All notable changes to Gogs are documented in this file.
is no longer used.[service]
is no longer used.APP_NAME
is no longer used.[security] REVERSE_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_USER
is no longer used.[database] PASSWD
is no longer used.[auth] ACTIVE_CODE_LIVE_MINUTES
is no longer used.[auth] RESET_PASSWD_CODE_LIVE_MINUTES
is no longer used.[auth] ENABLE_CAPTCHA
is no longer used.[auth] ENABLE_NOTIFY_MAIL
is no longer used.[auth] REGISTER_EMAIL_CONFIRM
is no longer used.[session] GC_INTERVAL_TIME
is no longer used.[session] SESSION_LIFE_TIME
is no longer used.[server] ROOT_URL
is no longer used.[server] LANDING_PAGE
is no longer used.[database] DB_TYPE
is no longer used.[database] PASSWD
is no longer used.updated_at
field is now correctly updated when updates an issue. #6209login_source.cfg
column to have VARCHAR(255)
instead of TEXT
in MySQL. #6280Last-Modified
HTTP header for raw files. #5811.r
, .sas
, .tex
, .yaml
). #5856public/
directory, please refer to documentation for usage. #5920GET /admin/teams/:teamid/members
to list members of a team. #5877[server] LOAD_ASSETS_FROM_DISK = true
to load them from disk. #5920miniwinsvc
to minwinsvc
is deprecated and will end support in 0.13.0, please start using BRAND_NAME
.[server] ROOT_URL
is deprecated and will end support in 0.13.0, please start using [server] EXTERNAL_URL
.[server] LANDING_PAGE
is deprecated and will end support in 0.13.0, please start using [server] LANDING_URL
.[database] DB_TYPE
is deprecated and will end support in 0.13.0, please start using [database] TYPE
.[database] PASSWD
is deprecated and will end support in 0.13.0, please start using [database] PASSWORD
is deprecated and will end support in 0.13.0, please start using [auth] REVERSE_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_HEADER
is deprecated and will end support in 0.13.0, please start using [email]
is deprecated and will end support in 0.13.0, please start using [auth]
is deprecated and will end support in 0.13.0, please start using [auth] ACTIVATE_CODE_LIVES
is deprecated and will end support in 0.13.0, please start using [auth] RESET_PASSWORD_CODE_LIVES
is deprecated and will end support in 0.13.0, please start using [auth] ENABLE_REGISTRATION_CAPTCHA
is deprecated and will end support in 0.13.0, please start using [user] ENABLE_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION
is deprecated and will end support in 0.13.0, please start using [session] GC_INTERVAL
is deprecated and will end support in 0.13.0, please start using [session] MAX_LIFE_TIME
is reserved and cannot be used for users or organizations..ipynb
. #5170[service] REQUIRE_SIGNIN_VIEW = true
[release.attachment] PATH
[webhook] QUEUE_LENGTH
, which means CGO is now required.Older change logs can be found on GitHub.