@@ -19,82 +19,114 @@ type Ldapsource struct {
Host string // LDAP host
Port int // port number
UseSSL bool // Use SSL
- BaseDN string // Base DN
- AttributeUsername string // Username attribute
+ BindDN string // DN to bind with
+ BindPassword string // Bind DN password
+ UserBase string // Base search path for users
AttributeName string // First name attribute
AttributeSurname string // Surname attribute
AttributeMail string // E-mail attribute
Filter string // Query filter to validate entry
- MsAdSAFormat string // in the case of MS AD Simple Authen, the format to use (see: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223499.aspx)
Enabled bool // if this source is disabled
-//Global LDAP directory pool
-var (
- Authensource []Ldapsource
-// Add a new source (LDAP directory) to the global pool
-func AddSource(name string, host string, port int, usessl bool, basedn string, attribcn string, attribname string, attribsn string, attribmail string, filter string, msadsaformat string) {
- ldaphost := Ldapsource{name, host, port, usessl, basedn, attribcn, attribname, attribsn, attribmail, filter, msadsaformat, true}
- Authensource = append(Authensource, ldaphost)
+func (ls Ldapsource) FindUserDN(name string) (userDN string, success bool) {
+ userDN = ""
+ success = false
+ l, err := ldapDial(ls)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Error(4, "LDAP Connect error, %s:%v", ls.Host, err)
+ ls.Enabled = false
+ return
+ }
-//LoginUser : try to login an user to LDAP sources, return requested (attribute,true) if ok, ("",false) other wise
-//First match wins
-//Returns first attribute if exists
-func LoginUser(name, passwd string) (cn, fn, sn, mail string, r bool) {
- r = false
- for _, ls := range Authensource {
- cn, fn, sn, mail, r = ls.SearchEntry(name, passwd)
- if r {
+ defer l.Close()
+ log.Trace("Search for LDAP user: %s", name)
+ if ls.BindDN != "" && ls.BindPassword != "" {
+ err = l.Bind(ls.BindDN, ls.BindPassword)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Debug("Failed to bind as BindDN: %s, %s", ls.BindDN, err.Error())
+ log.Trace("Bound as BindDN %s", ls.BindDN)
+ } else {
+ log.Trace("Proceeding with anonymous LDAP search.")
+ }
+ // A search for the user.
+ userFilter := fmt.Sprintf(ls.Filter, name)
+ log.Trace("Searching using filter %s", userFilter)
+ search := ldap.NewSearchRequest(
+ ls.UserBase, ldap.ScopeWholeSubtree, ldap.NeverDerefAliases, 0, 0,
+ false, userFilter, []string{}, nil)
+ // Ensure we found a user
+ sr, err := l.Search(search)
+ if err != nil || len(sr.Entries) < 1 {
+ log.Debug("Failed search using filter %s: %s", userFilter, err.Error())
+ return
+ } else if len(sr.Entries) > 1 {
+ log.Debug("Filter '%s' returned more than one user.", userFilter)
+ return
+ userDN = sr.Entries[0].DN
+ if userDN == "" {
+ log.Error(4, "LDAP search was succesful, but found no DN!")
+ return
+ }
+ success = true
-// searchEntry : search an LDAP source if an entry (name, passwd) is valide and in the specific filter
-func (ls Ldapsource) SearchEntry(name, passwd string) (string, string, string, string, bool) {
+// searchEntry : search an LDAP source if an entry (name, passwd) is valid and in the specific filter
+func (ls Ldapsource) SearchEntry(name, passwd string) (string, string, string, bool) {
+ userDN, found := ls.FindUserDN(name)
+ if !found {
+ return "", "", "", false
+ }
l, err := ldapDial(ls)
if err != nil {
log.Error(4, "LDAP Connect error, %s:%v", ls.Host, err)
ls.Enabled = false
- return "", "", "", "", false
+ return "", "", "", false
defer l.Close()
- nx := fmt.Sprintf(ls.MsAdSAFormat, name)
- err = l.Bind(nx, passwd)
+ log.Trace("Binding with userDN: %s", userDN)
+ err = l.Bind(userDN, passwd)
if err != nil {
- log.Debug("LDAP Authan failed for %s, reason: %s", nx, err.Error())
- return "", "", "", "", false
+ log.Debug("LDAP auth. failed for %s, reason: %s", userDN, err.Error())
+ return "", "", "", false
+ log.Trace("Bound successfully with userDN: %s", userDN)
+ userFilter := fmt.Sprintf(ls.Filter, name)
search := ldap.NewSearchRequest(
- ls.BaseDN,
- ldap.ScopeWholeSubtree, ldap.NeverDerefAliases, 0, 0, false,
- fmt.Sprintf(ls.Filter, name),
- []string{ls.AttributeUsername, ls.AttributeName, ls.AttributeSurname, ls.AttributeMail},
+ userDN, ldap.ScopeWholeSubtree, ldap.NeverDerefAliases, 0, 0, false, userFilter,
+ []string{ls.AttributeName, ls.AttributeSurname, ls.AttributeMail},
sr, err := l.Search(search)
if err != nil {
- log.Debug("LDAP Authen OK but not in filter %s", name)
- return "", "", "", "", false
- }
- log.Debug("LDAP Authen OK: %s", name)
- if len(sr.Entries) > 0 {
- cn := sr.Entries[0].GetAttributeValue(ls.AttributeUsername)
- name := sr.Entries[0].GetAttributeValue(ls.AttributeName)
- sn := sr.Entries[0].GetAttributeValue(ls.AttributeSurname)
- mail := sr.Entries[0].GetAttributeValue(ls.AttributeMail)
- return cn, name, sn, mail, true
+ log.Error(4, "LDAP Search failed unexpectedly! (%s)", err.Error())
+ return "", "", "", false
+ } else if len(sr.Entries) < 1 {
+ log.Error(4, "LDAP Search failed unexpectedly! (0 entries)")
+ return "", "", "", false
- return "", "", "", "", true
+ name_attr := sr.Entries[0].GetAttributeValue(ls.AttributeName)
+ sn_attr := sr.Entries[0].GetAttributeValue(ls.AttributeSurname)
+ mail_attr := sr.Entries[0].GetAttributeValue(ls.AttributeMail)
+ return name_attr, sn_attr, mail_attr, true
func ldapDial(ls Ldapsource) (*ldap.Conn, error) {
if ls.UseSSL {
+ log.Debug("Using TLS for LDAP")
return ldap.DialTLS("tcp", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", ls.Host, ls.Port), nil)
} else {
return ldap.Dial("tcp", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", ls.Host, ls.Port))