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Update locale_de-DE.ini

Add missing translation keys and add some german translations
fanningert 10 years ago
1 changed files with 55 additions and 35 deletions
  1. 55 35

+ 55 - 35

@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ repo_desc = Beschreibung
 repo_lang = Sprache
 repo_lang_helper = Select a .gitignore file
 license = Lizenz
-	license_helper = Wählen Sie eine Lizenzdatei aus
+license_helper = Wählen Sie eine Lizenzdatei aus
 init_readme = Initialisieren dieses Repository mit einem
 create_repo = Repository erstellen
 default_branch = Default Branch
@@ -239,11 +239,11 @@ lower_members = Mitglieder
 lower_repositories = Repositories
 create_new_team = Neues Team erstellen
 org_desc = Beschreibung
-team_name = Team Name
-team_desc = Description
+team_name = Teamname
+team_desc = Beschreibung
 team_name_helper = You'll use this name to mention this team in conversations.
 team_desc_helper = What is this team all about?
-team_permission_desc = What permission level should this team have?
+team_permission_desc = Welche Berechtigungsstufe soll das Team haben?
 settings = Einstellungen
 settings.options = Optionen
@@ -257,52 +257,52 @@ settings.delete_account = Diese Organisation löschen
 settings.delete_prompt = Die Operation wird diese Organisation dauerhaft löschen und kann <strong>NICHT</strong> rückgängig gemacht werden!
 settings.confirm_delete_account = Löschung bestätigen
-members.public = Public
-members.public_helper = make private
-members.private = Private
-members.private_helper = make public
-members.owner = Owner
-members.member = Member
-members.conceal = Conceal
-members.remove = Remove
-members.leave = Leave
+members.public = Öffentlich
+members.public_helper = Privat machen
+members.private = Privat
+members.private_helper = Öffentlich machen
+members.owner = Eigentümer
+members.member = Mitglied
+members.conceal = Verbergen
+members.remove = Entfernen
+members.leave = Verlassen
 members.invite_desc = Start typing a username to invite a new member to %s:
-members.invite_now = Invite Now
+members.invite_now = Jetzt einladen
-teams.join = Join
-teams.leave = Leave
-teams.read_access = Read Access
+teams.join = Beitreten
+teams.leave = Verlassen
+teams.read_access = Lesezugriff
 teams.read_access_helper = This team will be able to view and clone its repositories.
-teams.write_access = Write Access
+teams.write_access = Schreibzugriff
 teams.write_access_helper = This team will be able to read its repositories, as well as push to them.
-teams.admin_access = Admin Access
+teams.admin_access = Adminzugriff
 teams.admin_access_helper = This team will be able to push/pull to its repositories, as well as add other collaborators to them.
-teams.no_desc = This team has no description
-teams.settings = Settings
+teams.no_desc = Dieses Team hat keine Beschreibung
+teams.settings = Einstellungen
 teams.owners_permission_desc = Owners have full access to <strong>all repositories</strong> and have <strong>admin rights</strong> to the organization.
-teams.members = Team Members
-teams.update_settings = Update Settings
-teams.delete_team = Delete This Team
-teams.add_team_member = Add Team Member
-teams.delete_team_success = Given team has been successfully deleted.
+teams.members = Teammitglieder
+teams.update_settings = Einstellungen aktualisieren
+teams.delete_team = Dieses Team löschen
+teams.add_team_member = Teammitglied hinzufügen
+teams.delete_team_success = Das Team wurde erfolgreich gelöscht.
 teams.read_permission_desc = This team grants <strong>Read</strong> access: members can view and clone the team's repositories.
 teams.write_permission_desc = This team grants <strong>Write</strong> access: members can read from and push to the team's repositories.
 teams.admin_permission_desc = This team grants <strong>Admin</strong> access: members can read from, push to, and add collaborators to the team's repositories.
 teams.repositories = Team Repositories
-teams.add_team_repository = Add Team Repository
-teams.remove_repo = Remove
+teams.add_team_repository = Teamrepositorie hinzufügen
+teams.remove_repo = Entfernen
 dashboard = Dashboard
-users = Users
-organizations = Organizations
+users = Benutzer
+organizations = Organisationen
 repositories = Repositories
-authentication = Authentications
-config = Configuration
+authentication = Authentifizierung
+config = Konfiguration
 monitor = Monitoring
-dashboard.statistic = Statistic
-dashboard.operations = Operations
+dashboard.statistic = Statistik
+dashboard.operations = Operationen
 dashboard.system_status = System Monitor Status
 dashboard.statistic_info = Gogs database has <b>%d</b> users, <b>%d</b> organizations, <b>%d</b> public keys, <b>%d</b> repositories, <b>%d</b> watches, <b>%d</b> stars, <b>%d</b> actions, <b>%d</b> accesses, <b>%d</b> issues, <b>%d</b> comments, <b>%d</b> social accounts, <b>%d</b> follows, <b>%d</b> mirrors, <b>%d</b> releases, <b>%d</b> login sources, <b>%d</b> webhooks, <b>%d</b> milestones, <b>%d</b> labels, <b>%d</b> hook tasks, <b>%d</b> teams, <b>%d</b> update tasks, <b>%d</b> attachments.
 dashboard.operation_name = Operation Name
@@ -338,7 +338,27 @@ dashboard.last_gc_time = Since Last GC Time
 dashboard.total_gc_time = Total GC Pause
 dashboard.total_gc_pause = Total GC Pause
 dashboard.last_gc_pause = Last GC Pause
-dashboard.gc_times = GC Times
+dashboard.gc_times = GC Takt
+users.user_manage_panel = User Manage Panel
+users.new_account = Create New Account = Name = E-mail
+users.activated = Aktiviert
+users.admin = Admin
+users.repos = Repos
+users.created = Erzeugt
+users.edit = Bearbeiten
+users.auth_source = Auth Source
+users.local = Local
+users.auth_login_name = Auth Login Name
+users.update_profile_success = Kontoprofil wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert.
+users.edit_account = Konto bearbeiten
+users.is_activated = Dieses Konto ist aktiviert
+users.is_admin = Dieses Konto hat Administratorrechte
+users.update_profile = Kontopprofil aktualisieren
+users.delete_account = Dieses Konto löschen
+users.still_own_repo = Dieses Konto ist noch Eigentümer von Repositories, Sie müssen zuerst diese löschen oder übertragen.
 create_repo = created repository <a href="/%s">%s</a>