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Merge pull request #83 from dockboard/master

Add postgresql support in docker deployed.
无闻 il y a 11 ans

+ 5 - 3

@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
 ### Gogs Install With Docker
+#### Gogs With MySQL
 Deply gogs in [Docker]( is just as easy as eating a pie, what you do is just open the `dockerfiles/` file, replace the confis:
@@ -35,11 +39,9 @@ http://YOUR_HOST_IP:YOUR_HOST_PORT
 Let's 'gogs'!
-#### Gogs With MySQL
 #### Gogs With PostgreSQL
+Installing Gogs with PostgreSQL is nearly the same with installing it with MySQL. What you do is just change the DB_TYPE in to 'postgres'.
 #### Gogs, MySQL With Redis

+ 17 - 13

@@ -1,25 +1,29 @@
 # Configs of the docker images, you might have specify your own configs here.
+# type of database, support 'mysql' and 'postgres'
-# Replace the mysql root password in MySQL image Dockerfile.
-sed -i "s/THE_MYSQL_PASSWORD/$MYSQL_PASSWORD/g" images/mysql/Dockerfile
-# Replace the mysql root password in gogits image Dockerfile.
-sed -i "s/THE_MYSQL_PASSWORD/$MYSQL_PASSWORD/g" images/gogits/
+# Replace the database root password in database image Dockerfile.
+sed -i "s/THE_DB_PASSWORD/$DB_PASSWORD/g" images/$DB_TYPE/Dockerfile
+# Replace the database root password in gogits image file. 
+sed -i "s/THE_DB_PASSWORD/$DB_PASSWORD/g" images/gogits/
+# Replace the database type in gogits image file. 
+sed -i "s/THE_DB_TYPE/$DB_TYPE/g" images/gogits/
-# Build the MySQL image
-cd images/mysql
-docker build -t gogs/mysql .
+# Build the database image
+cd images/$DB_TYPE
+docker build -t gogs/$DB_TYPE .
 ## Build the gogits image
 cd ../gogits
 docker build -t gogs/gogits .
 ## Run MySQL image with name
-docker run -d --name $MYSQL_RUN_NAME gogs/mysql
+docker run -d --name $DB_RUN_NAME gogs/$DB_TYPE
-## Run gogits image and link it to the MySQL image
-echo "Now we have the MySQL image(running) and gogs image, use the follow command to start gogs service:"
-echo -e "\033[33m docker run -i -t --link $MYSQL_RUN_NAME:db -p $HOST_PORT:3000 gogs/gogits \033[0m"
+## Run gogits image and link it to the database image
+echo "Now we have the $DB_TYPE image(running) and gogs image, use the follow command to start gogs service:"
+echo -e "\033[33m docker run -i -t --link $DB_RUN_NAME:db -p $HOST_PORT:3000 gogs/gogits \033[0m"

+ 25 - 23

@@ -1,27 +1,29 @@
-# Configs
-typeset -u MYSQL_ALIAS
+# Configs of the docker images, you might have specify your own configs here.
+# type of database, support 'mysql' and 'postgres'
-# Replace the mysql root password in MySQL image Dockerfile.
-sed -i "s/THE_MYSQL_PASSWORD/$MYSQL_PASSWORD/g" images/mysql/Dockerfile
-# Replace the mysql root password in gogits image Dockerfile.
-sed -i "s/THE_MYSQL_PASSWORD/$MYSQL_PASSWORD/g" images/gogits/Dockerfile
+# Replace the database root password in database image Dockerfile.
+sed -i "s/THE_DB_PASSWORD/$DB_PASSWORD/g" images/$DB_TYPE/Dockerfile
+# Replace the database root password in gogits image file. 
+sed -i "s/THE_DB_PASSWORD/$DB_PASSWORD/g" images/gogits/
+# Replace the database type in gogits image file. 
+sed -i "s/THE_DB_TYPE/$DB_TYPE/g" images/gogits/
-# Build the MySQL image
-cd images/mysql
-docker build -i gogs/mysql .
-# Build the gogits image
-cd images/gogits
-docker build -i gogs/gogits .
-# Run MySQL image with name
-docker run -d --name $MYSQL_RUN_NAME gogs/mysql
-# Run gogits image and link it to the MySQL image
-docker run --link $MYSQL_RUN_NAME:$MYSQL_ALIAS -p $HOST_PORT:3000 gogs/gogits
+# Build the database image
+cd images/$DB_TYPE
+docker build -t gogs/$DB_TYPE .
+## Build the gogits image
+cd ../gogits
+docker build -t gogs/gogits .
+## Run MySQL image with name
+docker run -d --name $DB_RUN_NAME gogs/$DB_TYPE
+## Run gogits image and link it to the database image
+echo "Now we have the $DB_TYPE image(running) and gogs image, use the follow command to start gogs service:"
+echo -e "\033[33m docker run -i -t --link $DB_RUN_NAME:db -p $HOST_PORT:3000 gogs/gogits \033[0m"

+ 23 - 8

@@ -1,19 +1,34 @@
 # in gogits image, replace the configs and run gogs
-## Replace the mysql password
-MYSQL_PASSWORD_LINE=`awk '$0 ~ str{print NR+1}' str="USER = root" $GOPATH/src/`
+## Replace the database password
+DB_TYPE_LINE=`awk '$0 ~ str{print NR}' str="DB_TYPE = mysql" $GOPATH/src/`
+DB_PASSWORD_LINE=`awk '$0 ~ str{print NR+1}' str="USER = root" $GOPATH/src/`
+sed -i "${DB_TYPE_LINE}s/.*$/DB_TYPE = $DB_TYPE/g" $GOPATH/src/ 
+sed -i "${DB_PASSWORD_LINE}s/.*$/PASSWD = $DB_PASSWORD/g" $GOPATH/src/ 
-## Replace the mysql address and port
-# When using --link in docker run, the mysql image's info looks like this:
+if [ $DB_TYPE = "postgres" ]
+  then
+  # Add the postgres in gogs image.
+  apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys B97B0AFCAA1A47F044F244A07FCC7D46ACCC4CF8
+  echo "deb precise-pgdg main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list
+  apt-get update
+  apt-get -y -q install python-software-properties software-properties-common
+  apt-get -y -q install postgresql-9.3 postgresql-client-9.3 postgresql-contrib-9.3
+## Replace the database address and port
+# When using --link in docker run, the database image's info looks like this:
 # DB_PORT=tcp://
 # DB_PORT_3306_TCP_PORT=3306
 # DB_PORT_3306_TCP_PROTO=tcp
-sed -i "/HOST =\HOST = $DB_PORT_3306_TCP_ADDR:$DB_PORT_3306_TCP_PORT" $GOPATH/src/
+#sed -i "/HOST =\HOST = $DB_PORT_3306_TCP_ADDR:$DB_PORT_3306_TCP_PORT" $GOPATH/src/
+sed -i "/HOST =\HOST = `echo $DB_PORT | cut -d '/' -f 3`" $GOPATH/src/
 cd $GOPATH/src/ 
 # The sudo is a must here, or the go within docker container won't get the current user by os.Getenv("USERNAME")

+ 0 - 0
dockerfiles/images/posgresql/.gitkeep → dockerfiles/images/postgres/.gitkeep

+ 49 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+FROM ubuntu
+MAINTAINER [email protected]
+# Add the PostgreSQL PGP key to verify their Debian packages.
+# It should be the same key as 
+RUN apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys B97B0AFCAA1A47F044F244A07FCC7D46ACCC4CF8
+# Add PostgreSQL's repository. It contains the most recent stable release
+#     of PostgreSQL, ``9.3``.
+RUN echo "deb precise-pgdg main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list
+# Update the Ubuntu and PostgreSQL repository indexes
+RUN apt-get update
+# Install ``python-software-properties``, ``software-properties-common`` and PostgreSQL 9.3
+#  There are some warnings (in red) that show up during the build. You can hide
+#  them by prefixing each apt-get statement with DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
+RUN apt-get -y -q install python-software-properties software-properties-common
+RUN apt-get -y -q install postgresql-9.3 postgresql-client-9.3 postgresql-contrib-9.3
+# Note: The official Debian and Ubuntu images automatically ``apt-get clean``
+# after each ``apt-get`` 
+# Run the rest of the commands as the ``postgres`` user created by the ``postgres-9.3`` package when it was ``apt-get installed``
+USER postgres
+# Create a PostgreSQL role named ``docker`` with ``docker`` as the password and
+# then create a database `docker` owned by the ``docker`` role.
+# Note: here we use ``&&\`` to run commands one after the other - the ``\``
+#       allows the RUN command to span multiple lines.
+RUN    /etc/init.d/postgresql start &&\
+    createdb -O root gogs
+# Adjust PostgreSQL configuration so that remote connections to the
+# database are possible. 
+RUN echo "host all  all  md5" >> /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/pg_hba.conf
+# And add ``listen_addresses`` to ``/etc/postgresql/9.3/main/postgresql.conf``
+RUN echo "listen_addresses='*'" >> /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/postgresql.conf
+# Expose the PostgreSQL port
+EXPOSE 5432
+# Add VOLUMEs to allow backup of config, logs and databases
+VOLUME	["/etc/postgresql", "/var/log/postgresql", "/var/lib/postgresql"]
+# Set the default command to run when starting the container
+CMD ["/usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/bin/postgres", "-D", "/var/lib/postgresql/9.3/main", "-c", "config_file=/etc/postgresql/9.3/main/postgresql.conf"]