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docs: update release templates (#6728)

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Joe Chen 3 anos atrás

+ 15 - 9
docs/dev/release/ → .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/

@@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
+name: Dev: Release a minor version
+title: "Release [VERSION]"
+labels: 📸 release
 ## Before release
-On develop branch:
+On the `main` branch:
 - [ ] Close stale issues with the label [status: needs feedback](
 - [ ] [Sync locales from Crowdin](
@@ -9,30 +16,29 @@ On develop branch:
 ## During release
-On release branch:
+On the release branch:
-- [ ] Update the [hard-coded version]( to the current release, e.g. `0.12.0+dev` -> `0.12.0`.
+- [ ] Update the [hard-coded version]( to the current release, e.g. `0.12.0+dev` -> `0.12.0`.
 - [ ] Publish a new [GitHub release]( with entries from [CHANGELOG]( for the current release.
 - [ ] Wait for a new image tag for the current release to be created automatically on both [Docker Hub]( and [GitHub Container registry](
-- [ ] Push another Docker image tag as `<MAJOR>.<MINOR>`, e.g. `0.12`.
+- [ ] Push another Docker image tag as `<MAJOR>.<MINOR>`, e.g. `0.12` to both [Docker Hub]( and [GitHub Container registry](
 - [ ] Compile and pack binaries (all prefixed with `gogs_<MAJOR>.<MINOR>.<PATCH>_`, e.g. `gogs_0.12.0_`):
 	- [ ] macOS: ``, ``
 	- [ ] Linux: `linux_386.tar.gz`, ``, `linux_amd64.tar.gz`, ``
-	- [ ] ARM: `linux_armv7.tar.gz`, ``
+	- [ ] ARM: `linux_armv7.tar.gz`, ``, `linux_armv8.tar.gz`, ``
 	- [ ] Windows: ``, ``
 - [ ] Generate SHA256 checksum for all binaries to the file `checksum_sha256.txt`.
 - [ ] Upload all binaries to:
 	- [ ] GitHub release
 	- [ ] (also upload `checksum_sha256.txt`)
-- [ ] Build, push and tag a new Docker image for ARM to [Docker Hub](
 ## After release
-On develop branch:
+On the `main` branch:
 - [ ] Update the repository mirror on [Gitee](
 - [ ] Create a new release announcement in [Discussions](
 - [ ] Send out release announcement emails via [Mailchimp](
 - [ ] Publish a new release article on [OSChina](
-- [ ] Update the [hard-coded version]( to the new develop version, e.g. `0.12.0+dev` -> `0.13.0+dev`.
-- [ ] Run `make legacy` to identify deprecated code that is aimed to be removed in current develop version.
+- [ ] Bump the [hard-coded version]( to the new develop version, e.g. `0.12.0+dev` -> `0.13.0+dev`.
+- [ ] Run `task legacy` to identify deprecated code that is aimed to be removed in current develop version.

+ 14 - 8
docs/dev/release/ → .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/

@@ -1,16 +1,23 @@
+name: Dev: Release a patch version
+title: "Release [VERSION]"
+labels: 📸 release
 ## Before release
-On release branch:
+On the release branch:
-- [ ] Make sure all commits are cherry-picked from the develop branch by checking the patch milestone.
+- [ ] Make sure all commits are cherry-picked from the `main` branch by checking the patch milestone.
 - [ ] Update [CHANGELOG]( to include entries for the current patch release, e.g. `git log v0.12.1...HEAD --pretty=format:'- [ ] %H %s' --reverse`:
 	- [ ] _link to the commit_
 ## During release
-On release branch:
+On the release branch:
-- [ ] Update the [hard-coded version]( to the current release, e.g. `0.12.0` -> `0.12.1`.
+- [ ] Update the [hard-coded version]( to the current release, e.g. `0.12.0` -> `0.12.1`.
 - [ ] Wait for GitHub Actions to complete and no failed jobs.
 - [ ] Publish a new [GitHub release]( with entries from [CHANGELOG]( for the current patch release and all previous releases with same minor version. **Make sure the tag is created on the release branch**.
 - [ ] Update all previous GitHub releases with same minor version with the warning:
@@ -18,7 +25,7 @@ On release branch:
     **ℹ️ Heads up! There is a new patch release [0.12.1]( available, we recommend directly installing or upgrading to that version.**
 - [ ] Wait for a new image tag for the current release to be created automatically on both [Docker Hub]( and [GitHub Container registry](
-- [ ] Update Docker image tag for the minor release `<MAJOR>.<MINOR>`, e.g. `0.12`.
+- [ ] Update Docker image tag for the minor release `<MAJOR>.<MINOR>`, e.g. `0.12` on both [Docker Hub]( and [GitHub Container registry](
 - [ ] Compile and pack binaries (all prefixed with `gogs_<MAJOR>.<MINOR>.<PATCH>_`, e.g. `gogs_0.12.0_`):
 	- [ ] macOS: ``, ``
 	- [ ] Linux: `linux_386.tar.gz`, ``, `linux_amd64.tar.gz`, ``
@@ -28,15 +35,14 @@ On release branch:
 - [ ] Upload all binaries to:
 	- [ ] GitHub release
 	- [ ] (also upload `checksum_sha256.txt`)
-- [ ] Build, push and tag a new Docker image for ARM to [Docker Hub](
 ## After release
-On develop branch:
+On the `main` branch:
 - [ ] Post the following message on issues that are included in the patch milestone:
-    The <MAJOR>.<MINOR>.<PATCH> has been released.
+    The <MAJOR>.<MINOR>.<PATCH> has been released that includes the patch of the reported issue.
 - [ ] Update the repository mirror on [Gitee](
 - [ ] Reply to the release topic for the minor release in [Discussions](

+ 4 - 4
docs/dev/release/ → docs/dev/

@@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ To release a new minor version, create a new GitHub issue with following attribu
 1. Title: `Release <MAJOR>.<MINOR>.0`
 1. Label: [📸 release](
-1. Content: [minor version issue template](
+1. Template: [Dev: Release a minor version](
-## Make a patch release
+## Release a patch version
-To make a patch release, create a new GitHub issue with following attributes:
+To release a new patch version, create a new GitHub issue with following attributes:
 1. Title: `Release <MAJOR>.<MINOR>.<PATCH>`
 1. Label: [📸 release](
-1. Content: [patch release issue template](
+1. Template: [Dev: Release a patch version](