@@ -827,6 +827,34 @@ function initEditor() {
else {
codeMirrorEditor.setOption("lineWrapping", false);
+ // get the filename without any folder
+ var value = $editFilename.val();
+ if (value.length === 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ value = value.split('/');
+ value = value[value.length - 1];
+ $.getJSON($editFilename.data('ec-url-prefix')+value, function(editorconfig) {
+ if (editorconfig.indent_style === 'tab') {
+ codeMirrorEditor.setOption("indentWithTabs", true);
+ codeMirrorEditor.setOption('extraKeys', {});
+ } else {
+ codeMirrorEditor.setOption("indentWithTabs", false);
+ // required because CodeMirror doesn't seems to use spaces correctly for {"indentWithTabs": false}:
+ // - https://github.com/codemirror/CodeMirror/issues/988
+ // - https://codemirror.net/doc/manual.html#keymaps
+ codeMirrorEditor.setOption('extraKeys', {
+ Tab: function(cm) {
+ var spaces = Array(parseInt(cm.getOption("indentUnit")) + 1).join(" ");
+ cm.replaceSelection(spaces);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ codeMirrorEditor.setOption("indentUnit", editorconfig.indent_size || 4);
+ codeMirrorEditor.setOption("tabSize", editorconfig.tab_width || 4);
+ });