// Copyright 2014 The Gogs Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package repo import ( "fmt" "net/http" "net/url" "strings" "time" "github.com/unknwon/com" "github.com/unknwon/paginater" log "unknwon.dev/clog/v2" "gogs.io/gogs/internal/conf" "gogs.io/gogs/internal/context" "gogs.io/gogs/internal/db" "gogs.io/gogs/internal/db/errors" "gogs.io/gogs/internal/form" "gogs.io/gogs/internal/markup" "gogs.io/gogs/internal/tool" ) const ( ISSUES = "repo/issue/list" ISSUE_NEW = "repo/issue/new" ISSUE_VIEW = "repo/issue/view" LABELS = "repo/issue/labels" MILESTONE = "repo/issue/milestones" MILESTONE_NEW = "repo/issue/milestone_new" MILESTONE_EDIT = "repo/issue/milestone_edit" ISSUE_TEMPLATE_KEY = "IssueTemplate" ) var ( ErrFileTypeForbidden = errors.New("File type is not allowed") ErrTooManyFiles = errors.New("Maximum number of files to upload exceeded") IssueTemplateCandidates = []string{ "ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md", ".gogs/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md", ".github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md", } ) func MustEnableIssues(c *context.Context) { if !c.Repo.Repository.EnableIssues { c.NotFound() return } if c.Repo.Repository.EnableExternalTracker { c.Redirect(c.Repo.Repository.ExternalTrackerURL) return } } func MustAllowPulls(c *context.Context) { if !c.Repo.Repository.AllowsPulls() { c.NotFound() return } // User can send pull request if owns a forked repository. if c.IsLogged && db.Repos.HasForkedBy(c.Req.Context(), c.Repo.Repository.ID, c.User.ID) { c.Repo.PullRequest.Allowed = true c.Repo.PullRequest.HeadInfo = c.User.Name + ":" + c.Repo.BranchName } } func RetrieveLabels(c *context.Context) { labels, err := db.GetLabelsByRepoID(c.Repo.Repository.ID) if err != nil { c.Error(err, "get labels by repository ID") return } for _, l := range labels { l.CalOpenIssues() } c.Data["Labels"] = labels c.Data["NumLabels"] = len(labels) } func issues(c *context.Context, isPullList bool) { if isPullList { MustAllowPulls(c) if c.Written() { return } c.Data["Title"] = c.Tr("repo.pulls") c.Data["PageIsPullList"] = true } else { MustEnableIssues(c) if c.Written() { return } c.Data["Title"] = c.Tr("repo.issues") c.Data["PageIsIssueList"] = true } viewType := c.Query("type") sortType := c.Query("sort") types := []string{"assigned", "created_by", "mentioned"} if !com.IsSliceContainsStr(types, viewType) { viewType = "all" } // Must sign in to see issues about you. if viewType != "all" && !c.IsLogged { c.SetCookie("redirect_to", "/"+url.QueryEscape(conf.Server.Subpath+c.Req.RequestURI), 0, conf.Server.Subpath) c.Redirect(conf.Server.Subpath + "/user/login") return } var ( assigneeID = c.QueryInt64("assignee") posterID int64 ) filterMode := db.FILTER_MODE_YOUR_REPOS switch viewType { case "assigned": filterMode = db.FILTER_MODE_ASSIGN assigneeID = c.User.ID case "created_by": filterMode = db.FILTER_MODE_CREATE posterID = c.User.ID case "mentioned": filterMode = db.FILTER_MODE_MENTION } var uid int64 = -1 if c.IsLogged { uid = c.User.ID } repo := c.Repo.Repository selectLabels := c.Query("labels") milestoneID := c.QueryInt64("milestone") isShowClosed := c.Query("state") == "closed" issueStats := db.GetIssueStats(&db.IssueStatsOptions{ RepoID: repo.ID, UserID: uid, Labels: selectLabels, MilestoneID: milestoneID, AssigneeID: assigneeID, FilterMode: filterMode, IsPull: isPullList, }) page := c.QueryInt("page") if page <= 1 { page = 1 } var total int if !isShowClosed { total = int(issueStats.OpenCount) } else { total = int(issueStats.ClosedCount) } pager := paginater.New(total, conf.UI.IssuePagingNum, page, 5) c.Data["Page"] = pager issues, err := db.Issues(&db.IssuesOptions{ UserID: uid, AssigneeID: assigneeID, RepoID: repo.ID, PosterID: posterID, MilestoneID: milestoneID, Page: pager.Current(), IsClosed: isShowClosed, IsMention: filterMode == db.FILTER_MODE_MENTION, IsPull: isPullList, Labels: selectLabels, SortType: sortType, }) if err != nil { c.Error(err, "list issues") return } // Get issue-user relations. pairs, err := db.GetIssueUsers(repo.ID, posterID, isShowClosed) if err != nil { c.Error(err, "get issue-user relations") return } // Get posters. for i := range issues { if !c.IsLogged { issues[i].IsRead = true continue } // Check read status. idx := db.PairsContains(pairs, issues[i].ID, c.User.ID) if idx > -1 { issues[i].IsRead = pairs[idx].IsRead } else { issues[i].IsRead = true } } c.Data["Issues"] = issues // Get milestones. c.Data["Milestones"], err = db.GetMilestonesByRepoID(repo.ID) if err != nil { c.Error(err, "get milestone by repository ID") return } // Get assignees. c.Data["Assignees"], err = repo.GetAssignees() if err != nil { c.Error(err, "get assignees") return } if viewType == "assigned" { assigneeID = 0 // Reset ID to prevent unexpected selection of assignee. } c.Data["IssueStats"] = issueStats c.Data["SelectLabels"] = com.StrTo(selectLabels).MustInt64() c.Data["ViewType"] = viewType c.Data["SortType"] = sortType c.Data["MilestoneID"] = milestoneID c.Data["AssigneeID"] = assigneeID c.Data["IsShowClosed"] = isShowClosed if isShowClosed { c.Data["State"] = "closed" } else { c.Data["State"] = "open" } c.Success(ISSUES) } func Issues(c *context.Context) { issues(c, false) } func Pulls(c *context.Context) { issues(c, true) } func renderAttachmentSettings(c *context.Context) { c.Data["RequireDropzone"] = true c.Data["IsAttachmentEnabled"] = conf.Attachment.Enabled c.Data["AttachmentAllowedTypes"] = conf.Attachment.AllowedTypes c.Data["AttachmentMaxSize"] = conf.Attachment.MaxSize c.Data["AttachmentMaxFiles"] = conf.Attachment.MaxFiles } func RetrieveRepoMilestonesAndAssignees(c *context.Context, repo *db.Repository) { var err error c.Data["OpenMilestones"], err = db.GetMilestones(repo.ID, -1, false) if err != nil { c.Error(err, "get open milestones") return } c.Data["ClosedMilestones"], err = db.GetMilestones(repo.ID, -1, true) if err != nil { c.Error(err, "get closed milestones") return } c.Data["Assignees"], err = repo.GetAssignees() if err != nil { c.Error(err, "get assignees") return } } func RetrieveRepoMetas(c *context.Context, repo *db.Repository) []*db.Label { if !c.Repo.IsWriter() { return nil } labels, err := db.GetLabelsByRepoID(repo.ID) if err != nil { c.Error(err, "get labels by repository ID") return nil } c.Data["Labels"] = labels RetrieveRepoMilestonesAndAssignees(c, repo) if c.Written() { return nil } return labels } func getFileContentFromDefaultBranch(c *context.Context, filename string) (string, bool) { if c.Repo.Commit == nil { var err error c.Repo.Commit, err = c.Repo.GitRepo.BranchCommit(c.Repo.Repository.DefaultBranch) if err != nil { return "", false } } entry, err := c.Repo.Commit.TreeEntry(filename) if err != nil { return "", false } p, err := entry.Blob().Bytes() if err != nil { return "", false } return string(p), true } func setTemplateIfExists(c *context.Context, ctxDataKey string, possibleFiles []string) { for _, filename := range possibleFiles { content, found := getFileContentFromDefaultBranch(c, filename) if found { c.Data[ctxDataKey] = content return } } } func NewIssue(c *context.Context) { c.Data["Title"] = c.Tr("repo.issues.new") c.Data["PageIsIssueList"] = true c.Data["RequireHighlightJS"] = true c.Data["RequireSimpleMDE"] = true c.Data["title"] = c.Query("title") c.Data["content"] = c.Query("content") setTemplateIfExists(c, ISSUE_TEMPLATE_KEY, IssueTemplateCandidates) renderAttachmentSettings(c) RetrieveRepoMetas(c, c.Repo.Repository) if c.Written() { return } c.Success(ISSUE_NEW) } func ValidateRepoMetas(c *context.Context, f form.NewIssue) ([]int64, int64, int64) { var ( repo = c.Repo.Repository err error ) labels := RetrieveRepoMetas(c, c.Repo.Repository) if c.Written() { return nil, 0, 0 } if !c.Repo.IsWriter() { return nil, 0, 0 } // Check labels. labelIDs := tool.StringsToInt64s(strings.Split(f.LabelIDs, ",")) labelIDMark := tool.Int64sToMap(labelIDs) hasSelected := false for i := range labels { if labelIDMark[labels[i].ID] { labels[i].IsChecked = true hasSelected = true } } c.Data["HasSelectedLabel"] = hasSelected c.Data["label_ids"] = f.LabelIDs c.Data["Labels"] = labels // Check milestone. milestoneID := f.MilestoneID if milestoneID > 0 { c.Data["Milestone"], err = repo.GetMilestoneByID(milestoneID) if err != nil { c.Error(err, "get milestone by ID") return nil, 0, 0 } c.Data["milestone_id"] = milestoneID } // Check assignee. assigneeID := f.AssigneeID if assigneeID > 0 { c.Data["Assignee"], err = repo.GetAssigneeByID(assigneeID) if err != nil { c.Error(err, "get assignee by ID") return nil, 0, 0 } c.Data["assignee_id"] = assigneeID } return labelIDs, milestoneID, assigneeID } func NewIssuePost(c *context.Context, f form.NewIssue) { c.Data["Title"] = c.Tr("repo.issues.new") c.Data["PageIsIssueList"] = true c.Data["RequireHighlightJS"] = true c.Data["RequireSimpleMDE"] = true renderAttachmentSettings(c) labelIDs, milestoneID, assigneeID := ValidateRepoMetas(c, f) if c.Written() { return } if c.HasError() { c.Success(ISSUE_NEW) return } var attachments []string if conf.Attachment.Enabled { attachments = f.Files } issue := &db.Issue{ RepoID: c.Repo.Repository.ID, Title: f.Title, PosterID: c.User.ID, Poster: c.User, MilestoneID: milestoneID, AssigneeID: assigneeID, Content: f.Content, } if err := db.NewIssue(c.Repo.Repository, issue, labelIDs, attachments); err != nil { c.Error(err, "new issue") return } log.Trace("Issue created: %d/%d", c.Repo.Repository.ID, issue.ID) c.RawRedirect(c.Repo.MakeURL(fmt.Sprintf("issues/%d", issue.Index))) } func uploadAttachment(c *context.Context, allowedTypes []string) { file, header, err := c.Req.FormFile("file") if err != nil { c.Error(err, "get file") return } defer file.Close() buf := make([]byte, 1024) n, _ := file.Read(buf) if n > 0 { buf = buf[:n] } fileType := http.DetectContentType(buf) allowed := false for _, t := range allowedTypes { t := strings.Trim(t, " ") if t == "*/*" || t == fileType { allowed = true break } } if !allowed { c.PlainText(http.StatusBadRequest, ErrFileTypeForbidden.Error()) return } attach, err := db.NewAttachment(header.Filename, buf, file) if err != nil { c.Error(err, "new attachment") return } log.Trace("New attachment uploaded: %s", attach.UUID) c.JSONSuccess(map[string]string{ "uuid": attach.UUID, }) } func UploadIssueAttachment(c *context.Context) { if !conf.Attachment.Enabled { c.NotFound() return } uploadAttachment(c, conf.Attachment.AllowedTypes) } func viewIssue(c *context.Context, isPullList bool) { c.Data["RequireHighlightJS"] = true c.Data["RequireDropzone"] = true renderAttachmentSettings(c) index := c.ParamsInt64(":index") if index <= 0 { c.NotFound() return } issue, err := db.GetIssueByIndex(c.Repo.Repository.ID, index) if err != nil { c.NotFoundOrError(err, "get issue by index") return } c.Data["Title"] = issue.Title // Make sure type and URL matches. if !isPullList && issue.IsPull { c.RawRedirect(c.Repo.MakeURL(fmt.Sprintf("pulls/%d", issue.Index))) return } else if isPullList && !issue.IsPull { c.RawRedirect(c.Repo.MakeURL(fmt.Sprintf("issues/%d", issue.Index))) return } if issue.IsPull { MustAllowPulls(c) if c.Written() { return } c.Data["PageIsPullList"] = true c.Data["PageIsPullConversation"] = true } else { MustEnableIssues(c) if c.Written() { return } c.Data["PageIsIssueList"] = true } issue.RenderedContent = string(markup.Markdown(issue.Content, c.Repo.RepoLink, c.Repo.Repository.ComposeMetas())) repo := c.Repo.Repository // Get more information if it's a pull request. if issue.IsPull { if issue.PullRequest.HasMerged { c.Data["DisableStatusChange"] = issue.PullRequest.HasMerged PrepareMergedViewPullInfo(c, issue) } else { PrepareViewPullInfo(c, issue) } if c.Written() { return } } // Metas. // Check labels. labelIDMark := make(map[int64]bool) for i := range issue.Labels { labelIDMark[issue.Labels[i].ID] = true } labels, err := db.GetLabelsByRepoID(repo.ID) if err != nil { c.Error(err, "get labels by repository ID") return } hasSelected := false for i := range labels { if labelIDMark[labels[i].ID] { labels[i].IsChecked = true hasSelected = true } } c.Data["HasSelectedLabel"] = hasSelected c.Data["Labels"] = labels // Check milestone and assignee. if c.Repo.IsWriter() { RetrieveRepoMilestonesAndAssignees(c, repo) if c.Written() { return } } if c.IsLogged { // Update issue-user. if err = issue.ReadBy(c.User.ID); err != nil { c.Error(err, "mark read by") return } } var ( tag db.CommentTag ok bool marked = make(map[int64]db.CommentTag) comment *db.Comment participants = make([]*db.User, 1, 10) ) // Render comments and and fetch participants. participants[0] = issue.Poster for _, comment = range issue.Comments { if comment.Type == db.COMMENT_TYPE_COMMENT { comment.RenderedContent = string(markup.Markdown(comment.Content, c.Repo.RepoLink, c.Repo.Repository.ComposeMetas())) // Check tag. tag, ok = marked[comment.PosterID] if ok { comment.ShowTag = tag continue } if repo.IsOwnedBy(comment.PosterID) || (repo.Owner.IsOrganization() && repo.Owner.IsOwnedBy(comment.PosterID)) { comment.ShowTag = db.COMMENT_TAG_OWNER } else if db.Perms.Authorize( c.Req.Context(), comment.PosterID, repo.ID, db.AccessModeWrite, db.AccessModeOptions{ OwnerID: repo.OwnerID, Private: repo.IsPrivate, }, ) { comment.ShowTag = db.COMMENT_TAG_WRITER } else if comment.PosterID == issue.PosterID { comment.ShowTag = db.COMMENT_TAG_POSTER } marked[comment.PosterID] = comment.ShowTag isAdded := false for j := range participants { if comment.Poster == participants[j] { isAdded = true break } } if !isAdded && !issue.IsPoster(comment.Poster.ID) { participants = append(participants, comment.Poster) } } } if issue.IsPull && issue.PullRequest.HasMerged { pull := issue.PullRequest branchProtected := false protectBranch, err := db.GetProtectBranchOfRepoByName(pull.BaseRepoID, pull.HeadBranch) if err != nil { if !db.IsErrBranchNotExist(err) { c.Error(err, "get protect branch of repository by name") return } } else { branchProtected = protectBranch.Protected } c.Data["IsPullBranchDeletable"] = pull.BaseRepoID == pull.HeadRepoID && c.Repo.IsWriter() && c.Repo.GitRepo.HasBranch(pull.HeadBranch) && !branchProtected c.Data["DeleteBranchLink"] = c.Repo.MakeURL(url.URL{ Path: "branches/delete/" + pull.HeadBranch, RawQuery: fmt.Sprintf("commit=%s&redirect_to=%s", pull.MergedCommitID, c.Data["Link"]), }) } c.Data["Participants"] = participants c.Data["NumParticipants"] = len(participants) c.Data["Issue"] = issue c.Data["IsIssueOwner"] = c.Repo.IsWriter() || (c.IsLogged && issue.IsPoster(c.User.ID)) c.Data["SignInLink"] = conf.Server.Subpath + "/user/login?redirect_to=" + c.Data["Link"].(string) c.Success(ISSUE_VIEW) } func ViewIssue(c *context.Context) { viewIssue(c, false) } func ViewPull(c *context.Context) { viewIssue(c, true) } func getActionIssue(c *context.Context) *db.Issue { issue, err := db.GetIssueByIndex(c.Repo.Repository.ID, c.ParamsInt64(":index")) if err != nil { c.NotFoundOrError(err, "get issue by index") return nil } // Prevent guests accessing pull requests if !c.Repo.HasAccess() && issue.IsPull { c.NotFound() return nil } return issue } func UpdateIssueTitle(c *context.Context) { issue := getActionIssue(c) if c.Written() { return } if !c.IsLogged || (!issue.IsPoster(c.User.ID) && !c.Repo.IsWriter()) { c.Status(http.StatusForbidden) return } title := c.QueryTrim("title") if title == "" { c.Status(http.StatusNoContent) return } if err := issue.ChangeTitle(c.User, title); err != nil { c.Error(err, "change title") return } c.JSONSuccess(map[string]any{ "title": issue.Title, }) } func UpdateIssueContent(c *context.Context) { issue := getActionIssue(c) if c.Written() { return } if !c.IsLogged || (c.User.ID != issue.PosterID && !c.Repo.IsWriter()) { c.Status(http.StatusForbidden) return } content := c.Query("content") if err := issue.ChangeContent(c.User, content); err != nil { c.Error(err, "change content") return } c.JSONSuccess(map[string]string{ "content": string(markup.Markdown(issue.Content, c.Query("context"), c.Repo.Repository.ComposeMetas())), }) } func UpdateIssueLabel(c *context.Context) { issue := getActionIssue(c) if c.Written() { return } if c.Query("action") == "clear" { if err := issue.ClearLabels(c.User); err != nil { c.Error(err, "clear labels") return } } else { isAttach := c.Query("action") == "attach" label, err := db.GetLabelOfRepoByID(c.Repo.Repository.ID, c.QueryInt64("id")) if err != nil { c.NotFoundOrError(err, "get label by ID") return } if isAttach && !issue.HasLabel(label.ID) { if err = issue.AddLabel(c.User, label); err != nil { c.Error(err, "add label") return } } else if !isAttach && issue.HasLabel(label.ID) { if err = issue.RemoveLabel(c.User, label); err != nil { c.Error(err, "remove label") return } } } c.JSONSuccess(map[string]any{ "ok": true, }) } func UpdateIssueMilestone(c *context.Context) { issue := getActionIssue(c) if c.Written() { return } oldMilestoneID := issue.MilestoneID milestoneID := c.QueryInt64("id") if oldMilestoneID == milestoneID { c.JSONSuccess(map[string]any{ "ok": true, }) return } // Not check for invalid milestone id and give responsibility to owners. issue.MilestoneID = milestoneID if err := db.ChangeMilestoneAssign(c.User, issue, oldMilestoneID); err != nil { c.Error(err, "change milestone assign") return } c.JSONSuccess(map[string]any{ "ok": true, }) } func UpdateIssueAssignee(c *context.Context) { issue := getActionIssue(c) if c.Written() { return } assigneeID := c.QueryInt64("id") if issue.AssigneeID == assigneeID { c.JSONSuccess(map[string]any{ "ok": true, }) return } if err := issue.ChangeAssignee(c.User, assigneeID); err != nil { c.Error(err, "change assignee") return } c.JSONSuccess(map[string]any{ "ok": true, }) } func NewComment(c *context.Context, f form.CreateComment) { issue := getActionIssue(c) if c.Written() { return } var attachments []string if conf.Attachment.Enabled { attachments = f.Files } if c.HasError() { c.Flash.Error(c.Data["ErrorMsg"].(string)) c.RawRedirect(c.Repo.MakeURL(fmt.Sprintf("issues/%d", issue.Index))) return } var err error var comment *db.Comment defer func() { // Check if issue admin/poster changes the status of issue. if (c.Repo.IsWriter() || (c.IsLogged && issue.IsPoster(c.User.ID))) && (f.Status == "reopen" || f.Status == "close") && !(issue.IsPull && issue.PullRequest.HasMerged) { // Duplication and conflict check should apply to reopen pull request. var pr *db.PullRequest if f.Status == "reopen" && issue.IsPull { pull := issue.PullRequest pr, err = db.GetUnmergedPullRequest(pull.HeadRepoID, pull.BaseRepoID, pull.HeadBranch, pull.BaseBranch) if err != nil { if !db.IsErrPullRequestNotExist(err) { c.Error(err, "get unmerged pull request") return } } // Regenerate patch and test conflict. if pr == nil { if err = issue.PullRequest.UpdatePatch(); err != nil { c.Error(err, "update patch") return } issue.PullRequest.AddToTaskQueue() } } if pr != nil { c.Flash.Info(c.Tr("repo.pulls.open_unmerged_pull_exists", pr.Index)) } else { if err = issue.ChangeStatus(c.User, c.Repo.Repository, f.Status == "close"); err != nil { log.Error("ChangeStatus: %v", err) } else { log.Trace("Issue [%d] status changed to closed: %v", issue.ID, issue.IsClosed) } } } // Redirect to comment hashtag if there is any actual content. typeName := "issues" if issue.IsPull { typeName = "pulls" } location := url.URL{ Path: fmt.Sprintf("%s/%d", typeName, issue.Index), } if comment != nil { location.Fragment = comment.HashTag() } c.RawRedirect(c.Repo.MakeURL(location)) }() // Fix #321: Allow empty comments, as long as we have attachments. if f.Content == "" && len(attachments) == 0 { return } comment, err = db.CreateIssueComment(c.User, c.Repo.Repository, issue, f.Content, attachments) if err != nil { c.Error(err, "create issue comment") return } log.Trace("Comment created: %d/%d/%d", c.Repo.Repository.ID, issue.ID, comment.ID) } func UpdateCommentContent(c *context.Context) { comment, err := db.GetCommentByID(c.ParamsInt64(":id")) if err != nil { c.NotFoundOrError(err, "get comment by ID") return } if c.UserID() != comment.PosterID && !c.Repo.IsAdmin() { c.NotFound() return } else if comment.Type != db.COMMENT_TYPE_COMMENT { c.Status(http.StatusNoContent) return } oldContent := comment.Content comment.Content = c.Query("content") if comment.Content == "" { c.JSONSuccess(map[string]any{ "content": "", }) return } if err = db.UpdateComment(c.User, comment, oldContent); err != nil { c.Error(err, "update comment") return } c.JSONSuccess(map[string]string{ "content": string(markup.Markdown(comment.Content, c.Query("context"), c.Repo.Repository.ComposeMetas())), }) } func DeleteComment(c *context.Context) { comment, err := db.GetCommentByID(c.ParamsInt64(":id")) if err != nil { c.NotFoundOrError(err, "get comment by ID") return } if c.UserID() != comment.PosterID && !c.Repo.IsAdmin() { c.NotFound() return } else if comment.Type != db.COMMENT_TYPE_COMMENT { c.Status(http.StatusNoContent) return } if err = db.DeleteCommentByID(c.User, comment.ID); err != nil { c.Error(err, "delete comment by ID") return } c.Status(http.StatusOK) } func Labels(c *context.Context) { c.Data["Title"] = c.Tr("repo.labels") c.Data["PageIsIssueList"] = true c.Data["PageIsLabels"] = true c.Data["RequireMinicolors"] = true c.Data["LabelTemplates"] = db.LabelTemplates c.Success(LABELS) } func InitializeLabels(c *context.Context, f form.InitializeLabels) { if c.HasError() { c.RawRedirect(c.Repo.MakeURL("labels")) return } list, err := db.GetLabelTemplateFile(f.TemplateName) if err != nil { c.Flash.Error(c.Tr("repo.issues.label_templates.fail_to_load_file", f.TemplateName, err)) c.RawRedirect(c.Repo.MakeURL("labels")) return } labels := make([]*db.Label, len(list)) for i := 0; i < len(list); i++ { labels[i] = &db.Label{ RepoID: c.Repo.Repository.ID, Name: list[i][0], Color: list[i][1], } } if err := db.NewLabels(labels...); err != nil { c.Error(err, "new labels") return } c.RawRedirect(c.Repo.MakeURL("labels")) } func NewLabel(c *context.Context, f form.CreateLabel) { c.Data["Title"] = c.Tr("repo.labels") c.Data["PageIsLabels"] = true if c.HasError() { c.Flash.Error(c.Data["ErrorMsg"].(string)) c.RawRedirect(c.Repo.MakeURL("labels")) return } l := &db.Label{ RepoID: c.Repo.Repository.ID, Name: f.Title, Color: f.Color, } if err := db.NewLabels(l); err != nil { c.Error(err, "new labels") return } c.RawRedirect(c.Repo.MakeURL("labels")) } func UpdateLabel(c *context.Context, f form.CreateLabel) { l, err := db.GetLabelByID(f.ID) if err != nil { c.NotFoundOrError(err, "get label by ID") return } l.Name = f.Title l.Color = f.Color if err := db.UpdateLabel(l); err != nil { c.Error(err, "update label") return } c.RawRedirect(c.Repo.MakeURL("labels")) } func DeleteLabel(c *context.Context) { if err := db.DeleteLabel(c.Repo.Repository.ID, c.QueryInt64("id")); err != nil { c.Flash.Error("DeleteLabel: " + err.Error()) } else { c.Flash.Success(c.Tr("repo.issues.label_deletion_success")) } c.JSONSuccess(map[string]any{ "redirect": c.Repo.MakeURL("labels"), }) } func Milestones(c *context.Context) { c.Data["Title"] = c.Tr("repo.milestones") c.Data["PageIsIssueList"] = true c.Data["PageIsMilestones"] = true isShowClosed := c.Query("state") == "closed" openCount, closedCount := db.MilestoneStats(c.Repo.Repository.ID) c.Data["OpenCount"] = openCount c.Data["ClosedCount"] = closedCount page := c.QueryInt("page") if page <= 1 { page = 1 } var total int if !isShowClosed { total = int(openCount) } else { total = int(closedCount) } c.Data["Page"] = paginater.New(total, conf.UI.IssuePagingNum, page, 5) miles, err := db.GetMilestones(c.Repo.Repository.ID, page, isShowClosed) if err != nil { c.Error(err, "get milestones") return } for _, m := range miles { m.NumOpenIssues = int(m.CountIssues(false, false)) m.NumClosedIssues = int(m.CountIssues(true, false)) if m.NumOpenIssues+m.NumClosedIssues > 0 { m.Completeness = m.NumClosedIssues * 100 / (m.NumOpenIssues + m.NumClosedIssues) } m.RenderedContent = string(markup.Markdown(m.Content, c.Repo.RepoLink, c.Repo.Repository.ComposeMetas())) } c.Data["Milestones"] = miles if isShowClosed { c.Data["State"] = "closed" } else { c.Data["State"] = "open" } c.Data["IsShowClosed"] = isShowClosed c.Success(MILESTONE) } func NewMilestone(c *context.Context) { c.Data["Title"] = c.Tr("repo.milestones.new") c.Data["PageIsIssueList"] = true c.Data["PageIsMilestones"] = true c.Data["RequireDatetimepicker"] = true c.Data["DateLang"] = conf.I18n.DateLang(c.Locale.Language()) c.Success(MILESTONE_NEW) } func NewMilestonePost(c *context.Context, f form.CreateMilestone) { c.Data["Title"] = c.Tr("repo.milestones.new") c.Data["PageIsIssueList"] = true c.Data["PageIsMilestones"] = true c.Data["RequireDatetimepicker"] = true c.Data["DateLang"] = conf.I18n.DateLang(c.Locale.Language()) if c.HasError() { c.Success(MILESTONE_NEW) return } if f.Deadline == "" { f.Deadline = "9999-12-31" } deadline, err := time.ParseInLocation("2006-01-02", f.Deadline, time.Local) if err != nil { c.Data["Err_Deadline"] = true c.RenderWithErr(c.Tr("repo.milestones.invalid_due_date_format"), MILESTONE_NEW, &f) return } if err = db.NewMilestone(&db.Milestone{ RepoID: c.Repo.Repository.ID, Name: f.Title, Content: f.Content, Deadline: deadline, }); err != nil { c.Error(err, "new milestone") return } c.Flash.Success(c.Tr("repo.milestones.create_success", f.Title)) c.RawRedirect(c.Repo.MakeURL("milestones")) } func EditMilestone(c *context.Context) { c.Data["Title"] = c.Tr("repo.milestones.edit") c.Data["PageIsMilestones"] = true c.Data["PageIsEditMilestone"] = true c.Data["RequireDatetimepicker"] = true c.Data["DateLang"] = conf.I18n.DateLang(c.Locale.Language()) m, err := db.GetMilestoneByRepoID(c.Repo.Repository.ID, c.ParamsInt64(":id")) if err != nil { c.NotFoundOrError(err, "get milestone by repository ID") return } c.Data["title"] = m.Name c.Data["content"] = m.Content if len(m.DeadlineString) > 0 { c.Data["deadline"] = m.DeadlineString } c.Success(MILESTONE_NEW) } func EditMilestonePost(c *context.Context, f form.CreateMilestone) { c.Data["Title"] = c.Tr("repo.milestones.edit") c.Data["PageIsMilestones"] = true c.Data["PageIsEditMilestone"] = true c.Data["RequireDatetimepicker"] = true c.Data["DateLang"] = conf.I18n.DateLang(c.Locale.Language()) if c.HasError() { c.Success(MILESTONE_NEW) return } if f.Deadline == "" { f.Deadline = "9999-12-31" } deadline, err := time.ParseInLocation("2006-01-02", f.Deadline, time.Local) if err != nil { c.Data["Err_Deadline"] = true c.RenderWithErr(c.Tr("repo.milestones.invalid_due_date_format"), MILESTONE_NEW, &f) return } m, err := db.GetMilestoneByRepoID(c.Repo.Repository.ID, c.ParamsInt64(":id")) if err != nil { c.NotFoundOrError(err, "get milestone by repository ID") return } m.Name = f.Title m.Content = f.Content m.Deadline = deadline if err = db.UpdateMilestone(m); err != nil { c.Error(err, "update milestone") return } c.Flash.Success(c.Tr("repo.milestones.edit_success", m.Name)) c.RawRedirect(c.Repo.MakeURL("milestones")) } func ChangeMilestonStatus(c *context.Context) { m, err := db.GetMilestoneByRepoID(c.Repo.Repository.ID, c.ParamsInt64(":id")) if err != nil { c.NotFoundOrError(err, "get milestone by repository ID") return } location := url.URL{ Path: "milestones", } switch c.Params(":action") { case "open": if m.IsClosed { if err = db.ChangeMilestoneStatus(m, false); err != nil { c.Error(err, "change milestone status to open") return } } location.RawQuery = "state=open" case "close": if !m.IsClosed { m.ClosedDate = time.Now() if err = db.ChangeMilestoneStatus(m, true); err != nil { c.Error(err, "change milestone status to closed") return } } location.RawQuery = "state=closed" } c.RawRedirect(c.Repo.MakeURL(location)) } func DeleteMilestone(c *context.Context) { if err := db.DeleteMilestoneOfRepoByID(c.Repo.Repository.ID, c.QueryInt64("id")); err != nil { c.Flash.Error("DeleteMilestoneByRepoID: " + err.Error()) } else { c.Flash.Success(c.Tr("repo.milestones.deletion_success")) } c.JSONSuccess(map[string]any{ "redirect": c.Repo.MakeURL("milestones"), }) }