@@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
package markup_test
import (
+ "strings"
@@ -11,238 +16,35 @@ import (
-func TestMarkdown(t *testing.T) {
- Convey("Rendering an issue mention", t, func() {
- var (
- urlPrefix = "/prefix"
- metas map[string]string = nil
- )
- setting.AppSubUrlDepth = 0
- Convey("To the internal issue tracker", func() {
- Convey("It should not render anything when there are no mentions", func() {
- testCases := []string{
- "",
- "this is a test",
- "test 123 123 1234",
- "#",
- "# # #",
- "# 123",
- "#abcd",
- "##1234",
- "test#1234",
- "#1234test",
- " test #1234test",
- }
- for i := 0; i < len(testCases); i++ {
- So(string(RenderIssueIndexPattern([]byte(testCases[i]), urlPrefix, metas)), ShouldEqual, testCases[i])
- }
- })
- Convey("It should render freestanding mentions", func() {
- testCases := []string{
- "#1234 test", "<a href=\"/prefix/issues/1234\">#1234</a> test",
- "test #1234 issue", "test <a href=\"/prefix/issues/1234\">#1234</a> issue",
- "test issue #1234", "test issue <a href=\"/prefix/issues/1234\">#1234</a>",
- "#5 test", "<a href=\"/prefix/issues/5\">#5</a> test",
- "test #5 issue", "test <a href=\"/prefix/issues/5\">#5</a> issue",
- "test issue #5", "test issue <a href=\"/prefix/issues/5\">#5</a>",
- }
- for i := 0; i < len(testCases); i += 2 {
- So(string(RenderIssueIndexPattern([]byte(testCases[i]), urlPrefix, metas)), ShouldEqual, testCases[i+1])
- }
- })
- Convey("It should not render issue mention without leading space", func() {
- input := []byte("test#54321 issue")
- expected := "test#54321 issue"
- So(string(RenderIssueIndexPattern(input, urlPrefix, metas)), ShouldEqual, expected)
- })
- Convey("It should not render issue mention without trailing space", func() {
- input := []byte("test #54321issue")
- expected := "test #54321issue"
- So(string(RenderIssueIndexPattern(input, urlPrefix, metas)), ShouldEqual, expected)
- })
- Convey("It should render issue mention in parentheses", func() {
- testCases := []string{
- "(#54321 issue)", "(<a href=\"/prefix/issues/54321\">#54321</a> issue)",
- "test (#54321) issue", "test (<a href=\"/prefix/issues/54321\">#54321</a>) issue",
- "test (#54321 extra) issue", "test (<a href=\"/prefix/issues/54321\">#54321</a> extra) issue",
- "test (#54321 issue)", "test (<a href=\"/prefix/issues/54321\">#54321</a> issue)",
- "test (#54321)", "test (<a href=\"/prefix/issues/54321\">#54321</a>)",
- }
- for i := 0; i < len(testCases); i += 2 {
- So(string(RenderIssueIndexPattern([]byte(testCases[i]), urlPrefix, metas)), ShouldEqual, testCases[i+1])
- }
- })
- Convey("It should render multiple issue mentions in the same line", func() {
- testCases := []string{
- "#54321 #1243", "<a href=\"/prefix/issues/54321\">#54321</a> <a href=\"/prefix/issues/1243\">#1243</a>",
- "test #54321 #1243", "test <a href=\"/prefix/issues/54321\">#54321</a> <a href=\"/prefix/issues/1243\">#1243</a>",
- "(#54321 #1243)", "(<a href=\"/prefix/issues/54321\">#54321</a> <a href=\"/prefix/issues/1243\">#1243</a>)",
- "(#54321)(#1243)", "(<a href=\"/prefix/issues/54321\">#54321</a>)(<a href=\"/prefix/issues/1243\">#1243</a>)",
- "text #54321 test #1243 issue", "text <a href=\"/prefix/issues/54321\">#54321</a> test <a href=\"/prefix/issues/1243\">#1243</a> issue",
- "#1 (#4321) test", "<a href=\"/prefix/issues/1\">#1</a> (<a href=\"/prefix/issues/4321\">#4321</a>) test",
- }
- for i := 0; i < len(testCases); i += 2 {
- So(string(RenderIssueIndexPattern([]byte(testCases[i]), urlPrefix, metas)), ShouldEqual, testCases[i+1])
- }
- })
- })
- Convey("To an external issue tracker with numeric style", func() {
- metas = make(map[string]string)
- metas["format"] = "https://someurl.com/{user}/{repo}/{index}"
- metas["user"] = "someuser"
- metas["repo"] = "somerepo"
- metas["style"] = ISSUE_NAME_STYLE_NUMERIC
- Convey("should not render anything when there are no mentions", func() {
- testCases := []string{
- "this is a test",
- "test 123 123 1234",
- "#",
- "# # #",
- "# 123",
- "#abcd",
- }
- for i := 0; i < len(testCases); i++ {
- So(string(RenderIssueIndexPattern([]byte(testCases[i]), urlPrefix, metas)), ShouldEqual, testCases[i])
- }
- })
- Convey("It should render freestanding issue mentions", func() {
- testCases := []string{
- "#1234 test", "<a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/1234\">#1234</a> test",
- "test #1234 issue", "test <a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/1234\">#1234</a> issue",
- "test issue #1234", "test issue <a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/1234\">#1234</a>",
- "#5 test", "<a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/5\">#5</a> test",
- "test #5 issue", "test <a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/5\">#5</a> issue",
- "test issue #5", "test issue <a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/5\">#5</a>",
- }
- for i := 0; i < len(testCases); i += 2 {
- So(string(RenderIssueIndexPattern([]byte(testCases[i]), urlPrefix, metas)), ShouldEqual, testCases[i+1])
- }
- })
- Convey("It should not render issue mention without leading space", func() {
- input := []byte("test#54321 issue")
- expected := "test#54321 issue"
- So(string(RenderIssueIndexPattern(input, urlPrefix, metas)), ShouldEqual, expected)
- })
- Convey("It should not render issue mention without trailing space", func() {
- input := []byte("test #54321issue")
- expected := "test #54321issue"
- So(string(RenderIssueIndexPattern(input, urlPrefix, metas)), ShouldEqual, expected)
- })
- Convey("It should render issue mention in parentheses", func() {
- testCases := []string{
- "(#54321 issue)", "(<a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/54321\">#54321</a> issue)",
- "test (#54321) issue", "test (<a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/54321\">#54321</a>) issue",
- "test (#54321 extra) issue", "test (<a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/54321\">#54321</a> extra) issue",
- "test (#54321 issue)", "test (<a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/54321\">#54321</a> issue)",
- "test (#54321)", "test (<a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/54321\">#54321</a>)",
- }
- for i := 0; i < len(testCases); i += 2 {
- So(string(RenderIssueIndexPattern([]byte(testCases[i]), urlPrefix, metas)), ShouldEqual, testCases[i+1])
- }
- })
- Convey("It should render multiple issue mentions in the same line", func() {
- testCases := []string{
- "#54321 #1243", "<a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/54321\">#54321</a> <a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/1243\">#1243</a>",
- "test #54321 #1243", "test <a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/54321\">#54321</a> <a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/1243\">#1243</a>",
- "(#54321 #1243)", "(<a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/54321\">#54321</a> <a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/1243\">#1243</a>)",
- "(#54321)(#1243)", "(<a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/54321\">#54321</a>)(<a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/1243\">#1243</a>)",
- "text #54321 test #1243 issue", "text <a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/54321\">#54321</a> test <a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/1243\">#1243</a> issue",
- "#1 (#4321) test", "<a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/1\">#1</a> (<a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/4321\">#4321</a>) test",
- }
- for i := 0; i < len(testCases); i += 2 {
- So(string(RenderIssueIndexPattern([]byte(testCases[i]), urlPrefix, metas)), ShouldEqual, testCases[i+1])
- }
- })
- })
- Convey("To an external issue tracker with alphanumeric style", func() {
- metas = make(map[string]string)
- metas["format"] = "https://someurl.com/{user}/{repo}/?b={index}"
- metas["user"] = "someuser"
- metas["repo"] = "somerepo"
- Convey("It should not render anything when there are no mentions", func() {
- testCases := []string{
- "",
- "this is a test",
- "test 123 123 1234",
- "#",
- "##1234",
- "# 123",
- "#abcd",
- "test #123",
- "abc-1234",
- "ABc-1234",
- "ABC1234",
- "test ABC- test",
- "test -1234 test",
- "testABC-123 test",
- "test ABC-123test",
- "ABC-0123",
- }
- for i := 0; i < len(testCases); i += 2 {
- So(string(RenderIssueIndexPattern([]byte(testCases[i]), urlPrefix, metas)), ShouldEqual, testCases[i])
- }
- })
- Convey("It should render freestanding issue mention", func() {
- testCases := []string{
- "OTT-1234 test", "<a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/?b=OTT-1234\">OTT-1234</a> test",
- "test T-12 issue", "test <a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/?b=T-12\">T-12</a> issue",
- "test issue ABCDEFGHIJ-1234567890", "test issue <a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/?b=ABCDEFGHIJ-1234567890\">ABCDEFGHIJ-1234567890</a>",
- "A-1 test", "<a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/?b=A-1\">A-1</a> test",
- "test ZED-1 issue", "test <a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/?b=ZED-1\">ZED-1</a> issue",
- "test issue DEED-7154", "test issue <a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/?b=DEED-7154\">DEED-7154</a>",
- }
- for i := 0; i < len(testCases); i += 2 {
- So(string(RenderIssueIndexPattern([]byte(testCases[i]), urlPrefix, metas)), ShouldEqual, testCases[i+1])
- }
- })
- Convey("It should render issue mention in parentheses", func() {
- testCases := []string{
- "(ABG-124 issue)", "(<a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/?b=ABG-124\">ABG-124</a> issue)",
- "test (ABG-124) issue", "test (<a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/?b=ABG-124\">ABG-124</a>) issue",
- "test (ABG-124 extra) issue", "test (<a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/?b=ABG-124\">ABG-124</a> extra) issue",
- "test (ABG-124 issue)", "test (<a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/?b=ABG-124\">ABG-124</a> issue)",
- "test (ABG-124)", "test (<a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/?b=ABG-124\">ABG-124</a>)",
- }
- for i := 0; i < len(testCases); i += 2 {
- So(string(RenderIssueIndexPattern([]byte(testCases[i]), urlPrefix, metas)), ShouldEqual, testCases[i+1])
- }
- })
- Convey("It should render multiple issue mentions in the same line", func() {
- testCases := []string{
- "ABG-124 OTT-4321", "<a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/?b=ABG-124\">ABG-124</a> <a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/?b=OTT-4321\">OTT-4321</a>",
- "test ABG-124 OTT-4321", "test <a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/?b=ABG-124\">ABG-124</a> <a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/?b=OTT-4321\">OTT-4321</a>",
- "(ABG-124 OTT-4321)", "(<a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/?b=ABG-124\">ABG-124</a> <a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/?b=OTT-4321\">OTT-4321</a>)",
- "(ABG-124)(OTT-4321)", "(<a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/?b=ABG-124\">ABG-124</a>)(<a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/?b=OTT-4321\">OTT-4321</a>)",
- "text ABG-124 test OTT-4321 issue", "text <a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/?b=ABG-124\">ABG-124</a> test <a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/?b=OTT-4321\">OTT-4321</a> issue",
- "A-1 (RRE-345) test", "<a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/?b=A-1\">A-1</a> (<a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/?b=RRE-345\">RRE-345</a>) test",
- }
+func Test_IsMarkdownFile(t *testing.T) {
+ setting.Markdown.FileExtensions = strings.Split(".md,.markdown,.mdown,.mkd", ",")
+ Convey("Detect Markdown file extension", t, func() {
+ testCases := []struct {
+ ext string
+ match bool
+ }{
+ {".md", true},
+ {".markdown", true},
+ {".mdown", true},
+ {".mkd", true},
+ {".org", false},
+ {".rst", false},
+ {".asciidoc", false},
+ }
- for i := 0; i < len(testCases); i += 2 {
- So(string(RenderIssueIndexPattern([]byte(testCases[i]), urlPrefix, metas)), ShouldEqual, testCases[i+1])
- }
- })
- })
+ for _, tc := range testCases {
+ So(IsMarkdownFile(tc.ext), ShouldEqual, tc.match)
+ }
+func Test_Markdown(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Rendering an issue URL", t, func() {
setting.AppUrl = "http://localhost:3000/"
htmlFlags := 0
htmlFlags |= blackfriday.HTML_SKIP_STYLE
htmlFlags |= blackfriday.HTML_OMIT_CONTENTS
- renderer := &Renderer{
+ renderer := &MarkdownRenderer{
Renderer: blackfriday.HtmlRenderer(htmlFlags, "", ""),
buffer := new(bytes.Buffer)
@@ -284,7 +86,7 @@ func TestMarkdown(t *testing.T) {
htmlFlags := 0
htmlFlags |= blackfriday.HTML_SKIP_STYLE
htmlFlags |= blackfriday.HTML_OMIT_CONTENTS
- renderer := &Renderer{
+ renderer := &MarkdownRenderer{
Renderer: blackfriday.HtmlRenderer(htmlFlags, "", ""),
buffer := new(bytes.Buffer)