123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445 |
- force: true
- goimports: goimports
- file-prefix: |
- This file was generated by running `go-mockgen` at the root of this repository.
- To add additional mocks to this or another package, add a new entry to the
- mockgen.yaml file in the root of this repository.
- mocks:
- # To generate a new mock struct from an interface definition, add a new value to this
- # list. Each item will need to supply two pieces of information:
- #
- # (1) First, you will need to give a target filename
- # (2) Second, you will need to supply a target import path and interface name. If the
- # set of interface definitions you are mocking are all from the same package, then
- # you can supply a `path` and `interfaces` key which take a string and string array,
- # respectively. If the set of interface definitions you are mocking come from multiple
- # import paths, you can supply a `sources` array, each item containing a `path` and
- # `interfaces` key.
- #
- # By convention, you should generate mocks next to the CONSUMER of an interface, not the
- # definition. It is NOT considered an anti-pattern to generate multiple mocks for the same
- # shared interface.
- #
- # By convention, the filename containing generated mocks should be `mocks_test.go`.
- - filename: internal/database/mocks_test.go
- sources:
- - path: gogs.io/gogs/internal/database
- interfaces:
- - LoginSourcesStore
- - LoginSourceFilesStore
- - LoginSourceFileStore
- - loginSourceFileStore
- - path: gogs.io/gogs/internal/auth
- interfaces:
- - Provider
- - filename: internal/route/lfs/mocks_test.go
- sources:
- - path: gogs.io/gogs/internal/database
- interfaces:
- - UsersStore
- - TwoFactorsStore
- - ReposStore
- - PermsStore
- - path: gogs.io/gogs/internal/route/lfs
- interfaces:
- - Store