@@ -73,9 +73,27 @@ Most of settings are obvious and easy to understand, but there are some settings
Full documentation of application settings can be found [here](http://gogs.io/docs/advanced/configuration_cheat_sheet.html).
-### Crond
-Please set environment variable `RUN_CROND` to be `true` or `1` in order to start `crond` inside the container.
+### Container options
+This container have some options available via environment variables, these options are opt-in features that can help the administration of this container:
+- **SOCAT_LINK**:
+ - <u>Possible value:</u>
+ `true`, `false`, `1`, `0`
+ - <u>Default:</u>
+ `true`
+ - <u>Action:</u>
+ Bind linked docker container to localhost socket using socat.
+ Any exported port from a linked container will be binded to the matching port on localhost.
+ - <u>Disclaimer:</u>
+ As this option rely on the environment variable created by docker when a container is linked, this option should be deactivated in managed environment such as Rancher or Kubernetes (set to `0` or `false`)
+- **RUN_CROND**:
+ - <u>Possible value:</u>
+ `true`, `false`, `1`, `0`
+ - <u>Default:</u>
+ `false`
+ - <u>Action:</u>
+ Request crond to be run inside the container. Its default configuration will periodically run all scripts from `/etc/periodic/${period}` but custom crontabs can be added to `/var/spool/cron/crontabs/`.
## Upgrade