Browse Source

Squashed commit of the following:

commit 0afcb843d7ffd596991c4885cab768273a6eb42c
Author: Richard Mahn <[email protected]>
Date:   Sun Jul 31 17:13:29 2016 -0600

    Removed Upload stats as the upload table is just a temporary table

commit 7ecd73ff5535612d79d471409173ee7f1fcfa157
Author: Richard Mahn <[email protected]>
Date:   Sun Jul 31 08:42:41 2016 -0600

    Fix for CodeMirror mode

commit c29b9ab531e2e7af0fb5db24dc17e51027dd1174
Author: Richard Mahn <[email protected]>
Date:   Sun Jul 31 08:03:33 2016 -0600

    Made tabbing in editor use spaces

commit 23af384c53206a8a40e11e45bf49d7a149c4adcd
Author: Richard Mahn <[email protected]>
Date:   Sun Jul 31 07:56:46 2016 -0600

    Fix for data-url

commit cfb8a97591cb6fc0a92e49563b7b764c524db0e9
Merge: 7fc8a89 991ce42
Author: Richard Mahn <[email protected]>
Date:   Sun Jul 31 07:42:53 2016 -0600

    Merge remote-tracking branch 'gogits/develop' into feature-create-and-edit-repo-file


commit 7fc8a89cb495478225b02d613e647f99a1489634
Merge: fd3d86c c03d040
Author: Richard Mahn <[email protected]>
Date:   Sun Jul 31 07:40:00 2016 -0600

    Merge branch 'feature-create-and-edit-repo-file' of into feature-create-and-edit-repo-file

commit fd3d86ca6bbc02cfda566a504ffd6b03db4f75ef
Author: Richard Mahn <[email protected]>
Date:   Sun Jul 31 07:39:44 2016 -0600

    Code cleanup

commit c03d0401c1049eeeccc32ab1f9c3303c130be5ee
Author: Richard Mahn <[email protected]>
Date:   Fri Jul 29 15:38:23 2016 -0600

    Code cleanup

commit 98e1206ccf9f9a4503c020e3a7830cf9f861dfae
Author: Richard Mahn <[email protected]>
Date:   Thu Jul 28 18:36:01 2016 -0600

    Code cleanup and fixes

commit c2895dc742f25f8412879c9fa15e18f27f42f194
Author: Richard Mahn <[email protected]>
Date:   Thu Jul 28 18:24:04 2016 -0600

    Fixes per Unknwon's requests

commit 6aa7e46b21ad4c96e562daa2eac26a8fb408f8ef
Merge: 889e9fa ad7ea88
Author: Richard Mahn <[email protected]>
Date:   Thu Jul 28 17:13:43 2016 -0600

    Merge remote-tracking branch 'gogits/develop' into feature-create-and-edit-repo-file


commit 889e9faf1bd8559a4979c8f46005d488c1a234d4
Author: Richard Mahn <[email protected]>
Date:   Fri Jul 22 14:09:18 2016 -0600

    Fix in gogs.js

commit 47603edf223f147b114be65f3bd27bc1e88827a5
Merge: bb57912 cf85e9e
Author: Richard Mahn <[email protected]>
Date:   Fri Jul 22 14:07:36 2016 -0600

    Merge remote-tracking branch 'gogits/develop' into feature-create-and-edit-repo-file


commit bb5791255867a71c11a77b639db050ad09c597a4
Author: Richard Mahn <[email protected]>
Date:   Fri Jul 22 14:02:18 2016 -0600

    Update for using CodeMirror mode addon

commit d10d128c51039be19e2af9c66c63db66a9f2ec6d
Author: Richard Mahn <[email protected]>
Date:   Tue Jul 19 16:12:57 2016 -0600

    Update for Edit

commit 34a34982025144e3225e389f7849eb6273c1d576
Merge: fa1b752 1c7dcdd
Author: Richard Mahn <[email protected]>
Date:   Tue Jul 19 11:52:02 2016 -0600

    Merge remote-tracking branch 'gogits/develop' into feature-create-and-edit-repo-file


commit fa1b752be29cd455c5184ddac2ffe80b3489763e
Author: Richard Mahn <[email protected]>
Date:   Fri Jul 15 18:35:42 2016 -0600

    Feature for editing, creating, uploading and deleting files
Richard Mahn 8 years ago

+ 14 - 0

@@ -497,6 +497,20 @@ func runWeb(ctx *cli.Context) error {
 		m.Combo("/compare/*", repo.MustAllowPulls).Get(repo.CompareAndPullRequest).
 			Post(bindIgnErr(auth.CreateIssueForm{}), repo.CompareAndPullRequestPost)
+		m.Group("", func() {
+			m.Combo("/_edit/*").Get(repo.EditFile).
+				Post(bindIgnErr(auth.EditRepoFileForm{}), repo.EditFilePost)
+			m.Combo("/_new/*").Get(repo.NewFile).
+				Post(bindIgnErr(auth.EditRepoFileForm{}), repo.NewFilePost)
+			m.Post("/preview/*", bindIgnErr(auth.EditPreviewDiffForm{}), repo.DiffPreviewPost)
+			m.Combo("/upload/*").Get(repo.UploadFile).
+				Post(bindIgnErr(auth.UploadRepoFileForm{}), repo.UploadFilePost)
+			m.Post("/delete/*", bindIgnErr(auth.DeleteRepoFileForm{}), repo.DeleteFilePost)
+			m.Post("/branches", bindIgnErr(auth.NewBranchForm{}), repo.NewBranchPost)
+			m.Post("/upload-file", repo.UploadFileToServer)
+			m.Post("/upload-remove", bindIgnErr(auth.RemoveUploadFileForm{}), repo.RemoveUploadFileFromServer)
+		}, context.RepoRef(), context.RepoAssignment(), reqRepoWriter)
 	}, reqSignIn, context.RepoAssignment(), repo.MustBeNotBare)
 	m.Group("/:username/:reponame", func() {

+ 23 - 0

@@ -20,6 +20,26 @@ MAX_CREATION_LIMIT = -1
 ; Patch test queue length, make it as large as possible
+; List of file extensions that should have line wraps in the CodeMirror editor
+; Separate extensions with a comma. To line wrap files w/o extension, just put a comma
+LINE_WRAP_EXTENSIONS = .txt,.md,.markdown,.mdown,.mkd,
+; Valid file modes that have a preview API associated with them, such as api/v1/markdown
+; Separate values by commas. Preview tab in edit mode won't show if the file extension doesn't match
+PREVIEW_TAB_APIS = markdown
+; Whether repository file uploads are enabled. Defaults to `true`
+; Path for uploads. Defaults to `data/tmp/uploads` (tmp gets deleted on gogs restart)
+TEMP_PATH = data/tmp/uploads
+; One or more allowed types, e.g. image/jpeg|image/png. Nothing means any file type
+; Max size of each file in MB. Defaults to 32MB
+; Max number of files per upload. Defaults to 10
 ; Number of repositories that are showed in one explore page
@@ -54,6 +74,9 @@ ENABLE_HARD_LINE_BREAK = false
 ; List of custom URL-Schemes that are allowed as links when rendering Markdown
 ; for example git,magnet
+; List of file extensions that should be rendered/edited as Markdown
+; Separate extensions with a comma. To render files w/o extension as markdown, just put a comma
+MD_FILE_EXTENSIONS = .md,.markdown,.mdown,.mkd
 PROTOCOL = http

+ 52 - 0

@@ -189,6 +189,13 @@ TeamName = Team name
 AuthName = Authorization name
 AdminEmail = Admin email
+NewBranchName = New branch name
+CommitSummary = Commit summary
+CommitMessage = Commit message
+CommitChoice = Commit choice
+TreeName = File path
+Content = Content
 require_error = ` cannot be empty.`
 alpha_dash_error = ` must be valid alpha or numeric or dash(-_) characters.`
 alpha_dash_dot_error = ` must be valid alpha or numeric or dash(-_) or dot characters.`
@@ -419,6 +426,51 @@ file_view_raw = View Raw
 file_permalink = Permalink
 file_too_large = This file is too large to be shown
+cancel = Cancel
+cancel_lower = cancel
+or = or
+new_file = New file
+upload_files = Upload files
+find_file = Find file
+commit_changes = Commit Changes
+default_commit_message = Add an optional extended description...
+last_commit_info = %s edited this file %s
+delete_this_file = Delete this file
+edit_this_file = Edit this file
+edit_file = Edit file
+delete_confirm_message = Are you sure you want to delete this file?
+delete_commit_message = Write a note about this delete (optional)
+file_editing_no_longer_exists = The file you are editing no longer exists in the repository
+file_already_exists = A file by that name already exists
+unable_to_update_file = Unable to update this file, error occurred
+add = Add
+update = Update
+filename_cannot_be_empty = Filename cannot be empty
+directory_is_a_file = One of the directories in the path is already a file in this repository
+filename_is_a_directory = The filename given is an existing directory in the repository
+must_be_on_branch = You must be on a branch to make or propose changes to this file
+must_be_writer = You must have write access to make or propose changes to this file
+cannot_edit_binary_files = Cannot edit binary files
+filename_help = To add directory, just type it and press /. To remove a directory, go to the beginning of the field and press backspace.
+fork_before_edit = You must fork this before editing
+branch_already_exists = Branch already exists
+create_new_branch = Create a %s for this commit and start a pull request.
+new_branch = new branch
+commit_directly_to_this_branch = Commit directly to the %s branch.
+create_branch = Create branch
+from = from
+upload_file = Upload file
+add_files_to_dir = Add files to %s
+unable_to_upload_files = Unable to upload files, an error occurred.
+add_subdir = Add subdirectory...
+name_your_file = Name your file...
+user_has_committed_since_you_started_editing = %s has committed since you started editing.
+see_what_changed = See what changed.
+pressing_commit_again_will_overwrite_those_changes = Pressing '%s' again will overwrite those changes.
+copy_file_path_to_clipboard = Copy file path to clipboard
+preview_changes = Preview Changes
+no_changes_to_show = There are no changes to show.
 commits.commits = Commits = Search commits
 commits.find = Find

+ 37 - 0

@@ -417,6 +417,19 @@ func (err ErrInvalidTagName) Error() string {
 	return fmt.Sprintf("release tag name is not valid [tag_name: %s]", err.TagName)
+type ErrRepoFileAlreadyExist struct {
+	FileName string
+func IsErrRepoFileAlreadyExist(err error) bool {
+	_, ok := err.(ErrRepoFileAlreadyExist)
+	return ok
+func (err ErrRepoFileAlreadyExist) Error() string {
+	return fmt.Sprintf("repository file already exists [file name: %s]", err.FileName)
 // __________                             .__
 // \______   \____________    ____   ____ |  |__
 //  |    |  _/\_  __ \__  \  /    \_/ ___\|  |  \
@@ -628,3 +641,27 @@ func IsErrTeamAlreadyExist(err error) bool {
 func (err ErrTeamAlreadyExist) Error() string {
 	return fmt.Sprintf("team already exists [org_id: %d, name: %s]", err.OrgID, err.Name)
+//  ____ ___        .__                    .___
+// |    |   \______ |  |   _________     __| _/
+// |    |   /\____ \|  |  /  _ \__  \   / __ |
+// |    |  / |  |_> >  |_(  <_> ) __ \_/ /_/ |
+// |______/  |   __/|____/\____(____  /\____ |
+//           |__|                   \/      \/
+type ErrUploadNotExist struct {
+	ID     int64
+	UUID   string
+	UserID int64
+	RepoID int64
+func IsErrUploadNotExist(err error) bool {
+	_, ok := err.(ErrAttachmentNotExist)
+	return ok
+func (err ErrUploadNotExist) Error() string {
+	return fmt.Sprintf("attachment does not exist [id: %d, uuid: %s]", err.ID, err.UUID)

+ 5 - 10

@@ -639,23 +639,18 @@ func newIssue(e *xorm.Session, repo *Repository, issue *Issue, labelIDs []int64,
 	// Check attachments.
-	attachments := make([]*Attachment, 0, len(uuids))
 	for _, uuid := range uuids {
-		attach, err := getAttachmentByUUID(e, uuid)
+		attachment, err := getAttachmentByUUID(e, uuid)
 		if err != nil {
 			if IsErrAttachmentNotExist(err) {
 			return fmt.Errorf("getAttachmentByUUID[%s]: %v", uuid, err)
-		attachments = append(attachments, attach)
-	}
-	for i := range attachments {
-		attachments[i].IssueID = issue.ID
+		attachment.IssueID = issue.ID
 		// No assign value could be 0, so ignore AllCols().
-		if _, err = e.Id(attachments[i].ID).Update(attachments[i]); err != nil {
-			return fmt.Errorf("update attachment[%d]: %v", attachments[i].ID, err)
+		if _, err = e.Id(attachment.ID).Update(attachment); err != nil {
+			return fmt.Errorf("update attachment[%d]: %v", attachment.ID, err)
@@ -1728,7 +1723,7 @@ func DeleteAttachments(attachments []*Attachment, remove bool) (int, error) {
-		if _, err := x.Delete(a.ID); err != nil {
+		if _, err := x.Delete(a); err != nil {
 			return i, err

+ 1 - 1

@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ func (pr *PullRequest) testPatch() (err error) {
 	log.Trace("PullRequest[%d].testPatch (patchPath): %s", pr.ID, patchPath)
-	if err := pr.BaseRepo.UpdateLocalCopy(); err != nil {
+	if err := pr.BaseRepo.UpdateLocalCopy(pr.BaseRepo.DefaultBranch); err != nil {
 		return fmt.Errorf("UpdateLocalCopy: %v", err)

+ 439 - 4

@@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ import (
+	"io"
+	"mime/multipart"
@@ -28,6 +30,7 @@ import (
 	git ""
 	api ""
+	gouuid ""
@@ -435,16 +438,25 @@ func (repo *Repository) LocalCopyPath() string {
 	return path.Join(setting.AppDataPath, "tmp/local", com.ToStr(repo.ID))
-func updateLocalCopy(repoPath, localPath string) error {
+func updateLocalCopy(repoPath, localPath, branch string) error {
 	if !com.IsExist(localPath) {
 		if err := git.Clone(repoPath, localPath, git.CloneRepoOptions{
 			Timeout: time.Duration(setting.Git.Timeout.Clone) * time.Second,
+			Branch:  branch,
 		}); err != nil {
 			return fmt.Errorf("Clone: %v", err)
 	} else {
+		if err := git.Checkout(localPath, git.CheckoutOptions{
+			Branch:  branch,
+			Timeout: time.Duration(setting.Git.Timeout.Pull) * time.Second,
+		}); err != nil {
+			return fmt.Errorf("Checkout: %v", err)
+		}
 		if err := git.Pull(localPath, git.PullRemoteOptions{
-			All:     true,
+			All:     false,
+			Remote:  "origin",
+			Branch:  branch,
 			Timeout: time.Duration(setting.Git.Timeout.Pull) * time.Second,
 		}); err != nil {
 			return fmt.Errorf("Pull: %v", err)
@@ -454,8 +466,8 @@ func updateLocalCopy(repoPath, localPath string) error {
 // UpdateLocalCopy makes sure the local copy of repository is up-to-date.
-func (repo *Repository) UpdateLocalCopy() error {
-	return updateLocalCopy(repo.RepoPath(), repo.LocalCopyPath())
+func (repo *Repository) UpdateLocalCopy(branch string) error {
+	return updateLocalCopy(repo.RepoPath(), repo.LocalCopyPath(), branch)
 // PatchPath returns corresponding patch file path of repository by given issue ID.
@@ -2255,3 +2267,426 @@ func (repo *Repository) GetForks() ([]*Repository, error) {
 	forks := make([]*Repository, 0, repo.NumForks)
 	return forks, x.Find(&forks, &Repository{ForkID: repo.ID})
+// ___________    .___.__  __    ___________.__.__
+// \_   _____/  __| _/|__|/  |_  \_   _____/|__|  |   ____
+//  |    __)_  / __ | |  \   __\  |    __)  |  |  | _/ __ \
+//  |        \/ /_/ | |  ||  |    |     \   |  |  |_\  ___/
+// /_______  /\____ | |__||__|    \___  /   |__|____/\___  >
+//         \/      \/                 \/                 \/
+var repoWorkingPool = &workingPool{
+	pool:  make(map[string]*sync.Mutex),
+	count: make(map[string]int),
+func (repo *Repository) LocalRepoPath() string {
+	return path.Join(setting.AppDataPath, "tmp/local-repo", com.ToStr(repo.ID))
+// UpdateLocalRepo makes sure the local copy of repository is up-to-date.
+func (repo *Repository) UpdateLocalRepo(branchName string) error {
+	return updateLocalCopy(repo.RepoPath(), repo.LocalRepoPath(), branchName)
+// DiscardLocalRepoChanges makes sure the local copy of repository is the same as the source
+func (repo *Repository) DiscardLocalRepoChanges(branchName string) error {
+	return discardLocalRepoChanges(repo.LocalRepoPath(), branchName)
+// discardLocalRepoChanges discards local commits make sure
+// it is even to remote branch when local copy exists.
+func discardLocalRepoChanges(localPath string, branch string) error {
+	if !com.IsExist(localPath) {
+		return nil
+	}
+	// No need to check if nothing in the repository.
+	if !git.IsBranchExist(localPath, branch) {
+		return nil
+	}
+	if err := git.ResetHEAD(localPath, true, "origin/"+branch); err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("ResetHEAD: %v", err)
+	}
+	return nil
+// CheckoutNewBranch checks out a new branch from the given branch name
+func (repo *Repository) CheckoutNewBranch(oldBranchName, newBranchName string) error {
+	return checkoutNewBranch(repo.RepoPath(), repo.LocalRepoPath(), oldBranchName, newBranchName)
+func checkoutNewBranch(repoPath, localPath, oldBranch, newBranch string) error {
+	if !com.IsExist(localPath) {
+		if err := updateLocalCopy(repoPath, localPath, oldBranch); err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+	}
+	if err := git.Checkout(localPath, git.CheckoutOptions{
+		Branch:    newBranch,
+		OldBranch: oldBranch,
+		Timeout:   time.Duration(setting.Git.Timeout.Pull) * time.Second,
+	}); err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("Checkout New Branch: %v", err)
+	}
+	return nil
+// updateRepoFile adds new file to repository.
+func (repo *Repository) UpdateRepoFile(doer *User, oldBranchName, branchName, oldTreeName, treeName, content, message string, isNewFile bool) (err error) {
+	repoWorkingPool.CheckIn(com.ToStr(repo.ID))
+	defer repoWorkingPool.CheckOut(com.ToStr(repo.ID))
+	if err = repo.DiscardLocalRepoChanges(oldBranchName); err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("discardLocalRepoChanges: %s - %v", oldBranchName, err)
+	} else if err = repo.UpdateLocalRepo(oldBranchName); err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("UpdateLocalRepo: %s - %v", oldBranchName, err)
+	}
+	if oldBranchName != branchName {
+		if err := repo.CheckoutNewBranch(oldBranchName, branchName); err != nil {
+			return fmt.Errorf("CheckoutNewBranch: %s - %s: %v", oldBranchName, branchName, err)
+		}
+	}
+	localPath := repo.LocalRepoPath()
+	filePath := path.Join(localPath, treeName)
+	if len(message) == 0 {
+		if isNewFile {
+			message = "Add '" + treeName + "'"
+		} else {
+			message = "Update '" + treeName + "'"
+		}
+	}
+	os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(filePath), os.ModePerm)
+	// If new file, make sure it doesn't exist; if old file, move if file name change
+	if isNewFile {
+		if com.IsExist(filePath) {
+			return ErrRepoFileAlreadyExist{filePath}
+		}
+	} else if oldTreeName != "" && treeName != "" && treeName != oldTreeName {
+		if err = git.MoveFile(localPath, oldTreeName, treeName); err != nil {
+			return fmt.Errorf("MoveFile: %v", err)
+		}
+	}
+	if err = ioutil.WriteFile(filePath, []byte(content), 0666); err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("WriteFile: %v", err)
+	}
+	if err = git.AddChanges(localPath, true); err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("AddChanges: %v", err)
+	} else if err = git.CommitChanges(localPath, message, doer.NewGitSig()); err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("CommitChanges: %v", err)
+	} else if err = git.Push(localPath, "origin", branchName); err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("Push: %v", err)
+	}
+	return nil
+func (repo *Repository) GetPreviewDiff(repoPath, branchName, treeName, text string, maxlines, maxchars, maxfiles int) (diff *Diff, err error) {
+	repoWorkingPool.CheckIn(com.ToStr(repo.ID))
+	defer repoWorkingPool.CheckOut(com.ToStr(repo.ID))
+	if err = repo.DiscardLocalRepoChanges(branchName); err != nil {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("discardLocalRepoChanges: %s - %v", branchName, err)
+	} else if err = repo.UpdateLocalRepo(branchName); err != nil {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("UpdateLocalRepo: %s - %v", branchName, err)
+	}
+	localPath := repo.LocalRepoPath()
+	filePath := path.Join(localPath, treeName)
+	os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(filePath), os.ModePerm)
+	if err = ioutil.WriteFile(filePath, []byte(text), 0666); err != nil {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("WriteFile: %v", err)
+	}
+	var cmd *exec.Cmd
+	cmd = exec.Command("git", "diff", treeName)
+	cmd.Dir = localPath
+	cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
+	stdout, err := cmd.StdoutPipe()
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("StdoutPipe: %v", err)
+	}
+	if err = cmd.Start(); err != nil {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Start: %v", err)
+	}
+	pid := process.Add(fmt.Sprintf("GetDiffRange (%s)", repoPath), cmd)
+	defer process.Remove(pid)
+	diff, err = ParsePatch(maxlines, maxchars, maxfiles, stdout)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("ParsePatch: %v", err)
+	}
+	if err = cmd.Wait(); err != nil {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Wait: %v", err)
+	}
+	return diff, nil
+// ________         .__          __           ___________.__.__
+// \______ \   ____ |  |   _____/  |_  ____   \_   _____/|__|  |   ____
+//  |    |  \_/ __ \|  | _/ __ \   __\/ __ \   |    __)  |  |  | _/ __ \
+//  |    `   \  ___/|  |_\  ___/|  | \  ___/   |     \   |  |  |_\  ___/
+// /_______  /\___  >____/\___  >__|  \___  >  \___  /   |__|____/\___  >
+//         \/     \/          \/          \/       \/                 \/
+func (repo *Repository) DeleteRepoFile(doer *User, branch, treeName, message string) (err error) {
+	repoWorkingPool.CheckIn(com.ToStr(repo.ID))
+	defer repoWorkingPool.CheckOut(com.ToStr(repo.ID))
+	localPath := repo.LocalRepoPath()
+	if err = discardLocalRepoChanges(localPath, branch); err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("discardLocalRepoChanges: %v", err)
+	} else if err = repo.UpdateLocalRepo(branch); err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("UpdateLocalRepo: %v", err)
+	}
+	filePath := path.Join(localPath, treeName)
+	os.Remove(filePath)
+	if len(message) == 0 {
+		message = "Delete file '" + treeName + "'"
+	}
+	if err = git.AddChanges(localPath, true); err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("AddChanges: %v", err)
+	} else if err = git.CommitChanges(localPath, message, doer.NewGitSig()); err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("CommitChanges: %v", err)
+	} else if err = git.Push(localPath, "origin", branch); err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("Push: %v", err)
+	}
+	return nil
+//  ____ ___        .__                    .___ ___________.___.__
+// |    |   \______ |  |   _________     __| _/ \_   _____/|   |  |   ____   ______
+// |    |   /\____ \|  |  /  _ \__  \   / __ |   |    __)  |   |  | _/ __ \ /  ___/
+// |    |  / |  |_> >  |_(  <_> ) __ \_/ /_/ |   |     \   |   |  |_\  ___/ \___ \
+// |______/  |   __/|____/\____(____  /\____ |   \___  /   |___|____/\___  >____  >
+//           |__|                   \/      \/       \/                  \/     \/
+// uploadRepoFiles uploads new files to repository.
+func (repo *Repository) UploadRepoFiles(doer *User, oldBranchName, branchName, treeName, message string, uuids []string) (err error) {
+	repoWorkingPool.CheckIn(com.ToStr(repo.ID))
+	defer repoWorkingPool.CheckOut(com.ToStr(repo.ID))
+	localPath := repo.LocalRepoPath()
+	if err = discardLocalRepoChanges(localPath, oldBranchName); err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("discardLocalRepoChanges: %v", err)
+	} else if err = repo.UpdateLocalRepo(oldBranchName); err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("UpdateLocalRepo: %v", err)
+	}
+	if oldBranchName != branchName {
+		repo.CheckoutNewBranch(oldBranchName, branchName)
+	}
+	dirPath := path.Join(localPath, treeName)
+	os.MkdirAll(dirPath, os.ModePerm)
+	// Copy uploaded files into repository.
+	for _, uuid := range uuids {
+		upload, err := getUpload(uuid, doer.ID, repo.ID)
+		if err != nil {
+			if IsErrUploadNotExist(err) {
+				continue
+			}
+			return fmt.Errorf("getUpload[%s]: %v", uuid, err)
+		}
+		uuidPath := upload.LocalPath()
+		filePath := dirPath + "/" + upload.Name
+		if err := os.Rename(uuidPath, filePath); err != nil {
+			DeleteUpload(upload, true)
+			return fmt.Errorf("Rename[%s -> %s]: %v", uuidPath, filePath, err)
+		}
+		DeleteUpload(upload, false) // false because we have moved the file
+	}
+	if len(message) == 0 {
+		message = "Add files to '" + treeName + "'"
+	}
+	if err = git.AddChanges(localPath, true); err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("AddChanges: %v", err)
+	} else if err = git.CommitChanges(localPath, message, doer.NewGitSig()); err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("CommitChanges: %v", err)
+	} else if err = git.Push(localPath, "origin", branchName); err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("Push: %v", err)
+	}
+	return nil
+// Upload represent a uploaded file to a repo to be deleted when moved
+type Upload struct {
+	ID          int64  `xorm:"pk autoincr"`
+	UUID        string `xorm:"uuid UNIQUE"`
+	UID         int64  `xorm:"INDEX"`
+	RepoID      int64  `xorm:"INDEX"`
+	Name        string
+	Created     time.Time `xorm:"-"`
+	CreatedUnix int64
+func (u *Upload) BeforeInsert() {
+	u.CreatedUnix = time.Now().UTC().Unix()
+func (u *Upload) AfterSet(colName string, _ xorm.Cell) {
+	switch colName {
+	case "created_unix":
+		u.Created = time.Unix(u.CreatedUnix, 0).Local()
+	}
+// UploadLocalPath returns where uploads is stored in local file system based on given UUID.
+func UploadLocalPath(uuid string) string {
+	return path.Join(setting.UploadTempPath, uuid[0:1], uuid[1:2], uuid)
+// LocalPath returns where uploads are temporarily stored in local file system.
+func (upload *Upload) LocalPath() string {
+	return UploadLocalPath(upload.UUID)
+// NewUpload creates a new upload object.
+func NewUpload(name string, buf []byte, file multipart.File, userId, repoId int64) (_ *Upload, err error) {
+	up := &Upload{
+		UUID:   gouuid.NewV4().String(),
+		Name:   name,
+		UID:    userId,
+		RepoID: repoId,
+	}
+	if err = os.MkdirAll(path.Dir(up.LocalPath()), os.ModePerm); err != nil {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("MkdirAll: %v", err)
+	}
+	fw, err := os.Create(up.LocalPath())
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Create: %v", err)
+	}
+	defer fw.Close()
+	if _, err = fw.Write(buf); err != nil {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Write: %v", err)
+	} else if _, err = io.Copy(fw, file); err != nil {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Copy: %v", err)
+	}
+	sess := x.NewSession()
+	defer sessionRelease(sess)
+	if err := sess.Begin(); err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	if _, err := sess.Insert(up); err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	return up, sess.Commit()
+// RemoveUpload removes the file by UUID
+func RemoveUpload(uuid string, userId, repoId int64) (err error) {
+	sess := x.NewSession()
+	defer sessionRelease(sess)
+	if err := sess.Begin(); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	upload, err := getUpload(uuid, userId, repoId)
+	if err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("getUpload[%s]: %v", uuid, err)
+	}
+	if err := DeleteUpload(upload, true); err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("DeleteUpload[%s]: %v", uuid, err)
+	}
+	return nil
+func getUpload(uuid string, userID, repoID int64) (*Upload, error) {
+	up := &Upload{UUID: uuid, UID: userID, RepoID: repoID}
+	has, err := x.Get(up)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	} else if !has {
+		return nil, ErrUploadNotExist{0, uuid, userID, repoID}
+	}
+	return up, nil
+// GetUpload returns Upload by given UUID.
+func GetUpload(uuid string, userId, repoId int64) (*Upload, error) {
+	return getUpload(uuid, userId, repoId)
+// DeleteUpload deletes the given upload
+func DeleteUpload(u *Upload, remove bool) error {
+	_, err := DeleteUploads([]*Upload{u}, remove)
+	return err
+// DeleteUploads deletes the given uploads
+func DeleteUploads(uploads []*Upload, remove bool) (int, error) {
+	for i, u := range uploads {
+		if remove {
+			if err := os.Remove(u.LocalPath()); err != nil {
+				return i, err
+			}
+		}
+		if _, err := x.Delete(u); err != nil {
+			return i, err
+		}
+	}
+	return len(uploads), nil
+// __________                             .__
+// \______   \____________    ____   ____ |  |__
+//  |    |  _/\_  __ \__  \  /    \_/ ___\|  |  \
+//  |    |   \ |  | \// __ \|   |  \  \___|   Y  \
+//  |______  / |__|  (____  /___|  /\___  >___|  /
+//         \/             \/     \/     \/     \/
+func (repo *Repository) CreateNewBranch(doer *User, oldBranchName, branchName string) (err error) {
+	repoWorkingPool.CheckIn(com.ToStr(repo.ID))
+	defer repoWorkingPool.CheckOut(com.ToStr(repo.ID))
+	localPath := repo.LocalRepoPath()
+	if err = discardLocalRepoChanges(localPath, oldBranchName); err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("discardLocalRepoChanges: %v", err)
+	} else if err = repo.UpdateLocalRepo(oldBranchName); err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("UpdateLocalRepo: %v", err)
+	}
+	if err = repo.CheckoutNewBranch(oldBranchName, branchName); err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("CreateNewBranch: %v", err)
+	}
+	if err = git.Push(localPath, "origin", branchName); err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("Push: %v", err)
+	}
+	return nil

+ 1 - 39

@@ -21,44 +21,6 @@ import (
-// workingPool represents a pool of working status which makes sure
-// that only one instance of same task is performing at a time.
-// However, different type of tasks can performing at the same time.
-type workingPool struct {
-	lock  sync.Mutex
-	pool  map[string]*sync.Mutex
-	count map[string]int
-// CheckIn checks in a task and waits if others are running.
-func (p *workingPool) CheckIn(name string) {
-	p.lock.Lock()
-	lock, has := p.pool[name]
-	if !has {
-		lock = &sync.Mutex{}
-		p.pool[name] = lock
-	}
-	p.count[name]++
-	p.lock.Unlock()
-	lock.Lock()
-// CheckOut checks out a task to let other tasks run.
-func (p *workingPool) CheckOut(name string) {
-	p.lock.Lock()
-	defer p.lock.Unlock()
-	p.pool[name].Unlock()
-	if p.count[name] == 1 {
-		delete(p.pool, name)
-		delete(p.count, name)
-	} else {
-		p.count[name]--
-	}
 var wikiWorkingPool = &workingPool{
 	pool:  make(map[string]*sync.Mutex),
 	count: make(map[string]int),
@@ -117,7 +79,7 @@ func (repo *Repository) LocalWikiPath() string {
 // UpdateLocalWiki makes sure the local copy of repository wiki is up-to-date.
 func (repo *Repository) UpdateLocalWiki() error {
-	return updateLocalCopy(repo.WikiPath(), repo.LocalWikiPath())
+	return updateLocalCopy(repo.WikiPath(), repo.LocalWikiPath(), "")
 // discardLocalWikiChanges discards local commits make sure

+ 47 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Gogs Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package models
+import (
+	"sync"
+// workingPool represents a pool of working status which makes sure
+// that only one instance of same task is performing at a time.
+// However, different type of tasks can performing at the same time.
+type workingPool struct {
+	lock  sync.Mutex
+	pool  map[string]*sync.Mutex
+	count map[string]int
+// CheckIn checks in a task and waits if others are running.
+func (p *workingPool) CheckIn(name string) {
+	p.lock.Lock()
+	lock, has := p.pool[name]
+	if !has {
+		lock = &sync.Mutex{}
+		p.pool[name] = lock
+	}
+	p.count[name]++
+	p.lock.Unlock()
+	lock.Lock()
+// CheckOut checks out a task to let other tasks run.
+func (p *workingPool) CheckOut(name string) {
+	p.lock.Lock()
+	defer p.lock.Unlock()
+	p.pool[name].Unlock()
+	if p.count[name] == 1 {
+		delete(p.pool, name)
+		delete(p.count, name)
+	} else {
+		p.count[name]--
+	}

+ 92 - 4

@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ type CreateIssueForm struct {
 	MilestoneID int64
 	AssigneeID  int64
 	Content     string
-	Attachments []string
+	Files       []string
 func (f *CreateIssueForm) Validate(ctx *macaron.Context, errs binding.Errors) binding.Errors {
@@ -177,9 +177,9 @@ func (f *CreateIssueForm) Validate(ctx *macaron.Context, errs binding.Errors) bi
 type CreateCommentForm struct {
-	Content     string
-	Status      string `binding:"OmitEmpty;In(reopen,close)"`
-	Attachments []string
+	Content string
+	Status  string `binding:"OmitEmpty;In(reopen,close)"`
+	Files   []string
 func (f *CreateCommentForm) Validate(ctx *macaron.Context, errs binding.Errors) binding.Errors {
@@ -269,3 +269,91 @@ type NewWikiForm struct {
 func (f *NewWikiForm) Validate(ctx *macaron.Context, errs binding.Errors) binding.Errors {
 	return validate(errs, ctx.Data, f, ctx.Locale)
+// ___________    .___.__  __
+// \_   _____/  __| _/|__|/  |_
+//  |    __)_  / __ | |  \   __\
+//  |        \/ /_/ | |  ||  |
+// /_______  /\____ | |__||__|
+//         \/      \/
+type EditRepoFileForm struct {
+	TreeName      string `binding:"Required;MaxSize(500)"`
+	Content       string `binding:"Required"`
+	CommitSummary string `binding:"MaxSize(100)`
+	CommitMessage string
+	CommitChoice  string `binding:"Required;MaxSize(50)"`
+	NewBranchName string `binding:"AlphaDashDot;MaxSize(100)"`
+	LastCommit    string
+func (f *EditRepoFileForm) Validate(ctx *macaron.Context, errs binding.Errors) binding.Errors {
+	return validate(errs, ctx.Data, f, ctx.Locale)
+type EditPreviewDiffForm struct {
+	Content string
+func (f *EditPreviewDiffForm) Validate(ctx *macaron.Context, errs binding.Errors) binding.Errors {
+	return validate(errs, ctx.Data, f, ctx.Locale)
+//  ____ ___        .__                    .___
+// |    |   \______ |  |   _________     __| _/
+// |    |   /\____ \|  |  /  _ \__  \   / __ |
+// |    |  / |  |_> >  |_(  <_> ) __ \_/ /_/ |
+// |______/  |   __/|____/\____(____  /\____ |
+//           |__|                   \/      \/
+type UploadRepoFileForm struct {
+	TreeName      string `binding:MaxSize(500)"`
+	CommitSummary string `binding:"MaxSize(100)`
+	CommitMessage string
+	CommitChoice  string `binding:"Required;MaxSize(50)"`
+	NewBranchName string `binding:"AlphaDashDot;MaxSize(100)"`
+	Files         []string
+func (f *UploadRepoFileForm) Validate(ctx *macaron.Context, errs binding.Errors) binding.Errors {
+	return validate(errs, ctx.Data, f, ctx.Locale)
+type RemoveUploadFileForm struct {
+	File string `binding:"Required;MaxSize(50)"`
+func (f *RemoveUploadFileForm) Validate(ctx *macaron.Context, errs binding.Errors) binding.Errors {
+	return validate(errs, ctx.Data, f, ctx.Locale)
+// ________         .__          __
+// \______ \   ____ |  |   _____/  |_  ____
+// |    |  \_/ __ \|  | _/ __ \   __\/ __ \
+// |    `   \  ___/|  |_\  ___/|  | \  ___/
+// /_______  /\___  >____/\___  >__|  \___  >
+//         \/     \/          \/          \/
+type DeleteRepoFileForm struct {
+	CommitSummary string `binding:"MaxSize(100)`
+func (f *DeleteRepoFileForm) Validate(ctx *macaron.Context, errs binding.Errors) binding.Errors {
+	return validate(errs, ctx.Data, f, ctx.Locale)
+// __________                             .__
+// \______   \____________    ____   ____ |  |__
+//  |    |  _/\_  __ \__  \  /    \_/ ___\|  |  \
+//  |    |   \ |  | \// __ \|   |  \  \___|   Y  \
+//  |______  / |__|  (____  /___|  /\___  >___|  /
+//         \/             \/     \/     \/     \/
+type NewBranchForm struct {
+	OldBranchName string `binding:"Required;MaxSize(100)"`
+	BranchName    string `binding:"Required;MaxSize(100)"`
+func (f *NewBranchForm) Validate(ctx *macaron.Context, errs binding.Errors) binding.Errors {
+	return validate(errs, ctx.Data, f, ctx.Locale)

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 0 - 0

+ 5 - 4

@@ -53,10 +53,11 @@ func isLink(link []byte) bool {
 // IsMarkdownFile reports whether name looks like a Markdown file
 // based on its extension.
 func IsMarkdownFile(name string) bool {
-	name = strings.ToLower(name)
-	switch filepath.Ext(name) {
-	case ".md", ".markdown", ".mdown", ".mkd":
-		return true
+	extension := strings.ToLower(filepath.Ext(name))
+	for _, ext := range setting.Markdown.MdFileExtensions {
+		if strings.ToLower(ext) == extension {
+			return true
+		}
 	return false

+ 30 - 0

@@ -118,6 +118,12 @@ var (
 	RepoRootPath string
 	ScriptType   string
+	// Repo editor settings
+	Editor struct {
+		LineWrapExtensions     []string
+		PreviewTabApis         []string
+	}
 	// UI settings
 	UI struct {
 		ExplorePagingNum   int
@@ -141,6 +147,7 @@ var (
 	Markdown struct {
 		EnableHardLineBreak bool
 		CustomURLSchemes    []string `ini:"CUSTOM_URL_SCHEMES"`
+		MdFileExtensions    []string
 	// Picture settings
@@ -162,6 +169,13 @@ var (
 	AttachmentMaxFiles     int
 	AttachmentEnabled      bool
+	// Repo Upload settings
+	UploadTempPath         string
+	UploadAllowedTypes 	string
+	UploadMaxSize      	int64
+	UploadMaxFiles     	int
+	UploadEnabled      	bool
 	// Time settings
 	TimeFormat string
@@ -482,6 +496,16 @@ func NewContext() {
 		log.Fatal(4, "Fail to map Repository settings: %v", err)
+	sec = Cfg.Section("upload")
+	UploadTempPath = sec.Key("UPLOAD_TEMP_PATH").MustString(path.Join(AppDataPath, "tmp/uploads"))
+	if !filepath.IsAbs(UploadTempPath) {
+		UploadTempPath = path.Join(workDir, UploadTempPath)
+	}
+	UploadAllowedTypes = strings.Replace(sec.Key("UPLOAD_ALLOWED_TYPES").MustString(""), "|", ",", -1)
+	UploadMaxSize = sec.Key("UPLOAD_FILE_MAX_SIZE").MustInt64(32)
+	UploadMaxFiles = sec.Key("UPLOAD_MAX_FILES").MustInt(10)
+	UploadEnabled = sec.Key("ENABLE_UPLOADS").MustBool(true)
 	sec = Cfg.Section("picture")
 	AvatarUploadPath = sec.Key("AVATAR_UPLOAD_PATH").MustString(path.Join(AppDataPath, "avatars"))
@@ -532,6 +556,8 @@ func NewContext() {
 		log.Fatal(4, "Fail to map API settings: %v", err)
 	} else if err = Cfg.Section("api").MapTo(&API); err != nil {
 		log.Fatal(4, "Fail to map API settings: %v", err)
+	} else if err = Cfg.Section("editor").MapTo(&Editor); err != nil {
+		log.Fatal(4, "Fail to map Editor settings: %v", err)
 	if Mirror.DefaultInterval <= 0 {
@@ -546,6 +572,10 @@ func NewContext() {
 	ShowFooterVersion = Cfg.Section("other").Key("SHOW_FOOTER_VERSION").MustBool()
 	HasRobotsTxt = com.IsFile(path.Join(CustomPath, "robots.txt"))
+	Markdown.MdFileExtensions = Cfg.Section("markdown").Key("MD_FILE_EXTENSIONS").Strings(",")
+	Editor.LineWrapExtensions = Cfg.Section("editor").Key("LINE_WRAP_EXTENSIONS").Strings(",")
+	Editor.PreviewTabApis = Cfg.Section("editor").Key("PREVIEW_TAB_APIS").Strings(",")
 var Service struct {

+ 224 - 27

@@ -255,6 +255,9 @@ code.wrap {
 .ui.status.buttons .octicon {
   margin-right: 4px;
 } .item .octicon {
+  margin-right: 4px;
 .ui.inline.delete-button {
   padding: 8px 15px;
   font-weight: normal;
@@ -1266,57 +1269,57 @@ footer .ui.language .menu {
 .repository.file.list #file-content .view-raw img {
   padding: 5px 5px 0 5px;
-.repository.file.list #file-content .code-view * {
+#file-content .code-view * {
   font-size: 12px;
   font-family: Consolas, "Liberation Mono", Menlo, Courier, monospace;
   line-height: 20px;
-.repository.file.list #file-content .code-view table {
+#file-content .code-view table {
   width: 100%;
-.repository.file.list #file-content .code-view .lines-num {
+#file-content .code-view .lines-num {
   vertical-align: top;
   text-align: right;
   color: #999;
   background: #f5f5f5;
   width: 1%;
-.repository.file.list #file-content .code-view .lines-num span {
+#file-content .code-view .lines-num span {
   line-height: 20px;
   padding: 0 10px;
   cursor: pointer;
   display: block;
-.repository.file.list #file-content .code-view .lines-num,
-.repository.file.list #file-content .code-view .lines-code {
+#file-content .code-view .lines-num,
+#file-content .code-view .lines-code {
   padding: 0;
-.repository.file.list #file-content .code-view .lines-num pre,
-.repository.file.list #file-content .code-view .lines-code pre,
-.repository.file.list #file-content .code-view .lines-num ol,
-.repository.file.list #file-content .code-view .lines-code ol,
-.repository.file.list #file-content .code-view .lines-num .hljs,
-.repository.file.list #file-content .code-view .lines-code .hljs {
+#file-content .code-view .lines-num pre,
+#file-content .code-view .lines-code pre,
+#file-content .code-view .lines-num ol,
+#file-content .code-view .lines-code ol,
+#file-content .code-view .lines-num .hljs,
+#file-content .code-view .lines-code .hljs {
   background-color: white;
   margin: 0;
   padding: 0 !important;
-.repository.file.list #file-content .code-view .lines-num pre li,
-.repository.file.list #file-content .code-view .lines-code pre li,
-.repository.file.list #file-content .code-view .lines-num ol li,
-.repository.file.list #file-content .code-view .lines-code ol li,
-.repository.file.list #file-content .code-view .lines-num .hljs li,
-.repository.file.list #file-content .code-view .lines-code .hljs li {
+#file-content .code-view .lines-num pre li,
+#file-content .code-view .lines-code pre li,
+#file-content .code-view .lines-num ol li,
+#file-content .code-view .lines-code ol li,
+#file-content .code-view .lines-num .hljs li,
+#file-content .code-view .lines-code .hljs li {
   padding-left: 5px;
   display: inline-block;
   width: 100%;
-.repository.file.list #file-content .code-view .lines-num pre,
-.repository.file.list #file-content .code-view .lines-code pre,
-.repository.file.list #file-content .code-view .lines-num ol,
-.repository.file.list #file-content .code-view .lines-code ol,
-.repository.file.list #file-content .code-view .lines-num .hljs,
-.repository.file.list #file-content .code-view .lines-code .hljs {
+#file-content .code-view .lines-num pre,
+#file-content .code-view .lines-code pre,
+#file-content .code-view .lines-num ol,
+#file-content .code-view .lines-code ol,
+#file-content .code-view .lines-num .hljs,
+#file-content .code-view .lines-code .hljs {
   background: #ffffdd;
 .repository.file.list .sidebar {
@@ -1895,7 +1898,7 @@ footer .ui.language .menu {
   max-width: 100%;
   padding: 5px 5px 0 5px;
-.repository .code-view {
+#file-content .code-view {
   overflow: auto;
   overflow-x: auto;
   overflow-y: hidden;
@@ -2157,13 +2160,13 @@ footer .ui.language .menu {
 .page.buttons {
   padding-top: 15px;
-.ui.comments .dropzone {
+.ui.comments .dropzone, .ui.upload .dropzone {
   width: 100%;
   margin-bottom: 10px;
   border: 2px dashed #0087F7;
   box-shadow: none!important;
-.ui.comments .dropzone .dz-error-message {
+.ui.comments .dropzone .dz-error-message, .ui.upload .dropzone .dz-error-message {
   top: 140px;
 .settings .content {
@@ -2797,3 +2800,197 @@ footer .ui.language .menu {
 .ui.user.list .item .description a:hover {
   text-decoration: underline;
+.btn-octicon {
+  display: inline-block;
+  padding: 5px;
+  margin-left: 5px;
+  line-height: 1;
+  color: #767676;
+  vertical-align: middle;
+  background: transparent;
+  border: 0;
+  outline: none;
+.btn-octicon:hover {
+  color: #4078c0;
+.btn-octicon-danger:hover {
+  color: #bd2c00;
+.btn-octicon.disabled {
+    color: #bbb;
+    cursor: default;
+.inline-form {
+  display: inline-block;
+.ui.form .breadcrumb input {
+  min-height: 34px;
+  padding: 7px 8px;
+  color: #333;
+  vertical-align: middle;
+  background-color: #fff;
+  background-repeat: no-repeat;
+  background-position: right 8px center;
+  border: 1px solid #ddd;
+  border-radius: 3px;
+  outline: none;
+  box-shadow: inset 0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.075);
+  width: inherit;
+#file-actions {
+  padding-left: 20px;
+} {
+  margin-top: 20px;
+  margin-bottom: 15px;
+  border: 1px solid #ddd;
+  border-radius: 3px;
+  height: 600px;
+  padding: 0 !important;
+.commit-form-wrapper {
+  padding-left: 64px;
+.commit-form {
+  position: relative;
+  padding: 15px;
+  margin-bottom: 10px;
+  border: 1px solid #ddd;
+  border-radius: 3px;
+.commit-form-wrapper .commit-form-avatar {
+  float: left;
+  margin-left: -64px;
+  border-radius: 4px;
+.commit-form::before {
+  border-width: 8px;
+  border-color: transparent;
+  border-right-color: #ddd;
+  position: absolute;
+  top: 11px;
+  right: 100%;
+  left: -16px;
+  display: block;
+  width: 0;
+  height: 0;
+  pointer-events: none;
+  content: " ";
+  border-style: solid solid outset;
+.form-checkbox input[type=checkbox], .form-checkbox input[type=radio] {
+  float: left;
+  margin: 2px 0 0 -20px;
+  vertical-align: middle;
+  box-sizing: border-box;
+  padding: 0;
+.branch-name {
+  display: inline-block;
+  padding: 2px 6px;
+  font: 12px Consolas, "Liberation Mono", Menlo, Courier, monospace;
+  color: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
+  background-color: rgba(209,227,237,0.5);
+  border-radius: 3px;
+.form-control, .form-select {
+  min-height: 34px;
+  padding: 7px 8px;
+  font-size: 13px;
+  color: #333;
+  vertical-align: middle;
+  background-color: #fff;
+  background-repeat: no-repeat;
+  background-position: right 8px center;
+  border: 1px solid #ddd;
+  border-radius: 3px;
+  outline: none;
+  box-shadow: inset 0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.075);
+.form-control.input-contrast {
+  background-color: #fafafa;
+} {
+  margin-right: 6px !important;
+.quick-pull-choice .new-branch-name-input input {
+  width: 240px !important;
+  padding-left: 26px !important;
+  font-family: Consolas, "Liberation Mono", Menlo, Courier, monospace;
+.quick-pull-choice .new-branch-name-input .quick-pull-new-branch-icon {
+  position: absolute;
+  top: 9px;
+  left: 10px;
+  color: #b0c4ce;
+.text-muted, .text-gray {
+  color: #767676 !important;
+.quick-pull-choice .new-branch-name-input {
+  position: relative;
+  margin-top: 5px;
+.quick-pull-choice .quick-pull-branch-name {
+  display: none;
+  padding-left: 48px;
+  margin-top: 5px;
+.quick-pull-choice.will-create-branch .quick-pull-branch-name {
+  display: inline-block;
+.nowrap {
+  white-space: nowrap;
+#file-buttons {
+  padding-right: 15px;
+.repository .ui.container .ui.breadcrumb {
+  font-size: 1.5em;
+  color: #767676;
+  max-width: 600px;
+.repository .ui.container .item:first-child .ui.breadcrumb {
+  max-width: none;
+.repository .ui.container .ui.breadcrumb.field {
+  margin-bottom: 10px !important;
+.repo-edit-file-cancel {
+  padding-left: 10px;
+#new-branch-item {
+  display:none;
+  margin: 0;
+  text-align: left;
+  padding: .71428571em 1.14285714em!important;
+  background: 0 0!important;
+  color: rgba(0,0,0,.87)!important;
+  text-transform: none!important;
+  box-shadow: none!important;
+  -webkit-transition: none!important;
+  transition: none!important;
+  border-top: none;
+  padding-right: calc(1.14285714rem + 17px)!important;
+  font-size: 14px;
+  font-weight: bold;
+  line-height: 1.1;
+#new-branch-item:hover {
+  background: rgba(0,0,0,.05)!important;
+  color: rgba(0,0,0,.95)!important;
+#new-branch-item .icon {
+  float: left;
+  margin-left: -15px;
+#new-branch-item .description {
+  margin-top: 3px;
+  font-size: 12px;
+.repository .ui.container .ui.breadcrumb {
+  font-size: 1.5em;
+  color: #767676;
+  max-width: 600px;

+ 423 - 81

@@ -28,6 +28,61 @@ function initCommentPreviewTab($form) {
+var previewTab;
+var previewTabApis;
+function initEditPreviewTab($form) {
+    var $tab_menu = $form.find('');
+    $tab_menu.find('.item').tab();
+    previewTab = $tab_menu.find('.item[data-tab="' + $'preview') + '"]');
+    if (previewTab.length) {
+        previewTabApis ='preview-apis').split(',');
+ () {
+            var $this = $(this);
+            $.post($'url'), {
+                    "_csrf": csrf,
+                    "mode": "gfm",
+                    "context": $'context'),
+                    "text": $form.find('.tab.segment[data-tab="' + $'write') + '"] textarea').val()
+                },
+                function (data) {
+                    var $preview_tab = $form.find('.tab.segment[data-tab="' + $'preview') + '"]');
+                    $preview_tab.html(data);
+          $preview_tab[0]);
+                    $('pre code', $preview_tab[0]).each(function (i, block) {
+                        hljs.highlightBlock(block);
+                    });
+                }
+            );
+        });
+    }
+    buttonsClickOnEnter();
+function initEditDiffTab($form) {
+    var $tab_menu = $form.find('');
+    $tab_menu.find('.item').tab();
+    $tab_menu.find('.item[data-tab="' + $'diff') + '"]').click(function () {
+        var $this = $(this);
+        $.post($'url'), {
+                "_csrf": csrf,
+                "context": $'context'),
+                "content": $form.find('.tab.segment[data-tab="' + $'write') + '"] textarea').val()
+            },
+            function (data) {
+                var $diff_tab = $form.find('.tab.segment[data-tab="' + $'diff') + '"]');
+                $diff_tab.html(data);
+      $diff_tab[0]);
+                initCodeView()
+            }
+        );
+    });
+    buttonsClickOnEnter();
 function initCommentForm() {
     if ($('.comment.form').length == 0) {
@@ -145,6 +200,11 @@ function initCommentForm() {
     selectItem('.select-assignee', '#assignee_id');
+function initEditForm() {
+    initEditPreviewTab($('.edit.form'));
+    initEditDiffTab($('.edit.form'));
 function initInstall() {
     if ($('.install').length == 0) {
@@ -450,7 +510,7 @@ function initRepository() {
         // Change status
         var $status_btn = $('#status-button');
-        $('#content').keyup(function () {
+        $('#edit_area').keyup(function () {
             if ($(this).val().length == 0) {
             } else {
@@ -516,15 +576,10 @@ function initRepositoryCollaboration() {
-function initWiki() {
-    if ($('').length == 0) {
-        return;
-    }
-    if ($('').length > 0) {
-        var $edit_area = $('#edit-area');
-        var simplemde = new SimpleMDE({
+function initWikiForm() {
+    var $edit_area = $(' textarea#edit_area');
+    if ($edit_area.length > 0) {
+        new SimpleMDE({
             autoDownloadFontAwesome: false,
             element: $edit_area[0],
             forceSync: true,
@@ -549,18 +604,284 @@ function initWiki() {
             renderingConfig: {
                 singleLineBreaks: false
-            spellChecker: false,
+            indentWithTabs: false,
             tabSize: 4,
+            spellChecker: false,
             toolbar: ["bold", "italic", "strikethrough", "|",
-                "heading", "heading-1", "heading-2", "heading-3", "|",
+                "heading-1", "heading-2", "heading-3", "heading-bigger", "heading-smaller", "|",
                 "code", "quote", "|",
                 "unordered-list", "ordered-list", "|",
-                "link", "image", "horizontal-rule", "|",
-                "preview", "fullscreen"]
+                "link", "image", "table", "horizontal-rule", "|",
+                "clean-block", "preview", "fullscreen", "side-by-side"]
+function initIssueForm() {
+    var $edit_area = $('.repository.issue textarea.edit_area');
+    if ($edit_area.length > 0) {
+        $edit_area.each(function (i, edit_area) {
+            new SimpleMDE({
+                autoDownloadFontAwesome: false,
+                element: edit_area[0],
+                forceSync: true,
+                previewRender: function (plainText, preview) { // Async method
+                    setTimeout(function () {
+                        // FIXME: still send render request when return back to edit mode
+                        $.post($'url'), {
+                                "_csrf": csrf,
+                                "mode": "gfm",
+                                "context": $'context'),
+                                "text": plainText
+                            },
+                            function (data) {
+                                preview.innerHTML = '<div class="markdown">' + data + '</div>';
+                      $('.editor-preview')[0]);
+                            }
+                        );
+                    }, 0);
+                    return "Loading...";
+                },
+                renderingConfig: {
+                    singleLineBreaks: false
+                },
+                indentWithTabs: false,
+                tabSize: 4,
+                spellChecker: false,
+                toolbar: ["bold", "italic", "strikethrough", "|",
+                    "code", "quote", "|",
+                    "unordered-list", "ordered-list", "|",
+                    "link", "image", "table"]
+            })
+        });
+    }
+var editArea;
+var editFilename;
+var smdEditor;
+var cmEditor;
+var mdFileExtensions;
+var lineWrapExtensions;
+// For IE
+String.prototype.endsWith = function (pattern) {
+    var d = this.length - pattern.length;
+    return d >= 0 && this.lastIndexOf(pattern) === d;
+// Adding function to get the cursor position in a text field to jquery objects
+(function ($, undefined) {
+    $.fn.getCursorPosition = function () {
+        var el = $(this).get(0);
+        var pos = 0;
+        if ('selectionStart' in el) {
+            pos = el.selectionStart;
+        } else if ('selection' in document) {
+            el.focus();
+            var Sel = document.selection.createRange();
+            var SelLength = document.selection.createRange().text.length;
+            Sel.moveStart('character', -el.value.length);
+            pos = Sel.text.length - SelLength;
+        }
+        return pos;
+    }
+function initEditor() {
+    editFilename = $("#file-name");
+    editFilename.keyup(function (e) {
+        var sections = $('.breadcrumb span.section');
+        var dividers = $('.breadcrumb div.divider');
+        if (e.keyCode == 8) {
+            if ($(this).getCursorPosition() == 0) {
+                if (sections.length > 0) {
+                    var value = sections.last().find('a').text();
+                    $(this).val(value + $(this).val());
+                    $(this)[0].setSelectionRange(value.length, value.length);
+                    sections.last().remove();
+                    dividers.last().remove();
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (e.keyCode == 191) {
+            var parts = $(this).val().split('/');
+            for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; ++i) {
+                var value = parts[i];
+                if (i < parts.length - 1) {
+                    if (value.length) {
+                        $('<span class="section"><a href="#">' + value + '</a></span>').insertBefore($(this));
+                        $('<div class="divider"> / </div>').insertBefore($(this));
+                    }
+                }
+                else {
+                    $(this).val(value);
+                }
+                $(this)[0].setSelectionRange(0, 0);
+            }
+        }
+        var parts = [];
+        $('.breadcrumb span.section').each(function (i, element) {
+            element = $(element);
+            if (element.find('a').length) {
+                parts.push(element.find('a').text());
+            } else {
+                parts.push(element.text());
+            }
+        });
+        if ($(this).val())
+            parts.push($(this).val());
+        $('#tree-name').val(parts.join('/'));
+    }).trigger('keyup');
+    editArea = $('.repository.edit textarea#edit_area');
+    if (!editArea.length)
+        return;
+    mdFileExtensions ="md-file-extensions").split(",");
+    lineWrapExtensions ="line-wrap-extensions").split(",");
+    editFilename.on("keyup", function (e) {
+        var val = editFilename.val(), m, mode, spec, extension, extWithDot, previewLink, dataUrl, apiCall;
+        extension = extWithDot = "";
+        if (m = /.+\.([^.]+)$/.exec(val)) {
+            extension = m[1];
+            extWithDot = "." + extension;
+        }
+        var info = CodeMirror.findModeByExtension(extension);
+        previewLink = $('a[data-tab=preview]');
+        if (info) {
+            mode = info.mode;
+            spec = info.mime;
+            apiCall = mode;
+        }
+        else {
+            apiCall = extension
+        }
+        if (previewLink.length && apiCall && previewTabApis && previewTabApis.length && previewTabApis.indexOf(apiCall) >= 0) {
+            dataUrl ='url');
+  'url', dataUrl.replace(/(.*)\/.*/i, '$1/' + mode));
+  ;
+        }
+        else {
+            previewLink.hide();
+        }
+        // If this file is a Markdown extensions, we will load that editor and return
+        if (mdFileExtensions.indexOf(extWithDot) >= 0) {
+            if (setSimpleMDE()) {
+                return;
+            }
+        }
+        // Else we are going to use CodeMirror
+        if (!cmEditor) {
+            if (!setCodeMirror())
+                return;
+        }
+        if (mode) {
+            cmEditor.setOption("mode", spec);
+            CodeMirror.autoLoadMode(cmEditor, mode);
+        }
+        if (lineWrapExtensions.indexOf(extWithDot) >= 0) {
+            cmEditor.setOption("lineWrapping", true);
+        }
+        else {
+            cmEditor.setOption("lineWrapping", false);
+        }
+    }).trigger('keyup');
+function setSimpleMDE() {
+    if (cmEditor) {
+        cmEditor.toTextArea();
+        cmEditor = null;
+    }
+    if (smdEditor) {
+        return true;
+    }
+    smdEditor = new SimpleMDE({
+        autoDownloadFontAwesome: false,
+        element: editArea[0],
+        forceSync: true,
+        renderingConfig: {
+            singleLineBreaks: false
+        },
+        indentWithTabs: false,
+        tabSize: 4,
+        spellChecker: false,
+        previewRender: function (plainText, preview) { // Async method
+            setTimeout(function () {
+                // FIXME: still send render request when return back to edit mode
+                $.post('url'), {
+                        "_csrf": csrf,
+                        "mode": "gfm",
+                        "context":'context'),
+                        "text": plainText
+                    },
+                    function (data) {
+                        preview.innerHTML = '<div class="markdown">' + data + '</div>';
+              $('.editor-preview')[0]);
+                    }
+                );
+            }, 0);
+            return "Loading...";
+        },
+        toolbar: ["bold", "italic", "strikethrough", "|",
+            "heading-1", "heading-2", "heading-3", "heading-bigger", "heading-smaller", "|",
+            "code", "quote", "|",
+            "unordered-list", "ordered-list", "|",
+            "link", "image", "table", "horizontal-rule", "|",
+            "clean-block", "preview", "fullscreen", "side-by-side"]
+    });
+    return true;
+function setCodeMirror() {
+    if (smdEditor) {
+        smdEditor.toTextArea();
+        smdEditor = null;
+    }
+    if (cmEditor) {
+        return true;
+    }
+    cmEditor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(editArea[0], {
+        lineNumbers: true
+    });
+    cmEditor.on("change", function (cm, change) {
+        editArea.val(cm.getValue());
+    });
+    return true;
+function initQuickPull() {
+    $('.js-quick-pull-choice-option').change(function () {
+        quickPullChoiceChange();
+    });
+    quickPullChoiceChange();
+function quickPullChoiceChange() {
+    var radio = $('.js-quick-pull-choice-option:checked');
+    if (radio.val() == 'commit-to-new-branch')
+        $('.quick-pull-branch-name').show();
+    else
+        $('.quick-pull-branch-name').hide();
 function initOrganization() {
     if ($('.organization').length == 0) {
@@ -867,6 +1188,37 @@ function searchRepositories() {
     hideWhenLostFocus('#search-repo-box .results', '#search-repo-box');
+function initCodeView() {
+    if ($('.code-view .linenums').length > 0) {
+        $(document).on('click', '.lines-num span', function (e) {
+            var $select = $(this);
+            var $list = $select.parent().siblings('.lines-code').find('ol.linenums > li');
+            selectRange($list, $list.filter('[rel=' + $select.attr('id') + ']'), (e.shiftKey ? $list.filter('.active').eq(0) : null));
+            deSelect();
+        });
+        $(window).on('hashchange', function (e) {
+            var m = window.location.hash.match(/^#(L\d+)\-(L\d+)$/);
+            var $list = $('.code-view ol.linenums > li');
+            var $first;
+            if (m) {
+                $first = $list.filter('.' + m[1]);
+                selectRange($list, $first, $list.filter('.' + m[2]));
+                $("html, body").scrollTop($first.offset().top - 200);
+                return;
+            }
+            m = window.location.hash.match(/^#(L\d+)$/);
+            if (m) {
+                $first = $list.filter('.' + m[1]);
+                selectRange($list, $first);
+                $("html, body").scrollTop($first.offset().top - 200);
+            }
+        }).trigger('hashchange');
+    }
+var $dropz;
 $(document).ready(function () {
     csrf = $('meta[name=_csrf]').attr("content");
     suburl = $('meta[name=_suburl]').attr("content");
@@ -916,12 +1268,12 @@ $(document).ready(function () {
     // Dropzone
-    if ($('#dropzone').length > 0) {
+    var $dropz = $('#dropzone');
+    if ($dropz.length > 0) {
         // Disable auto discover for all elements:
         Dropzone.autoDiscover = false;
         var filenameDict = {};
-        var $dropz = $('#dropzone');
             url: $'upload-url'),
             headers: {"X-Csrf-Token": csrf},
@@ -936,12 +1288,16 @@ $(document).ready(function () {
             init: function () {
                 this.on("success", function (file, data) {
                     filenameDict[] = data.uuid;
-                    $('.attachments').append('<input id="' + data.uuid + '" name="attachments" type="hidden" value="' + data.uuid + '">');
+                    var input = $('<input id="' + data.uuid + '" name="files" type="hidden">').val(data.uuid);
+                    $('.files').append(input);
                 this.on("removedfile", function (file) {
                     if ( in filenameDict) {
                         $('#' + filenameDict[]).remove();
+                    if ($'remove-url') && $'csrf')) {
+                        $.post($'remove-url'), {file: filenameDict[], _csrf: $'csrf')});
+                    }
@@ -975,6 +1331,15 @@ $(document).ready(function () {
         e.trigger.setAttribute('data-content', e.trigger.getAttribute('data-original'))
+    // Clipboard for copying filename on edit page
+    if ($('.clipboard-tree-name').length) {
+        new Clipboard(document.querySelector('.clipboard-tree-name'), {
+            text: function () {
+                return $('#tree-name').val();
+            }
+        });
+    }
     // Helpers.
     $('.delete-button').click(function () {
         var $this = $(this);
@@ -1038,10 +1403,14 @@ $(document).ready(function () {
-    initWiki();
+    initWikiForm();
+    initIssueForm();
+    initEditForm();
+    initEditor();
+    initQuickPull();
     var routes = {
         'div.user.settings': initUserSettings,
@@ -1057,76 +1426,50 @@ $(document).ready(function () {
-$(window).load(function () {
-    function changeHash(hash) {
-        if (history.pushState) {
-            history.pushState(null, null, hash);
-        }
-        else {
-            location.hash = hash;
-        }
+function changeHash(hash) {
+    if (history.pushState) {
+        history.pushState(null, null, hash);
-    function deSelect() {
-        if (window.getSelection) {
-            window.getSelection().removeAllRanges();
-        } else {
-            document.selection.empty();
-        }
+    else {
+        location.hash = hash;
-    function selectRange($list, $select, $from) {
-        $list.removeClass('active');
-        if ($from) {
-            var a = parseInt($select.attr('rel').substr(1));
-            var b = parseInt($from.attr('rel').substr(1));
-            var c;
-            if (a != b) {
-                if (a > b) {
-                    c = a;
-                    a = b;
-                    b = c;
-                }
-                var classes = [];
-                for (var i = a; i <= b; i++) {
-                    classes.push('.L' + i);
-                }
-                $list.filter(classes.join(',')).addClass('active');
-                changeHash('#L' + a + '-' + 'L' + b);
-                return
-            }
-        }
-        $select.addClass('active');
-        changeHash('#' + $select.attr('rel'));
+function deSelect() {
+    if (window.getSelection) {
+        window.getSelection().removeAllRanges();
+    } else {
+        document.selection.empty();
-    // Code view.
-    if ($('.code-view .linenums').length > 0) {
-        $(document).on('click', '.lines-num span', function (e) {
-            var $select = $(this);
-            var $list = $select.parent().siblings('.lines-code').find('ol.linenums > li');
-            selectRange($list, $list.filter('[rel=' + $select.attr('id') + ']'), (e.shiftKey ? $list.filter('.active').eq(0) : null));
-            deSelect();
-        });
-        $(window).on('hashchange', function (e) {
-            var m = window.location.hash.match(/^#(L\d+)\-(L\d+)$/);
-            var $list = $('.code-view ol.linenums > li');
-            var $first;
-            if (m) {
-                $first = $list.filter('.' + m[1]);
-                selectRange($list, $first, $list.filter('.' + m[2]));
-                $("html, body").scrollTop($first.offset().top - 200);
-                return;
+function selectRange($list, $select, $from) {
+    $list.removeClass('active');
+    if ($from) {
+        var a = parseInt($select.attr('rel').substr(1));
+        var b = parseInt($from.attr('rel').substr(1));
+        var c;
+        if (a != b) {
+            if (a > b) {
+                c = a;
+                a = b;
+                b = c;
-            m = window.location.hash.match(/^#(L\d+)$/);
-            if (m) {
-                $first = $list.filter('.' + m[1]);
-                selectRange($list, $first);
-                $("html, body").scrollTop($first.offset().top - 200);
+            var classes = [];
+            for (var i = a; i <= b; i++) {
+                classes.push('.L' + i);
-        }).trigger('hashchange');
+            $list.filter(classes.join(',')).addClass('active');
+            changeHash('#L' + a + '-' + 'L' + b);
+            return
+        }
+    $select.addClass('active');
+    changeHash('#' + $select.attr('rel'));
+$(window).load(function () {
+    initCodeView();
     // Repo clone url.
     if ($('#repo-clone-url').length > 0) {
@@ -1135,7 +1478,6 @@ $(window).load(function () {
                 if ($('#repo-clone-ssh').click().length === 0) {
-                ;

+ 55 - 0

@@ -5,8 +5,13 @@
 package repo
 import (
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	"net/url"
+	"strings"
 const (
@@ -29,3 +34,53 @@ func Branches(ctx *context.Context) {
 	ctx.Data["Branches"] = brs
 	ctx.HTML(200, BRANCH)
+func NewBranchPost(ctx *context.Context, form auth.NewBranchForm) {
+	oldBranchName := form.OldBranchName
+	branchName := form.BranchName
+	if ctx.HasError() || !ctx.Repo.IsWriter() || branchName == oldBranchName {
+		ctx.Redirect(EscapeUrl(ctx.Repo.RepoLink + "/src/" + oldBranchName))
+		return
+	}
+	branchName = url.QueryEscape(strings.Replace(strings.Trim(branchName, " "), " ", "-", -1))
+	if _, err := ctx.Repo.Repository.GetBranch(branchName); err == nil {
+		ctx.Redirect(EscapeUrl(ctx.Repo.RepoLink + "/src/" + branchName))
+		return
+	}
+	if err := ctx.Repo.Repository.CreateNewBranch(ctx.User, oldBranchName, branchName); err != nil {
+		ctx.Handle(404, "repo.Branches(CreateNewBranch)", err)
+		log.Error(4, "%s: %v", "EditFile", err)
+		return
+	}
+	// Was successful, so now need to call models.CommitRepoAction() with the new commitID for webhooks and watchers
+	if branch, err := ctx.Repo.Repository.GetBranch(branchName); err != nil {
+		log.Error(4, "repo.Repository.GetBranch(%s): %v", branchName, err)
+	} else if commit, err := branch.GetCommit(); err != nil {
+		log.Error(4, "branch.GetCommit(): %v", err)
+	} else {
+		pc := &models.PushCommits{
+			Len: 1,
+			Commits: []*models.PushCommit{&models.PushCommit{
+				commit.ID.String(),
+				commit.Message(),
+				commit.Author.Email,
+				commit.Author.Name,
+			}},
+		}
+		oldCommitID := "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" // New Branch so we use all 0s
+		newCommitID := commit.ID.String()
+		if err := models.CommitRepoAction(ctx.User.ID, ctx.Repo.Owner.ID, ctx.User.LowerName, ctx.Repo.Owner.Email,
+			ctx.Repo.Repository.ID, ctx.Repo.Owner.LowerName, ctx.Repo.Repository.Name, "refs/heads/"+branchName, pc,
+			oldCommitID, newCommitID); err != nil {
+			log.Error(4, "models.CommitRepoAction(branch = %s): %v", branchName, err)
+		}
+		models.HookQueue.Add(ctx.Repo.Repository.ID)
+	}
+	ctx.Redirect(EscapeUrl(ctx.Repo.RepoLink + "/src/" + branchName))

+ 54 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Gogs Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package repo
+import (
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+func DeleteFilePost(ctx *context.Context, form auth.DeleteRepoFileForm) {
+	branchName := ctx.Repo.BranchName
+	treeName := ctx.Repo.TreeName
+	if ctx.HasError() {
+		ctx.Redirect(ctx.Repo.RepoLink + "/src/" + branchName + "/" + treeName)
+		return
+	}
+	if err := ctx.Repo.Repository.DeleteRepoFile(ctx.User, branchName, treeName, form.CommitSummary); err != nil {
+		ctx.Handle(500, "DeleteRepoFile", err)
+		return
+	}
+	// Was successful, so now need to call models.CommitRepoAction() with the new commitID for webhooks and watchers
+	if branch, err := ctx.Repo.Repository.GetBranch(branchName); err != nil {
+		log.Error(4, "repo.Repository.GetBranch(%s): %v", branchName, err)
+	} else if commit, err := branch.GetCommit(); err != nil {
+		log.Error(4, "branch.GetCommit(): %v", err)
+	} else {
+		pc := &models.PushCommits{
+			Len: 1,
+			Commits: []*models.PushCommit{&models.PushCommit{
+				commit.ID.String(),
+				commit.Message(),
+				commit.Author.Email,
+				commit.Author.Name,
+			}},
+		}
+		oldCommitID := ctx.Repo.CommitID
+		newCommitID := commit.ID.String()
+		if err := models.CommitRepoAction(ctx.User.ID, ctx.Repo.Owner.ID, ctx.User.LowerName, ctx.Repo.Owner.Email,
+			ctx.Repo.Repository.ID, ctx.Repo.Owner.LowerName, ctx.Repo.Repository.Name, "refs/heads/"+branchName, pc,
+			oldCommitID, newCommitID); err != nil {
+			log.Error(4, "models.CommitRepoAction(branch = %s): %v", branchName, err)
+		}
+		models.HookQueue.Add(ctx.Repo.Repository.ID)
+	}
+	ctx.Redirect(ctx.Repo.RepoLink + "/src/" + branchName)

+ 359 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Gogs Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package repo
+import (
+	"io/ioutil"
+	"path"
+	"strings"
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+const (
+	EDIT             base.TplName = "repo/edit"
+	DIFF_PREVIEW     base.TplName = "repo/diff_preview"
+	DIFF_PREVIEW_NEW base.TplName = "repo/diff_preview_new"
+func EditFile(ctx *context.Context) {
+	editFile(ctx, false)
+func NewFile(ctx *context.Context) {
+	editFile(ctx, true)
+func editFile(ctx *context.Context, isNewFile bool) {
+	ctx.Data["PageIsEdit"] = true
+	ctx.Data["IsNewFile"] = isNewFile
+	ctx.Data["RequireHighlightJS"] = true
+	userName := ctx.Repo.Owner.Name
+	repoName := ctx.Repo.Repository.Name
+	branchName := ctx.Repo.BranchName
+	branchLink := ctx.Repo.RepoLink + "/src/" + branchName
+	treeName := ctx.Repo.TreeName
+	var treeNames []string
+	if len(treeName) > 0 {
+		treeNames = strings.Split(treeName, "/")
+	}
+	if !isNewFile {
+		entry, err := ctx.Repo.Commit.GetTreeEntryByPath(treeName)
+		if err != nil && git.IsErrNotExist(err) {
+			ctx.Handle(404, "GetTreeEntryByPath", err)
+			return
+		}
+		if (ctx.Repo.IsViewCommit) || entry == nil || entry.IsDir() {
+			ctx.Handle(404, "repo.Home", nil)
+			return
+		}
+		blob := entry.Blob()
+		dataRc, err := blob.Data()
+		if err != nil {
+			ctx.Handle(404, "blob.Data", err)
+			return
+		}
+		ctx.Data["FileSize"] = blob.Size()
+		ctx.Data["FileName"] = blob.Name()
+		buf := make([]byte, 1024)
+		n, _ := dataRc.Read(buf)
+		if n > 0 {
+			buf = buf[:n]
+		}
+		_, isTextFile := base.IsTextFile(buf)
+		if !isTextFile {
+			ctx.Handle(404, "repo.Home", nil)
+			return
+		}
+		d, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(dataRc)
+		buf = append(buf, d...)
+		if err, content := template.ToUtf8WithErr(buf); err != nil {
+			if err != nil {
+				log.Error(4, "Convert content encoding: %s", err)
+			}
+			ctx.Data["FileContent"] = string(buf)
+		} else {
+			ctx.Data["FileContent"] = content
+		}
+	} else {
+		treeNames = append(treeNames, "")
+	}
+	ctx.Data["RequireSimpleMDE"] = true
+	ctx.Data["UserName"] = userName
+	ctx.Data["RepoName"] = repoName
+	ctx.Data["BranchName"] = branchName
+	ctx.Data["TreeName"] = treeName
+	ctx.Data["TreeNames"] = treeNames
+	ctx.Data["BranchLink"] = branchLink
+	ctx.Data["CommitSummary"] = ""
+	ctx.Data["CommitMessage"] = ""
+	ctx.Data["CommitChoice"] = "direct"
+	ctx.Data["NewBranchName"] = ""
+	ctx.Data["CommitDirectlyToThisBranch"] = ctx.Tr("repo.commit_directly_to_this_branch", "<strong class=\"branch-name\">"+branchName+"</strong>")
+	ctx.Data["CreateNewBranch"] = ctx.Tr("repo.create_new_branch", "<strong>"+ctx.Tr("repo.new_branch")+"</strong>")
+	ctx.Data["LastCommit"] = ctx.Repo.Commit.ID
+	ctx.Data["MdFileExtensions"] = strings.Join(setting.Markdown.MdFileExtensions, ",")
+	ctx.Data["LineWrapExtensions"] = strings.Join(setting.Editor.LineWrapExtensions, ",")
+	ctx.Data["PreviewTabApis"] = strings.Join(setting.Editor.PreviewTabApis, ",")
+	ctx.Data["PreviewDiffUrl"] = ctx.Repo.RepoLink + "/preview/" + branchName + "/" + treeName
+	ctx.HTML(200, EDIT)
+func EditFilePost(ctx *context.Context, form auth.EditRepoFileForm) {
+	editFilePost(ctx, form, false)
+func NewFilePost(ctx *context.Context, form auth.EditRepoFileForm) {
+	editFilePost(ctx, form, true)
+func editFilePost(ctx *context.Context, form auth.EditRepoFileForm, isNewFile bool) {
+	ctx.Data["PageIsEdit"] = true
+	ctx.Data["IsNewFile"] = isNewFile
+	ctx.Data["RequireHighlightJS"] = true
+	userName := ctx.Repo.Owner.Name
+	repoName := ctx.Repo.Repository.Name
+	oldBranchName := ctx.Repo.BranchName
+	branchName := oldBranchName
+	branchLink := ctx.Repo.RepoLink + "/src/" + branchName
+	oldTreeName := ctx.Repo.TreeName
+	content := form.Content
+	commitChoice := form.CommitChoice
+	lastCommit := form.LastCommit
+	if commitChoice == "commit-to-new-branch" {
+		branchName = form.NewBranchName
+	}
+	treeName := form.TreeName
+	treeName = strings.Trim(treeName, " ")
+	treeName = strings.Trim(treeName, "/")
+	var treeNames []string
+	if len(treeName) > 0 {
+		treeNames = strings.Split(treeName, "/")
+	}
+	ctx.Data["RequireSimpleMDE"] = true
+	ctx.Data["UserName"] = userName
+	ctx.Data["RepoName"] = repoName
+	ctx.Data["BranchName"] = branchName
+	ctx.Data["TreeName"] = treeName
+	ctx.Data["TreeNames"] = treeNames
+	ctx.Data["BranchLink"] = branchLink
+	ctx.Data["FileContent"] = content
+	ctx.Data["CommitSummary"] = form.CommitSummary
+	ctx.Data["CommitMessage"] = form.CommitMessage
+	ctx.Data["CommitChoice"] = commitChoice
+	ctx.Data["NewBranchName"] = branchName
+	ctx.Data["CommitDirectlyToThisBranch"] = ctx.Tr("repo.commit_directly_to_this_branch", "<strong class=\"branch-name\">"+oldBranchName+"</strong>")
+	ctx.Data["CreateNewBranch"] = ctx.Tr("repo.create_new_branch", "<strong>"+ctx.Tr("repo.new_branch")+"</strong>")
+	ctx.Data["LastCommit"] = ctx.Repo.Commit.ID
+	ctx.Data["MdFileExtensions"] = strings.Join(setting.Markdown.MdFileExtensions, ",")
+	ctx.Data["LineWrapExtensions"] = strings.Join(setting.Editor.LineWrapExtensions, ",")
+	ctx.Data["PreviewTabApis"] = strings.Join(setting.Editor.PreviewTabApis, ",")
+	ctx.Data["PreviewDiffUrl"] = ctx.Repo.RepoLink + "/preview/" + branchName + "/" + treeName
+	if ctx.HasError() {
+		ctx.HTML(200, EDIT)
+		return
+	}
+	if len(treeName) == 0 {
+		ctx.Data["Err_Filename"] = true
+		ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.filename_cannot_be_empty"), EDIT, &form)
+		log.Error(4, "%s: %s", "EditFile", "Filename can't be empty")
+		return
+	}
+	if oldBranchName != branchName {
+		if _, err := ctx.Repo.Repository.GetBranch(branchName); err == nil {
+			ctx.Data["Err_Branchname"] = true
+			ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.branch_already_exists"), EDIT, &form)
+			log.Error(4, "%s: %s - %s", "BranchName", branchName, "Branch already exists")
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	treepath := ""
+	for index, part := range treeNames {
+		treepath = path.Join(treepath, part)
+		entry, err := ctx.Repo.Commit.GetTreeEntryByPath(treepath)
+		if err != nil {
+			// Means there is no item with that name, so we're good
+			break
+		}
+		if index != len(treeNames)-1 {
+			if !entry.IsDir() {
+				ctx.Data["Err_Filename"] = true
+				ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.directory_is_a_file"), EDIT, &form)
+				log.Error(4, "%s: %s - %s", "EditFile", treeName, "Directory given is a file")
+				return
+			}
+		} else {
+			if entry.IsDir() {
+				ctx.Data["Err_Filename"] = true
+				ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.filename_is_a_directory"), EDIT, &form)
+				log.Error(4, "%s: %s - %s", "EditFile", treeName, "Filename given is a dirctory")
+				return
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if !isNewFile {
+		_, err := ctx.Repo.Commit.GetTreeEntryByPath(oldTreeName)
+		if err != nil && git.IsErrNotExist(err) {
+			ctx.Data["Err_Filename"] = true
+			ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.file_editing_no_longer_exists"), EDIT, &form)
+			log.Error(4, "%s: %s / %s - %s", "EditFile", branchName, oldTreeName, "File doesn't exist for editing")
+			return
+		}
+		if lastCommit != ctx.Repo.CommitID {
+			if files, err := ctx.Repo.Commit.GetFilesChangedSinceCommit(lastCommit); err == nil {
+				for _, file := range files {
+					if file == treeName {
+						name := ctx.Repo.Commit.Author.Name
+						if u, err := models.GetUserByEmail(ctx.Repo.Commit.Author.Email); err == nil {
+							name = `<a href="` + setting.AppSubUrl + "/" + u.Name + `" target="_blank">` + u.Name + `</a>`
+						}
+						message := ctx.Tr("repo.user_has_committed_since_you_started_editing", name) +
+							` <a href="` + ctx.Repo.RepoLink + "/commit/" + ctx.Repo.CommitID + `" target="_blank">` + ctx.Tr("repo.see_what_changed") + `</a>` +
+							" " + ctx.Tr("repo.pressing_commit_again_will_overwrite_those_changes", "<em>"+ctx.Tr("repo.commit_changes")+"</em>")
+						log.Error(4, "%s: %s / %s - %s", "EditFile", branchName, oldTreeName, "File updated by another user")
+						ctx.RenderWithErr(message, EDIT, &form)
+						return
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if oldTreeName != treeName {
+		// We have a new filename (rename or completely new file) so we need to make sure it doesn't already exist, can't clobber
+		_, err := ctx.Repo.Commit.GetTreeEntryByPath(treeName)
+		if err == nil {
+			ctx.Data["Err_Filename"] = true
+			ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.file_already_exists"), EDIT, &form)
+			log.Error(4, "%s: %s - %s", "NewFile", treeName, "File already exists, can't create new")
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	message := ""
+	if form.CommitSummary != "" {
+		message = strings.Trim(form.CommitSummary, " ")
+	} else {
+		if isNewFile {
+			message = ctx.Tr("repo.add") + " '" + treeName + "'"
+		} else {
+			message = ctx.Tr("repo.update") + " '" + treeName + "'"
+		}
+	}
+	if strings.Trim(form.CommitMessage, " ") != "" {
+		message += "\n\n" + strings.Trim(form.CommitMessage, " ")
+	}
+	if err := ctx.Repo.Repository.UpdateRepoFile(ctx.User, oldBranchName, branchName, oldTreeName, treeName, content, message, isNewFile); err != nil {
+		ctx.Data["Err_Filename"] = true
+		ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.unable_to_update_file"), EDIT, &form)
+		log.Error(4, "%s: %v", "EditFile", err)
+		return
+	}
+	if branch, err := ctx.Repo.Repository.GetBranch(branchName); err != nil {
+		log.Error(4, "repo.Repository.GetBranch(%s): %v", branchName, err)
+	} else if commit, err := branch.GetCommit(); err != nil {
+		log.Error(4, "branch.GetCommit(): %v", err)
+	} else {
+		pc := &models.PushCommits{
+			Len: 1,
+			Commits: []*models.PushCommit{&models.PushCommit{
+				commit.ID.String(),
+				commit.Message(),
+				commit.Author.Email,
+				commit.Author.Name,
+			}},
+		}
+		oldCommitID := ctx.Repo.CommitID
+		newCommitID := commit.ID.String()
+		if branchName != oldBranchName {
+			oldCommitID = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" // New Branch so we use all 0s
+		}
+		if err := models.CommitRepoAction(ctx.User.ID, ctx.Repo.Owner.ID, ctx.User.LowerName, ctx.Repo.Owner.Email,
+			ctx.Repo.Repository.ID, ctx.Repo.Owner.LowerName, ctx.Repo.Repository.Name, "refs/heads/"+branchName, pc,
+			oldCommitID, newCommitID); err != nil {
+			log.Error(4, "models.CommitRepoAction(branch = %s): %v", branchName, err)
+		}
+		models.HookQueue.Add(ctx.Repo.Repository.ID)
+	}
+	// Leaving this off until forked repos that get a branch can compare with forks master and not upstream
+	//if oldBranchName != branchName {
+	//	ctx.Redirect(EscapeUrl(ctx.Repo.RepoLink + "/compare/" + oldBranchName + "..." + branchName))
+	//} else {
+	ctx.Redirect(EscapeUrl(ctx.Repo.RepoLink + "/src/" + branchName + "/" + treeName))
+	//}
+func DiffPreviewPost(ctx *context.Context, form auth.EditPreviewDiffForm) {
+	userName := ctx.Repo.Owner.Name
+	repoName := ctx.Repo.Repository.Name
+	branchName := ctx.Repo.BranchName
+	treeName := ctx.Repo.TreeName
+	content := form.Content
+	entry, err := ctx.Repo.Commit.GetTreeEntryByPath(treeName)
+	if (err != nil && git.IsErrNotExist(err)) || entry.IsDir() {
+		ctx.Data["FileContent"] = content
+		return
+	}
+	diff, err := ctx.Repo.Repository.GetPreviewDiff(models.RepoPath(userName, repoName), branchName, treeName, content, setting.Git.MaxGitDiffLines, setting.Git.MaxGitDiffLineCharacters, setting.Git.MaxGitDiffFiles)
+	if err != nil {
+		ctx.Error(404, err.Error())
+		log.Error(4, "%s: %v", "GetPreviewDiff", err)
+		return
+	}
+	if diff.NumFiles() == 0 {
+		ctx.Error(200, ctx.Tr("repo.no_changes_to_show"))
+		return
+	}
+	ctx.Data["IsSplitStyle"] = ctx.Query("style") == "split"
+	ctx.Data["File"] = diff.Files[0]
+func EscapeUrl(str string) string {
+	return strings.NewReplacer("?", "%3F", "%", "%25", "#", "%23", " ", "%20", "^", "%5E", "\\", "%5C", "{", "%7B", "}", "%7D", "|", "%7C").Replace(str)

+ 9 - 2

@@ -340,6 +340,8 @@ func NewIssue(ctx *context.Context) {
 	ctx.Data["RequireHighlightJS"] = true
+	ctx.Data["RequireSimpleMDE"] = true
+	ctx.Data["RepoName"] = ctx.Repo.Repository.Name
 	ctx.HTML(200, ISSUE_NEW)
@@ -401,6 +403,9 @@ func ValidateRepoMetas(ctx *context.Context, form auth.CreateIssueForm) ([]int64
 func NewIssuePost(ctx *context.Context, form auth.CreateIssueForm) {
 	ctx.Data["Title"] = ctx.Tr("")
 	ctx.Data["PageIsIssueList"] = true
+	ctx.Data["RepoName"] = ctx.Repo.Repository.Name
+	ctx.Data["RequireHighlightJS"] = true
+	ctx.Data["RequireSimpleMDE"] = true
 	var (
@@ -414,7 +419,7 @@ func NewIssuePost(ctx *context.Context, form auth.CreateIssueForm) {
 	if setting.AttachmentEnabled {
-		attachments = form.Attachments
+		attachments = form.Files
 	if ctx.HasError() {
@@ -634,6 +639,8 @@ func ViewIssue(ctx *context.Context) {
 	ctx.Data["SignInLink"] = setting.AppSubUrl + "/user/login?redirect_to=" + ctx.Data["Link"].(string)
 	ctx.Data["RequireHighlightJS"] = true
+	ctx.Data["RequireSimpleMDE"] = true
+	ctx.Data["RepoName"] = ctx.Repo.Repository.Name
 	ctx.HTML(200, ISSUE_VIEW)
@@ -801,7 +808,7 @@ func NewComment(ctx *context.Context, form auth.CreateCommentForm) {
 	var attachments []string
 	if setting.AttachmentEnabled {
-		attachments = form.Attachments
+		attachments = form.Files
 	if ctx.HasError() {

+ 1 - 1

@@ -660,7 +660,7 @@ func CompareAndPullRequestPost(ctx *context.Context, form auth.CreateIssueForm)
 	if setting.AttachmentEnabled {
-		attachments = form.Attachments
+		attachments = form.Files
 	if ctx.HasError() {

+ 257 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Gogs Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package repo
+import (
+	"strings"
+	"fmt"
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	"net/http"
+	"path"
+const (
+	UPLOAD base.TplName = "repo/upload"
+func renderUploadSettings(ctx *context.Context) {
+	ctx.Data["RequireDropzone"] = true
+	ctx.Data["IsUploadEnabled"] = setting.UploadEnabled
+	ctx.Data["UploadAllowedTypes"] = setting.UploadAllowedTypes
+	ctx.Data["UploadMaxSize"] = setting.UploadMaxSize
+	ctx.Data["UploadMaxFiles"] = setting.UploadMaxFiles
+func UploadFile(ctx *context.Context) {
+	ctx.Data["PageIsUpload"] = true
+	userName := ctx.Repo.Owner.Name
+	repoName := ctx.Repo.Repository.Name
+	branchName := ctx.Repo.BranchName
+	branchLink := ctx.Repo.RepoLink + "/src/" + branchName
+	treeName := ctx.Repo.TreeName
+	treeNames := []string{""}
+	if len(treeName) > 0 {
+		treeNames = strings.Split(treeName, "/")
+	}
+	ctx.Data["UserName"] = userName
+	ctx.Data["RepoName"] = repoName
+	ctx.Data["BranchName"] = branchName
+	ctx.Data["TreeName"] = treeName
+	ctx.Data["TreeNames"] = treeNames
+	ctx.Data["BranchLink"] = branchLink
+	ctx.Data["CommitSummary"] = ""
+	ctx.Data["CommitMessage"] = ""
+	ctx.Data["CommitChoice"] = "direct"
+	ctx.Data["NewBranchName"] = ""
+	ctx.Data["CommitDirectlyToThisBranch"] = ctx.Tr("repo.commit_directly_to_this_branch", "<strong class=\"branch-name\">"+branchName+"</strong>")
+	ctx.Data["CreateNewBranch"] = ctx.Tr("repo.create_new_branch", "<strong>"+ctx.Tr("repo.new_branch")+"</strong>")
+	renderUploadSettings(ctx)
+	ctx.HTML(200, UPLOAD)
+func UploadFilePost(ctx *context.Context, form auth.UploadRepoFileForm) {
+	ctx.Data["PageIsUpload"] = true
+	renderUploadSettings(ctx)
+	userName := ctx.Repo.Owner.Name
+	repoName := ctx.Repo.Repository.Name
+	oldBranchName := ctx.Repo.BranchName
+	branchName := oldBranchName
+	branchLink := ctx.Repo.RepoLink + "/src/" + branchName
+	commitChoice := form.CommitChoice
+	files := form.Files
+	if commitChoice == "commit-to-new-branch" {
+		branchName = form.NewBranchName
+	}
+	treeName := form.TreeName
+	treeName = strings.Trim(treeName, " ")
+	treeName = strings.Trim(treeName, "/")
+	treeNames := []string{""}
+	if len(treeName) > 0 {
+		treeNames = strings.Split(treeName, "/")
+	}
+	ctx.Data["UserName"] = userName
+	ctx.Data["RepoName"] = repoName
+	ctx.Data["BranchName"] = branchName
+	ctx.Data["TreeName"] = treeName
+	ctx.Data["TreeNames"] = treeNames
+	ctx.Data["BranchLink"] = branchLink
+	ctx.Data["CommitSummary"] = form.CommitSummary
+	ctx.Data["CommitMessage"] = form.CommitMessage
+	ctx.Data["CommitChoice"] = commitChoice
+	ctx.Data["NewBranchName"] = branchName
+	ctx.Data["CommitDirectlyToThisBranch"] = ctx.Tr("repo.commit_directly_to_this_branch", "<strong class=\"branch-name\">"+oldBranchName+"</strong>")
+	ctx.Data["CreateNewBranch"] = ctx.Tr("repo.create_new_branch", "<strong>"+ctx.Tr("repo.new_branch")+"</strong>")
+	if ctx.HasError() {
+		ctx.HTML(200, UPLOAD)
+		return
+	}
+	if oldBranchName != branchName {
+		if _, err := ctx.Repo.Repository.GetBranch(branchName); err == nil {
+			ctx.Data["Err_Branchname"] = true
+			ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.branch_already_exists"), UPLOAD, &form)
+			log.Error(4, "%s: %s - %s", "BranchName", branchName, "Branch already exists")
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	treepath := ""
+	for _, part := range treeNames {
+		treepath = path.Join(treepath, part)
+		entry, err := ctx.Repo.Commit.GetTreeEntryByPath(treepath)
+		if err != nil {
+			// Means there is no item with that name, so we're good
+			break
+		}
+		if !entry.IsDir() {
+			ctx.Data["Err_Filename"] = true
+			ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.directory_is_a_file"), UPLOAD, &form)
+			log.Error(4, "%s: %s - %s", "UploadFile", treeName, "Directory given is a file")
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	message := ""
+	if form.CommitSummary != "" {
+		message = strings.Trim(form.CommitSummary, " ")
+	} else {
+		message = ctx.Tr("repo.add_files_to_dir", "'"+treeName+"'")
+	}
+	if strings.Trim(form.CommitMessage, " ") != "" {
+		message += "\n\n" + strings.Trim(form.CommitMessage, " ")
+	}
+	if err := ctx.Repo.Repository.UploadRepoFiles(ctx.User, oldBranchName, branchName, treeName, message, files); err != nil {
+		ctx.Data["Err_Directory"] = true
+		ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.unable_to_upload_files"), UPLOAD, &form)
+		log.Error(4, "%s: %v", "UploadFile", err)
+		return
+	}
+	// Was successful, so now need to call models.CommitRepoAction() with the new commitID for webhooks and watchers
+	if branch, err := ctx.Repo.Repository.GetBranch(branchName); err != nil {
+		log.Error(4, "repo.Repository.GetBranch(%s): %v", branchName, err)
+	} else if commit, err := branch.GetCommit(); err != nil {
+		log.Error(4, "branch.GetCommit(): %v", err)
+	} else {
+		pc := &models.PushCommits{
+			Len: 1,
+			Commits: []*models.PushCommit{&models.PushCommit{
+				commit.ID.String(),
+				commit.Message(),
+				commit.Author.Email,
+				commit.Author.Name,
+			}},
+		}
+		oldCommitID := ctx.Repo.CommitID
+		newCommitID := commit.ID.String()
+		if branchName != oldBranchName {
+			oldCommitID = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" // New Branch so we use all 0s
+		}
+		if err := models.CommitRepoAction(ctx.User.ID, ctx.Repo.Owner.ID, ctx.User.LowerName, ctx.Repo.Owner.Email,
+			ctx.Repo.Repository.ID, ctx.Repo.Owner.LowerName, ctx.Repo.Repository.Name, "refs/heads/"+branchName, pc,
+			oldCommitID, newCommitID); err != nil {
+			log.Error(4, "models.CommitRepoAction(branch = %s): %v", branchName, err)
+		}
+		models.HookQueue.Add(ctx.Repo.Repository.ID)
+	}
+	// Leaving this off until forked repos that get a branch can compare with forks master and not upstream
+	//if oldBranchName != branchName {
+	//	ctx.Redirect(EscapeUrl(ctx.Repo.RepoLink + "/compare/" + oldBranchName + "..." + branchName))
+	//} else {
+	ctx.Redirect(EscapeUrl(ctx.Repo.RepoLink + "/src/" + branchName + "/" + treeName))
+	//}
+func UploadFileToServer(ctx *context.Context) {
+	if !setting.UploadEnabled {
+		ctx.Error(404, "upload is not enabled")
+		return
+	}
+	file, header, err := ctx.Req.FormFile("file")
+	if err != nil {
+		ctx.Error(500, fmt.Sprintf("FormFile: %v", err))
+		return
+	}
+	defer file.Close()
+	buf := make([]byte, 1024)
+	n, _ := file.Read(buf)
+	if n > 0 {
+		buf = buf[:n]
+	}
+	fileType := http.DetectContentType(buf)
+	if len(setting.UploadAllowedTypes) > 0 {
+		allowedTypes := strings.Split(setting.UploadAllowedTypes, ",")
+		allowed := false
+		for _, t := range allowedTypes {
+			t := strings.Trim(t, " ")
+			if t == "*/*" || t == fileType {
+				allowed = true
+				break
+			}
+		}
+		if !allowed {
+			ctx.Error(400, ErrFileTypeForbidden.Error())
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	up, err := models.NewUpload(header.Filename, buf, file, ctx.User.ID, ctx.Repo.Repository.ID)
+	if err != nil {
+		ctx.Error(500, fmt.Sprintf("NewUpload: %v", err))
+		return
+	}
+	log.Trace("New file uploaded: %s", up.UUID)
+	ctx.JSON(200, map[string]string{
+		"uuid": up.UUID,
+	})
+func RemoveUploadFileFromServer(ctx *context.Context, form auth.RemoveUploadFileForm) {
+	if !setting.UploadEnabled {
+		ctx.Error(404, "upload is not enabled")
+		return
+	}
+	if len(form.File) == 0 {
+		ctx.Error(404, "invalid params")
+		return
+	}
+	uuid := form.File
+	if err := models.RemoveUpload(uuid, ctx.User.ID, ctx.Repo.Repository.ID); err != nil {
+		ctx.Error(500, fmt.Sprintf("RemoveUpload: %v", err))
+		return
+	}
+	log.Trace("Upload file removed: %s", uuid)
+	ctx.JSON(200, map[string]string{
+		"uuid": uuid,
+	})

+ 42 - 1

@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import (
+	"strconv"
 const (
@@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ func Home(ctx *context.Context) {
 	ctx.Data["Title"] = title
 	ctx.Data["PageIsViewCode"] = true
 	ctx.Data["RequireHighlightJS"] = true
+	ctx.Data["IsWriter"] = ctx.Repo.IsWriter()
 	branchName := ctx.Repo.BranchName
 	userName := ctx.Repo.Owner.Name
@@ -49,6 +51,11 @@ func Home(ctx *context.Context) {
 	branchLink := ctx.Repo.RepoLink + "/src/" + branchName
 	treeLink := branchLink
 	rawLink := ctx.Repo.RepoLink + "/raw/" + branchName
+	editLink := ctx.Repo.RepoLink + "/_edit/" + branchName
+	newFileLink := ctx.Repo.RepoLink + "/_new/" + branchName
+	deleteLink := ctx.Repo.RepoLink + "/delete/" + branchName
+	forkLink := setting.AppSubUrl + "/repo/fork/" + strconv.FormatInt(ctx.Repo.Repository.ID, 10)
+	uploadFileLink := ctx.Repo.RepoLink + "/upload/" + branchName
 	// Get tree path
 	treename := ctx.Repo.TreeName
@@ -104,8 +111,10 @@ func Home(ctx *context.Context) {
 			switch {
 			case isPDFFile:
 				ctx.Data["IsPDFFile"] = true
+				ctx.Data["FileEditLinkTooltip"] = ctx.Tr("repo.cannot_edit_binary_files")
 			case isImageFile:
 				ctx.Data["IsImageFile"] = true
+				ctx.Data["FileEditLinkTooltip"] = ctx.Tr("repo.cannot_edit_binary_files")
 			case isTextFile:
 				if blob.Size() >= setting.UI.MaxDisplayFileSize {
 					ctx.Data["IsFileTooLarge"] = true
@@ -114,8 +123,10 @@ func Home(ctx *context.Context) {
 					d, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(dataRc)
 					buf = append(buf, d...)
 					readmeExist := markdown.IsMarkdownFile(blob.Name()) || markdown.IsReadmeFile(blob.Name())
+					isMarkdown := readmeExist || markdown.IsMarkdownFile(blob.Name())
 					ctx.Data["ReadmeExist"] = readmeExist
-					if readmeExist {
+					ctx.Data["IsMarkdown"] = isMarkdown
+					if isMarkdown {
 						ctx.Data["FileContent"] = string(markdown.Render(buf, path.Dir(treeLink), ctx.Repo.Repository.ComposeMetas()))
 					} else {
 						// Building code view blocks with line number on server side.
@@ -143,6 +154,29 @@ func Home(ctx *context.Context) {
 						ctx.Data["LineNums"] = gotemplate.HTML(output.String())
+				if ctx.Repo.IsWriter() && ctx.Repo.IsViewBranch {
+					ctx.Data["FileEditLink"] = editLink + "/" + treename
+					ctx.Data["FileEditLinkTooltip"] = ctx.Tr("repo.edit_this_file")
+				} else {
+					if !ctx.Repo.IsViewBranch {
+						ctx.Data["FileEditLinkTooltip"] = ctx.Tr("repo.must_be_on_branch")
+					} else if !ctx.Repo.IsWriter() {
+						ctx.Data["FileEditLink"] = forkLink
+						ctx.Data["FileEditLinkTooltip"] = ctx.Tr("repo.fork_before_edit")
+					}
+				}
+			default:
+				ctx.Data["FileEditLinkTooltip"] = ctx.Tr("repo.cannot_edit_binary_files")
+			}
+			if ctx.Repo.IsWriter() && ctx.Repo.IsViewBranch {
+				ctx.Data["FileDeleteLink"] = deleteLink + "/" + treename
+				ctx.Data["FileDeleteLinkTooltip"] = ctx.Tr("repo.delete_this_file")
+			} else {
+				if !ctx.Repo.IsViewBranch {
+					ctx.Data["FileDeleteLinkTooltip"] = ctx.Tr("repo.must_be_on_branch")
+				} else if !ctx.Repo.IsWriter() {
+					ctx.Data["FileDeleteLinkTooltip"] = ctx.Tr("repo.must_be_writer")
+				}
 	} else {
@@ -200,6 +234,7 @@ func Home(ctx *context.Context) {
 					buf = append(buf, d...)
 					switch {
 					case markdown.IsMarkdownFile(readmeFile.Name()):
+						ctx.Data["IsMarkdown"] = true
 						buf = markdown.Render(buf, treeLink, ctx.Repo.Repository.ComposeMetas())
 						buf = bytes.Replace(buf, []byte("\n"), []byte(`<br>`), -1)
@@ -220,6 +255,12 @@ func Home(ctx *context.Context) {
 		ctx.Data["LastCommit"] = lastCommit
 		ctx.Data["LastCommitUser"] = models.ValidateCommitWithEmail(lastCommit)
+		if ctx.Repo.IsWriter() && ctx.Repo.IsViewBranch {
+			ctx.Data["NewFileLink"] = newFileLink + "/" + treename
+			if setting.UploadEnabled {
+				ctx.Data["UploadFileLink"] = uploadFileLink + "/" + treename
+			}
+		}
 	ctx.Data["Username"] = userName

+ 3 - 3

@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
 {{if .Flash.ErrorMsg}}
 	<div class="ui negative message">
-		<p>{{.Flash.ErrorMsg}}</p>
+		<p>{{.Flash.ErrorMsg | Safe}}</p>
 {{if .Flash.SuccessMsg}}
 	<div class="ui positive message">
-		<p>{{.Flash.SuccessMsg}}</p>
+		<p>{{.Flash.SuccessMsg | Safe}}</p>
 {{if .Flash.InfoMsg}}
 	<div class="ui info message">
-		<p>{{.Flash.InfoMsg}}</p>
+		<p>{{.Flash.InfoMsg| Safe}}</p>

+ 5 - 0

@@ -24,6 +24,11 @@
 	{{if .RequireSimpleMDE}}
 		<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{AppSubUrl}}/plugins/simplemde-1.10.1/simplemde.min.css">
 		<script src="{{AppSubUrl}}/plugins/simplemde-1.10.1/simplemde.min.js"></script>
+		<script src="{{AppSubUrl}}/plugins/codemirror-5.17.0/addon/mode/loadmode.js"></script>
+		<script src="{{AppSubUrl}}/plugins/codemirror-5.17.0/mode/meta.js"></script>
+		<script>
+			CodeMirror.modeURL =  "{{AppSubUrl}}/plugins/codemirror-5.17.0/mode/%N/%N.js";
+		</script>
 	<!-- Stylesheet -->

+ 47 - 4

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 <div class="fitted item choose reference">
-	<div class="ui floating filter dropdown" data-no-results="{{.i18n.Tr "repo.pulls.no_results"}}">
-		<div class="ui basic small button">
+	<div id="branch-dropdown" class="ui floating filter dropdown" data-no-results="{{.i18n.Tr "repo.pulls.no_results"}}">
+			<div class="ui basic small button">
 			<span class="text">
 				<i class="octicon octicon-git-branch"></i>
 				{{if .IsViewBranch}}{{.i18n.Tr "repo.branch"}}{{else}}{{.i18n.Tr "repo.tree"}}{{end}}:
@@ -31,14 +31,57 @@
 			<div id="branch-list" class="scrolling menu" {{if .IsViewTag}}style="display: none"{{end}}>
 				{{range .Branches}}
-					<div class="item {{if eq $.BranchName .}}selected{{end}}" data-url="{{$.RepoLink}}/{{if $.PageIsCommits}}commits{{else}}src{{end}}/{{EscapePound .}}">{{.}}</div>
+					<div class="item {{if eq $.BranchName .}}selected{{end}}" data-url="{{$.RepoLink}}/{{if $.PageIsCommits}}commits{{else}}src{{end}}/{{EscapePound .}}{{if $.TreeName}}/{{EscapePound $.TreeName}}{{end}}">{{.}}</div>
+				{{end}}
+				{{if .IsWriter}}
+				<a href="javascript:void(0)" id="new-branch-item">
+					<i class="octicon octicon-git-branch"></i>
+					{{.i18n.Tr "repo.create_branch"}}: <span id="branch-name-text"></span>
+					<br/>
+					<span class="description">{{.i18n.Tr "repo.from"}} ‘{{.BranchName}}’</span>
+					<form accept-charset="UTF-8" action="{{.RepoLink}}/branches" method="post">
+						{{.CsrfTokenHtml}}
+						<input type="hidden" name="old_branch_name" value="{{.BranchName}}">
+						<input type="hidden" name="branch_name" id="branch-name" value="">
+					</form>
+				</a>
 			<div id="tag-list" class="scrolling menu" {{if not .IsViewTag}}style="display: none"{{end}}>
 				{{range .Tags}}
-					<div class="item {{if eq $.BranchName .}}selected{{end}}" data-url="{{$.RepoLink}}/{{if $.PageIsCommits}}commits{{else}}src{{end}}/{{EscapePound .}}">{{.}}</div>
+					<div class="item {{if eq $.BranchName .}}selected{{end}}" data-url="{{$.RepoLink}}/{{if $.PageIsCommits}}commits{{else}}src{{end}}/{{EscapePound .}}{{if $.TreeName}}/{{EscapePound $.TreeName}}{{end}}">{{.}}</div>
+{{if .IsWriter}}
+<script type="text/javascript">
+	$(document).ready(function(){
+		$('#branch-dropdown #new-branch-item').on('click', function(){
+			$(this).find('form').submit();
+			return true;
+		});
+		$('#branch-dropdown input[name=search]').on('keyup', function(){
+			var query = $(this).val().toLowerCase();
+			if(query.length){
+				var unique = true;
+				$('#branch-dropdown #branch-list .item').each(function(i, item){
+					if($(item).text().toLowerCase() == query){
+						unique = false;
+					}
+				});
+				if(unique){
+					$('#new-branch-item #branch-name-text').text(query);
+					$('#new-branch-item #branch-name').val(query);
+					$('#new-branch-item').css('display', 'block');
+					return;
+				}
+			}
+			$('#new-branch-item').hide();
+		});
+	});

+ 4 - 4

@@ -90,8 +90,8 @@
 										{{if $.IsSplitStyle}}
-											{{range $j, $section := .Sections}}
-												{{range $k, $line := .Lines}}
+											{{range $j, $section := $file.Sections}}
+												{{range $k, $line := $section.Lines}}
 													<tr class="{{DiffLineTypeToStr .GetType}}-code nl-{{$k}} ol-{{$k}}">
 														<td class="lines-num lines-num-old">
 															<span rel="{{if $line.LeftIdx}}diff-{{Sha1 $file.Name}}L{{$line.LeftIdx}}{{end}}">{{if $line.LeftIdx}}{{$line.LeftIdx}}{{end}}</span>
@@ -109,8 +109,8 @@
-											{{range $j, $section := .Sections}}
-												{{range $k, $line := .Lines}}
+											{{range $j, $section := $file.Sections}}
+												{{range $k, $line := $section.Lines}}
 													<tr class="{{DiffLineTypeToStr .GetType}}-code nl-{{$k}} ol-{{$k}}">
 														{{if eq .GetType 4}}
 														<td colspan="2" class="lines-num">

+ 32 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+{{$highlightClass := .File.GetHighlightClass}}
+<div class="diff-file-box diff-box file-content" id="diff-{{.Index}}">
+	<div class="ui attached table segment">
+		<div class="file-body file-code code-view code-diff">
+			<table>
+				<tbody>
+					{{range $j, $section := .File.Sections}}
+						{{range $k, $line := $section.Lines}}
+							<tr class="{{DiffLineTypeToStr .GetType}}-code nl-{{$k}} ol-{{$k}}">
+								{{if eq .GetType 4}}
+								<td colspan="2" class="lines-num">
+									{{/* {{if gt $j 0}}<span class="fold octicon octicon-fold"></span>{{end}} */}}
+								</td>
+								{{else}}
+								<td class="lines-num lines-num-old">
+									<span rel="{{if $line.LeftIdx}}diff-{{Sha1 $.File.Name}}L{{$line.LeftIdx}}{{end}}">{{if $line.LeftIdx}}{{$line.LeftIdx}}{{end}}</span>
+								</td>
+								<td class="lines-num lines-num-new">
+									<span rel="{{if $line.RightIdx}}diff-{{Sha1 $.File.Name}}R{{$line.RightIdx}}{{end}}">{{if $line.RightIdx}}{{$line.RightIdx}}{{end}}</span>
+								</td>
+								{{end}}
+								<td class="lines-code">
+									<pre><code class="{{if $highlightClass}}language-{{$highlightClass}}{{else}}nohighlight{{end}}">{{$section.GetComputedInlineDiffFor $line}}</code></pre>
+								</td>
+							</tr>
+						{{end}}
+					{{end}}
+				</tbody>
+			</table>
+		</div>
+	</div>

+ 12 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<div id="file-content" class="ui attached table segment">
+	<div class="file-view code-view has-emoji">
+		<table>
+			<tbody>
+				<tr>
+					<td class="lines-num"></td>
+					<td class="lines-code"><pre><code><ol class="linenums">{{.FileContent}}</ol></code></pre></td>
+				</tr>
+			</tbody>
+		</table>
+	</div>

+ 97 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+{{template "base/head" .}}
+<div class="repository file edit">
+	{{template "repo/header" .}}
+	<div class="ui container">
+		{{.branchName}}
+		{{template "base/alert" .}}
+		<form class="ui edit form" action="{{EscapePound $.Link}}" method="post">
+			{{.CsrfTokenHtml}}
+			<input type="hidden" name="last_commit" value="{{.LastCommit}}">
+			<div class="ui secondary menu">
+				<div class="item fitted" style="width:100%;">
+					<div class="ui breadcrumb field{{if .Err_Filename}} error{{end}}">
+						<a class="section" href="{{EscapePound $.BranchLink}}">{{.Repository.Name}}</a>
+						{{ $n := len .TreeNames}}
+						{{ $l := Subtract $n 1}}
+						{{range $i, $v := .TreeNames}}
+							<div class="divider"> / </div>
+							{{if eq $i $l}}
+								<input type="text" id="file-name" value="{{$v}}" placeholder="{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.name_your_file"}}" required> <span class="octicon octicon-info poping up" data-content="{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.filename_help"}}" data-position="bottom center" data-variation="tiny"></span>
+							{{else}}
+								<span class="section"><a href="{{EscapePound $.BranchLink}}/{{EscapePound $v}}">{{$v}}</a></span>
+							{{end}}
+						{{end}}
+						<button class="clipboard-tree-name octicon octicon-clippy poping up" type="button" data-content="{{.i18n.Tr "repo.copy_file_path_to_clipboard"}}" data-position="bottom center" data-variation="tiny inverted"></button>
+						<span class="repo-edit-file-cancel">{{.i18n.Tr "repo.or"}} <a href="{{EscapePound $.BranchLink}}/{{EscapePound $.TreeName}}">{{.i18n.Tr "repo.cancel_lower"}}</a></span>
+						<input type="hidden" id="tree-name" name="tree_name" value="{{.TreeName}}" required>
+					</div>
+				</div>
+			</div>
+			<div class="field">
+				<div class="ui top attached tabular menu" data-write="write" data-preview="preview" data-diff="diff">
+					<a class="active item" data-tab="write"><i class="octicon octicon-code"></i> {{.i18n.Tr "repo.edit_file"}}</a>
+					<a class="item" data-tab="preview" data-url="{{AppSubUrl}}/api/v1/markdown" data-context="{{.RepoLink}}" data-preview-apis="{{.PreviewTabApis}}"><i class="octicon octicon-eye"></i> {{.i18n.Tr "repo.release.preview"}}</a>
+					<a class="item" data-tab="diff" data-url="{{.PreviewDiffUrl}}" data-context="{{.BranchLink}}"><i class="octicon octicon-diff"></i> {{.i18n.Tr "repo.preview_changes"}}</a>
+				</div>
+				<div class="ui bottom attached active tab segment" data-tab="write">
+					<textarea id="edit_area" name="content" data-id="repo-{{.Repository.Name}}-{{.TreeName}}"
+						data-url="{{AppSubUrl}}/api/v1/markdown"
+						data-context="{{.RepoLink}}"
+						data-md-file-extensions="{{.MdFileExtensions}}"
+						data-line-wrap-extensions="{{.LineWrapExtensions}}">
+{{.FileContent}}</textarea required>
+				</div>
+				<div class="ui bottom attached tab segment markdown" data-tab="preview">
+					{{.i18n.Tr "repo.release.loading"}}
+				</div>
+				<div class="ui bottom attached tab segment diff" data-tab="diff">
+					{{.i18n.Tr "repo.release.loading"}}
+				</div>
+			</div>
+			<div class="commit-form-wrapper">
+				<img width="48" height="48" class="ui rounded image commit-form-avatar" src="{{.SignedUser.AvatarLink}}">
+				<div class="commit-form">
+					<h3>{{.i18n.Tr "repo.commit_changes"}}</h3>
+					<div class="field">
+						<input name="commit_summary" placeholder="{{if .IsNewFile}}{{.i18n.Tr "repo.add"}} '{{.TreeName}}/<filename>'{{else}}{{.i18n.Tr "repo.update"}} '{{.TreeName}}'{{end}}" value="{{.CommitSummary}}">
+					</div>
+					<div class="field">
+						<textarea name="commit_message" placeholder="{{.i18n.Tr "repo.default_commit_message"}}">{{.CommitMessage}}</textarea>
+					</div>
+					<div class="quick-pull-choice js-quick-pull-choice ">
+						<dl class="form-group">
+							<dd>
+						 		<div class="form-checkbox">
+									<label>
+										<input type="radio" class="js-quick-pull-choice-option" name="commit_choice" value="direct"{{if eq .CommitChoice "direct"}} checked="checked"{{end}}>
+										<i class="octicon octicon-git-commit" height="16" width="14"></i>
+										{{.CommitDirectlyToThisBranch | Safe}}
+									</label>
+								</div>
+								<div class="form-checkbox">
+									<label>
+										<input type="radio" class="js-quick-pull-choice-option" name="commit_choice" value="commit-to-new-branch"{{if eq .CommitChoice "commit-to-new-branch"}} checked="checked"{{end}}>
+										<i class="octicon octicon-git-pull-request" height="16" width="12"></i>
+										{{.CreateNewBranch | Safe}}
+									</label>
+								</div>
+							</dd>
+						</dl>
+						<div class="quick-pull-branch-name">
+							<div class="new-branch-name-input{{if .Err_Branchname}} error{{end}}">
+								<i class="octicon octicon-git-branch quick-pull-new-branch-icon" height="16" width="10"></i>
+								<input type="text" name="new_branch_name" value="{{.NewBranchName}}" class="form-control input-contrast mr-2 js-quick-pull-new-branch-name" placeholder="New branch name…">
+								<span class="text-muted js-quick-pull-normalization-info"></span>
+							</div>
+						</div>
+					</div>
+				</div>
+				<button type="submit" class="ui green button">
+					{{.i18n.Tr "repo.commit_changes"}}
+				</button>
+				<a class="ui button red" href="{{EscapePound $.BranchLink}}/{{EscapePound $.TreeName}}">{{.i18n.Tr "repo.cancel"}}</a>
+			</div>
+		</form>
+	</div>
+{{template "base/footer" .}}

+ 16 - 4

@@ -31,8 +31,20 @@
-			{{if eq $n 0}}
-				<div class="right fitted item">
+			<div class="right fitted item">
+				<div id="file-buttons" class="ui buttons nowrap">
+					{{if .NewFileLink}}
+						<a href="{{EscapePound .NewFileLink}}" class="ui button nowrap">
+							<i class="plus square outline icon"></i> {{.i18n.Tr "repo.new_file"}}
+						</a>
+					{{end}}
+					{{if .UploadFileLink}}
+						<a href="{{EscapePound .UploadFileLink}}" class="ui button nowrap">
+							<i class="upload icon"></i> {{.i18n.Tr "repo.upload_file"}}
+						</a>
+					{{end}}
+				</div>
+				{{if eq $n 0}}
 					<div class="ui action small input" id="clone-panel">
 						<button class="ui basic clone button" id="repo-clone-https" data-link="{{.CloneLink.HTTPS}}">
 							{{if UseHTTPS}}HTTPS{{else}}HTTP{{end}}
@@ -54,8 +66,8 @@
-				</div>
-			{{end}}
+				{{end}}
+			</div>
 		{{if .IsFile}}
 			{{template "repo/view_file" .}}

+ 3 - 2

@@ -4,13 +4,14 @@
 		<a class="item" data-tab="preview" data-url="{{AppSubUrl}}/api/v1/markdown" data-context="{{.RepoLink}}">{{.i18n.Tr "repo.release.preview"}}</a>
 	<div class="ui bottom attached active tab segment" data-tab="write">
-		<textarea id="content" name="content" tabindex="4">{{if .IssueTemplate}}{{.IssueTemplate}}{{end}}{{if .PullRequestTemplate}}{{.PullRequestTemplate}}{{end}}</textarea>
+		<textarea id="content" class="edit_area" name="content" tabindex="4" data-id="issue-{{.RepoName}}" data-url="{{AppSubUrl}}/api/v1/markdown" data-context="{{.Repo.RepoLink}}">
+{{if .IssueTemplate}}{{.IssueTemplate}}{{end}}{{if .PullRequestTemplate}}{{.PullRequestTemplate}}{{end}}</textarea>
 	<div class="ui bottom attached tab segment markdown" data-tab="preview">
 		{{.i18n.Tr "repo.release.loading"}}
 {{if .IsAttachmentEnabled}}
-	<div class="attachments"></div>
+	<div class="files"></div>
 	<div class="ui basic button dropzone" id="dropzone" data-upload-url="{{AppSubUrl}}/issues/attachments" data-accepts="{{.AttachmentAllowedTypes}}" data-max-file="{{.AttachmentMaxFiles}}" data-max-size="{{.AttachmentMaxSize}}" data-default-message="{{.i18n.Tr "dropzone.default_message"}}" data-invalid-input-type="{{.i18n.Tr "dropzone.invalid_input_type"}}" data-file-too-big="{{.i18n.Tr "dropzone.file_too_big"}}" data-remove-file="{{.i18n.Tr "dropzone.remove_file"}}"></div>

+ 79 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+{{template "base/head" .}}
+<div class="repository file upload">
+	{{template "repo/header" .}}
+	<div class="ui container">
+		{{.branchName}}
+		{{template "base/alert" .}}
+		<form class="ui comment form" action="{{EscapePound $.Link}}" method="post">
+			{{.CsrfTokenHtml}}
+			<div class="ui secondary menu">
+				<div class="item fitted" style="width:100%;">
+					<div class="ui breadcrumb field{{if .Err_Directory}} error{{end}}">
+						<a class="section" href="{{EscapePound $.BranchLink}}">{{.Repository.Name}}</a>
+						{{ $n := len .TreeNames}}
+						{{ $l := Subtract $n 1}}
+						{{range $i, $v := .TreeNames}}
+							<div class="divider"> / </div>
+							{{if eq $i $l}}
+								<input type="text" id="file-name" value="{{$v}}" placeholder="{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.add_subdir"}}">
+							{{else}}
+								<span class="section"><a href="{{EscapePound $.BranchLink}}/{{EscapePound $v}}">{{$v}}</a></span>
+							{{end}}
+						{{end}}
+						<button class="clipboard-tree-name icon octicon octicon-clippy poping up" type="button" data-content="{{.i18n.Tr "repo.copy_file_path_to_clipboard"}}" data-position="bottom center" data-variation="tiny inverted"></button>
+						<span class="repo-edit-file-cancel">{{.i18n.Tr "repo.or"}} <a href="{{EscapePound $.BranchLink}}/{{EscapePound $.TreeName}}">{{.i18n.Tr "repo.cancel_lower"}}</a></span>
+						<input type="hidden" id="tree-name" name="tree_name" value="{{.TreeName}}">
+					</div>
+				</div>
+			</div>
+			<div class="field ui upload">
+				<div class="files"></div>
+				<div class="ui basic button dropzone" id="dropzone" data-upload-url="{{.RepoLink}}/upload-file" data-remove-url="{{.RepoLink}}/upload-remove" data-csrf="{{.CsrfToken}}" data-accepts="{{.UploadAllowedTypes}}" data-max-file="{{.UploadMaxFiles}}" data-max-size="{{.UploadMaxSize}}" data-default-message="{{.i18n.Tr "dropzone.default_message"}}" data-invalid-input-type="{{.i18n.Tr "dropzone.invalid_input_type"}}" data-file-too-big="{{.i18n.Tr "dropzone.file_too_big"}}" data-remove-file="{{.i18n.Tr "dropzone.remove_file"}}"></div>
+			</div>
+			<div class="commit-form-wrapper">
+				<img width="48" height="48" class="ui rounded image commit-form-avatar" src="{{.SignedUser.AvatarLink}}">
+				<div class="commit-form">
+					<h3>{{.i18n.Tr "repo.commit_changes"}}</h3>
+					<div class="field">
+						<input name="commit_summary" placeholder="{{.i18n.Tr "repo.add_files_to_dir" .TreeName}}" value="{{.CommitSummary}}">
+					</div>
+					<div class="field">
+						<textarea name="commit_message" placeholder="{{.i18n.Tr "repo.default_commit_message"}}">{{.CommitMessage}}</textarea>
+					</div>
+					<div class="quick-pull-choice js-quick-pull-choice ">
+						<dl class="form-group">
+							<dd>
+						 		<div class="form-checkbox">
+									<label>
+										<input type="radio" class="js-quick-pull-choice-option" name="commit_choice" value="direct"{{if eq .CommitChoice "direct"}} checked="checked"{{end}}>
+										<i class="octicon octicon-git-commit" height="16" width="14"></i>
+										{{.CommitDirectlyToThisBranch | Safe}}
+									</label>
+								</div>
+								<div class="form-checkbox">
+									<label>
+										<input type="radio" class="js-quick-pull-choice-option" name="commit_choice" value="commit-to-new-branch"{{if eq .CommitChoice "commit-to-new-branch"}} checked="checked"{{end}}>
+										<i class="octicon octicon-git-pull-request" height="16" width="12"></i>
+										{{.CreateNewBranch | Safe}}
+									</label>
+								</div>
+							</dd>
+						</dl>
+						<div class="quick-pull-branch-name">
+							<div class="new-branch-name-input{{if .Err_Branchname}} error{{end}}">
+								<i class="octicon octicon-git-branch quick-pull-new-branch-icon" height="16" width="10"></i>
+								<input type="text" name="new_branch_name" value="{{.NewBranchName}}" class="form-control input-contrast mr-2 js-quick-pull-new-branch-name" placeholder="New branch name…">
+								<span class="text-muted js-quick-pull-normalization-info"></span>
+							</div>
+						</div>
+					</div>
+				</div>
+				<button type="submit" class="ui green button">
+					{{.i18n.Tr "repo.commit_changes"}}
+				</button>
+				<a class="ui button red" href="{{EscapePound $.BranchLink}}/{{EscapePound $.TreeName}}">{{.i18n.Tr "repo.cancel"}}</a>
+			</div>
+		</form>
+	</div>
+{{template "base/footer" .}}

+ 29 - 5

@@ -12,20 +12,34 @@
 			<strong>{{.FileName}}</strong> <span class="text grey normal">{{FileSize .FileSize}}</span>
 		{{if not .ReadmeInList}}
-			<div class="ui right">
-				<div class="ui small grey basic buttons">
+			<div class="ui right file-actions">
+				<div class="ui buttons">
 					{{if not .IsViewCommit}}
 						<a class="ui button" href="{{.RepoLink}}/src/{{.CommitID}}/{{EscapePound .TreeName}}">{{.i18n.Tr "repo.file_permalink"}}</a>
 					<a class="ui button" href="{{.RepoLink}}/commits/{{EscapePound .BranchName}}/{{EscapePound .TreeName}}">{{.i18n.Tr "repo.file_history"}}</a>
 					<a class="ui button" href="{{EscapePound .FileLink}}">{{.i18n.Tr "repo.file_raw"}}</a>
+				{{if .FileEditLink}}
+					<a href="{{EscapePound $.FileEditLink}}"><i class="poping up octicon octicon-pencil btn-octicon"  data-content="{{.FileEditLinkTooltip}}" data-position="bottom center" data-variation="tiny inverted"></i></a>
+				{{else}}
+					<i class="octicon btn-octicon octicon-pencil poping up disabled" data-content="{{.FileEditLinkTooltip}}" data-position="bottom center" data-variation="tiny inverted"></i>
+				{{end}}
+				{{if .FileDeleteLink}}
+					<form id="delete-file-form" class="ui form inline-form" action="{{EscapePound $.FileDeleteLink}}" method="post">
+						{{.CsrfTokenHtml}}
+						<button onclick="submitDeleteForm()" class="octicon octicon-trashcan btn-octicon btn-octicon-danger poping up" type="button" data-content="{{.FileDeleteLinkTooltip}}" data-position="bottom center" data-variation="tiny inverted"></button>
+						<input type="hidden" id="delete-message" name="commit_message" value="">
+					</form>
+				{{else}}
+					<i class="octicon btn-octicon octicon-trashcan poping up disabled" data-content="{{.FileDeleteLinkTooltip}}" data-position="bottom center" data-variation="tiny inverted"></i>
+				{{end}}
 	<div class="ui attached table segment">
-		<div class="file-view {{if .ReadmeExist}}markdown{{else if .IsFileText}}code-view{{end}} has-emoji">
-			{{if .ReadmeExist}}
+		<div class="file-view {{if .IsMarkdown}}markdown{{else if .IsFileText}}code-view{{end}} has-emoji">
+			{{if .IsMarkdown}}
 				{{if .FileContent}}{{.FileContent | Str2html}}{{end}}
 			{{else if not .IsFileText}}
 				<div class="view-raw ui center">
@@ -34,7 +48,7 @@
 					{{else if .IsPDFFile}}
 						<iframe width="100%" height="600px" src="{{AppSubUrl}}/plugins/pdfjs-1.4.20/web/viewer.html?file={{EscapePound .FileLink}}"></iframe>
-						<a href="{{EscapePound .FileLink}}" rel="nofollow" class="btn btn-gray btn-radius">{{.i18n.Tr "repo.file_view_raw"}}</a>
+						<a href="{{EscapePound $.FileLink}}" rel="nofollow" class="btn btn-gray btn-radius">{{.i18n.Tr "repo.file_view_raw"}}</a>
 			{{else if .FileSize}}
@@ -54,3 +68,13 @@
+function submitDeleteForm() {
+    var message = prompt("{{.i18n.Tr "repo.delete_confirm_message"}}\n\n{{.i18n.Tr "repo.delete_commit_summary"}}", "Delete '{{.TreeName}}'");
+    if (message != null) {
+        $("#delete-message").val(message);
+        $("#delete-file-form").submit()
+    }

+ 1 - 1

@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 				<input name="title" value="{{.title}}" autofocus required>
 			<div class="field">
-				<textarea id="edit-area" name="content" data-url="{{AppSubUrl}}/api/v1/markdown" data-context="{{.RepoLink}}">{{if .PageIsWikiEdit}}{{.content}}{{else}}{{.i18n.Tr ""}}{{end}}</textarea required>
+				<textarea id="edit_area" name="content" data-id="wiki-{{.old_title}}" data-url="{{AppSubUrl}}/api/v1/markdown" data-context="{{.RepoLink}}">{{if .PageIsWikiEdit}}{{.content}}{{else}}{{.i18n.Tr ""}}{{end}}</textarea required>
 			<div class="field">
 				<input name="message" placeholder="{{.i18n.Tr ""}}">

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff