// Copyright 2014 The Gogs Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package repo
import (
gotemplate "html/template"
log "unknwon.dev/clog/v2"
const (
BARE = "repo/bare"
HOME = "repo/home"
WATCHERS = "repo/watchers"
FORKS = "repo/forks"
func renderDirectory(c *context.Context, treeLink string) {
tree, err := c.Repo.Commit.Subtree(c.Repo.TreePath)
if err != nil {
c.NotFoundOrError(gitutil.NewError(err), "get subtree")
entries, err := tree.Entries()
if err != nil {
c.Error(err, "list entries")
c.Data["Files"], err = entries.CommitsInfo(c.Repo.Commit, git.CommitsInfoOptions{
Path: c.Repo.TreePath,
MaxConcurrency: conf.Repository.CommitsFetchConcurrency,
Timeout: 5 * time.Minute,
if err != nil {
c.Error(err, "get commits info")
var readmeFile *git.Blob
for _, entry := range entries {
if entry.IsTree() || !markup.IsReadmeFile(entry.Name()) {
// TODO(unknwon): collect all possible README files and show with priority.
readmeFile = entry.Blob()
if readmeFile != nil {
c.Data["RawFileLink"] = ""
c.Data["ReadmeInList"] = true
c.Data["ReadmeExist"] = true
p, err := readmeFile.Bytes()
if err != nil {
c.Error(err, "read file")
isTextFile := tool.IsTextFile(p)
c.Data["IsTextFile"] = isTextFile
c.Data["FileName"] = readmeFile.Name()
if isTextFile {
switch markup.Detect(readmeFile.Name()) {
case markup.TypeMarkdown:
c.Data["IsMarkdown"] = true
p = markup.Markdown(p, treeLink, c.Repo.Repository.ComposeMetas())
case markup.TypeOrgMode:
c.Data["IsMarkdown"] = true
p = markup.OrgMode(p, treeLink, c.Repo.Repository.ComposeMetas())
case markup.TypeIPythonNotebook:
c.Data["IsIPythonNotebook"] = true
c.Data["RawFileLink"] = c.Repo.RepoLink + "/raw/" + path.Join(c.Repo.BranchName, c.Repo.TreePath, readmeFile.Name())
p = bytes.ReplaceAll(p, []byte("\n"), []byte(`
c.Data["FileContent"] = string(p)
// Show latest commit info of repository in table header,
// or of directory if not in root directory.
latestCommit := c.Repo.Commit
if len(c.Repo.TreePath) > 0 {
latestCommit, err = c.Repo.Commit.CommitByPath(git.CommitByRevisionOptions{Path: c.Repo.TreePath})
if err != nil {
c.Error(err, "get commit by path")
c.Data["LatestCommit"] = latestCommit
c.Data["LatestCommitUser"] = tryGetUserByEmail(c.Req.Context(), latestCommit.Author.Email)
if c.Repo.CanEnableEditor() {
c.Data["CanAddFile"] = true
c.Data["CanUploadFile"] = conf.Repository.Upload.Enabled
func renderFile(c *context.Context, entry *git.TreeEntry, treeLink, rawLink string) {
c.Data["IsViewFile"] = true
blob := entry.Blob()
p, err := blob.Bytes()
if err != nil {
c.Error(err, "read blob")
c.Data["FileSize"] = blob.Size()
c.Data["FileName"] = blob.Name()
c.Data["HighlightClass"] = highlight.FileNameToHighlightClass(blob.Name())
c.Data["RawFileLink"] = rawLink + "/" + c.Repo.TreePath
isTextFile := tool.IsTextFile(p)
c.Data["IsTextFile"] = isTextFile
// Assume file is not editable first.
if !isTextFile {
c.Data["EditFileTooltip"] = c.Tr("repo.editor.cannot_edit_non_text_files")
canEnableEditor := c.Repo.CanEnableEditor()
switch {
case isTextFile:
if blob.Size() >= conf.UI.MaxDisplayFileSize {
c.Data["IsFileTooLarge"] = true
c.Data["ReadmeExist"] = markup.IsReadmeFile(blob.Name())
switch markup.Detect(blob.Name()) {
case markup.TypeMarkdown:
c.Data["IsMarkdown"] = true
c.Data["FileContent"] = string(markup.Markdown(p, path.Dir(treeLink), c.Repo.Repository.ComposeMetas()))
case markup.TypeOrgMode:
c.Data["IsMarkdown"] = true
c.Data["FileContent"] = string(markup.OrgMode(p, path.Dir(treeLink), c.Repo.Repository.ComposeMetas()))
case markup.TypeIPythonNotebook:
c.Data["IsIPythonNotebook"] = true
// Building code view blocks with line number on server side.
var fileContent string
if err, content := template.ToUTF8WithErr(p); err != nil {
if err != nil {
log.Error("ToUTF8WithErr: %s", err)
fileContent = string(p)
} else {
fileContent = content
var output bytes.Buffer
lines := strings.Split(fileContent, "\n")
// Remove blank line at the end of file
if len(lines) > 0 && lines[len(lines)-1] == "" {
lines = lines[:len(lines)-1]
for index, line := range lines {