@@ -1186,6 +1186,8 @@ func MirrorUpdate() {
isMirrorUpdating = true
defer func() { isMirrorUpdating = false }()
+ mirrors := make([]*Mirror, 0, 10)
if err := x.Iterate(new(Mirror), func(idx int, bean interface{}) error {
m := bean.(*Mirror)
if m.NextUpdate.After(time.Now()) {
@@ -1196,13 +1198,25 @@ func MirrorUpdate() {
if _, stderr, err := process.ExecDir(10*time.Minute,
repoPath, fmt.Sprintf("MirrorUpdate: %s", repoPath),
"git", "remote", "update"); err != nil {
- return errors.New("git remote update: " + stderr)
+ desc := fmt.Sprintf("Fail to update mirror repository(%s): %s", repoPath, stderr)
+ log.Error(4, desc)
+ if err = CreateRepositoryNotice(desc); err != nil {
+ log.Error(4, "Fail to add notice: %v", err)
+ }
+ return nil
m.NextUpdate = time.Now().Add(time.Duration(m.Interval) * time.Hour)
- return UpdateMirror(m)
+ mirrors = append(mirrors, m)
+ return nil
}); err != nil {
- log.Error(4, "repo.MirrorUpdate: %v", err)
+ log.Error(4, "MirrorUpdate: %v", err)
+ }
+ for i := range mirrors {
+ if err := UpdateMirror(mirrors[i]); err != nil {
+ log.Error(4, "UpdateMirror", fmt.Sprintf("%s: %v", mirrors[i].RepoName, err))
+ }