package main import ( "fmt" "image" "image/color" "log" "math" "math/rand" "os" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) const MAX_LOOP = 100_000_000 type C = layout.Context type D = layout.Dimensions var darkPalette = material.Palette{ Bg: color.NRGBA{R: 0x28, G: 0x28, B: 0x28, A: 0xff}, Fg: color.NRGBA{R: 0xeb, G: 0xdb, B: 0xb2, A: 0xff}, ContrastBg: color.NRGBA{R: 0x48, G: 0x85, B: 0x88, A: 0xff}, ContrastFg: color.NRGBA{R: 0xeb, G: 0xdb, B: 0xb2, A: 0xff}, } func main() { go func() { window := new(app.Window) window.Option(app.Title("Not-a-graph-layout-algorithm graph layout algorithm")) err := run(window) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } os.Exit(0) }() app.Main() } func run(window *app.Window) error { theme := material.NewTheme() theme.Palette = darkPalette theme.Shaper = text.NewShaper(text.WithCollection(gofont.Collection())) seed := int64(0) g := Graph{} g.random = rand.New(rand.NewSource(seed)) g.offsets = g._offsets[:] g.degrees = g._degrees[:] g.nodes = g._nodes[:0] g.allocs = g._allocs[:] g.edges = g._edges[:0] g.adjacency = g._adjacency[:0] title := material.Body1(theme, "") title.Color = theme.Fg title.Alignment = text.Start title.WrapPolicy = text.WrapWords simPeriod := 50 * time.Millisecond lastStep := time.Now() bumpShift := 1 lastSecond := time.Now() frameCnt, stepCnt := 0, 0 fps, sps := 0, 0 simFinishedTime := time.Now() simCnt := int64(0) var ( stepOutput strings.Builder statusText strings.Builder ops op.Ops screensaverMode bool = true finished, resetRequested, bumpRequested bool ) for { switch e := window.Event().(type) { case app.DestroyEvent: return e.Err case app.FrameEvent: gtx := app.NewContext(&ops, e) // Handle input for { event, ok := e.Source.Event( key.Filter{Name: "B"}, key.Filter{Name: "R"}, key.Filter{Name: "S", Required: key.ModShift}, key.Filter{Name: "<", Required: key.ModShift}, key.Filter{Name: ">", Required: key.ModShift}, ) if !ok { break } switch evt := event.(type) { case key.Event: switch evt.Name { case "B": if evt.State == key.Press { bumpRequested = true } case "R": if evt.State == key.Press { resetRequested = true } case "S": if evt.State == key.Press { screensaverMode = !screensaverMode } case "<": if evt.State == key.Press { simPeriod += 50 * time.Millisecond simPeriod = min(simPeriod, 10*time.Second) } case ">": if evt.State == key.Press { simPeriod -= 50 * time.Millisecond simPeriod = max(simPeriod, 0) } } } } if resetRequested || (screensaverMode && finished && time.Since(simFinishedTime) >= 5*time.Second) { (&g).Reset() resetRequested = false finished = false simCnt++ } if time.Since(lastStep) >= simPeriod { if int(g.order) == cap(g.nodes) && bumpRequested { bump(&g, bumpShift) //bumpShift++ bumpRequested = false } stepOutput.Reset() stepOutput.WriteString((&g).Step()) //statusText.WriteString((&g).Semilattice()) lastStep = time.Now() addNodeAtRandom(&g) stepCnt++ } paint.Fill(&ops, theme.Bg) layout.UniformInset( unit.Dp(10), ).Layout(gtx, func(gtx C) D { return layout.Flex{ Axis: layout.Horizontal, Alignment: layout.Start, Spacing: layout.SpaceEnd, }.Layout(gtx, layout.Rigid(func(gtx C) D { return (&g).Layout(gtx, theme) }), layout.Rigid(func(gtx C) D { return layout.Flex{ Axis: layout.Vertical, Alignment: layout.Start, Spacing: layout.SpaceEnd, }.Layout(gtx, layout.Rigid(func(gtx C) D { return (&g).LayoutDist(gtx, theme) }), layout.Flexed(1.0, func(gtx C) D { return title.Layout(gtx) }), ) }), ) }) if time.Since(lastSecond) >= time.Second { fps, sps = frameCnt, stepCnt frameCnt, stepCnt = 0, 0 lastSecond = time.Now() } statusText.Reset() statusText.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("seed %d, simulation %d\n", seed, simCnt+1)) statusText.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("simulation rate: %s per step\n", simPeriod)) statusText.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("fps=%d; sps=%d\n", fps, sps)) statusText.WriteString(stepOutput.String()) title.Text = statusText.String() if int(g.order) == cap(g.nodes) && !finished { finished = true simFinishedTime = time.Now() } e.Source.Execute(op.InvalidateCmd{}) e.Frame(gtx.Ops) frameCnt++ } } } func bump(g *Graph, shift int) int { root := -1 for n := 0; n < int(g.order); n++ { if g.nodes[n] == 1 { root = n break } } if root < 0 { return root } g.nodes[root] <<= shift return root nodes := make([]NodeId, 1, g.order) nextNodes := make(map[NodeId]struct{}, g.order) nodes[0] = NodeId(root) for len(nodes) > 0 { for _, n := range nodes { for _, e := range g.edges[g.offsets[n]:g.offsets[n+1]] { nextNodes[e] = struct{}{} } } nodes = nodes[:len(nextNodes)] i := 0 for n := range nextNodes { delete(nextNodes, n) nodes[i] = n i++ if log2(g.nodes[n])+uint32(shift) >= 30 { log.Printf("Out-of-address-space condition for node %d", n) continue } g.nodes[n] <<= shift } } return root } func addNodeAtRandom(g *Graph) (order uint32) { if g.order == uint32(cap(g.nodes)) || g.size == uint32(cap(g.edges)) { return g.order } /*threshold := 0.05 * float64(g.order) if g.random.ExpFloat64() <= threshold { return g.order }*/ g.edges = g.edges[:cap(g.edges)] g.nodes = g.nodes[:cap(g.nodes)] i := int(g.order) g.nodes[i] = 1 g.offsets[i] = EdgeId(g.size) for j := i + 1; j < len(g.nodes); j++ { g.edges[g.size] = NodeId(j) distance := float64(j - i) edgeProbability := 1 / (1 + math.Exp(0.25*distance)) if g.random.Float64() > edgeProbability { continue } g.degrees[i]++ g.size++ } g.order++ g.offsets[g.order] = EdgeId(g.size) g.nodes = g.nodes[:g.order] g.edges = g.edges[:g.size] return g.order } type NodeId uint32 type EdgeId uint32 const GraphOrder int = 128 type Graph struct { _adjacency [GraphOrder * (GraphOrder - 1)]NodeId _edges [(GraphOrder * (GraphOrder - 1)) >> 1]NodeId _nodes [GraphOrder]uint32 _allocs [GraphOrder]uint32 _offsets [GraphOrder + 1]EdgeId _degrees [GraphOrder]byte random *rand.Rand adjacency []NodeId // Bidirectional adjacent node ids edges []NodeId // Unidirectional adjacent node ids nodes []uint32 allocs []uint32 // Address allocation state, per node offsets []EdgeId degrees []byte // Node degrees size uint32 // Number of edges added to graph order uint32 // Number of nodes added to graph source NodeId // A selected source node target NodeId // A selected target node } func (g *Graph) Reset() { for i := range g.offsets { g.offsets[i] = 0 } for i := range g.nodes { g.nodes[i] = 0 } for i := range g.allocs { g.allocs[i] = 0 } for i := range g.edges { g.edges[i] = 0 } g.nodes = g.nodes[:0] g.edges = g.edges[:0] g.order, g.size = 0, 0 } func (g *Graph) Semilattice() string { var b strings.Builder for n := 0; n < len(g.nodes); n++ { b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("nodeAddr=%d neighbors=", g.nodes[n])) for _, e := range g.edges[g.offsets[n]:g.offsets[n+1]] { if uint32(e) >= g.order { continue } b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%d, ", g.nodes[e])) } b.WriteString("\n") } return b.String() } func (g *Graph) Step() string { for n := range g.nodes { if g.allocs[n] == 0 { g.allocs[n] = 1 // Seed allocator } shift := log2(g.nodes[n]) + 1 if log2(g.allocs[n])+shift >= 30 { log.Printf("Out-of-address-space condition for node %d", n) continue } edges := g.edges[g.offsets[n]:g.offsets[n+1]] shiftStart := 1 // Shift a node containing exactly one 1 if (n == 0 || g.nodes[n] > 1) && // root or assigned g.nodes[n]&(g.nodes[n]-1) == 0 { // ...contains one 1 for i := 0; i < min(shiftStart, len(edges)); i++ { e := edges[i] if uint32(e) < g.order && g.nodes[n] >= g.nodes[e] { g.nodes[e] = g.nodes[n] << (i + 1) } } } // Assign addresses to neighbors for i := shiftStart; i < len(edges); i++ { nextAlloc := (g.allocs[n] << shift) | g.nodes[n] e := edges[i] if uint32(e) >= g.order || (g.nodes[e] != 1 && nextAlloc >= g.nodes[e]) { continue } g.nodes[e] = nextAlloc g.allocs[n]++ } } return fmt.Sprintf("nodes=%v\nedges=%v", g.nodes, g.edges) } func (g *Graph) Layout( gtx layout.Context, th *material.Theme, ) D { squareMax := min( gtx.Constraints.Max.X, gtx.Constraints.Max.Y, ) convFactor := float32(squareMax) / 65535.0 circle := clip.Ellipse{Max: image.Pt(16, 16)} // Outer margin defer op.Offset(image.Pt(10, 10)).Push(gtx.Ops).Pop() var path clip.Path for n := 0; n < len(g.nodes); n++ { x1, y1 := idToPt(g.nodes[n], convFactor) for e := range g.edges[g.offsets[n]:g.offsets[n+1]] { if uint32(e) >= g.order { continue } if g.nodes[n] == 1 { // Skip orphans and roots continue } color := th.Fg if distance(g.nodes[n], g.nodes[e]) > 4 { color = th.ContrastBg color.A = 0xd0 } x2, y2 := idToPt(g.nodes[e], convFactor) path.Begin(gtx.Ops) path.MoveTo(f32.Pt(float32(x1), float32(y1))) path.LineTo(f32.Pt(float32(x2), float32(y2))) paint.FillShape(gtx.Ops, color, clip.Stroke{ Path: path.End(), Width: float32(unit.Dp(1)), }.Op(), ) } // Circle size is proportional to address length. length := log2(g.nodes[n]) shift := int(length >> 3) scaled := circle scaled.Max.X = scaled.Max.X >> shift scaled.Max.Y = scaled.Max.Y >> shift halfW, halfH := scaled.Max.X>>1, scaled.Max.Y>>1 pos := image.Pt(gtx.Dp(x1)-halfW, gtx.Dp(y1)-halfH) macro := op.Record(gtx.Ops) stack := op.Offset(pos).Push(gtx.Ops) nodeColor := th.Fg if length >= 24 { nodeColor = color.NRGBA{R: 0xaa, G: 0, B: 0xaa, A: 0xff} } paint.FillShape(gtx.Ops, nodeColor, scaled.Op(gtx.Ops)) stack.Pop() c := macro.Stop() op.Defer(gtx.Ops, c) } return layout.Dimensions{Size: image.Pt(squareMax, squareMax)} } func (g *Graph) LayoutDist( gtx layout.Context, th *material.Theme, ) D { dims := f32.Pt(400, 100) width := gtx.Dp(unit.Dp(dims.X)) height := gtx.Dp(unit.Dp(dims.Y)) defer op.Affine( // Flip y-axis and scale f32.Affine2D{}. Scale(f32.Pt(dims.X/2, dims.Y/2), f32.Pt(1.0, -1.0)), ).Push(gtx.Ops).Pop() barWidth := 0 if g.order > 0 { pxPerBucket := float32(width) / float32(g.order) barWidth = gtx.Dp(unit.Dp(pxPerBucket)) } color := color.NRGBA{R: 0xaa, G: 0, B: 0xaa, A: 0xff} maxOutDegree := 0 for n := range g.nodes { d := g.offsets[n+1] - g.offsets[n] maxOutDegree = max(maxOutDegree, int(d)) } convFactor := float64(height) / float64(maxOutDegree) for n := range g.nodes { cnt := g.offsets[n+1] - g.offsets[n] y := gtx.Dp(unit.Dp(float64(cnt) * convFactor)) stack := clip.Rect{ Min: image.Pt(n*barWidth, 0), Max: image.Pt((n+1)*barWidth, y), }.Push(gtx.Ops) paint.ColorOp{Color: color}.Add(gtx.Ops) paint.PaintOp{}.Add(gtx.Ops) stack.Pop() } return layout.Dimensions{Size: image.Pt(width, height)} } func distance(a, b uint32) uint32 { var s, e uint32 = 1, 2 for s < 32 && a&(e-1) == b&(e-1) { s++ e <<= 1 } s -= 1 return ones(a>>s) + ones(b>>s) } func ones(x uint32) uint32 { var c uint32 for c = 0; x != 0; c++ { x &= x - 1 // clear the least significant bit set } return c } func idToPt(id uint32, convFactor float32) (x, y unit.Dp) { x0, y0 := demorton(reverse32(id)) x, y = unit.Dp(float32(x0)*convFactor), unit.Dp(float32(y0)*convFactor) return } func log2(x uint32) uint32 { b := []uint32{0x2, 0xC, 0xF0, 0xFF00, 0xFFFF0000} s := []uint32{1, 2, 4, 8, 16} var r uint32 = 0 for i := 4; i >= 0; i-- { if x&b[i] != 0 { x >>= s[i] r |= s[i] } } return r } func reverse32(x uint32) uint32 { var rev uint32 var mask uint32 = 0xff for i := 0; i < 4; i++ { rshift := 8 * i lshift := 8 * (3 - i) rev |= uint32(reverse((x&mask)>>rshift)) << lshift mask <<= 8 } return rev } func reverse(b uint32) byte { b = (b * 0x0802 & 0x22110) | (b * 0x8020 & 0x88440) b *= 0x10101 b >>= 16 return byte(b) } func demorton(z uint32) (x, y uint16) { res := (uint64(z) | (uint64(z) << 31)) & 0x5555555555555555 res = (res | (res >> 1)) & 0x3333333333333333 res = (res | (res >> 2)) & 0x0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f res = (res | (res >> 4)) & 0x00ff00ff00ff00ff res = res | (res >> 8) x = uint16(res) y = uint16(res >> 32) return } func morton(x, y uint16) uint32 { var res uint64 res = uint64(x) | (uint64(y) << 32) res = (res | (res << 8)) & 0x00ff00ff00ff00ff res = (res | (res << 4)) & 0x0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f res = (res | (res << 2)) & 0x3333333333333333 res = (res | (res << 1)) & 0x5555555555555555 return uint32(res | (res >> 31)) }