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build: remove Makefile and update Docker build steps (#6980)

Joe Chen 2 years ago
8 changed files with 60 additions and 91 deletions
  1. 2 1
  2. 2 1
  3. 5 13
  4. 0 59
  5. 1 1
  6. 30 0
  7. 20 0
  8. 0 16

+ 2 - 1

@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ scripts
@@ -12,3 +11,5 @@ config.codekit

+ 2 - 1

@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ All notable changes to Gogs are documented in this file.
 - The default branch has been changed to `main`. [#6285](
 - MSSQL as database backend is deprecated, installation page no longer shows it as an option. Existing installations and manually craft configuration file continue to work. [#6295](
-- Use [Task]( as the default build tool for development. [#6297](
+- Use [Task]( as the build tool. [#6297](
 - The required Go version to compile source code changed to 1.16.
 ### Fixed
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ All notable changes to Gogs are documented in this file.
 - Configuration option `[server] LANDING_PAGE` is no longer used, please use `[server] LANDING_URL`.
 - Configuration option `[database] DB_TYPE` is no longer used, please use `[database] TYPE`.
 - Configuration option `[database] PASSWD` is no longer used, please use `[database] PASSWORD`.
+- Remove option to use Makefile as the build tool. [#6980](
 ## 0.12.7

+ 5 - 13

@@ -7,20 +7,12 @@ RUN apk --no-cache --no-progress add --virtual \
 COPY . .
-RUN make build TAGS="cert pam"
+RUN ./docker/build/
+RUN TAGS="cert pam" task build
 FROM alpine:3.14
-RUN if [ `uname -m` == "aarch64" ] ; then \
-      export arch="arm64" ; \
-  elif [ `uname -m` == "armv7l" ] ; then \
-      export arch="armhf"; \
-  else \
-      export arch="amd64" ; \
-  fi \
-  && wget$arch -O /usr/sbin/gosu \
-  && chmod +x /usr/sbin/gosu \
-  && echo >> /etc/apk/repositories \
-  && apk --no-cache --no-progress add \
+RUN apk --no-cache --no-progress add \
   bash \
   ca-certificates \
   curl \
@@ -42,7 +34,7 @@ WORKDIR /app/gogs
 COPY docker ./docker
 COPY --from=binarybuilder / .
-RUN ./docker/
+RUN ./docker/build/
 # Configure Docker Container
 VOLUME ["/data", "/backup"]

+ 0 - 59

@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-LDFLAGS += -X "$(shell date -u '+%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S %Z')"
-LDFLAGS += -X "$(shell git rev-parse HEAD)"
-CONF_FILES := $(shell find conf | sed 's/ /\\ /g')
-TEMPLATES_FILES := $(shell find templates | sed 's/ /\\ /g')
-PUBLIC_FILES := $(shell find public | sed 's/ /\\ /g')
-LESS_FILES := $(wildcard public/less/*.less)
-TAGS = ""
-RELEASE_ROOT = "release"
-RELEASE_GOGS = "release/gogs"
-NOW = $(shell date -u '+%Y%m%d%I%M%S')
-.PHONY: check dist build build-no-gen pack release generate less clean test fixme todo legacy
-.IGNORE: public/css/gogs.css
-all: build
-check: test
-dist: release
-web: build
-	./gogs web
-	go build $(BUILD_FLAGS) -ldflags '$(LDFLAGS)' -tags '$(TAGS)' -trimpath -o gogs
-	rm -rf $(RELEASE_GOGS)
-	mkdir -p $(RELEASE_GOGS)
-	cp -r gogs LICENSE scripts $(RELEASE_GOGS)
-	cd $(RELEASE_ROOT) && zip -r gogs.$(NOW).zip "gogs"
-release: build pack
-less: clean public/css/gogs.min.css
-public/css/gogs.min.css: $(LESS_FILES)
-	@type lessc >/dev/null 2>&1 && lessc --clean-css --source-map "public/less/gogs.less" $@ || echo "lessc command not found or failed"
-	find . -name "*.DS_Store" -type f -delete
-	go test -cover -race ./...
-	grep -rnw "FIXME" internal
-	grep -rnw "TODO" internal
-# Legacy code should be removed by the time of release
-	grep -rnw "\(LEGACY\|Deprecated\)" internal

+ 1 - 1

@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ $ docker run --name=gogs -p 10022:22 -p 10880:3000 -v gogs-data:/data gogs/gogs
 Most of the settings are obvious and easy to understand, but there are some settings can be confusing by running Gogs inside Docker:
 - **Repository Root Path**: keep it as default value `/home/git/gogs-repositories` because `` already made a symbolic link for you.
-- **Run User**: keep it as default value `git` because `` already setup a user with name `git`.
+- **Run User**: keep it as default value `git` because `build/` already setup a user with name `git`.
 - **Domain**: fill in with Docker container IP (e.g. ``). But if you want to access your Gogs instance from a different physical machine, please fill in with the hostname or IP address of the Docker host machine.
 - **SSH Port**: Use the exposed port from Docker container. For example, your SSH server listens on `22` inside Docker, **but** you expose it by `10022:22`, then use `10022` for this value. **Builtin SSH server is not recommended inside Docker Container**
 - **HTTP Port**: Use port you want Gogs to listen on inside Docker container. For example, your Gogs listens on `3000` inside Docker, **and** you expose it by `10880:3000`, but you still use `3000` for this value.

+ 30 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+set -xe
+# Install gosu
+if [ "$(uname -m)" = "aarch64" ]; then
+  export arch='arm64'
+  export checksum='73244a858f5514a927a0f2510d533b4b57169b64d2aa3f9d98d92a7a7df80cea'
+elif [ "$(uname -m)" = "armv7l" ]; then
+  export arch='armhf'
+  export checksum='abb1489357358b443789571d52b5410258ddaca525ee7ac3ba0dd91d34484589'
+  export arch='amd64'
+  export checksum='bd8be776e97ec2b911190a82d9ab3fa6c013ae6d3121eea3d0bfd5c82a0eaf8c'
+wget --quiet${arch} -O /usr/sbin/gosu
+echo "${checksum}  /usr/sbin/gosu" | sha256sum -cs
+chmod +x /usr/sbin/gosu
+# Create git user for Gogs
+addgroup -S git
+adduser -G git -H -D -g 'Gogs Git User' git -h /data/git -s /bin/bash && usermod -p '*' git && passwd -u git
+echo "export GOGS_CUSTOM=${GOGS_CUSTOM}" >> /etc/profile
+# Final cleaning
+rm -rf /app/gogs/build
+rm -rf /app/gogs/docker/build
+rm /app/gogs/docker/nsswitch.conf
+rm /app/gogs/docker/

+ 20 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+set -xe
+if [ "$(uname -m)" = "aarch64" ]; then
+  export arch='arm64'
+  export checksum='44fad3d61ad39d0abff33f90fdbb99a666524dbeab08dc9d138d5d3a532ff68a'
+elif [ "$(uname -m)" = "armv7l" ]; then
+  export arch='arm'
+  export checksum='b10ae7d85749025740097b0c349b946fbabd417c7ee4d2df8ccc5604750accd9'
+  export arch='amd64'
+  export checksum='b9c5986f33a53094751b5e22ccc33e050b4a0a485658442121331cbb724e631e'
+wget --quiet${arch}.tar.gz -O task_linux_${arch}.tar.gz
+echo "${checksum}  task_linux_${arch}.tar.gz" | sha256sum -cs
+tar -xzf task_linux_${arch}.tar.gz
+mv task /usr/local/bin/task

+ 0 - 16

@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-# Finalize the build
-set -x
-set -e
-# Create git user for Gogs
-addgroup -S git
-adduser -G git -H -D -g 'Gogs Git User' git -h /data/git -s /bin/bash && usermod -p '*' git && passwd -u git
-echo "export GOGS_CUSTOM=${GOGS_CUSTOM}" >> /etc/profile
-# Final cleaning
-rm -rf /app/gogs/build
-rm /app/gogs/docker/
-rm /app/gogs/docker/nsswitch.conf
-rm /app/gogs/docker/