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db: use `context` and go-mockgen for login sources (#7041)

Joe Chen %!s(int64=2) %!d(string=hai) anos

+ 2 - 2

@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ go 1.16
 require (
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 	github.com/bgentry/speakeasy v0.1.0 // indirect
+	github.com/derision-test/go-mockgen v1.2.0
 	github.com/editorconfig/editorconfig-core-go/v2 v2.4.4
 	github.com/fatih/color v1.9.0 // indirect
 	github.com/go-ldap/ldap/v3 v3.4.3
@@ -52,8 +53,7 @@ require (
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+ 50 - 5

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@@ -730,8 +772,11 @@ golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20200618134242-20370b0cb4b2/go.mod h1:EkVYQZoAsY45+roY
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+golang.org/x/tools v0.1.10 h1:QjFRCZxdOhBJ/UNgnBZLbNV13DlbnK0quyivTnXJM20=
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+ 6 - 7

@@ -9,11 +9,12 @@ import (
+	"github.com/stretchr/testify/require"
-func Test_loginSourceFiles_GetByID(t *testing.T) {
+func TestLoginSourceFiles_GetByID(t *testing.T) {
 	store := &loginSourceFiles{
 		sources: []*LoginSource{
 			{ID: 101},
@@ -28,14 +29,12 @@ func Test_loginSourceFiles_GetByID(t *testing.T) {
 	t.Run("source exists", func(t *testing.T) {
 		source, err := store.GetByID(101)
-		if err != nil {
-			t.Fatal(err)
-		}
+		require.NoError(t, err)
 		assert.Equal(t, int64(101), source.ID)
-func Test_loginSourceFiles_Len(t *testing.T) {
+func TestLoginSourceFiles_Len(t *testing.T) {
 	store := &loginSourceFiles{
 		sources: []*LoginSource{
 			{ID: 101},
@@ -45,7 +44,7 @@ func Test_loginSourceFiles_Len(t *testing.T) {
 	assert.Equal(t, 1, store.Len())
-func Test_loginSourceFiles_List(t *testing.T) {
+func TestLoginSourceFiles_List(t *testing.T) {
 	store := &loginSourceFiles{
 		sources: []*LoginSource{
 			{ID: 101, IsActived: true},
@@ -65,7 +64,7 @@ func Test_loginSourceFiles_List(t *testing.T) {
-func Test_loginSourceFiles_Update(t *testing.T) {
+func TestLoginSourceFiles_Update(t *testing.T) {
 	store := &loginSourceFiles{
 		sources: []*LoginSource{
 			{ID: 101, IsActived: true, IsDefault: true},

+ 40 - 35

@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 package db
 import (
+	"context"
@@ -25,24 +26,24 @@ import (
 // NOTE: All methods are sorted in alphabetical order.
 type LoginSourcesStore interface {
-	// Create creates a new login source and persist to database.
-	// It returns ErrLoginSourceAlreadyExist when a login source with same name already exists.
-	Create(opts CreateLoginSourceOpts) (*LoginSource, error)
+	// Create creates a new login source and persist to database. It returns
+	// ErrLoginSourceAlreadyExist when a login source with same name already exists.
+	Create(ctx context.Context, opts CreateLoginSourceOpts) (*LoginSource, error)
 	// Count returns the total number of login sources.
-	Count() int64
-	// DeleteByID deletes a login source by given ID.
-	// It returns ErrLoginSourceInUse if at least one user is associated with the login source.
-	DeleteByID(id int64) error
-	// GetByID returns the login source with given ID.
-	// It returns ErrLoginSourceNotExist when not found.
-	GetByID(id int64) (*LoginSource, error)
+	Count(ctx context.Context) int64
+	// DeleteByID deletes a login source by given ID. It returns ErrLoginSourceInUse
+	// if at least one user is associated with the login source.
+	DeleteByID(ctx context.Context, id int64) error
+	// GetByID returns the login source with given ID. It returns
+	// ErrLoginSourceNotExist when not found.
+	GetByID(ctx context.Context, id int64) (*LoginSource, error)
 	// List returns a list of login sources filtered by options.
-	List(opts ListLoginSourceOpts) ([]*LoginSource, error)
+	List(ctx context.Context, opts ListLoginSourceOpts) ([]*LoginSource, error)
 	// ResetNonDefault clears default flag for all the other login sources.
-	ResetNonDefault(source *LoginSource) error
-	// Save persists all values of given login source to database or local file.
-	// The Updated field is set to current time automatically.
-	Save(t *LoginSource) error
+	ResetNonDefault(ctx context.Context, source *LoginSource) error
+	// Save persists all values of given login source to database or local file. The
+	// Updated field is set to current time automatically.
+	Save(ctx context.Context, t *LoginSource) error
 var LoginSources LoginSourcesStore
@@ -65,7 +66,7 @@ type LoginSource struct {
 	File loginSourceFileStore `xorm:"-" gorm:"-" json:"-"`
-// NOTE: This is a GORM save hook.
+// BeforeSave implements the GORM save hook.
 func (s *LoginSource) BeforeSave(_ *gorm.DB) (err error) {
 	if s.Provider == nil {
 		return nil
@@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ func (s *LoginSource) BeforeSave(_ *gorm.DB) (err error) {
 	return err
-// NOTE: This is a GORM create hook.
+// BeforeCreate implements the GORM create hook.
 func (s *LoginSource) BeforeCreate(tx *gorm.DB) error {
 	if s.CreatedUnix == 0 {
 		s.CreatedUnix = tx.NowFunc().Unix()
@@ -83,13 +84,13 @@ func (s *LoginSource) BeforeCreate(tx *gorm.DB) error {
 	return nil
-// NOTE: This is a GORM update hook.
+// BeforeUpdate implements the GORM update hook.
 func (s *LoginSource) BeforeUpdate(tx *gorm.DB) error {
 	s.UpdatedUnix = tx.NowFunc().Unix()
 	return nil
-// NOTE: This is a GORM query hook.
+// AfterFind implements the GORM query hook.
 func (s *LoginSource) AfterFind(_ *gorm.DB) error {
 	s.Created = time.Unix(s.CreatedUnix, 0).Local()
 	s.Updated = time.Unix(s.UpdatedUnix, 0).Local()
@@ -209,8 +210,8 @@ func (err ErrLoginSourceAlreadyExist) Error() string {
 	return fmt.Sprintf("login source already exists: %v", err.args)
-func (db *loginSources) Create(opts CreateLoginSourceOpts) (*LoginSource, error) {
-	err := db.Where("name = ?", opts.Name).First(new(LoginSource)).Error
+func (db *loginSources) Create(ctx context.Context, opts CreateLoginSourceOpts) (*LoginSource, error) {
+	err := db.WithContext(ctx).Where("name = ?", opts.Name).First(new(LoginSource)).Error
 	if err == nil {
 		return nil, ErrLoginSourceAlreadyExist{args: errutil.Args{"name": opts.Name}}
 	} else if err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
@@ -227,12 +228,12 @@ func (db *loginSources) Create(opts CreateLoginSourceOpts) (*LoginSource, error)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
-	return source, db.DB.Create(source).Error
+	return source, db.WithContext(ctx).Create(source).Error
-func (db *loginSources) Count() int64 {
+func (db *loginSources) Count(ctx context.Context) int64 {
 	var count int64
-	db.Model(new(LoginSource)).Count(&count)
+	db.WithContext(ctx).Model(new(LoginSource)).Count(&count)
 	return count + int64(db.files.Len())
@@ -249,21 +250,21 @@ func (err ErrLoginSourceInUse) Error() string {
 	return fmt.Sprintf("login source is still used by some users: %v", err.args)
-func (db *loginSources) DeleteByID(id int64) error {
+func (db *loginSources) DeleteByID(ctx context.Context, id int64) error {
 	var count int64
-	err := db.Model(new(User)).Where("login_source = ?", id).Count(&count).Error
+	err := db.WithContext(ctx).Model(new(User)).Where("login_source = ?", id).Count(&count).Error
 	if err != nil {
 		return err
 	} else if count > 0 {
 		return ErrLoginSourceInUse{args: errutil.Args{"id": id}}
-	return db.Where("id = ?", id).Delete(new(LoginSource)).Error
+	return db.WithContext(ctx).Where("id = ?", id).Delete(new(LoginSource)).Error
-func (db *loginSources) GetByID(id int64) (*LoginSource, error) {
+func (db *loginSources) GetByID(ctx context.Context, id int64) (*LoginSource, error) {
 	source := new(LoginSource)
-	err := db.Where("id = ?", id).First(source).Error
+	err := db.WithContext(ctx).Where("id = ?", id).First(source).Error
 	if err != nil {
 		if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
 			return db.files.GetByID(id)
@@ -278,9 +279,9 @@ type ListLoginSourceOpts struct {
 	OnlyActivated bool
-func (db *loginSources) List(opts ListLoginSourceOpts) ([]*LoginSource, error) {
+func (db *loginSources) List(ctx context.Context, opts ListLoginSourceOpts) ([]*LoginSource, error) {
 	var sources []*LoginSource
-	query := db.Order("id ASC")
+	query := db.WithContext(ctx).Order("id ASC")
 	if opts.OnlyActivated {
 		query = query.Where("is_actived = ?", true)
@@ -292,8 +293,12 @@ func (db *loginSources) List(opts ListLoginSourceOpts) ([]*LoginSource, error) {
 	return append(sources, db.files.List(opts)...), nil
-func (db *loginSources) ResetNonDefault(dflt *LoginSource) error {
-	err := db.Model(new(LoginSource)).Where("id != ?", dflt.ID).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"is_default": false}).Error
+func (db *loginSources) ResetNonDefault(ctx context.Context, dflt *LoginSource) error {
+	err := db.WithContext(ctx).
+		Model(new(LoginSource)).
+		Where("id != ?", dflt.ID).
+		Updates(map[string]interface{}{"is_default": false}).
+		Error
 	if err != nil {
 		return err
@@ -311,9 +316,9 @@ func (db *loginSources) ResetNonDefault(dflt *LoginSource) error {
 	return nil
-func (db *loginSources) Save(source *LoginSource) error {
+func (db *loginSources) Save(ctx context.Context, source *LoginSource) error {
 	if source.File == nil {
-		return db.DB.Save(source).Error
+		return db.WithContext(ctx).Save(source).Error
 	source.File.SetGeneral("name", source.Name)

+ 211 - 243

@@ -5,10 +5,13 @@
 package db
 import (
+	"context"
+	mockrequire "github.com/derision-test/go-mockgen/testutil/require"
+	"github.com/stretchr/testify/require"
@@ -31,9 +34,7 @@ func TestLoginSource_BeforeSave(t *testing.T) {
 	t.Run("Config has not been set", func(t *testing.T) {
 		s := &LoginSource{}
 		err := s.BeforeSave(db)
-		if err != nil {
-			t.Fatal(err)
-		}
+		require.NoError(t, err)
 		assert.Empty(t, s.Config)
@@ -44,9 +45,7 @@ func TestLoginSource_BeforeSave(t *testing.T) {
 		err := s.BeforeSave(db)
-		if err != nil {
-			t.Fatal(err)
-		}
+		require.NoError(t, err)
 		assert.Equal(t, `{"ServiceName":"pam_service"}`, s.Config)
@@ -93,20 +92,18 @@ func Test_loginSources(t *testing.T) {
 		name string
 		test func(*testing.T, *loginSources)
-		{"Create", test_loginSources_Create},
-		{"Count", test_loginSources_Count},
-		{"DeleteByID", test_loginSources_DeleteByID},
-		{"GetByID", test_loginSources_GetByID},
-		{"List", test_loginSources_List},
-		{"ResetNonDefault", test_loginSources_ResetNonDefault},
-		{"Save", test_loginSources_Save},
+		{"Create", loginSourcesCreate},
+		{"Count", loginSourcesCount},
+		{"DeleteByID", loginSourcesDeleteByID},
+		{"GetByID", loginSourcesGetByID},
+		{"List", loginSourcesList},
+		{"ResetNonDefault", loginSourcesResetNonDefault},
+		{"Save", loginSourcesSave},
 	} {
 		t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
 			t.Cleanup(func() {
 				err := clearTables(t, db.DB, tables...)
-				if err != nil {
-					t.Fatal(err)
-				}
+				require.NoError(t, err)
 			tc.test(t, db)
@@ -116,62 +113,41 @@ func Test_loginSources(t *testing.T) {
-func test_loginSources_Create(t *testing.T, db *loginSources) {
+func loginSourcesCreate(t *testing.T, db *loginSources) {
+	ctx := context.Background()
 	// Create first login source with name "GitHub"
-	source, err := db.Create(CreateLoginSourceOpts{
-		Type:      auth.GitHub,
-		Name:      "GitHub",
-		Activated: true,
-		Default:   false,
-		Config: &github.Config{
-			APIEndpoint: "https://api.github.com",
+	source, err := db.Create(ctx,
+		CreateLoginSourceOpts{
+			Type:      auth.GitHub,
+			Name:      "GitHub",
+			Activated: true,
+			Default:   false,
+			Config: &github.Config{
+				APIEndpoint: "https://api.github.com",
+			},
-	})
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal(err)
-	}
+	)
+	require.NoError(t, err)
 	// Get it back and check the Created field
-	source, err = db.GetByID(source.ID)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal(err)
-	}
+	source, err = db.GetByID(ctx, source.ID)
+	require.NoError(t, err)
 	assert.Equal(t, db.NowFunc().Format(time.RFC3339), source.Created.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339))
 	assert.Equal(t, db.NowFunc().Format(time.RFC3339), source.Updated.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339))
 	// Try create second login source with same name should fail
-	_, err = db.Create(CreateLoginSourceOpts{Name: source.Name})
+	_, err = db.Create(ctx, CreateLoginSourceOpts{Name: source.Name})
 	expErr := ErrLoginSourceAlreadyExist{args: errutil.Args{"name": source.Name}}
 	assert.Equal(t, expErr, err)
-func test_loginSources_Count(t *testing.T, db *loginSources) {
-	// Create two login sources, one in database and one as source file.
-	_, err := db.Create(CreateLoginSourceOpts{
-		Type:      auth.GitHub,
-		Name:      "GitHub",
-		Activated: true,
-		Default:   false,
-		Config: &github.Config{
-			APIEndpoint: "https://api.github.com",
-		},
-	})
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	setMockLoginSourceFilesStore(t, db, &mockLoginSourceFilesStore{
-		MockLen: func() int {
-			return 2
-		},
-	})
-	assert.Equal(t, int64(3), db.Count())
+func loginSourcesCount(t *testing.T, db *loginSources) {
+	ctx := context.Background()
-func test_loginSources_DeleteByID(t *testing.T, db *loginSources) {
-	t.Run("delete but in used", func(t *testing.T) {
-		source, err := db.Create(CreateLoginSourceOpts{
+	// Create two login sources, one in database and one as source file.
+	_, err := db.Create(ctx,
+		CreateLoginSourceOpts{
 			Type:      auth.GitHub,
 			Name:      "GitHub",
 			Activated: true,
@@ -179,279 +155,271 @@ func test_loginSources_DeleteByID(t *testing.T, db *loginSources) {
 			Config: &github.Config{
 				APIEndpoint: "https://api.github.com",
-		})
-		if err != nil {
-			t.Fatal(err)
-		}
+		},
+	)
+	require.NoError(t, err)
+	mock := NewMockLoginSourceFilesStore()
+	mock.LenFunc.SetDefaultReturn(2)
+	setMockLoginSourceFilesStore(t, db, mock)
+	assert.Equal(t, int64(3), db.Count(ctx))
+func loginSourcesDeleteByID(t *testing.T, db *loginSources) {
+	ctx := context.Background()
+	t.Run("delete but in used", func(t *testing.T) {
+		source, err := db.Create(ctx,
+			CreateLoginSourceOpts{
+				Type:      auth.GitHub,
+				Name:      "GitHub",
+				Activated: true,
+				Default:   false,
+				Config: &github.Config{
+					APIEndpoint: "https://api.github.com",
+				},
+			},
+		)
+		require.NoError(t, err)
 		// Create a user that uses this login source
 		_, err = (&users{DB: db.DB}).Create("alice", "", CreateUserOpts{
 			LoginSource: source.ID,
-		if err != nil {
-			t.Fatal(err)
-		}
+		require.NoError(t, err)
 		// Delete the login source will result in error
-		err = db.DeleteByID(source.ID)
+		err = db.DeleteByID(ctx, source.ID)
 		expErr := ErrLoginSourceInUse{args: errutil.Args{"id": source.ID}}
 		assert.Equal(t, expErr, err)
-	setMockLoginSourceFilesStore(t, db, &mockLoginSourceFilesStore{
-		MockGetByID: func(id int64) (*LoginSource, error) {
-			return nil, ErrLoginSourceNotExist{args: errutil.Args{"id": id}}
-		},
+	mock := NewMockLoginSourceFilesStore()
+	mock.GetByIDFunc.SetDefaultHook(func(id int64) (*LoginSource, error) {
+		return nil, ErrLoginSourceNotExist{args: errutil.Args{"id": id}}
+	setMockLoginSourceFilesStore(t, db, mock)
 	// Create a login source with name "GitHub2"
-	source, err := db.Create(CreateLoginSourceOpts{
-		Type:      auth.GitHub,
-		Name:      "GitHub2",
-		Activated: true,
-		Default:   false,
-		Config: &github.Config{
-			APIEndpoint: "https://api.github.com",
+	source, err := db.Create(ctx,
+		CreateLoginSourceOpts{
+			Type:      auth.GitHub,
+			Name:      "GitHub2",
+			Activated: true,
+			Default:   false,
+			Config: &github.Config{
+				APIEndpoint: "https://api.github.com",
+			},
-	})
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal(err)
-	}
+	)
+	require.NoError(t, err)
 	// Delete a non-existent ID is noop
-	err = db.DeleteByID(9999)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal(err)
-	}
+	err = db.DeleteByID(ctx, 9999)
+	require.NoError(t, err)
 	// We should be able to get it back
-	_, err = db.GetByID(source.ID)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal(err)
-	}
+	_, err = db.GetByID(ctx, source.ID)
+	require.NoError(t, err)
 	// Now delete this login source with ID
-	err = db.DeleteByID(source.ID)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal(err)
-	}
+	err = db.DeleteByID(ctx, source.ID)
+	require.NoError(t, err)
 	// We should get token not found error
-	_, err = db.GetByID(source.ID)
+	_, err = db.GetByID(ctx, source.ID)
 	expErr := ErrLoginSourceNotExist{args: errutil.Args{"id": source.ID}}
 	assert.Equal(t, expErr, err)
-func test_loginSources_GetByID(t *testing.T, db *loginSources) {
-	setMockLoginSourceFilesStore(t, db, &mockLoginSourceFilesStore{
-		MockGetByID: func(id int64) (*LoginSource, error) {
-			if id != 101 {
-				return nil, ErrLoginSourceNotExist{args: errutil.Args{"id": id}}
-			}
-			return &LoginSource{ID: id}, nil
-		},
+func loginSourcesGetByID(t *testing.T, db *loginSources) {
+	ctx := context.Background()
+	mock := NewMockLoginSourceFilesStore()
+	mock.GetByIDFunc.SetDefaultHook(func(id int64) (*LoginSource, error) {
+		if id != 101 {
+			return nil, ErrLoginSourceNotExist{args: errutil.Args{"id": id}}
+		}
+		return &LoginSource{ID: id}, nil
+	setMockLoginSourceFilesStore(t, db, mock)
 	expConfig := &github.Config{
 		APIEndpoint: "https://api.github.com",
 	// Create a login source with name "GitHub"
-	source, err := db.Create(CreateLoginSourceOpts{
-		Type:      auth.GitHub,
-		Name:      "GitHub",
-		Activated: true,
-		Default:   false,
-		Config:    expConfig,
-	})
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal(err)
-	}
+	source, err := db.Create(ctx,
+		CreateLoginSourceOpts{
+			Type:      auth.GitHub,
+			Name:      "GitHub",
+			Activated: true,
+			Default:   false,
+			Config:    expConfig,
+		},
+	)
+	require.NoError(t, err)
 	// Get the one in the database and test the read/write hooks
-	source, err = db.GetByID(source.ID)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal(err)
-	}
+	source, err = db.GetByID(ctx, source.ID)
+	require.NoError(t, err)
 	assert.Equal(t, expConfig, source.Provider.Config())
 	// Get the one in source file store
-	_, err = db.GetByID(101)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal(err)
-	}
+	_, err = db.GetByID(ctx, 101)
+	require.NoError(t, err)
-func test_loginSources_List(t *testing.T, db *loginSources) {
-	setMockLoginSourceFilesStore(t, db, &mockLoginSourceFilesStore{
-		MockList: func(opts ListLoginSourceOpts) []*LoginSource {
-			if opts.OnlyActivated {
-				return []*LoginSource{
-					{ID: 1},
-				}
-			}
+func loginSourcesList(t *testing.T, db *loginSources) {
+	ctx := context.Background()
+	mock := NewMockLoginSourceFilesStore()
+	mock.ListFunc.SetDefaultHook(func(opts ListLoginSourceOpts) []*LoginSource {
+		if opts.OnlyActivated {
 			return []*LoginSource{
 				{ID: 1},
-				{ID: 2},
-		},
+		}
+		return []*LoginSource{
+			{ID: 1},
+			{ID: 2},
+		}
+	setMockLoginSourceFilesStore(t, db, mock)
 	// Create two login sources in database, one activated and the other one not
-	_, err := db.Create(CreateLoginSourceOpts{
-		Type: auth.PAM,
-		Name: "PAM",
-		Config: &pam.Config{
-			ServiceName: "PAM",
+	_, err := db.Create(ctx,
+		CreateLoginSourceOpts{
+			Type: auth.PAM,
+			Name: "PAM",
+			Config: &pam.Config{
+				ServiceName: "PAM",
+			},
-	})
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	_, err = db.Create(CreateLoginSourceOpts{
-		Type:      auth.GitHub,
-		Name:      "GitHub",
-		Activated: true,
-		Config: &github.Config{
-			APIEndpoint: "https://api.github.com",
+	)
+	require.NoError(t, err)
+	_, err = db.Create(ctx,
+		CreateLoginSourceOpts{
+			Type:      auth.GitHub,
+			Name:      "GitHub",
+			Activated: true,
+			Config: &github.Config{
+				APIEndpoint: "https://api.github.com",
+			},
-	})
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal(err)
-	}
+	)
+	require.NoError(t, err)
 	// List all login sources
-	sources, err := db.List(ListLoginSourceOpts{})
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal(err)
-	}
+	sources, err := db.List(ctx, ListLoginSourceOpts{})
+	require.NoError(t, err)
 	assert.Equal(t, 4, len(sources), "number of sources")
 	// Only list activated login sources
-	sources, err = db.List(ListLoginSourceOpts{OnlyActivated: true})
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal(err)
-	}
+	sources, err = db.List(ctx, ListLoginSourceOpts{OnlyActivated: true})
+	require.NoError(t, err)
 	assert.Equal(t, 2, len(sources), "number of sources")
-func test_loginSources_ResetNonDefault(t *testing.T, db *loginSources) {
-	setMockLoginSourceFilesStore(t, db, &mockLoginSourceFilesStore{
-		MockList: func(opts ListLoginSourceOpts) []*LoginSource {
-			return []*LoginSource{
-				{
-					File: &mockLoginSourceFileStore{
-						MockSetGeneral: func(name, value string) {
-							assert.Equal(t, "is_default", name)
-							assert.Equal(t, "false", value)
-						},
-						MockSave: func() error {
-							return nil
-						},
-					},
-				},
-			}
-		},
-		MockUpdate: func(source *LoginSource) {},
+func loginSourcesResetNonDefault(t *testing.T, db *loginSources) {
+	ctx := context.Background()
+	mock := NewMockLoginSourceFilesStore()
+	mock.ListFunc.SetDefaultHook(func(opts ListLoginSourceOpts) []*LoginSource {
+		mockFile := NewMockLoginSourceFileStore()
+		mockFile.SetGeneralFunc.SetDefaultHook(func(name, value string) {
+			assert.Equal(t, "is_default", name)
+			assert.Equal(t, "false", value)
+		})
+		return []*LoginSource{
+			{
+				File: mockFile,
+			},
+		}
+	setMockLoginSourceFilesStore(t, db, mock)
 	// Create two login sources both have default on
-	source1, err := db.Create(CreateLoginSourceOpts{
-		Type:    auth.PAM,
-		Name:    "PAM",
-		Default: true,
-		Config: &pam.Config{
-			ServiceName: "PAM",
+	source1, err := db.Create(ctx,
+		CreateLoginSourceOpts{
+			Type:    auth.PAM,
+			Name:    "PAM",
+			Default: true,
+			Config: &pam.Config{
+				ServiceName: "PAM",
+			},
-	})
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	source2, err := db.Create(CreateLoginSourceOpts{
-		Type:      auth.GitHub,
-		Name:      "GitHub",
-		Activated: true,
-		Default:   true,
-		Config: &github.Config{
-			APIEndpoint: "https://api.github.com",
+	)
+	require.NoError(t, err)
+	source2, err := db.Create(ctx,
+		CreateLoginSourceOpts{
+			Type:      auth.GitHub,
+			Name:      "GitHub",
+			Activated: true,
+			Default:   true,
+			Config: &github.Config{
+				APIEndpoint: "https://api.github.com",
+			},
-	})
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal(err)
-	}
+	)
+	require.NoError(t, err)
 	// Set source 1 as default
-	err = db.ResetNonDefault(source1)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal(err)
-	}
+	err = db.ResetNonDefault(ctx, source1)
+	require.NoError(t, err)
 	// Verify the default state
-	source1, err = db.GetByID(source1.ID)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal(err)
-	}
+	source1, err = db.GetByID(ctx, source1.ID)
+	require.NoError(t, err)
 	assert.True(t, source1.IsDefault)
-	source2, err = db.GetByID(source2.ID)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal(err)
-	}
+	source2, err = db.GetByID(ctx, source2.ID)
+	require.NoError(t, err)
 	assert.False(t, source2.IsDefault)
-func test_loginSources_Save(t *testing.T, db *loginSources) {
+func loginSourcesSave(t *testing.T, db *loginSources) {
+	ctx := context.Background()
 	t.Run("save to database", func(t *testing.T) {
 		// Create a login source with name "GitHub"
-		source, err := db.Create(CreateLoginSourceOpts{
-			Type:      auth.GitHub,
-			Name:      "GitHub",
-			Activated: true,
-			Default:   false,
-			Config: &github.Config{
-				APIEndpoint: "https://api.github.com",
+		source, err := db.Create(ctx,
+			CreateLoginSourceOpts{
+				Type:      auth.GitHub,
+				Name:      "GitHub",
+				Activated: true,
+				Default:   false,
+				Config: &github.Config{
+					APIEndpoint: "https://api.github.com",
+				},
-		})
-		if err != nil {
-			t.Fatal(err)
-		}
+		)
+		require.NoError(t, err)
 		source.IsActived = false
 		source.Provider = github.NewProvider(&github.Config{
 			APIEndpoint: "https://api2.github.com",
-		err = db.Save(source)
-		if err != nil {
-			t.Fatal(err)
-		}
+		err = db.Save(ctx, source)
+		require.NoError(t, err)
-		source, err = db.GetByID(source.ID)
-		if err != nil {
-			t.Fatal(err)
-		}
+		source, err = db.GetByID(ctx, source.ID)
+		require.NoError(t, err)
 		assert.False(t, source.IsActived)
 		assert.Equal(t, "https://api2.github.com", source.GitHub().APIEndpoint)
 	t.Run("save to file", func(t *testing.T) {
-		calledSave := false
+		mockFile := NewMockLoginSourceFileStore()
 		source := &LoginSource{
 			Provider: github.NewProvider(&github.Config{
 				APIEndpoint: "https://api.github.com",
-			File: &mockLoginSourceFileStore{
-				MockSetGeneral: func(name, value string) {},
-				MockSetConfig:  func(cfg interface{}) error { return nil },
-				MockSave: func() error {
-					calledSave = true
-					return nil
-				},
-			},
-		}
-		err := db.Save(source)
-		if err != nil {
-			t.Fatal(err)
+			File: mockFile,
-		assert.True(t, calledSave)
+		err := db.Save(ctx, source)
+		require.NoError(t, err)
+		mockrequire.Called(t, mockFile.SaveFunc)

+ 1 - 46

@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import (
-//go:generate go-mockgen -f gogs.io/gogs/internal/db -i AccessTokensStore -i LFSStore -i PermsStore -o mocks.go
+//go:generate go-mockgen -f gogs.io/gogs/internal/db -i AccessTokensStore -i LFSStore -i LoginSourcesStore -i LoginSourceFilesStore -i loginSourceFileStore -i PermsStore -o mocks.go
 func SetMockAccessTokensStore(t *testing.T, mock AccessTokensStore) {
 	before := AccessTokens
@@ -26,31 +26,6 @@ func SetMockLFSStore(t *testing.T, mock LFSStore) {
-var _ loginSourceFilesStore = (*mockLoginSourceFilesStore)(nil)
-type mockLoginSourceFilesStore struct {
-	MockGetByID func(id int64) (*LoginSource, error)
-	MockLen     func() int
-	MockList    func(opts ListLoginSourceOpts) []*LoginSource
-	MockUpdate  func(source *LoginSource)
-func (m *mockLoginSourceFilesStore) GetByID(id int64) (*LoginSource, error) {
-	return m.MockGetByID(id)
-func (m *mockLoginSourceFilesStore) Len() int {
-	return m.MockLen()
-func (m *mockLoginSourceFilesStore) List(opts ListLoginSourceOpts) []*LoginSource {
-	return m.MockList(opts)
-func (m *mockLoginSourceFilesStore) Update(source *LoginSource) {
-	m.MockUpdate(source)
 func setMockLoginSourceFilesStore(t *testing.T, db *loginSources, mock loginSourceFilesStore) {
 	before := db.files
 	db.files = mock
@@ -59,26 +34,6 @@ func setMockLoginSourceFilesStore(t *testing.T, db *loginSources, mock loginSour
-var _ loginSourceFileStore = (*mockLoginSourceFileStore)(nil)
-type mockLoginSourceFileStore struct {
-	MockSetGeneral func(name, value string)
-	MockSetConfig  func(cfg interface{}) error
-	MockSave       func() error
-func (m *mockLoginSourceFileStore) SetGeneral(name, value string) {
-	m.MockSetGeneral(name, value)
-func (m *mockLoginSourceFileStore) SetConfig(cfg interface{}) error {
-	return m.MockSetConfig(cfg)
-func (m *mockLoginSourceFileStore) Save() error {
-	return m.MockSave()
 func SetMockPermsStore(t *testing.T, mock PermsStore) {
 	before := Perms
 	Perms = mock

+ 1961 - 171

@@ -1077,109 +1077,177 @@ func (c LFSStoreGetObjectsByOIDsFuncCall) Results() []interface{} {
 	return []interface{}{c.Result0, c.Result1}
-// MockPermsStore is a mock implementation of the PermsStore interface (from
-// the package gogs.io/gogs/internal/db) used for unit testing.
-type MockPermsStore struct {
-	// AccessModeFunc is an instance of a mock function object controlling
-	// the behavior of the method AccessMode.
-	AccessModeFunc *PermsStoreAccessModeFunc
-	// AuthorizeFunc is an instance of a mock function object controlling
-	// the behavior of the method Authorize.
-	AuthorizeFunc *PermsStoreAuthorizeFunc
-	// SetRepoPermsFunc is an instance of a mock function object controlling
-	// the behavior of the method SetRepoPerms.
-	SetRepoPermsFunc *PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFunc
+// MockLoginSourcesStore is a mock implementation of the LoginSourcesStore
+// interface (from the package gogs.io/gogs/internal/db) used for unit
+// testing.
+type MockLoginSourcesStore struct {
+	// CountFunc is an instance of a mock function object controlling the
+	// behavior of the method Count.
+	CountFunc *LoginSourcesStoreCountFunc
+	// CreateFunc is an instance of a mock function object controlling the
+	// behavior of the method Create.
+	CreateFunc *LoginSourcesStoreCreateFunc
+	// DeleteByIDFunc is an instance of a mock function object controlling
+	// the behavior of the method DeleteByID.
+	DeleteByIDFunc *LoginSourcesStoreDeleteByIDFunc
+	// GetByIDFunc is an instance of a mock function object controlling the
+	// behavior of the method GetByID.
+	GetByIDFunc *LoginSourcesStoreGetByIDFunc
+	// ListFunc is an instance of a mock function object controlling the
+	// behavior of the method List.
+	ListFunc *LoginSourcesStoreListFunc
+	// ResetNonDefaultFunc is an instance of a mock function object
+	// controlling the behavior of the method ResetNonDefault.
+	ResetNonDefaultFunc *LoginSourcesStoreResetNonDefaultFunc
+	// SaveFunc is an instance of a mock function object controlling the
+	// behavior of the method Save.
+	SaveFunc *LoginSourcesStoreSaveFunc
-// NewMockPermsStore creates a new mock of the PermsStore interface. All
-// methods return zero values for all results, unless overwritten.
-func NewMockPermsStore() *MockPermsStore {
-	return &MockPermsStore{
-		AccessModeFunc: &PermsStoreAccessModeFunc{
-			defaultHook: func(context.Context, int64, int64, AccessModeOptions) (r0 AccessMode) {
+// NewMockLoginSourcesStore creates a new mock of the LoginSourcesStore
+// interface. All methods return zero values for all results, unless
+// overwritten.
+func NewMockLoginSourcesStore() *MockLoginSourcesStore {
+	return &MockLoginSourcesStore{
+		CountFunc: &LoginSourcesStoreCountFunc{
+			defaultHook: func(context.Context) (r0 int64) {
-		AuthorizeFunc: &PermsStoreAuthorizeFunc{
-			defaultHook: func(context.Context, int64, int64, AccessMode, AccessModeOptions) (r0 bool) {
+		CreateFunc: &LoginSourcesStoreCreateFunc{
+			defaultHook: func(context.Context, CreateLoginSourceOpts) (r0 *LoginSource, r1 error) {
-		SetRepoPermsFunc: &PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFunc{
-			defaultHook: func(context.Context, int64, map[int64]AccessMode) (r0 error) {
+		DeleteByIDFunc: &LoginSourcesStoreDeleteByIDFunc{
+			defaultHook: func(context.Context, int64) (r0 error) {
+				return
+			},
+		},
+		GetByIDFunc: &LoginSourcesStoreGetByIDFunc{
+			defaultHook: func(context.Context, int64) (r0 *LoginSource, r1 error) {
+				return
+			},
+		},
+		ListFunc: &LoginSourcesStoreListFunc{
+			defaultHook: func(context.Context, ListLoginSourceOpts) (r0 []*LoginSource, r1 error) {
+				return
+			},
+		},
+		ResetNonDefaultFunc: &LoginSourcesStoreResetNonDefaultFunc{
+			defaultHook: func(context.Context, *LoginSource) (r0 error) {
+				return
+			},
+		},
+		SaveFunc: &LoginSourcesStoreSaveFunc{
+			defaultHook: func(context.Context, *LoginSource) (r0 error) {
-// NewStrictMockPermsStore creates a new mock of the PermsStore interface.
-// All methods panic on invocation, unless overwritten.
-func NewStrictMockPermsStore() *MockPermsStore {
-	return &MockPermsStore{
-		AccessModeFunc: &PermsStoreAccessModeFunc{
-			defaultHook: func(context.Context, int64, int64, AccessModeOptions) AccessMode {
-				panic("unexpected invocation of MockPermsStore.AccessMode")
+// NewStrictMockLoginSourcesStore creates a new mock of the
+// LoginSourcesStore interface. All methods panic on invocation, unless
+// overwritten.
+func NewStrictMockLoginSourcesStore() *MockLoginSourcesStore {
+	return &MockLoginSourcesStore{
+		CountFunc: &LoginSourcesStoreCountFunc{
+			defaultHook: func(context.Context) int64 {
+				panic("unexpected invocation of MockLoginSourcesStore.Count")
-		AuthorizeFunc: &PermsStoreAuthorizeFunc{
-			defaultHook: func(context.Context, int64, int64, AccessMode, AccessModeOptions) bool {
-				panic("unexpected invocation of MockPermsStore.Authorize")
+		CreateFunc: &LoginSourcesStoreCreateFunc{
+			defaultHook: func(context.Context, CreateLoginSourceOpts) (*LoginSource, error) {
+				panic("unexpected invocation of MockLoginSourcesStore.Create")
-		SetRepoPermsFunc: &PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFunc{
-			defaultHook: func(context.Context, int64, map[int64]AccessMode) error {
-				panic("unexpected invocation of MockPermsStore.SetRepoPerms")
+		DeleteByIDFunc: &LoginSourcesStoreDeleteByIDFunc{
+			defaultHook: func(context.Context, int64) error {
+				panic("unexpected invocation of MockLoginSourcesStore.DeleteByID")
+			},
+		},
+		GetByIDFunc: &LoginSourcesStoreGetByIDFunc{
+			defaultHook: func(context.Context, int64) (*LoginSource, error) {
+				panic("unexpected invocation of MockLoginSourcesStore.GetByID")
+			},
+		},
+		ListFunc: &LoginSourcesStoreListFunc{
+			defaultHook: func(context.Context, ListLoginSourceOpts) ([]*LoginSource, error) {
+				panic("unexpected invocation of MockLoginSourcesStore.List")
+			},
+		},
+		ResetNonDefaultFunc: &LoginSourcesStoreResetNonDefaultFunc{
+			defaultHook: func(context.Context, *LoginSource) error {
+				panic("unexpected invocation of MockLoginSourcesStore.ResetNonDefault")
+			},
+		},
+		SaveFunc: &LoginSourcesStoreSaveFunc{
+			defaultHook: func(context.Context, *LoginSource) error {
+				panic("unexpected invocation of MockLoginSourcesStore.Save")
-// NewMockPermsStoreFrom creates a new mock of the MockPermsStore interface.
-// All methods delegate to the given implementation, unless overwritten.
-func NewMockPermsStoreFrom(i PermsStore) *MockPermsStore {
-	return &MockPermsStore{
-		AccessModeFunc: &PermsStoreAccessModeFunc{
-			defaultHook: i.AccessMode,
+// NewMockLoginSourcesStoreFrom creates a new mock of the
+// MockLoginSourcesStore interface. All methods delegate to the given
+// implementation, unless overwritten.
+func NewMockLoginSourcesStoreFrom(i LoginSourcesStore) *MockLoginSourcesStore {
+	return &MockLoginSourcesStore{
+		CountFunc: &LoginSourcesStoreCountFunc{
+			defaultHook: i.Count,
-		AuthorizeFunc: &PermsStoreAuthorizeFunc{
-			defaultHook: i.Authorize,
+		CreateFunc: &LoginSourcesStoreCreateFunc{
+			defaultHook: i.Create,
-		SetRepoPermsFunc: &PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFunc{
-			defaultHook: i.SetRepoPerms,
+		DeleteByIDFunc: &LoginSourcesStoreDeleteByIDFunc{
+			defaultHook: i.DeleteByID,
+		},
+		GetByIDFunc: &LoginSourcesStoreGetByIDFunc{
+			defaultHook: i.GetByID,
+		},
+		ListFunc: &LoginSourcesStoreListFunc{
+			defaultHook: i.List,
+		},
+		ResetNonDefaultFunc: &LoginSourcesStoreResetNonDefaultFunc{
+			defaultHook: i.ResetNonDefault,
+		},
+		SaveFunc: &LoginSourcesStoreSaveFunc{
+			defaultHook: i.Save,
-// PermsStoreAccessModeFunc describes the behavior when the AccessMode
-// method of the parent MockPermsStore instance is invoked.
-type PermsStoreAccessModeFunc struct {
-	defaultHook func(context.Context, int64, int64, AccessModeOptions) AccessMode
-	hooks       []func(context.Context, int64, int64, AccessModeOptions) AccessMode
-	history     []PermsStoreAccessModeFuncCall
+// LoginSourcesStoreCountFunc describes the behavior when the Count method
+// of the parent MockLoginSourcesStore instance is invoked.
+type LoginSourcesStoreCountFunc struct {
+	defaultHook func(context.Context) int64
+	hooks       []func(context.Context) int64
+	history     []LoginSourcesStoreCountFuncCall
 	mutex       sync.Mutex
-// AccessMode delegates to the next hook function in the queue and stores
-// the parameter and result values of this invocation.
-func (m *MockPermsStore) AccessMode(v0 context.Context, v1 int64, v2 int64, v3 AccessModeOptions) AccessMode {
-	r0 := m.AccessModeFunc.nextHook()(v0, v1, v2, v3)
-	m.AccessModeFunc.appendCall(PermsStoreAccessModeFuncCall{v0, v1, v2, v3, r0})
+// Count delegates to the next hook function in the queue and stores the
+// parameter and result values of this invocation.
+func (m *MockLoginSourcesStore) Count(v0 context.Context) int64 {
+	r0 := m.CountFunc.nextHook()(v0)
+	m.CountFunc.appendCall(LoginSourcesStoreCountFuncCall{v0, r0})
 	return r0
-// SetDefaultHook sets function that is called when the AccessMode method of
-// the parent MockPermsStore instance is invoked and the hook queue is
+// SetDefaultHook sets function that is called when the Count method of the
+// parent MockLoginSourcesStore instance is invoked and the hook queue is
 // empty.
-func (f *PermsStoreAccessModeFunc) SetDefaultHook(hook func(context.Context, int64, int64, AccessModeOptions) AccessMode) {
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreCountFunc) SetDefaultHook(hook func(context.Context) int64) {
 	f.defaultHook = hook
 // PushHook adds a function to the end of hook queue. Each invocation of the
-// AccessMode method of the parent MockPermsStore instance invokes the hook
-// at the front of the queue and discards it. After the queue is empty, the
-// default hook function is invoked for any future action.
-func (f *PermsStoreAccessModeFunc) PushHook(hook func(context.Context, int64, int64, AccessModeOptions) AccessMode) {
+// Count method of the parent MockLoginSourcesStore instance invokes the
+// hook at the front of the queue and discards it. After the queue is empty,
+// the default hook function is invoked for any future action.
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreCountFunc) PushHook(hook func(context.Context) int64) {
 	f.hooks = append(f.hooks, hook)
@@ -1187,20 +1255,20 @@ func (f *PermsStoreAccessModeFunc) PushHook(hook func(context.Context, int64, in
 // SetDefaultReturn calls SetDefaultHook with a function that returns the
 // given values.
-func (f *PermsStoreAccessModeFunc) SetDefaultReturn(r0 AccessMode) {
-	f.SetDefaultHook(func(context.Context, int64, int64, AccessModeOptions) AccessMode {
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreCountFunc) SetDefaultReturn(r0 int64) {
+	f.SetDefaultHook(func(context.Context) int64 {
 		return r0
 // PushReturn calls PushHook with a function that returns the given values.
-func (f *PermsStoreAccessModeFunc) PushReturn(r0 AccessMode) {
-	f.PushHook(func(context.Context, int64, int64, AccessModeOptions) AccessMode {
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreCountFunc) PushReturn(r0 int64) {
+	f.PushHook(func(context.Context) int64 {
 		return r0
-func (f *PermsStoreAccessModeFunc) nextHook() func(context.Context, int64, int64, AccessModeOptions) AccessMode {
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreCountFunc) nextHook() func(context.Context) int64 {
 	defer f.mutex.Unlock()
@@ -1213,84 +1281,75 @@ func (f *PermsStoreAccessModeFunc) nextHook() func(context.Context, int64, int64
 	return hook
-func (f *PermsStoreAccessModeFunc) appendCall(r0 PermsStoreAccessModeFuncCall) {
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreCountFunc) appendCall(r0 LoginSourcesStoreCountFuncCall) {
 	f.history = append(f.history, r0)
-// History returns a sequence of PermsStoreAccessModeFuncCall objects
+// History returns a sequence of LoginSourcesStoreCountFuncCall objects
 // describing the invocations of this function.
-func (f *PermsStoreAccessModeFunc) History() []PermsStoreAccessModeFuncCall {
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreCountFunc) History() []LoginSourcesStoreCountFuncCall {
-	history := make([]PermsStoreAccessModeFuncCall, len(f.history))
+	history := make([]LoginSourcesStoreCountFuncCall, len(f.history))
 	copy(history, f.history)
 	return history
-// PermsStoreAccessModeFuncCall is an object that describes an invocation of
-// method AccessMode on an instance of MockPermsStore.
-type PermsStoreAccessModeFuncCall struct {
+// LoginSourcesStoreCountFuncCall is an object that describes an invocation
+// of method Count on an instance of MockLoginSourcesStore.
+type LoginSourcesStoreCountFuncCall struct {
 	// Arg0 is the value of the 1st argument passed to this method
 	// invocation.
 	Arg0 context.Context
-	// Arg1 is the value of the 2nd argument passed to this method
-	// invocation.
-	Arg1 int64
-	// Arg2 is the value of the 3rd argument passed to this method
-	// invocation.
-	Arg2 int64
-	// Arg3 is the value of the 4th argument passed to this method
-	// invocation.
-	Arg3 AccessModeOptions
 	// Result0 is the value of the 1st result returned from this method
 	// invocation.
-	Result0 AccessMode
+	Result0 int64
 // Args returns an interface slice containing the arguments of this
 // invocation.
-func (c PermsStoreAccessModeFuncCall) Args() []interface{} {
-	return []interface{}{c.Arg0, c.Arg1, c.Arg2, c.Arg3}
+func (c LoginSourcesStoreCountFuncCall) Args() []interface{} {
+	return []interface{}{c.Arg0}
 // Results returns an interface slice containing the results of this
 // invocation.
-func (c PermsStoreAccessModeFuncCall) Results() []interface{} {
+func (c LoginSourcesStoreCountFuncCall) Results() []interface{} {
 	return []interface{}{c.Result0}
-// PermsStoreAuthorizeFunc describes the behavior when the Authorize method
-// of the parent MockPermsStore instance is invoked.
-type PermsStoreAuthorizeFunc struct {
-	defaultHook func(context.Context, int64, int64, AccessMode, AccessModeOptions) bool
-	hooks       []func(context.Context, int64, int64, AccessMode, AccessModeOptions) bool
-	history     []PermsStoreAuthorizeFuncCall
+// LoginSourcesStoreCreateFunc describes the behavior when the Create method
+// of the parent MockLoginSourcesStore instance is invoked.
+type LoginSourcesStoreCreateFunc struct {
+	defaultHook func(context.Context, CreateLoginSourceOpts) (*LoginSource, error)
+	hooks       []func(context.Context, CreateLoginSourceOpts) (*LoginSource, error)
+	history     []LoginSourcesStoreCreateFuncCall
 	mutex       sync.Mutex
-// Authorize delegates to the next hook function in the queue and stores the
+// Create delegates to the next hook function in the queue and stores the
 // parameter and result values of this invocation.
-func (m *MockPermsStore) Authorize(v0 context.Context, v1 int64, v2 int64, v3 AccessMode, v4 AccessModeOptions) bool {
-	r0 := m.AuthorizeFunc.nextHook()(v0, v1, v2, v3, v4)
-	m.AuthorizeFunc.appendCall(PermsStoreAuthorizeFuncCall{v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, r0})
-	return r0
+func (m *MockLoginSourcesStore) Create(v0 context.Context, v1 CreateLoginSourceOpts) (*LoginSource, error) {
+	r0, r1 := m.CreateFunc.nextHook()(v0, v1)
+	m.CreateFunc.appendCall(LoginSourcesStoreCreateFuncCall{v0, v1, r0, r1})
+	return r0, r1
-// SetDefaultHook sets function that is called when the Authorize method of
-// the parent MockPermsStore instance is invoked and the hook queue is
+// SetDefaultHook sets function that is called when the Create method of the
+// parent MockLoginSourcesStore instance is invoked and the hook queue is
 // empty.
-func (f *PermsStoreAuthorizeFunc) SetDefaultHook(hook func(context.Context, int64, int64, AccessMode, AccessModeOptions) bool) {
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreCreateFunc) SetDefaultHook(hook func(context.Context, CreateLoginSourceOpts) (*LoginSource, error)) {
 	f.defaultHook = hook
 // PushHook adds a function to the end of hook queue. Each invocation of the
-// Authorize method of the parent MockPermsStore instance invokes the hook
-// at the front of the queue and discards it. After the queue is empty, the
-// default hook function is invoked for any future action.
-func (f *PermsStoreAuthorizeFunc) PushHook(hook func(context.Context, int64, int64, AccessMode, AccessModeOptions) bool) {
+// Create method of the parent MockLoginSourcesStore instance invokes the
+// hook at the front of the queue and discards it. After the queue is empty,
+// the default hook function is invoked for any future action.
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreCreateFunc) PushHook(hook func(context.Context, CreateLoginSourceOpts) (*LoginSource, error)) {
 	f.hooks = append(f.hooks, hook)
@@ -1298,20 +1357,20 @@ func (f *PermsStoreAuthorizeFunc) PushHook(hook func(context.Context, int64, int
 // SetDefaultReturn calls SetDefaultHook with a function that returns the
 // given values.
-func (f *PermsStoreAuthorizeFunc) SetDefaultReturn(r0 bool) {
-	f.SetDefaultHook(func(context.Context, int64, int64, AccessMode, AccessModeOptions) bool {
-		return r0
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreCreateFunc) SetDefaultReturn(r0 *LoginSource, r1 error) {
+	f.SetDefaultHook(func(context.Context, CreateLoginSourceOpts) (*LoginSource, error) {
+		return r0, r1
 // PushReturn calls PushHook with a function that returns the given values.
-func (f *PermsStoreAuthorizeFunc) PushReturn(r0 bool) {
-	f.PushHook(func(context.Context, int64, int64, AccessMode, AccessModeOptions) bool {
-		return r0
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreCreateFunc) PushReturn(r0 *LoginSource, r1 error) {
+	f.PushHook(func(context.Context, CreateLoginSourceOpts) (*LoginSource, error) {
+		return r0, r1
-func (f *PermsStoreAuthorizeFunc) nextHook() func(context.Context, int64, int64, AccessMode, AccessModeOptions) bool {
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreCreateFunc) nextHook() func(context.Context, CreateLoginSourceOpts) (*LoginSource, error) {
 	defer f.mutex.Unlock()
@@ -1324,87 +1383,82 @@ func (f *PermsStoreAuthorizeFunc) nextHook() func(context.Context, int64, int64,
 	return hook
-func (f *PermsStoreAuthorizeFunc) appendCall(r0 PermsStoreAuthorizeFuncCall) {
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreCreateFunc) appendCall(r0 LoginSourcesStoreCreateFuncCall) {
 	f.history = append(f.history, r0)
-// History returns a sequence of PermsStoreAuthorizeFuncCall objects
+// History returns a sequence of LoginSourcesStoreCreateFuncCall objects
 // describing the invocations of this function.
-func (f *PermsStoreAuthorizeFunc) History() []PermsStoreAuthorizeFuncCall {
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreCreateFunc) History() []LoginSourcesStoreCreateFuncCall {
-	history := make([]PermsStoreAuthorizeFuncCall, len(f.history))
+	history := make([]LoginSourcesStoreCreateFuncCall, len(f.history))
 	copy(history, f.history)
 	return history
-// PermsStoreAuthorizeFuncCall is an object that describes an invocation of
-// method Authorize on an instance of MockPermsStore.
-type PermsStoreAuthorizeFuncCall struct {
+// LoginSourcesStoreCreateFuncCall is an object that describes an invocation
+// of method Create on an instance of MockLoginSourcesStore.
+type LoginSourcesStoreCreateFuncCall struct {
 	// Arg0 is the value of the 1st argument passed to this method
 	// invocation.
 	Arg0 context.Context
 	// Arg1 is the value of the 2nd argument passed to this method
 	// invocation.
-	Arg1 int64
-	// Arg2 is the value of the 3rd argument passed to this method
-	// invocation.
-	Arg2 int64
-	// Arg3 is the value of the 4th argument passed to this method
-	// invocation.
-	Arg3 AccessMode
-	// Arg4 is the value of the 5th argument passed to this method
-	// invocation.
-	Arg4 AccessModeOptions
+	Arg1 CreateLoginSourceOpts
 	// Result0 is the value of the 1st result returned from this method
 	// invocation.
-	Result0 bool
+	Result0 *LoginSource
+	// Result1 is the value of the 2nd result returned from this method
+	// invocation.
+	Result1 error
 // Args returns an interface slice containing the arguments of this
 // invocation.
-func (c PermsStoreAuthorizeFuncCall) Args() []interface{} {
-	return []interface{}{c.Arg0, c.Arg1, c.Arg2, c.Arg3, c.Arg4}
+func (c LoginSourcesStoreCreateFuncCall) Args() []interface{} {
+	return []interface{}{c.Arg0, c.Arg1}
 // Results returns an interface slice containing the results of this
 // invocation.
-func (c PermsStoreAuthorizeFuncCall) Results() []interface{} {
-	return []interface{}{c.Result0}
+func (c LoginSourcesStoreCreateFuncCall) Results() []interface{} {
+	return []interface{}{c.Result0, c.Result1}
-// PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFunc describes the behavior when the SetRepoPerms
-// method of the parent MockPermsStore instance is invoked.
-type PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFunc struct {
-	defaultHook func(context.Context, int64, map[int64]AccessMode) error
-	hooks       []func(context.Context, int64, map[int64]AccessMode) error
-	history     []PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFuncCall
+// LoginSourcesStoreDeleteByIDFunc describes the behavior when the
+// DeleteByID method of the parent MockLoginSourcesStore instance is
+// invoked.
+type LoginSourcesStoreDeleteByIDFunc struct {
+	defaultHook func(context.Context, int64) error
+	hooks       []func(context.Context, int64) error
+	history     []LoginSourcesStoreDeleteByIDFuncCall
 	mutex       sync.Mutex
-// SetRepoPerms delegates to the next hook function in the queue and stores
+// DeleteByID delegates to the next hook function in the queue and stores
 // the parameter and result values of this invocation.
-func (m *MockPermsStore) SetRepoPerms(v0 context.Context, v1 int64, v2 map[int64]AccessMode) error {
-	r0 := m.SetRepoPermsFunc.nextHook()(v0, v1, v2)
-	m.SetRepoPermsFunc.appendCall(PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFuncCall{v0, v1, v2, r0})
+func (m *MockLoginSourcesStore) DeleteByID(v0 context.Context, v1 int64) error {
+	r0 := m.DeleteByIDFunc.nextHook()(v0, v1)
+	m.DeleteByIDFunc.appendCall(LoginSourcesStoreDeleteByIDFuncCall{v0, v1, r0})
 	return r0
-// SetDefaultHook sets function that is called when the SetRepoPerms method
-// of the parent MockPermsStore instance is invoked and the hook queue is
-// empty.
-func (f *PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFunc) SetDefaultHook(hook func(context.Context, int64, map[int64]AccessMode) error) {
+// SetDefaultHook sets function that is called when the DeleteByID method of
+// the parent MockLoginSourcesStore instance is invoked and the hook queue
+// is empty.
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreDeleteByIDFunc) SetDefaultHook(hook func(context.Context, int64) error) {
 	f.defaultHook = hook
 // PushHook adds a function to the end of hook queue. Each invocation of the
-// SetRepoPerms method of the parent MockPermsStore instance invokes the
-// hook at the front of the queue and discards it. After the queue is empty,
-// the default hook function is invoked for any future action.
-func (f *PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFunc) PushHook(hook func(context.Context, int64, map[int64]AccessMode) error) {
+// DeleteByID method of the parent MockLoginSourcesStore instance invokes
+// the hook at the front of the queue and discards it. After the queue is
+// empty, the default hook function is invoked for any future action.
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreDeleteByIDFunc) PushHook(hook func(context.Context, int64) error) {
 	f.hooks = append(f.hooks, hook)
@@ -1412,20 +1466,20 @@ func (f *PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFunc) PushHook(hook func(context.Context, int64,
 // SetDefaultReturn calls SetDefaultHook with a function that returns the
 // given values.
-func (f *PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFunc) SetDefaultReturn(r0 error) {
-	f.SetDefaultHook(func(context.Context, int64, map[int64]AccessMode) error {
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreDeleteByIDFunc) SetDefaultReturn(r0 error) {
+	f.SetDefaultHook(func(context.Context, int64) error {
 		return r0
 // PushReturn calls PushHook with a function that returns the given values.
-func (f *PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFunc) PushReturn(r0 error) {
-	f.PushHook(func(context.Context, int64, map[int64]AccessMode) error {
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreDeleteByIDFunc) PushReturn(r0 error) {
+	f.PushHook(func(context.Context, int64) error {
 		return r0
-func (f *PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFunc) nextHook() func(context.Context, int64, map[int64]AccessMode) error {
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreDeleteByIDFunc) nextHook() func(context.Context, int64) error {
 	defer f.mutex.Unlock()
@@ -1438,35 +1492,32 @@ func (f *PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFunc) nextHook() func(context.Context, int64, map
 	return hook
-func (f *PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFunc) appendCall(r0 PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFuncCall) {
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreDeleteByIDFunc) appendCall(r0 LoginSourcesStoreDeleteByIDFuncCall) {
 	f.history = append(f.history, r0)
-// History returns a sequence of PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFuncCall objects
+// History returns a sequence of LoginSourcesStoreDeleteByIDFuncCall objects
 // describing the invocations of this function.
-func (f *PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFunc) History() []PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFuncCall {
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreDeleteByIDFunc) History() []LoginSourcesStoreDeleteByIDFuncCall {
-	history := make([]PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFuncCall, len(f.history))
+	history := make([]LoginSourcesStoreDeleteByIDFuncCall, len(f.history))
 	copy(history, f.history)
 	return history
-// PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFuncCall is an object that describes an invocation
-// of method SetRepoPerms on an instance of MockPermsStore.
-type PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFuncCall struct {
+// LoginSourcesStoreDeleteByIDFuncCall is an object that describes an
+// invocation of method DeleteByID on an instance of MockLoginSourcesStore.
+type LoginSourcesStoreDeleteByIDFuncCall struct {
 	// Arg0 is the value of the 1st argument passed to this method
 	// invocation.
 	Arg0 context.Context
 	// Arg1 is the value of the 2nd argument passed to this method
 	// invocation.
 	Arg1 int64
-	// Arg2 is the value of the 3rd argument passed to this method
-	// invocation.
-	Arg2 map[int64]AccessMode
 	// Result0 is the value of the 1st result returned from this method
 	// invocation.
 	Result0 error
@@ -1474,12 +1525,1751 @@ type PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFuncCall struct {
 // Args returns an interface slice containing the arguments of this
 // invocation.
-func (c PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFuncCall) Args() []interface{} {
-	return []interface{}{c.Arg0, c.Arg1, c.Arg2}
+func (c LoginSourcesStoreDeleteByIDFuncCall) Args() []interface{} {
+	return []interface{}{c.Arg0, c.Arg1}
 // Results returns an interface slice containing the results of this
 // invocation.
-func (c PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFuncCall) Results() []interface{} {
+func (c LoginSourcesStoreDeleteByIDFuncCall) Results() []interface{} {
 	return []interface{}{c.Result0}
+// LoginSourcesStoreGetByIDFunc describes the behavior when the GetByID
+// method of the parent MockLoginSourcesStore instance is invoked.
+type LoginSourcesStoreGetByIDFunc struct {
+	defaultHook func(context.Context, int64) (*LoginSource, error)
+	hooks       []func(context.Context, int64) (*LoginSource, error)
+	history     []LoginSourcesStoreGetByIDFuncCall
+	mutex       sync.Mutex
+// GetByID delegates to the next hook function in the queue and stores the
+// parameter and result values of this invocation.
+func (m *MockLoginSourcesStore) GetByID(v0 context.Context, v1 int64) (*LoginSource, error) {
+	r0, r1 := m.GetByIDFunc.nextHook()(v0, v1)
+	m.GetByIDFunc.appendCall(LoginSourcesStoreGetByIDFuncCall{v0, v1, r0, r1})
+	return r0, r1
+// SetDefaultHook sets function that is called when the GetByID method of
+// the parent MockLoginSourcesStore instance is invoked and the hook queue
+// is empty.
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreGetByIDFunc) SetDefaultHook(hook func(context.Context, int64) (*LoginSource, error)) {
+	f.defaultHook = hook
+// PushHook adds a function to the end of hook queue. Each invocation of the
+// GetByID method of the parent MockLoginSourcesStore instance invokes the
+// hook at the front of the queue and discards it. After the queue is empty,
+// the default hook function is invoked for any future action.
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreGetByIDFunc) PushHook(hook func(context.Context, int64) (*LoginSource, error)) {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	f.hooks = append(f.hooks, hook)
+	f.mutex.Unlock()
+// SetDefaultReturn calls SetDefaultHook with a function that returns the
+// given values.
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreGetByIDFunc) SetDefaultReturn(r0 *LoginSource, r1 error) {
+	f.SetDefaultHook(func(context.Context, int64) (*LoginSource, error) {
+		return r0, r1
+	})
+// PushReturn calls PushHook with a function that returns the given values.
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreGetByIDFunc) PushReturn(r0 *LoginSource, r1 error) {
+	f.PushHook(func(context.Context, int64) (*LoginSource, error) {
+		return r0, r1
+	})
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreGetByIDFunc) nextHook() func(context.Context, int64) (*LoginSource, error) {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	defer f.mutex.Unlock()
+	if len(f.hooks) == 0 {
+		return f.defaultHook
+	}
+	hook := f.hooks[0]
+	f.hooks = f.hooks[1:]
+	return hook
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreGetByIDFunc) appendCall(r0 LoginSourcesStoreGetByIDFuncCall) {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	f.history = append(f.history, r0)
+	f.mutex.Unlock()
+// History returns a sequence of LoginSourcesStoreGetByIDFuncCall objects
+// describing the invocations of this function.
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreGetByIDFunc) History() []LoginSourcesStoreGetByIDFuncCall {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	history := make([]LoginSourcesStoreGetByIDFuncCall, len(f.history))
+	copy(history, f.history)
+	f.mutex.Unlock()
+	return history
+// LoginSourcesStoreGetByIDFuncCall is an object that describes an
+// invocation of method GetByID on an instance of MockLoginSourcesStore.
+type LoginSourcesStoreGetByIDFuncCall struct {
+	// Arg0 is the value of the 1st argument passed to this method
+	// invocation.
+	Arg0 context.Context
+	// Arg1 is the value of the 2nd argument passed to this method
+	// invocation.
+	Arg1 int64
+	// Result0 is the value of the 1st result returned from this method
+	// invocation.
+	Result0 *LoginSource
+	// Result1 is the value of the 2nd result returned from this method
+	// invocation.
+	Result1 error
+// Args returns an interface slice containing the arguments of this
+// invocation.
+func (c LoginSourcesStoreGetByIDFuncCall) Args() []interface{} {
+	return []interface{}{c.Arg0, c.Arg1}
+// Results returns an interface slice containing the results of this
+// invocation.
+func (c LoginSourcesStoreGetByIDFuncCall) Results() []interface{} {
+	return []interface{}{c.Result0, c.Result1}
+// LoginSourcesStoreListFunc describes the behavior when the List method of
+// the parent MockLoginSourcesStore instance is invoked.
+type LoginSourcesStoreListFunc struct {
+	defaultHook func(context.Context, ListLoginSourceOpts) ([]*LoginSource, error)
+	hooks       []func(context.Context, ListLoginSourceOpts) ([]*LoginSource, error)
+	history     []LoginSourcesStoreListFuncCall
+	mutex       sync.Mutex
+// List delegates to the next hook function in the queue and stores the
+// parameter and result values of this invocation.
+func (m *MockLoginSourcesStore) List(v0 context.Context, v1 ListLoginSourceOpts) ([]*LoginSource, error) {
+	r0, r1 := m.ListFunc.nextHook()(v0, v1)
+	m.ListFunc.appendCall(LoginSourcesStoreListFuncCall{v0, v1, r0, r1})
+	return r0, r1
+// SetDefaultHook sets function that is called when the List method of the
+// parent MockLoginSourcesStore instance is invoked and the hook queue is
+// empty.
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreListFunc) SetDefaultHook(hook func(context.Context, ListLoginSourceOpts) ([]*LoginSource, error)) {
+	f.defaultHook = hook
+// PushHook adds a function to the end of hook queue. Each invocation of the
+// List method of the parent MockLoginSourcesStore instance invokes the hook
+// at the front of the queue and discards it. After the queue is empty, the
+// default hook function is invoked for any future action.
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreListFunc) PushHook(hook func(context.Context, ListLoginSourceOpts) ([]*LoginSource, error)) {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	f.hooks = append(f.hooks, hook)
+	f.mutex.Unlock()
+// SetDefaultReturn calls SetDefaultHook with a function that returns the
+// given values.
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreListFunc) SetDefaultReturn(r0 []*LoginSource, r1 error) {
+	f.SetDefaultHook(func(context.Context, ListLoginSourceOpts) ([]*LoginSource, error) {
+		return r0, r1
+	})
+// PushReturn calls PushHook with a function that returns the given values.
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreListFunc) PushReturn(r0 []*LoginSource, r1 error) {
+	f.PushHook(func(context.Context, ListLoginSourceOpts) ([]*LoginSource, error) {
+		return r0, r1
+	})
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreListFunc) nextHook() func(context.Context, ListLoginSourceOpts) ([]*LoginSource, error) {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	defer f.mutex.Unlock()
+	if len(f.hooks) == 0 {
+		return f.defaultHook
+	}
+	hook := f.hooks[0]
+	f.hooks = f.hooks[1:]
+	return hook
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreListFunc) appendCall(r0 LoginSourcesStoreListFuncCall) {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	f.history = append(f.history, r0)
+	f.mutex.Unlock()
+// History returns a sequence of LoginSourcesStoreListFuncCall objects
+// describing the invocations of this function.
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreListFunc) History() []LoginSourcesStoreListFuncCall {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	history := make([]LoginSourcesStoreListFuncCall, len(f.history))
+	copy(history, f.history)
+	f.mutex.Unlock()
+	return history
+// LoginSourcesStoreListFuncCall is an object that describes an invocation
+// of method List on an instance of MockLoginSourcesStore.
+type LoginSourcesStoreListFuncCall struct {
+	// Arg0 is the value of the 1st argument passed to this method
+	// invocation.
+	Arg0 context.Context
+	// Arg1 is the value of the 2nd argument passed to this method
+	// invocation.
+	Arg1 ListLoginSourceOpts
+	// Result0 is the value of the 1st result returned from this method
+	// invocation.
+	Result0 []*LoginSource
+	// Result1 is the value of the 2nd result returned from this method
+	// invocation.
+	Result1 error
+// Args returns an interface slice containing the arguments of this
+// invocation.
+func (c LoginSourcesStoreListFuncCall) Args() []interface{} {
+	return []interface{}{c.Arg0, c.Arg1}
+// Results returns an interface slice containing the results of this
+// invocation.
+func (c LoginSourcesStoreListFuncCall) Results() []interface{} {
+	return []interface{}{c.Result0, c.Result1}
+// LoginSourcesStoreResetNonDefaultFunc describes the behavior when the
+// ResetNonDefault method of the parent MockLoginSourcesStore instance is
+// invoked.
+type LoginSourcesStoreResetNonDefaultFunc struct {
+	defaultHook func(context.Context, *LoginSource) error
+	hooks       []func(context.Context, *LoginSource) error
+	history     []LoginSourcesStoreResetNonDefaultFuncCall
+	mutex       sync.Mutex
+// ResetNonDefault delegates to the next hook function in the queue and
+// stores the parameter and result values of this invocation.
+func (m *MockLoginSourcesStore) ResetNonDefault(v0 context.Context, v1 *LoginSource) error {
+	r0 := m.ResetNonDefaultFunc.nextHook()(v0, v1)
+	m.ResetNonDefaultFunc.appendCall(LoginSourcesStoreResetNonDefaultFuncCall{v0, v1, r0})
+	return r0
+// SetDefaultHook sets function that is called when the ResetNonDefault
+// method of the parent MockLoginSourcesStore instance is invoked and the
+// hook queue is empty.
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreResetNonDefaultFunc) SetDefaultHook(hook func(context.Context, *LoginSource) error) {
+	f.defaultHook = hook
+// PushHook adds a function to the end of hook queue. Each invocation of the
+// ResetNonDefault method of the parent MockLoginSourcesStore instance
+// invokes the hook at the front of the queue and discards it. After the
+// queue is empty, the default hook function is invoked for any future
+// action.
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreResetNonDefaultFunc) PushHook(hook func(context.Context, *LoginSource) error) {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	f.hooks = append(f.hooks, hook)
+	f.mutex.Unlock()
+// SetDefaultReturn calls SetDefaultHook with a function that returns the
+// given values.
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreResetNonDefaultFunc) SetDefaultReturn(r0 error) {
+	f.SetDefaultHook(func(context.Context, *LoginSource) error {
+		return r0
+	})
+// PushReturn calls PushHook with a function that returns the given values.
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreResetNonDefaultFunc) PushReturn(r0 error) {
+	f.PushHook(func(context.Context, *LoginSource) error {
+		return r0
+	})
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreResetNonDefaultFunc) nextHook() func(context.Context, *LoginSource) error {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	defer f.mutex.Unlock()
+	if len(f.hooks) == 0 {
+		return f.defaultHook
+	}
+	hook := f.hooks[0]
+	f.hooks = f.hooks[1:]
+	return hook
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreResetNonDefaultFunc) appendCall(r0 LoginSourcesStoreResetNonDefaultFuncCall) {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	f.history = append(f.history, r0)
+	f.mutex.Unlock()
+// History returns a sequence of LoginSourcesStoreResetNonDefaultFuncCall
+// objects describing the invocations of this function.
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreResetNonDefaultFunc) History() []LoginSourcesStoreResetNonDefaultFuncCall {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	history := make([]LoginSourcesStoreResetNonDefaultFuncCall, len(f.history))
+	copy(history, f.history)
+	f.mutex.Unlock()
+	return history
+// LoginSourcesStoreResetNonDefaultFuncCall is an object that describes an
+// invocation of method ResetNonDefault on an instance of
+// MockLoginSourcesStore.
+type LoginSourcesStoreResetNonDefaultFuncCall struct {
+	// Arg0 is the value of the 1st argument passed to this method
+	// invocation.
+	Arg0 context.Context
+	// Arg1 is the value of the 2nd argument passed to this method
+	// invocation.
+	Arg1 *LoginSource
+	// Result0 is the value of the 1st result returned from this method
+	// invocation.
+	Result0 error
+// Args returns an interface slice containing the arguments of this
+// invocation.
+func (c LoginSourcesStoreResetNonDefaultFuncCall) Args() []interface{} {
+	return []interface{}{c.Arg0, c.Arg1}
+// Results returns an interface slice containing the results of this
+// invocation.
+func (c LoginSourcesStoreResetNonDefaultFuncCall) Results() []interface{} {
+	return []interface{}{c.Result0}
+// LoginSourcesStoreSaveFunc describes the behavior when the Save method of
+// the parent MockLoginSourcesStore instance is invoked.
+type LoginSourcesStoreSaveFunc struct {
+	defaultHook func(context.Context, *LoginSource) error
+	hooks       []func(context.Context, *LoginSource) error
+	history     []LoginSourcesStoreSaveFuncCall
+	mutex       sync.Mutex
+// Save delegates to the next hook function in the queue and stores the
+// parameter and result values of this invocation.
+func (m *MockLoginSourcesStore) Save(v0 context.Context, v1 *LoginSource) error {
+	r0 := m.SaveFunc.nextHook()(v0, v1)
+	m.SaveFunc.appendCall(LoginSourcesStoreSaveFuncCall{v0, v1, r0})
+	return r0
+// SetDefaultHook sets function that is called when the Save method of the
+// parent MockLoginSourcesStore instance is invoked and the hook queue is
+// empty.
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreSaveFunc) SetDefaultHook(hook func(context.Context, *LoginSource) error) {
+	f.defaultHook = hook
+// PushHook adds a function to the end of hook queue. Each invocation of the
+// Save method of the parent MockLoginSourcesStore instance invokes the hook
+// at the front of the queue and discards it. After the queue is empty, the
+// default hook function is invoked for any future action.
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreSaveFunc) PushHook(hook func(context.Context, *LoginSource) error) {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	f.hooks = append(f.hooks, hook)
+	f.mutex.Unlock()
+// SetDefaultReturn calls SetDefaultHook with a function that returns the
+// given values.
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreSaveFunc) SetDefaultReturn(r0 error) {
+	f.SetDefaultHook(func(context.Context, *LoginSource) error {
+		return r0
+	})
+// PushReturn calls PushHook with a function that returns the given values.
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreSaveFunc) PushReturn(r0 error) {
+	f.PushHook(func(context.Context, *LoginSource) error {
+		return r0
+	})
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreSaveFunc) nextHook() func(context.Context, *LoginSource) error {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	defer f.mutex.Unlock()
+	if len(f.hooks) == 0 {
+		return f.defaultHook
+	}
+	hook := f.hooks[0]
+	f.hooks = f.hooks[1:]
+	return hook
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreSaveFunc) appendCall(r0 LoginSourcesStoreSaveFuncCall) {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	f.history = append(f.history, r0)
+	f.mutex.Unlock()
+// History returns a sequence of LoginSourcesStoreSaveFuncCall objects
+// describing the invocations of this function.
+func (f *LoginSourcesStoreSaveFunc) History() []LoginSourcesStoreSaveFuncCall {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	history := make([]LoginSourcesStoreSaveFuncCall, len(f.history))
+	copy(history, f.history)
+	f.mutex.Unlock()
+	return history
+// LoginSourcesStoreSaveFuncCall is an object that describes an invocation
+// of method Save on an instance of MockLoginSourcesStore.
+type LoginSourcesStoreSaveFuncCall struct {
+	// Arg0 is the value of the 1st argument passed to this method
+	// invocation.
+	Arg0 context.Context
+	// Arg1 is the value of the 2nd argument passed to this method
+	// invocation.
+	Arg1 *LoginSource
+	// Result0 is the value of the 1st result returned from this method
+	// invocation.
+	Result0 error
+// Args returns an interface slice containing the arguments of this
+// invocation.
+func (c LoginSourcesStoreSaveFuncCall) Args() []interface{} {
+	return []interface{}{c.Arg0, c.Arg1}
+// Results returns an interface slice containing the results of this
+// invocation.
+func (c LoginSourcesStoreSaveFuncCall) Results() []interface{} {
+	return []interface{}{c.Result0}
+// MockPermsStore is a mock implementation of the PermsStore interface (from
+// the package gogs.io/gogs/internal/db) used for unit testing.
+type MockPermsStore struct {
+	// AccessModeFunc is an instance of a mock function object controlling
+	// the behavior of the method AccessMode.
+	AccessModeFunc *PermsStoreAccessModeFunc
+	// AuthorizeFunc is an instance of a mock function object controlling
+	// the behavior of the method Authorize.
+	AuthorizeFunc *PermsStoreAuthorizeFunc
+	// SetRepoPermsFunc is an instance of a mock function object controlling
+	// the behavior of the method SetRepoPerms.
+	SetRepoPermsFunc *PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFunc
+// NewMockPermsStore creates a new mock of the PermsStore interface. All
+// methods return zero values for all results, unless overwritten.
+func NewMockPermsStore() *MockPermsStore {
+	return &MockPermsStore{
+		AccessModeFunc: &PermsStoreAccessModeFunc{
+			defaultHook: func(context.Context, int64, int64, AccessModeOptions) (r0 AccessMode) {
+				return
+			},
+		},
+		AuthorizeFunc: &PermsStoreAuthorizeFunc{
+			defaultHook: func(context.Context, int64, int64, AccessMode, AccessModeOptions) (r0 bool) {
+				return
+			},
+		},
+		SetRepoPermsFunc: &PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFunc{
+			defaultHook: func(context.Context, int64, map[int64]AccessMode) (r0 error) {
+				return
+			},
+		},
+	}
+// NewStrictMockPermsStore creates a new mock of the PermsStore interface.
+// All methods panic on invocation, unless overwritten.
+func NewStrictMockPermsStore() *MockPermsStore {
+	return &MockPermsStore{
+		AccessModeFunc: &PermsStoreAccessModeFunc{
+			defaultHook: func(context.Context, int64, int64, AccessModeOptions) AccessMode {
+				panic("unexpected invocation of MockPermsStore.AccessMode")
+			},
+		},
+		AuthorizeFunc: &PermsStoreAuthorizeFunc{
+			defaultHook: func(context.Context, int64, int64, AccessMode, AccessModeOptions) bool {
+				panic("unexpected invocation of MockPermsStore.Authorize")
+			},
+		},
+		SetRepoPermsFunc: &PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFunc{
+			defaultHook: func(context.Context, int64, map[int64]AccessMode) error {
+				panic("unexpected invocation of MockPermsStore.SetRepoPerms")
+			},
+		},
+	}
+// NewMockPermsStoreFrom creates a new mock of the MockPermsStore interface.
+// All methods delegate to the given implementation, unless overwritten.
+func NewMockPermsStoreFrom(i PermsStore) *MockPermsStore {
+	return &MockPermsStore{
+		AccessModeFunc: &PermsStoreAccessModeFunc{
+			defaultHook: i.AccessMode,
+		},
+		AuthorizeFunc: &PermsStoreAuthorizeFunc{
+			defaultHook: i.Authorize,
+		},
+		SetRepoPermsFunc: &PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFunc{
+			defaultHook: i.SetRepoPerms,
+		},
+	}
+// PermsStoreAccessModeFunc describes the behavior when the AccessMode
+// method of the parent MockPermsStore instance is invoked.
+type PermsStoreAccessModeFunc struct {
+	defaultHook func(context.Context, int64, int64, AccessModeOptions) AccessMode
+	hooks       []func(context.Context, int64, int64, AccessModeOptions) AccessMode
+	history     []PermsStoreAccessModeFuncCall
+	mutex       sync.Mutex
+// AccessMode delegates to the next hook function in the queue and stores
+// the parameter and result values of this invocation.
+func (m *MockPermsStore) AccessMode(v0 context.Context, v1 int64, v2 int64, v3 AccessModeOptions) AccessMode {
+	r0 := m.AccessModeFunc.nextHook()(v0, v1, v2, v3)
+	m.AccessModeFunc.appendCall(PermsStoreAccessModeFuncCall{v0, v1, v2, v3, r0})
+	return r0
+// SetDefaultHook sets function that is called when the AccessMode method of
+// the parent MockPermsStore instance is invoked and the hook queue is
+// empty.
+func (f *PermsStoreAccessModeFunc) SetDefaultHook(hook func(context.Context, int64, int64, AccessModeOptions) AccessMode) {
+	f.defaultHook = hook
+// PushHook adds a function to the end of hook queue. Each invocation of the
+// AccessMode method of the parent MockPermsStore instance invokes the hook
+// at the front of the queue and discards it. After the queue is empty, the
+// default hook function is invoked for any future action.
+func (f *PermsStoreAccessModeFunc) PushHook(hook func(context.Context, int64, int64, AccessModeOptions) AccessMode) {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	f.hooks = append(f.hooks, hook)
+	f.mutex.Unlock()
+// SetDefaultReturn calls SetDefaultHook with a function that returns the
+// given values.
+func (f *PermsStoreAccessModeFunc) SetDefaultReturn(r0 AccessMode) {
+	f.SetDefaultHook(func(context.Context, int64, int64, AccessModeOptions) AccessMode {
+		return r0
+	})
+// PushReturn calls PushHook with a function that returns the given values.
+func (f *PermsStoreAccessModeFunc) PushReturn(r0 AccessMode) {
+	f.PushHook(func(context.Context, int64, int64, AccessModeOptions) AccessMode {
+		return r0
+	})
+func (f *PermsStoreAccessModeFunc) nextHook() func(context.Context, int64, int64, AccessModeOptions) AccessMode {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	defer f.mutex.Unlock()
+	if len(f.hooks) == 0 {
+		return f.defaultHook
+	}
+	hook := f.hooks[0]
+	f.hooks = f.hooks[1:]
+	return hook
+func (f *PermsStoreAccessModeFunc) appendCall(r0 PermsStoreAccessModeFuncCall) {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	f.history = append(f.history, r0)
+	f.mutex.Unlock()
+// History returns a sequence of PermsStoreAccessModeFuncCall objects
+// describing the invocations of this function.
+func (f *PermsStoreAccessModeFunc) History() []PermsStoreAccessModeFuncCall {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	history := make([]PermsStoreAccessModeFuncCall, len(f.history))
+	copy(history, f.history)
+	f.mutex.Unlock()
+	return history
+// PermsStoreAccessModeFuncCall is an object that describes an invocation of
+// method AccessMode on an instance of MockPermsStore.
+type PermsStoreAccessModeFuncCall struct {
+	// Arg0 is the value of the 1st argument passed to this method
+	// invocation.
+	Arg0 context.Context
+	// Arg1 is the value of the 2nd argument passed to this method
+	// invocation.
+	Arg1 int64
+	// Arg2 is the value of the 3rd argument passed to this method
+	// invocation.
+	Arg2 int64
+	// Arg3 is the value of the 4th argument passed to this method
+	// invocation.
+	Arg3 AccessModeOptions
+	// Result0 is the value of the 1st result returned from this method
+	// invocation.
+	Result0 AccessMode
+// Args returns an interface slice containing the arguments of this
+// invocation.
+func (c PermsStoreAccessModeFuncCall) Args() []interface{} {
+	return []interface{}{c.Arg0, c.Arg1, c.Arg2, c.Arg3}
+// Results returns an interface slice containing the results of this
+// invocation.
+func (c PermsStoreAccessModeFuncCall) Results() []interface{} {
+	return []interface{}{c.Result0}
+// PermsStoreAuthorizeFunc describes the behavior when the Authorize method
+// of the parent MockPermsStore instance is invoked.
+type PermsStoreAuthorizeFunc struct {
+	defaultHook func(context.Context, int64, int64, AccessMode, AccessModeOptions) bool
+	hooks       []func(context.Context, int64, int64, AccessMode, AccessModeOptions) bool
+	history     []PermsStoreAuthorizeFuncCall
+	mutex       sync.Mutex
+// Authorize delegates to the next hook function in the queue and stores the
+// parameter and result values of this invocation.
+func (m *MockPermsStore) Authorize(v0 context.Context, v1 int64, v2 int64, v3 AccessMode, v4 AccessModeOptions) bool {
+	r0 := m.AuthorizeFunc.nextHook()(v0, v1, v2, v3, v4)
+	m.AuthorizeFunc.appendCall(PermsStoreAuthorizeFuncCall{v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, r0})
+	return r0
+// SetDefaultHook sets function that is called when the Authorize method of
+// the parent MockPermsStore instance is invoked and the hook queue is
+// empty.
+func (f *PermsStoreAuthorizeFunc) SetDefaultHook(hook func(context.Context, int64, int64, AccessMode, AccessModeOptions) bool) {
+	f.defaultHook = hook
+// PushHook adds a function to the end of hook queue. Each invocation of the
+// Authorize method of the parent MockPermsStore instance invokes the hook
+// at the front of the queue and discards it. After the queue is empty, the
+// default hook function is invoked for any future action.
+func (f *PermsStoreAuthorizeFunc) PushHook(hook func(context.Context, int64, int64, AccessMode, AccessModeOptions) bool) {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	f.hooks = append(f.hooks, hook)
+	f.mutex.Unlock()
+// SetDefaultReturn calls SetDefaultHook with a function that returns the
+// given values.
+func (f *PermsStoreAuthorizeFunc) SetDefaultReturn(r0 bool) {
+	f.SetDefaultHook(func(context.Context, int64, int64, AccessMode, AccessModeOptions) bool {
+		return r0
+	})
+// PushReturn calls PushHook with a function that returns the given values.
+func (f *PermsStoreAuthorizeFunc) PushReturn(r0 bool) {
+	f.PushHook(func(context.Context, int64, int64, AccessMode, AccessModeOptions) bool {
+		return r0
+	})
+func (f *PermsStoreAuthorizeFunc) nextHook() func(context.Context, int64, int64, AccessMode, AccessModeOptions) bool {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	defer f.mutex.Unlock()
+	if len(f.hooks) == 0 {
+		return f.defaultHook
+	}
+	hook := f.hooks[0]
+	f.hooks = f.hooks[1:]
+	return hook
+func (f *PermsStoreAuthorizeFunc) appendCall(r0 PermsStoreAuthorizeFuncCall) {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	f.history = append(f.history, r0)
+	f.mutex.Unlock()
+// History returns a sequence of PermsStoreAuthorizeFuncCall objects
+// describing the invocations of this function.
+func (f *PermsStoreAuthorizeFunc) History() []PermsStoreAuthorizeFuncCall {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	history := make([]PermsStoreAuthorizeFuncCall, len(f.history))
+	copy(history, f.history)
+	f.mutex.Unlock()
+	return history
+// PermsStoreAuthorizeFuncCall is an object that describes an invocation of
+// method Authorize on an instance of MockPermsStore.
+type PermsStoreAuthorizeFuncCall struct {
+	// Arg0 is the value of the 1st argument passed to this method
+	// invocation.
+	Arg0 context.Context
+	// Arg1 is the value of the 2nd argument passed to this method
+	// invocation.
+	Arg1 int64
+	// Arg2 is the value of the 3rd argument passed to this method
+	// invocation.
+	Arg2 int64
+	// Arg3 is the value of the 4th argument passed to this method
+	// invocation.
+	Arg3 AccessMode
+	// Arg4 is the value of the 5th argument passed to this method
+	// invocation.
+	Arg4 AccessModeOptions
+	// Result0 is the value of the 1st result returned from this method
+	// invocation.
+	Result0 bool
+// Args returns an interface slice containing the arguments of this
+// invocation.
+func (c PermsStoreAuthorizeFuncCall) Args() []interface{} {
+	return []interface{}{c.Arg0, c.Arg1, c.Arg2, c.Arg3, c.Arg4}
+// Results returns an interface slice containing the results of this
+// invocation.
+func (c PermsStoreAuthorizeFuncCall) Results() []interface{} {
+	return []interface{}{c.Result0}
+// PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFunc describes the behavior when the SetRepoPerms
+// method of the parent MockPermsStore instance is invoked.
+type PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFunc struct {
+	defaultHook func(context.Context, int64, map[int64]AccessMode) error
+	hooks       []func(context.Context, int64, map[int64]AccessMode) error
+	history     []PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFuncCall
+	mutex       sync.Mutex
+// SetRepoPerms delegates to the next hook function in the queue and stores
+// the parameter and result values of this invocation.
+func (m *MockPermsStore) SetRepoPerms(v0 context.Context, v1 int64, v2 map[int64]AccessMode) error {
+	r0 := m.SetRepoPermsFunc.nextHook()(v0, v1, v2)
+	m.SetRepoPermsFunc.appendCall(PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFuncCall{v0, v1, v2, r0})
+	return r0
+// SetDefaultHook sets function that is called when the SetRepoPerms method
+// of the parent MockPermsStore instance is invoked and the hook queue is
+// empty.
+func (f *PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFunc) SetDefaultHook(hook func(context.Context, int64, map[int64]AccessMode) error) {
+	f.defaultHook = hook
+// PushHook adds a function to the end of hook queue. Each invocation of the
+// SetRepoPerms method of the parent MockPermsStore instance invokes the
+// hook at the front of the queue and discards it. After the queue is empty,
+// the default hook function is invoked for any future action.
+func (f *PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFunc) PushHook(hook func(context.Context, int64, map[int64]AccessMode) error) {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	f.hooks = append(f.hooks, hook)
+	f.mutex.Unlock()
+// SetDefaultReturn calls SetDefaultHook with a function that returns the
+// given values.
+func (f *PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFunc) SetDefaultReturn(r0 error) {
+	f.SetDefaultHook(func(context.Context, int64, map[int64]AccessMode) error {
+		return r0
+	})
+// PushReturn calls PushHook with a function that returns the given values.
+func (f *PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFunc) PushReturn(r0 error) {
+	f.PushHook(func(context.Context, int64, map[int64]AccessMode) error {
+		return r0
+	})
+func (f *PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFunc) nextHook() func(context.Context, int64, map[int64]AccessMode) error {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	defer f.mutex.Unlock()
+	if len(f.hooks) == 0 {
+		return f.defaultHook
+	}
+	hook := f.hooks[0]
+	f.hooks = f.hooks[1:]
+	return hook
+func (f *PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFunc) appendCall(r0 PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFuncCall) {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	f.history = append(f.history, r0)
+	f.mutex.Unlock()
+// History returns a sequence of PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFuncCall objects
+// describing the invocations of this function.
+func (f *PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFunc) History() []PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFuncCall {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	history := make([]PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFuncCall, len(f.history))
+	copy(history, f.history)
+	f.mutex.Unlock()
+	return history
+// PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFuncCall is an object that describes an invocation
+// of method SetRepoPerms on an instance of MockPermsStore.
+type PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFuncCall struct {
+	// Arg0 is the value of the 1st argument passed to this method
+	// invocation.
+	Arg0 context.Context
+	// Arg1 is the value of the 2nd argument passed to this method
+	// invocation.
+	Arg1 int64
+	// Arg2 is the value of the 3rd argument passed to this method
+	// invocation.
+	Arg2 map[int64]AccessMode
+	// Result0 is the value of the 1st result returned from this method
+	// invocation.
+	Result0 error
+// Args returns an interface slice containing the arguments of this
+// invocation.
+func (c PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFuncCall) Args() []interface{} {
+	return []interface{}{c.Arg0, c.Arg1, c.Arg2}
+// Results returns an interface slice containing the results of this
+// invocation.
+func (c PermsStoreSetRepoPermsFuncCall) Results() []interface{} {
+	return []interface{}{c.Result0}
+// MockLoginSourceFileStore is a mock implementation of the
+// loginSourceFileStore interface (from the package
+// gogs.io/gogs/internal/db) used for unit testing.
+type MockLoginSourceFileStore struct {
+	// SaveFunc is an instance of a mock function object controlling the
+	// behavior of the method Save.
+	SaveFunc *LoginSourceFileStoreSaveFunc
+	// SetConfigFunc is an instance of a mock function object controlling
+	// the behavior of the method SetConfig.
+	SetConfigFunc *LoginSourceFileStoreSetConfigFunc
+	// SetGeneralFunc is an instance of a mock function object controlling
+	// the behavior of the method SetGeneral.
+	SetGeneralFunc *LoginSourceFileStoreSetGeneralFunc
+// NewMockLoginSourceFileStore creates a new mock of the
+// loginSourceFileStore interface. All methods return zero values for all
+// results, unless overwritten.
+func NewMockLoginSourceFileStore() *MockLoginSourceFileStore {
+	return &MockLoginSourceFileStore{
+		SaveFunc: &LoginSourceFileStoreSaveFunc{
+			defaultHook: func() (r0 error) {
+				return
+			},
+		},
+		SetConfigFunc: &LoginSourceFileStoreSetConfigFunc{
+			defaultHook: func(interface{}) (r0 error) {
+				return
+			},
+		},
+		SetGeneralFunc: &LoginSourceFileStoreSetGeneralFunc{
+			defaultHook: func(string, string) {
+				return
+			},
+		},
+	}
+// NewStrictMockLoginSourceFileStore creates a new mock of the
+// loginSourceFileStore interface. All methods panic on invocation, unless
+// overwritten.
+func NewStrictMockLoginSourceFileStore() *MockLoginSourceFileStore {
+	return &MockLoginSourceFileStore{
+		SaveFunc: &LoginSourceFileStoreSaveFunc{
+			defaultHook: func() error {
+				panic("unexpected invocation of MockLoginSourceFileStore.Save")
+			},
+		},
+		SetConfigFunc: &LoginSourceFileStoreSetConfigFunc{
+			defaultHook: func(interface{}) error {
+				panic("unexpected invocation of MockLoginSourceFileStore.SetConfig")
+			},
+		},
+		SetGeneralFunc: &LoginSourceFileStoreSetGeneralFunc{
+			defaultHook: func(string, string) {
+				panic("unexpected invocation of MockLoginSourceFileStore.SetGeneral")
+			},
+		},
+	}
+// surrogateMockLoginSourceFileStore is a copy of the loginSourceFileStore
+// interface (from the package gogs.io/gogs/internal/db). It is redefined
+// here as it is unexported in the source package.
+type surrogateMockLoginSourceFileStore interface {
+	Save() error
+	SetConfig(interface{}) error
+	SetGeneral(string, string)
+// NewMockLoginSourceFileStoreFrom creates a new mock of the
+// MockLoginSourceFileStore interface. All methods delegate to the given
+// implementation, unless overwritten.
+func NewMockLoginSourceFileStoreFrom(i surrogateMockLoginSourceFileStore) *MockLoginSourceFileStore {
+	return &MockLoginSourceFileStore{
+		SaveFunc: &LoginSourceFileStoreSaveFunc{
+			defaultHook: i.Save,
+		},
+		SetConfigFunc: &LoginSourceFileStoreSetConfigFunc{
+			defaultHook: i.SetConfig,
+		},
+		SetGeneralFunc: &LoginSourceFileStoreSetGeneralFunc{
+			defaultHook: i.SetGeneral,
+		},
+	}
+// LoginSourceFileStoreSaveFunc describes the behavior when the Save method
+// of the parent MockLoginSourceFileStore instance is invoked.
+type LoginSourceFileStoreSaveFunc struct {
+	defaultHook func() error
+	hooks       []func() error
+	history     []LoginSourceFileStoreSaveFuncCall
+	mutex       sync.Mutex
+// Save delegates to the next hook function in the queue and stores the
+// parameter and result values of this invocation.
+func (m *MockLoginSourceFileStore) Save() error {
+	r0 := m.SaveFunc.nextHook()()
+	m.SaveFunc.appendCall(LoginSourceFileStoreSaveFuncCall{r0})
+	return r0
+// SetDefaultHook sets function that is called when the Save method of the
+// parent MockLoginSourceFileStore instance is invoked and the hook queue is
+// empty.
+func (f *LoginSourceFileStoreSaveFunc) SetDefaultHook(hook func() error) {
+	f.defaultHook = hook
+// PushHook adds a function to the end of hook queue. Each invocation of the
+// Save method of the parent MockLoginSourceFileStore instance invokes the
+// hook at the front of the queue and discards it. After the queue is empty,
+// the default hook function is invoked for any future action.
+func (f *LoginSourceFileStoreSaveFunc) PushHook(hook func() error) {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	f.hooks = append(f.hooks, hook)
+	f.mutex.Unlock()
+// SetDefaultReturn calls SetDefaultHook with a function that returns the
+// given values.
+func (f *LoginSourceFileStoreSaveFunc) SetDefaultReturn(r0 error) {
+	f.SetDefaultHook(func() error {
+		return r0
+	})
+// PushReturn calls PushHook with a function that returns the given values.
+func (f *LoginSourceFileStoreSaveFunc) PushReturn(r0 error) {
+	f.PushHook(func() error {
+		return r0
+	})
+func (f *LoginSourceFileStoreSaveFunc) nextHook() func() error {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	defer f.mutex.Unlock()
+	if len(f.hooks) == 0 {
+		return f.defaultHook
+	}
+	hook := f.hooks[0]
+	f.hooks = f.hooks[1:]
+	return hook
+func (f *LoginSourceFileStoreSaveFunc) appendCall(r0 LoginSourceFileStoreSaveFuncCall) {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	f.history = append(f.history, r0)
+	f.mutex.Unlock()
+// History returns a sequence of LoginSourceFileStoreSaveFuncCall objects
+// describing the invocations of this function.
+func (f *LoginSourceFileStoreSaveFunc) History() []LoginSourceFileStoreSaveFuncCall {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	history := make([]LoginSourceFileStoreSaveFuncCall, len(f.history))
+	copy(history, f.history)
+	f.mutex.Unlock()
+	return history
+// LoginSourceFileStoreSaveFuncCall is an object that describes an
+// invocation of method Save on an instance of MockLoginSourceFileStore.
+type LoginSourceFileStoreSaveFuncCall struct {
+	// Result0 is the value of the 1st result returned from this method
+	// invocation.
+	Result0 error
+// Args returns an interface slice containing the arguments of this
+// invocation.
+func (c LoginSourceFileStoreSaveFuncCall) Args() []interface{} {
+	return []interface{}{}
+// Results returns an interface slice containing the results of this
+// invocation.
+func (c LoginSourceFileStoreSaveFuncCall) Results() []interface{} {
+	return []interface{}{c.Result0}
+// LoginSourceFileStoreSetConfigFunc describes the behavior when the
+// SetConfig method of the parent MockLoginSourceFileStore instance is
+// invoked.
+type LoginSourceFileStoreSetConfigFunc struct {
+	defaultHook func(interface{}) error
+	hooks       []func(interface{}) error
+	history     []LoginSourceFileStoreSetConfigFuncCall
+	mutex       sync.Mutex
+// SetConfig delegates to the next hook function in the queue and stores the
+// parameter and result values of this invocation.
+func (m *MockLoginSourceFileStore) SetConfig(v0 interface{}) error {
+	r0 := m.SetConfigFunc.nextHook()(v0)
+	m.SetConfigFunc.appendCall(LoginSourceFileStoreSetConfigFuncCall{v0, r0})
+	return r0
+// SetDefaultHook sets function that is called when the SetConfig method of
+// the parent MockLoginSourceFileStore instance is invoked and the hook
+// queue is empty.
+func (f *LoginSourceFileStoreSetConfigFunc) SetDefaultHook(hook func(interface{}) error) {
+	f.defaultHook = hook
+// PushHook adds a function to the end of hook queue. Each invocation of the
+// SetConfig method of the parent MockLoginSourceFileStore instance invokes
+// the hook at the front of the queue and discards it. After the queue is
+// empty, the default hook function is invoked for any future action.
+func (f *LoginSourceFileStoreSetConfigFunc) PushHook(hook func(interface{}) error) {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	f.hooks = append(f.hooks, hook)
+	f.mutex.Unlock()
+// SetDefaultReturn calls SetDefaultHook with a function that returns the
+// given values.
+func (f *LoginSourceFileStoreSetConfigFunc) SetDefaultReturn(r0 error) {
+	f.SetDefaultHook(func(interface{}) error {
+		return r0
+	})
+// PushReturn calls PushHook with a function that returns the given values.
+func (f *LoginSourceFileStoreSetConfigFunc) PushReturn(r0 error) {
+	f.PushHook(func(interface{}) error {
+		return r0
+	})
+func (f *LoginSourceFileStoreSetConfigFunc) nextHook() func(interface{}) error {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	defer f.mutex.Unlock()
+	if len(f.hooks) == 0 {
+		return f.defaultHook
+	}
+	hook := f.hooks[0]
+	f.hooks = f.hooks[1:]
+	return hook
+func (f *LoginSourceFileStoreSetConfigFunc) appendCall(r0 LoginSourceFileStoreSetConfigFuncCall) {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	f.history = append(f.history, r0)
+	f.mutex.Unlock()
+// History returns a sequence of LoginSourceFileStoreSetConfigFuncCall
+// objects describing the invocations of this function.
+func (f *LoginSourceFileStoreSetConfigFunc) History() []LoginSourceFileStoreSetConfigFuncCall {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	history := make([]LoginSourceFileStoreSetConfigFuncCall, len(f.history))
+	copy(history, f.history)
+	f.mutex.Unlock()
+	return history
+// LoginSourceFileStoreSetConfigFuncCall is an object that describes an
+// invocation of method SetConfig on an instance of
+// MockLoginSourceFileStore.
+type LoginSourceFileStoreSetConfigFuncCall struct {
+	// Arg0 is the value of the 1st argument passed to this method
+	// invocation.
+	Arg0 interface{}
+	// Result0 is the value of the 1st result returned from this method
+	// invocation.
+	Result0 error
+// Args returns an interface slice containing the arguments of this
+// invocation.
+func (c LoginSourceFileStoreSetConfigFuncCall) Args() []interface{} {
+	return []interface{}{c.Arg0}
+// Results returns an interface slice containing the results of this
+// invocation.
+func (c LoginSourceFileStoreSetConfigFuncCall) Results() []interface{} {
+	return []interface{}{c.Result0}
+// LoginSourceFileStoreSetGeneralFunc describes the behavior when the
+// SetGeneral method of the parent MockLoginSourceFileStore instance is
+// invoked.
+type LoginSourceFileStoreSetGeneralFunc struct {
+	defaultHook func(string, string)
+	hooks       []func(string, string)
+	history     []LoginSourceFileStoreSetGeneralFuncCall
+	mutex       sync.Mutex
+// SetGeneral delegates to the next hook function in the queue and stores
+// the parameter and result values of this invocation.
+func (m *MockLoginSourceFileStore) SetGeneral(v0 string, v1 string) {
+	m.SetGeneralFunc.nextHook()(v0, v1)
+	m.SetGeneralFunc.appendCall(LoginSourceFileStoreSetGeneralFuncCall{v0, v1})
+	return
+// SetDefaultHook sets function that is called when the SetGeneral method of
+// the parent MockLoginSourceFileStore instance is invoked and the hook
+// queue is empty.
+func (f *LoginSourceFileStoreSetGeneralFunc) SetDefaultHook(hook func(string, string)) {
+	f.defaultHook = hook
+// PushHook adds a function to the end of hook queue. Each invocation of the
+// SetGeneral method of the parent MockLoginSourceFileStore instance invokes
+// the hook at the front of the queue and discards it. After the queue is
+// empty, the default hook function is invoked for any future action.
+func (f *LoginSourceFileStoreSetGeneralFunc) PushHook(hook func(string, string)) {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	f.hooks = append(f.hooks, hook)
+	f.mutex.Unlock()
+// SetDefaultReturn calls SetDefaultHook with a function that returns the
+// given values.
+func (f *LoginSourceFileStoreSetGeneralFunc) SetDefaultReturn() {
+	f.SetDefaultHook(func(string, string) {
+		return
+	})
+// PushReturn calls PushHook with a function that returns the given values.
+func (f *LoginSourceFileStoreSetGeneralFunc) PushReturn() {
+	f.PushHook(func(string, string) {
+		return
+	})
+func (f *LoginSourceFileStoreSetGeneralFunc) nextHook() func(string, string) {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	defer f.mutex.Unlock()
+	if len(f.hooks) == 0 {
+		return f.defaultHook
+	}
+	hook := f.hooks[0]
+	f.hooks = f.hooks[1:]
+	return hook
+func (f *LoginSourceFileStoreSetGeneralFunc) appendCall(r0 LoginSourceFileStoreSetGeneralFuncCall) {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	f.history = append(f.history, r0)
+	f.mutex.Unlock()
+// History returns a sequence of LoginSourceFileStoreSetGeneralFuncCall
+// objects describing the invocations of this function.
+func (f *LoginSourceFileStoreSetGeneralFunc) History() []LoginSourceFileStoreSetGeneralFuncCall {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	history := make([]LoginSourceFileStoreSetGeneralFuncCall, len(f.history))
+	copy(history, f.history)
+	f.mutex.Unlock()
+	return history
+// LoginSourceFileStoreSetGeneralFuncCall is an object that describes an
+// invocation of method SetGeneral on an instance of
+// MockLoginSourceFileStore.
+type LoginSourceFileStoreSetGeneralFuncCall struct {
+	// Arg0 is the value of the 1st argument passed to this method
+	// invocation.
+	Arg0 string
+	// Arg1 is the value of the 2nd argument passed to this method
+	// invocation.
+	Arg1 string
+// Args returns an interface slice containing the arguments of this
+// invocation.
+func (c LoginSourceFileStoreSetGeneralFuncCall) Args() []interface{} {
+	return []interface{}{c.Arg0, c.Arg1}
+// Results returns an interface slice containing the results of this
+// invocation.
+func (c LoginSourceFileStoreSetGeneralFuncCall) Results() []interface{} {
+	return []interface{}{}
+// MockLoginSourceFilesStore is a mock implementation of the
+// loginSourceFilesStore interface (from the package
+// gogs.io/gogs/internal/db) used for unit testing.
+type MockLoginSourceFilesStore struct {
+	// GetByIDFunc is an instance of a mock function object controlling the
+	// behavior of the method GetByID.
+	GetByIDFunc *LoginSourceFilesStoreGetByIDFunc
+	// LenFunc is an instance of a mock function object controlling the
+	// behavior of the method Len.
+	LenFunc *LoginSourceFilesStoreLenFunc
+	// ListFunc is an instance of a mock function object controlling the
+	// behavior of the method List.
+	ListFunc *LoginSourceFilesStoreListFunc
+	// UpdateFunc is an instance of a mock function object controlling the
+	// behavior of the method Update.
+	UpdateFunc *LoginSourceFilesStoreUpdateFunc
+// NewMockLoginSourceFilesStore creates a new mock of the
+// loginSourceFilesStore interface. All methods return zero values for all
+// results, unless overwritten.
+func NewMockLoginSourceFilesStore() *MockLoginSourceFilesStore {
+	return &MockLoginSourceFilesStore{
+		GetByIDFunc: &LoginSourceFilesStoreGetByIDFunc{
+			defaultHook: func(int64) (r0 *LoginSource, r1 error) {
+				return
+			},
+		},
+		LenFunc: &LoginSourceFilesStoreLenFunc{
+			defaultHook: func() (r0 int) {
+				return
+			},
+		},
+		ListFunc: &LoginSourceFilesStoreListFunc{
+			defaultHook: func(ListLoginSourceOpts) (r0 []*LoginSource) {
+				return
+			},
+		},
+		UpdateFunc: &LoginSourceFilesStoreUpdateFunc{
+			defaultHook: func(*LoginSource) {
+				return
+			},
+		},
+	}
+// NewStrictMockLoginSourceFilesStore creates a new mock of the
+// loginSourceFilesStore interface. All methods panic on invocation, unless
+// overwritten.
+func NewStrictMockLoginSourceFilesStore() *MockLoginSourceFilesStore {
+	return &MockLoginSourceFilesStore{
+		GetByIDFunc: &LoginSourceFilesStoreGetByIDFunc{
+			defaultHook: func(int64) (*LoginSource, error) {
+				panic("unexpected invocation of MockLoginSourceFilesStore.GetByID")
+			},
+		},
+		LenFunc: &LoginSourceFilesStoreLenFunc{
+			defaultHook: func() int {
+				panic("unexpected invocation of MockLoginSourceFilesStore.Len")
+			},
+		},
+		ListFunc: &LoginSourceFilesStoreListFunc{
+			defaultHook: func(ListLoginSourceOpts) []*LoginSource {
+				panic("unexpected invocation of MockLoginSourceFilesStore.List")
+			},
+		},
+		UpdateFunc: &LoginSourceFilesStoreUpdateFunc{
+			defaultHook: func(*LoginSource) {
+				panic("unexpected invocation of MockLoginSourceFilesStore.Update")
+			},
+		},
+	}
+// surrogateMockLoginSourceFilesStore is a copy of the loginSourceFilesStore
+// interface (from the package gogs.io/gogs/internal/db). It is redefined
+// here as it is unexported in the source package.
+type surrogateMockLoginSourceFilesStore interface {
+	GetByID(int64) (*LoginSource, error)
+	Len() int
+	List(ListLoginSourceOpts) []*LoginSource
+	Update(*LoginSource)
+// NewMockLoginSourceFilesStoreFrom creates a new mock of the
+// MockLoginSourceFilesStore interface. All methods delegate to the given
+// implementation, unless overwritten.
+func NewMockLoginSourceFilesStoreFrom(i surrogateMockLoginSourceFilesStore) *MockLoginSourceFilesStore {
+	return &MockLoginSourceFilesStore{
+		GetByIDFunc: &LoginSourceFilesStoreGetByIDFunc{
+			defaultHook: i.GetByID,
+		},
+		LenFunc: &LoginSourceFilesStoreLenFunc{
+			defaultHook: i.Len,
+		},
+		ListFunc: &LoginSourceFilesStoreListFunc{
+			defaultHook: i.List,
+		},
+		UpdateFunc: &LoginSourceFilesStoreUpdateFunc{
+			defaultHook: i.Update,
+		},
+	}
+// LoginSourceFilesStoreGetByIDFunc describes the behavior when the GetByID
+// method of the parent MockLoginSourceFilesStore instance is invoked.
+type LoginSourceFilesStoreGetByIDFunc struct {
+	defaultHook func(int64) (*LoginSource, error)
+	hooks       []func(int64) (*LoginSource, error)
+	history     []LoginSourceFilesStoreGetByIDFuncCall
+	mutex       sync.Mutex
+// GetByID delegates to the next hook function in the queue and stores the
+// parameter and result values of this invocation.
+func (m *MockLoginSourceFilesStore) GetByID(v0 int64) (*LoginSource, error) {
+	r0, r1 := m.GetByIDFunc.nextHook()(v0)
+	m.GetByIDFunc.appendCall(LoginSourceFilesStoreGetByIDFuncCall{v0, r0, r1})
+	return r0, r1
+// SetDefaultHook sets function that is called when the GetByID method of
+// the parent MockLoginSourceFilesStore instance is invoked and the hook
+// queue is empty.
+func (f *LoginSourceFilesStoreGetByIDFunc) SetDefaultHook(hook func(int64) (*LoginSource, error)) {
+	f.defaultHook = hook
+// PushHook adds a function to the end of hook queue. Each invocation of the
+// GetByID method of the parent MockLoginSourceFilesStore instance invokes
+// the hook at the front of the queue and discards it. After the queue is
+// empty, the default hook function is invoked for any future action.
+func (f *LoginSourceFilesStoreGetByIDFunc) PushHook(hook func(int64) (*LoginSource, error)) {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	f.hooks = append(f.hooks, hook)
+	f.mutex.Unlock()
+// SetDefaultReturn calls SetDefaultHook with a function that returns the
+// given values.
+func (f *LoginSourceFilesStoreGetByIDFunc) SetDefaultReturn(r0 *LoginSource, r1 error) {
+	f.SetDefaultHook(func(int64) (*LoginSource, error) {
+		return r0, r1
+	})
+// PushReturn calls PushHook with a function that returns the given values.
+func (f *LoginSourceFilesStoreGetByIDFunc) PushReturn(r0 *LoginSource, r1 error) {
+	f.PushHook(func(int64) (*LoginSource, error) {
+		return r0, r1
+	})
+func (f *LoginSourceFilesStoreGetByIDFunc) nextHook() func(int64) (*LoginSource, error) {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	defer f.mutex.Unlock()
+	if len(f.hooks) == 0 {
+		return f.defaultHook
+	}
+	hook := f.hooks[0]
+	f.hooks = f.hooks[1:]
+	return hook
+func (f *LoginSourceFilesStoreGetByIDFunc) appendCall(r0 LoginSourceFilesStoreGetByIDFuncCall) {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	f.history = append(f.history, r0)
+	f.mutex.Unlock()
+// History returns a sequence of LoginSourceFilesStoreGetByIDFuncCall
+// objects describing the invocations of this function.
+func (f *LoginSourceFilesStoreGetByIDFunc) History() []LoginSourceFilesStoreGetByIDFuncCall {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	history := make([]LoginSourceFilesStoreGetByIDFuncCall, len(f.history))
+	copy(history, f.history)
+	f.mutex.Unlock()
+	return history
+// LoginSourceFilesStoreGetByIDFuncCall is an object that describes an
+// invocation of method GetByID on an instance of MockLoginSourceFilesStore.
+type LoginSourceFilesStoreGetByIDFuncCall struct {
+	// Arg0 is the value of the 1st argument passed to this method
+	// invocation.
+	Arg0 int64
+	// Result0 is the value of the 1st result returned from this method
+	// invocation.
+	Result0 *LoginSource
+	// Result1 is the value of the 2nd result returned from this method
+	// invocation.
+	Result1 error
+// Args returns an interface slice containing the arguments of this
+// invocation.
+func (c LoginSourceFilesStoreGetByIDFuncCall) Args() []interface{} {
+	return []interface{}{c.Arg0}
+// Results returns an interface slice containing the results of this
+// invocation.
+func (c LoginSourceFilesStoreGetByIDFuncCall) Results() []interface{} {
+	return []interface{}{c.Result0, c.Result1}
+// LoginSourceFilesStoreLenFunc describes the behavior when the Len method
+// of the parent MockLoginSourceFilesStore instance is invoked.
+type LoginSourceFilesStoreLenFunc struct {
+	defaultHook func() int
+	hooks       []func() int
+	history     []LoginSourceFilesStoreLenFuncCall
+	mutex       sync.Mutex
+// Len delegates to the next hook function in the queue and stores the
+// parameter and result values of this invocation.
+func (m *MockLoginSourceFilesStore) Len() int {
+	r0 := m.LenFunc.nextHook()()
+	m.LenFunc.appendCall(LoginSourceFilesStoreLenFuncCall{r0})
+	return r0
+// SetDefaultHook sets function that is called when the Len method of the
+// parent MockLoginSourceFilesStore instance is invoked and the hook queue
+// is empty.
+func (f *LoginSourceFilesStoreLenFunc) SetDefaultHook(hook func() int) {
+	f.defaultHook = hook
+// PushHook adds a function to the end of hook queue. Each invocation of the
+// Len method of the parent MockLoginSourceFilesStore instance invokes the
+// hook at the front of the queue and discards it. After the queue is empty,
+// the default hook function is invoked for any future action.
+func (f *LoginSourceFilesStoreLenFunc) PushHook(hook func() int) {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	f.hooks = append(f.hooks, hook)
+	f.mutex.Unlock()
+// SetDefaultReturn calls SetDefaultHook with a function that returns the
+// given values.
+func (f *LoginSourceFilesStoreLenFunc) SetDefaultReturn(r0 int) {
+	f.SetDefaultHook(func() int {
+		return r0
+	})
+// PushReturn calls PushHook with a function that returns the given values.
+func (f *LoginSourceFilesStoreLenFunc) PushReturn(r0 int) {
+	f.PushHook(func() int {
+		return r0
+	})
+func (f *LoginSourceFilesStoreLenFunc) nextHook() func() int {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	defer f.mutex.Unlock()
+	if len(f.hooks) == 0 {
+		return f.defaultHook
+	}
+	hook := f.hooks[0]
+	f.hooks = f.hooks[1:]
+	return hook
+func (f *LoginSourceFilesStoreLenFunc) appendCall(r0 LoginSourceFilesStoreLenFuncCall) {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	f.history = append(f.history, r0)
+	f.mutex.Unlock()
+// History returns a sequence of LoginSourceFilesStoreLenFuncCall objects
+// describing the invocations of this function.
+func (f *LoginSourceFilesStoreLenFunc) History() []LoginSourceFilesStoreLenFuncCall {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	history := make([]LoginSourceFilesStoreLenFuncCall, len(f.history))
+	copy(history, f.history)
+	f.mutex.Unlock()
+	return history
+// LoginSourceFilesStoreLenFuncCall is an object that describes an
+// invocation of method Len on an instance of MockLoginSourceFilesStore.
+type LoginSourceFilesStoreLenFuncCall struct {
+	// Result0 is the value of the 1st result returned from this method
+	// invocation.
+	Result0 int
+// Args returns an interface slice containing the arguments of this
+// invocation.
+func (c LoginSourceFilesStoreLenFuncCall) Args() []interface{} {
+	return []interface{}{}
+// Results returns an interface slice containing the results of this
+// invocation.
+func (c LoginSourceFilesStoreLenFuncCall) Results() []interface{} {
+	return []interface{}{c.Result0}
+// LoginSourceFilesStoreListFunc describes the behavior when the List method
+// of the parent MockLoginSourceFilesStore instance is invoked.
+type LoginSourceFilesStoreListFunc struct {
+	defaultHook func(ListLoginSourceOpts) []*LoginSource
+	hooks       []func(ListLoginSourceOpts) []*LoginSource
+	history     []LoginSourceFilesStoreListFuncCall
+	mutex       sync.Mutex
+// List delegates to the next hook function in the queue and stores the
+// parameter and result values of this invocation.
+func (m *MockLoginSourceFilesStore) List(v0 ListLoginSourceOpts) []*LoginSource {
+	r0 := m.ListFunc.nextHook()(v0)
+	m.ListFunc.appendCall(LoginSourceFilesStoreListFuncCall{v0, r0})
+	return r0
+// SetDefaultHook sets function that is called when the List method of the
+// parent MockLoginSourceFilesStore instance is invoked and the hook queue
+// is empty.
+func (f *LoginSourceFilesStoreListFunc) SetDefaultHook(hook func(ListLoginSourceOpts) []*LoginSource) {
+	f.defaultHook = hook
+// PushHook adds a function to the end of hook queue. Each invocation of the
+// List method of the parent MockLoginSourceFilesStore instance invokes the
+// hook at the front of the queue and discards it. After the queue is empty,
+// the default hook function is invoked for any future action.
+func (f *LoginSourceFilesStoreListFunc) PushHook(hook func(ListLoginSourceOpts) []*LoginSource) {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	f.hooks = append(f.hooks, hook)
+	f.mutex.Unlock()
+// SetDefaultReturn calls SetDefaultHook with a function that returns the
+// given values.
+func (f *LoginSourceFilesStoreListFunc) SetDefaultReturn(r0 []*LoginSource) {
+	f.SetDefaultHook(func(ListLoginSourceOpts) []*LoginSource {
+		return r0
+	})
+// PushReturn calls PushHook with a function that returns the given values.
+func (f *LoginSourceFilesStoreListFunc) PushReturn(r0 []*LoginSource) {
+	f.PushHook(func(ListLoginSourceOpts) []*LoginSource {
+		return r0
+	})
+func (f *LoginSourceFilesStoreListFunc) nextHook() func(ListLoginSourceOpts) []*LoginSource {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	defer f.mutex.Unlock()
+	if len(f.hooks) == 0 {
+		return f.defaultHook
+	}
+	hook := f.hooks[0]
+	f.hooks = f.hooks[1:]
+	return hook
+func (f *LoginSourceFilesStoreListFunc) appendCall(r0 LoginSourceFilesStoreListFuncCall) {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	f.history = append(f.history, r0)
+	f.mutex.Unlock()
+// History returns a sequence of LoginSourceFilesStoreListFuncCall objects
+// describing the invocations of this function.
+func (f *LoginSourceFilesStoreListFunc) History() []LoginSourceFilesStoreListFuncCall {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	history := make([]LoginSourceFilesStoreListFuncCall, len(f.history))
+	copy(history, f.history)
+	f.mutex.Unlock()
+	return history
+// LoginSourceFilesStoreListFuncCall is an object that describes an
+// invocation of method List on an instance of MockLoginSourceFilesStore.
+type LoginSourceFilesStoreListFuncCall struct {
+	// Arg0 is the value of the 1st argument passed to this method
+	// invocation.
+	Arg0 ListLoginSourceOpts
+	// Result0 is the value of the 1st result returned from this method
+	// invocation.
+	Result0 []*LoginSource
+// Args returns an interface slice containing the arguments of this
+// invocation.
+func (c LoginSourceFilesStoreListFuncCall) Args() []interface{} {
+	return []interface{}{c.Arg0}
+// Results returns an interface slice containing the results of this
+// invocation.
+func (c LoginSourceFilesStoreListFuncCall) Results() []interface{} {
+	return []interface{}{c.Result0}
+// LoginSourceFilesStoreUpdateFunc describes the behavior when the Update
+// method of the parent MockLoginSourceFilesStore instance is invoked.
+type LoginSourceFilesStoreUpdateFunc struct {
+	defaultHook func(*LoginSource)
+	hooks       []func(*LoginSource)
+	history     []LoginSourceFilesStoreUpdateFuncCall
+	mutex       sync.Mutex
+// Update delegates to the next hook function in the queue and stores the
+// parameter and result values of this invocation.
+func (m *MockLoginSourceFilesStore) Update(v0 *LoginSource) {
+	m.UpdateFunc.nextHook()(v0)
+	m.UpdateFunc.appendCall(LoginSourceFilesStoreUpdateFuncCall{v0})
+	return
+// SetDefaultHook sets function that is called when the Update method of the
+// parent MockLoginSourceFilesStore instance is invoked and the hook queue
+// is empty.
+func (f *LoginSourceFilesStoreUpdateFunc) SetDefaultHook(hook func(*LoginSource)) {
+	f.defaultHook = hook
+// PushHook adds a function to the end of hook queue. Each invocation of the
+// Update method of the parent MockLoginSourceFilesStore instance invokes
+// the hook at the front of the queue and discards it. After the queue is
+// empty, the default hook function is invoked for any future action.
+func (f *LoginSourceFilesStoreUpdateFunc) PushHook(hook func(*LoginSource)) {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	f.hooks = append(f.hooks, hook)
+	f.mutex.Unlock()
+// SetDefaultReturn calls SetDefaultHook with a function that returns the
+// given values.
+func (f *LoginSourceFilesStoreUpdateFunc) SetDefaultReturn() {
+	f.SetDefaultHook(func(*LoginSource) {
+		return
+	})
+// PushReturn calls PushHook with a function that returns the given values.
+func (f *LoginSourceFilesStoreUpdateFunc) PushReturn() {
+	f.PushHook(func(*LoginSource) {
+		return
+	})
+func (f *LoginSourceFilesStoreUpdateFunc) nextHook() func(*LoginSource) {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	defer f.mutex.Unlock()
+	if len(f.hooks) == 0 {
+		return f.defaultHook
+	}
+	hook := f.hooks[0]
+	f.hooks = f.hooks[1:]
+	return hook
+func (f *LoginSourceFilesStoreUpdateFunc) appendCall(r0 LoginSourceFilesStoreUpdateFuncCall) {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	f.history = append(f.history, r0)
+	f.mutex.Unlock()
+// History returns a sequence of LoginSourceFilesStoreUpdateFuncCall objects
+// describing the invocations of this function.
+func (f *LoginSourceFilesStoreUpdateFunc) History() []LoginSourceFilesStoreUpdateFuncCall {
+	f.mutex.Lock()
+	history := make([]LoginSourceFilesStoreUpdateFuncCall, len(f.history))
+	copy(history, f.history)
+	f.mutex.Unlock()
+	return history
+// LoginSourceFilesStoreUpdateFuncCall is an object that describes an
+// invocation of method Update on an instance of MockLoginSourceFilesStore.
+type LoginSourceFilesStoreUpdateFuncCall struct {
+	// Arg0 is the value of the 1st argument passed to this method
+	// invocation.
+	Arg0 *LoginSource
+// Args returns an interface slice containing the arguments of this
+// invocation.
+func (c LoginSourceFilesStoreUpdateFuncCall) Args() []interface{} {
+	return []interface{}{c.Arg0}
+// Results returns an interface slice containing the results of this
+// invocation.
+func (c LoginSourceFilesStoreUpdateFuncCall) Results() []interface{} {
+	return []interface{}{}

+ 3 - 2

@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 package db
 import (
+	"context"
@@ -208,7 +209,7 @@ type Statistic struct {
-func GetStatistic() (stats Statistic) {
+func GetStatistic(ctx context.Context) (stats Statistic) {
 	stats.Counter.User = CountUsers()
 	stats.Counter.Org = CountOrganizations()
 	stats.Counter.PublicKey, _ = x.Count(new(PublicKey))
@@ -223,7 +224,7 @@ func GetStatistic() (stats Statistic) {
 	stats.Counter.Follow, _ = x.Count(new(Follow))
 	stats.Counter.Mirror, _ = x.Count(new(Mirror))
 	stats.Counter.Release, _ = x.Count(new(Release))
-	stats.Counter.LoginSource = LoginSources.Count()
+	stats.Counter.LoginSource = LoginSources.Count(ctx)
 	stats.Counter.Webhook, _ = x.Count(new(Webhook))
 	stats.Counter.Milestone, _ = x.Count(new(Milestone))
 	stats.Counter.Label, _ = x.Count(new(Label))

+ 4 - 1

@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 package db
 import (
+	"context"
@@ -80,6 +81,8 @@ func (err ErrLoginSourceMismatch) Error() string {
 func (db *users) Authenticate(login, password string, loginSourceID int64) (*User, error) {
+	ctx := context.TODO()
 	login = strings.ToLower(login)
 	var query *gorm.DB
@@ -127,7 +130,7 @@ func (db *users) Authenticate(login, password string, loginSourceID int64) (*Use
 		createNewUser = true
-	source, err := LoginSources.GetByID(authSourceID)
+	source, err := LoginSources.GetByID(ctx, authSourceID)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "get login source")

+ 1 - 1

@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ func Dashboard(c *context.Context) {
 	c.Data["BuildTime"] = conf.BuildTime
 	c.Data["BuildCommit"] = conf.BuildCommit
-	c.Data["Stats"] = db.GetStatistic()
+	c.Data["Stats"] = db.GetStatistic(c.Req.Context())
 	// FIXME: update periodically
 	c.Data["SysStatus"] = sysStatus

+ 17 - 15

@@ -35,13 +35,13 @@ func Authentications(c *context.Context) {
 	var err error
-	c.Data["Sources"], err = db.LoginSources.List(db.ListLoginSourceOpts{})
+	c.Data["Sources"], err = db.LoginSources.List(c.Req.Context(), db.ListLoginSourceOpts{})
 	if err != nil {
 		c.Error(err, "list login sources")
-	c.Data["Total"] = db.LoginSources.Count()
+	c.Data["Total"] = db.LoginSources.Count(c.Req.Context())
@@ -159,13 +159,15 @@ func NewAuthSourcePost(c *context.Context, f form.Authentication) {
-	source, err := db.LoginSources.Create(db.CreateLoginSourceOpts{
-		Type:      auth.Type(f.Type),
-		Name:      f.Name,
-		Activated: f.IsActive,
-		Default:   f.IsDefault,
-		Config:    config,
-	})
+	source, err := db.LoginSources.Create(c.Req.Context(),
+		db.CreateLoginSourceOpts{
+			Type:      auth.Type(f.Type),
+			Name:      f.Name,
+			Activated: f.IsActive,
+			Default:   f.IsDefault,
+			Config:    config,
+		},
+	)
 	if err != nil {
 		if db.IsErrLoginSourceAlreadyExist(err) {
@@ -177,7 +179,7 @@ func NewAuthSourcePost(c *context.Context, f form.Authentication) {
 	if source.IsDefault {
-		err = db.LoginSources.ResetNonDefault(source)
+		err = db.LoginSources.ResetNonDefault(c.Req.Context(), source)
 		if err != nil {
 			c.Error(err, "reset non-default login sources")
@@ -198,7 +200,7 @@ func EditAuthSource(c *context.Context) {
 	c.Data["SecurityProtocols"] = securityProtocols
 	c.Data["SMTPAuths"] = smtp.AuthTypes
-	source, err := db.LoginSources.GetByID(c.ParamsInt64(":authid"))
+	source, err := db.LoginSources.GetByID(c.Req.Context(), c.ParamsInt64(":authid"))
 	if err != nil {
 		c.Error(err, "get login source by ID")
@@ -216,7 +218,7 @@ func EditAuthSourcePost(c *context.Context, f form.Authentication) {
 	c.Data["SMTPAuths"] = smtp.AuthTypes
-	source, err := db.LoginSources.GetByID(c.ParamsInt64(":authid"))
+	source, err := db.LoginSources.GetByID(c.Req.Context(), c.ParamsInt64(":authid"))
 	if err != nil {
 		c.Error(err, "get login source by ID")
@@ -255,13 +257,13 @@ func EditAuthSourcePost(c *context.Context, f form.Authentication) {
 	source.IsActived = f.IsActive
 	source.IsDefault = f.IsDefault
 	source.Provider = provider
-	if err := db.LoginSources.Save(source); err != nil {
+	if err := db.LoginSources.Save(c.Req.Context(), source); err != nil {
 		c.Error(err, "update login source")
 	if source.IsDefault {
-		err = db.LoginSources.ResetNonDefault(source)
+		err = db.LoginSources.ResetNonDefault(c.Req.Context(), source)
 		if err != nil {
 			c.Error(err, "reset non-default login sources")
@@ -276,7 +278,7 @@ func EditAuthSourcePost(c *context.Context, f form.Authentication) {
 func DeleteAuthSource(c *context.Context) {
 	id := c.ParamsInt64(":authid")
-	if err := db.LoginSources.DeleteByID(id); err != nil {
+	if err := db.LoginSources.DeleteByID(c.Req.Context(), id); err != nil {
 		if db.IsErrLoginSourceInUse(err) {
 		} else {

+ 4 - 4

@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ func NewUser(c *context.Context) {
 	c.Data["login_type"] = "0-0"
-	sources, err := db.LoginSources.List(db.ListLoginSourceOpts{})
+	sources, err := db.LoginSources.List(c.Req.Context(), db.ListLoginSourceOpts{})
 	if err != nil {
 		c.Error(err, "list login sources")
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ func NewUserPost(c *context.Context, f form.AdminCrateUser) {
 	c.Data["PageIsAdmin"] = true
 	c.Data["PageIsAdminUsers"] = true
-	sources, err := db.LoginSources.List(db.ListLoginSourceOpts{})
+	sources, err := db.LoginSources.List(c.Req.Context(), db.ListLoginSourceOpts{})
 	if err != nil {
 		c.Error(err, "list login sources")
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ func prepareUserInfo(c *context.Context) *db.User {
 	c.Data["User"] = u
 	if u.LoginSource > 0 {
-		c.Data["LoginSource"], err = db.LoginSources.GetByID(u.LoginSource)
+		c.Data["LoginSource"], err = db.LoginSources.GetByID(c.Req.Context(), u.LoginSource)
 		if err != nil {
 			c.Error(err, "get login source by ID")
 			return nil
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ func prepareUserInfo(c *context.Context) *db.User {
 		c.Data["LoginSource"] = &db.LoginSource{}
-	sources, err := db.LoginSources.List(db.ListLoginSourceOpts{})
+	sources, err := db.LoginSources.List(c.Req.Context(), db.ListLoginSourceOpts{})
 	if err != nil {
 		c.Error(err, "list login sources")
 		return nil

+ 1 - 1

@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ func parseLoginSource(c *context.APIContext, u *db.User, sourceID int64, loginNa
-	source, err := db.LoginSources.GetByID(sourceID)
+	source, err := db.LoginSources.GetByID(c.Req.Context(), sourceID)
 	if err != nil {
 		if db.IsErrLoginSourceNotExist(err) {
 			c.ErrorStatus(http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, err)

+ 2 - 2

@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ func Login(c *context.Context) {
 	// Display normal login page
-	loginSources, err := db.LoginSources.List(db.ListLoginSourceOpts{OnlyActivated: true})
+	loginSources, err := db.LoginSources.List(c.Req.Context(), db.ListLoginSourceOpts{OnlyActivated: true})
 	if err != nil {
 		c.Error(err, "list activated login sources")
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ func afterLogin(c *context.Context, u *db.User, remember bool) {
 func LoginPost(c *context.Context, f form.SignIn) {
-	loginSources, err := db.LoginSources.List(db.ListLoginSourceOpts{OnlyActivated: true})
+	loginSources, err := db.LoginSources.List(c.Req.Context(), db.ListLoginSourceOpts{OnlyActivated: true})
 	if err != nil {
 		c.Error(err, "list activated login sources")