ctrl1.Sub(ctrl0).Mul(t))
- c2 := ctrl1.Add(to.Sub(ctrl1).Mul(t))
- c01 := c0.Add(c1.Sub(c0).Mul(t))
- c12 := c1.Add(c2.Sub(c1).Mul(t))
- c0112 := c01.Add(c12.Sub(c01).Mul(t))
- splits++
- splits = approxCubeTo(quads, splits, maxDistSq, from, c0, c01, c0112)
- splits = approxCubeTo(quads, splits, maxDistSq, c0112, c12, c2, to)
- return splits
- }