/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ package logicmonclient // https://www.logicmonitor.com/support/rest-api-developers-guide/overview/using-logicmonitors-rest-api // https://www.logicmonitor.com/swagger-ui-master/api-v3/lm-sdkv3-docs.html import ( "context" "crypto/hmac" "crypto/sha256" "encoding/base64" "encoding/hex" "encoding/json" "fmt" "io" "log" "net/http" "net/url" "strconv" "time" dp "idio.link/go/depager" ) var Debug = false // LogicMonitor REST API v3 supports maximum size of 1000 // records. Even if you specify a number above 1000, the // response will always return 1000 records. const MaxPageSize = 1000 func debug(format string, msg ...any) { if Debug { log.Printf("DEBUG: "+format, msg...) } } type LMv1TokenBasedCredential struct { AccessId string AccessKey string } func NewLMv1TokenBasedCredential( accessId, accessKey string, ) *LMv1TokenBasedCredential { return &LMv1TokenBasedCredential{accessId, accessKey} } func generateAuthorization( timestamp, httpMethod, resource string, requestBody []byte, cred *LMv1TokenBasedCredential, ) string { /* From https://www.logicmonitor.com/support/rest-api-authentication: signature = base64(HMAC-SHA256( Access Key, HTTP VERB + TIMESTAMP (in epoch milliseconds) + POST/PUT DATA (if any) + RESOURCE PATH, )) Authorization: LMv1 AccessId:Signature:Timestamp */ mac := hmac.New(sha256.New, []byte(cred.AccessKey)) mac.Write([]byte(httpMethod)) mac.Write([]byte(timestamp)) mac.Write(requestBody) mac.Write([]byte(resource)) sum := hex.EncodeToString(mac.Sum(nil)) sig := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(sum)) auth := fmt.Sprintf( "LMv1 %s:%s:%s", cred.AccessId, sig, timestamp, ) debug("authorization: %v", auth) return auth } func NewLMClient( accountName string, ctx context.Context, httpClient *http.Client, credential *LMv1TokenBasedCredential, ) *LMClient { return &LMClient{ accountName: accountName, domain: "logicmonitor.com", basePath: "/santaba/rest", ctx: ctx, httpClient: httpClient, credential: credential, retries: 3, retryWait: 10 * time.Second, } } type LMClient struct { accountName string domain string basePath string ctx context.Context httpClient *http.Client credential *LMv1TokenBasedCredential blockReqsBefore time.Time retries int retryWait time.Duration } func (c *LMClient) request( method string, uri *url.URL, body io.Reader, ) (respBody []byte, err error) { uri.Scheme = "https" uri.Host = c.accountName + "." + c.domain resource := uri.EscapedPath() // save for authentication path, err := url.JoinPath(c.basePath, uri.EscapedPath()) if err != nil { panic(fmt.Sprintf("BUG: lmclient: request: failed to join path: %s + %s", c.basePath, uri.RequestURI())) } uri.Path = path debug("request %s", uri) req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext( c.ctx, method, uri.String(), body, ) if err != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("request %v: %v", uri, err) return } var reqBody []byte if req.Body != nil { reqBody, err = io.ReadAll(req.Body) if err != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("request %v: failed to read request body: %v", uri, err) return } } // Only support API version 3 req.Header.Set("X-version", "3") req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "logicmonclient") /* From https://www.logicmonitor.com/support/rest-api-authentication: > When LogicMonitor servers receive an API request, they > ensure the specified timestamp is within 30 minutes of > the current time. In the worst case, the below logic will fail long before the timestamp disparity reaches 30 minutes. */ timestamp := strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().UnixMilli(), 10) auth := generateAuthorization( timestamp, req.Method, resource, reqBody, c.credential, ) req.Header.Set("Authorization", auth) // retry when server cannot handle request var resp *http.Response for i := 0; i < c.retries+1; i++ { resp, err = c.httpClient.Do(req) if err != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("request %v: %v", uri, err) return } if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusTooManyRequests { break } // Offer an async option in future, but this is // acceptable, for now. time.Sleep(c.retryWait / time.Millisecond) } defer resp.Body.Close() respBody, err = io.ReadAll(resp.Body) if err != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("request %v: failed to read response body: %v", uri, err) return } // Throttle requests // See https://www.logicmonitor.com/support/rest-api-developers-guide/overview/rate-limiting remStr := resp.Header.Get("X-Rate-Limit-Remaining") winStr := resp.Header.Get("X-Rate-Limit-Window") remaining, err := strconv.ParseInt(remStr, 10, 64) if remStr != "" && err != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("request %v: failed to parse header X-Rate-Limit-Remaining: %v", uri, err) return } window, err := time.ParseDuration(winStr + "s") if winStr != "" && err != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("request %v: failed to parse header X-Rate-Limit-Window: %v", uri, err) return } if remaining != 0 && window != 0 { // We postpone subsequent requests by at least win/rem msDelay := int64(window/time.Millisecond) / remaining delay := time.Duration(msDelay) * time.Millisecond c.blockReqsBefore = time.Now().Add(delay) } // Success response if 200 <= resp.StatusCode && resp.StatusCode <= 299 { return } // Non-success HTTP status codes with error body //err, ok := httpStatusToError[resp.StatusCode] // Error JSON in LogicMonitor response lmerr := &LMError{} err = json.Unmarshal(respBody, lmerr) if err == nil { err = fmt.Errorf("request %v: %w", uri, lmerr) return } /* Non-standard HTTP status codes This may not be necessary, but I can't tell from the documentation alone, which claims they "use standard HTTP error codes to indicate the error in the response body." This may be removed at some point. */ err, ok := lmStatusToError[resp.StatusCode] if ok { return } /* Non-success HTTP status codes without error body */ err, ok = httpStatusToError[resp.StatusCode] if ok { return } panic(fmt.Sprintf("BUG: unexpected response: %v", string(respBody))) } func (c *LMClient) Get(resource url.URL) ([]byte, error) { return c.request(http.MethodGet, &resource, nil) } type pagedURI struct { uri *url.URL } func (u pagedURI) PageURI(limit, offset uint64) url.URL { if limit > MaxPageSize { limit = MaxPageSize } uri := *u.uri q := (&uri).Query() q.Add("offset", strconv.FormatUint(offset, 10)) q.Add("size", strconv.FormatUint(limit, 10)) (&uri).RawQuery = q.Encode() return uri } func NewLMAggregate[T any]() *LMAggregate[T] { return &LMAggregate[T]{Items: make([]T, 0, 64)} } type LMAggregate[T any] struct { Total int32 `json:"total"` Items []T `json:"items"` } func (a *LMAggregate[_]) Count() uint64 { return uint64(a.Total) } func (a *LMAggregate[T]) Elems() []T { return a.Items } func makeLMPager[T any]( client *LMClient, resource *url.URL, ) dp.Pager[T] { return dp.NewPager( pagedURI{resource}, client, MaxPageSize, func() dp.Page[T] { return NewLMAggregate[T]() }, ) } type LMGraphLine struct { Legend string `json:"legend"` // "" Type string `json:"type"` // "Stack" Data []float32 } type LMTopTalkersGraph struct { Type string `json:"type"` // "graph" Id int32 `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` // "total" Title string `json:"title"` // "Throughput" VerticalLabel string `json:"verticalLabel"` Rigid bool `json:"rigid"` // false Width int32 `json:"width"` Height int32 `json:"height"` DisplayPrio int32 `json:"displayPrio"` TimeScale string `json:"timeScale"` Base1024 bool `json:"base1024"` //MaxValue int32 `json:"maxValue"` may return NaN //MinValue int32 `json:"minValue"` may return NaN StartTime int64 `json:"startTime"` EndTime int64 `json:"endTime"` TimeZone string `json:"timeZone"` // "CDT" TimeZoneId string `json:"timeZoneId"` // America/Chicago StartTZOffset int32 `json:"startTZOffset"` EndTZOffset int32 `json:"endTZOffset"` Step int32 `json:"step"` // 0 DsName string `json:"dsName"` // null XAxisName string `json:"xAxisName"` // "2023-08-08 06:30 to 2023-08-08 19:30 CDT" Base int32 `json:"base"` // 1000 ExportFileName string `json:"exportFileName"` // "Adams2120-RTR-jds-2023-08-08_06:30_to_2023-08-08_19:30_CDT" Scopes []*struct { // probably don't need this Type string `json:"type"` // "device" Id int32 `json:"id"` } `json:"scopes"` // Instances []? not sure what this is Timestamps []int64 `json:"timestamps"` Lines []*LMGraphLine `json:"lines"` } type LMFlowDirection string const ( LMFlowDirectionIngress LMFlowDirection = "ingress" LMFlowDirectionEgress LMFlowDirection = "egress" LMFlowDirectionBoth LMFlowDirection = "both" ) type LMProtocol string const ( LMProtocolGRE LMProtocol = "gre" ) type LMTopCount int32 const ( LMTopCount10 LMTopCount = 10 LMTopCount20 LMTopCount = 20 LMTopCount50 LMTopCount = 50 LMTopCount100 LMTopCount = 100 ) type LMIPVersion string const ( LMIPVersion4 LMIPVersion = "ipv4" LMIPVersion6 LMIPVersion = "ipv6" LMIPVersionBoth LMIPVersion = "both" ) type LMNetflowFilter struct { Direction LMFlowDirection `json:"direction"` IPVersion LMIPVersion `json:"ipVersion"` Protocol LMProtocol `json:"protocol"` Top LMTopCount `json:"top"` } func (f LMNetflowFilter) String() string { bytes, err := json.Marshal(f) if err != nil { panic(fmt.Sprintf("BUG: failed to marshal lmnetflowfilter: %v", err)) } return string(bytes) } func (c *LMClient) GetTopTalkersGraph( id int32, start, end int64, netflowFilter LMNetflowFilter, ) (graph *LMTopTalkersGraph, err error) { resStr := fmt.Sprintf("/device/devices/%d/topTalkersGraph", id) resource, err := url.Parse(resStr) if err != nil { panic(fmt.Sprintf("BUG: get top talkers graph: failed to parse uri path '%s': %+v", resStr, err)) } query := resource.Query() query.Add("netflowFilter", netflowFilter.String()) query.Add("time", "zoom") query.Add("start", strconv.FormatInt(start, 10)) query.Add("end", strconv.FormatInt(end, 10)) resource.RawQuery = query.Encode() body, err := c.Get(*resource) if err != nil { return } graph = &LMTopTalkersGraph{} err = json.Unmarshal(body, graph) if err != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("get top talkers graph: %v", err) return } return } type LMWidget struct { Id int32 `json:"id"` Type string `json:"type"` Name string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` Timescale string `json:"timescale"` Interval int32 `json:"interval"` LastUpdateOn int64 `json:"lastUpdatedOn"` LastUpdateBy string `json:"lastUpdatedBy"` UserPermission string `json:"userPermission"` DashboardId int32 `json:"dashboardId"` Theme string `json:"theme"` //NetflowFilter string `json:"netflowFilter"` DeviceId int32 `json:"deviceId"` Graph string `json:"graph"` DeviceDisplayName string `json:"deviceDisplayName"` } // Get widgets func (c *LMClient) GetWidgetList() dp.Pager[*LMWidget] { resStr := "/dashboard/widgets" resource, err := url.Parse(resStr) if err != nil { panic(fmt.Sprintf("BUG: get widget list: failed to parse uri path '%s': %+v", resStr, err)) } return makeLMPager[*LMWidget](c, resource) } type LMDevice struct { Id int32 `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` DisplayName string `json:"displayName"` PreferredCollectorId int32 `json:"preferredCollectorId"` } // Get devices by group id func ( c *LMClient, ) GetImmediateDeviceList( id int32, ) dp.Pager[*LMDevice] { resStr := fmt.Sprintf("/device/groups/%d/devices", id) resource, err := url.Parse(resStr) if err != nil { panic(fmt.Sprintf("BUG: get widget list: failed to parse uri path '%s': %+v", resStr, err)) } return makeLMPager[*LMDevice](c, resource) } type LMNetflowFlow struct { DataType string `json:"dataType"` FirstEpochInSec int64 `json:"firstEpochInSec"` LastEpochInSec int64 `json:"lastEpochInSec"` Usage float32 `json:"usage"` PercentUsage float32 `json:"percentUsage"` IfIn int64 `json:"ifIn"` IfOut int64 `json:"ifOut"` SrcASN int64 `json:"srcASN"` SrcAsnName string `json:"srcAsnName"` DstASN int64 `json:"dstASN"` DstAsnName string `json:"destAsnName"` SrcIP string `json:"srcIP"` DstIP string `json:"dstIP"` Protocol string `json:"protocol"` SrcPort int32 `json:"srcPort"` DstPort int32 `json:"dstPort"` SrcDNS string `json:"srcDNS"` DstDNS string `json:"dstDNS"` SrcMBytes float32 `json:"sourceMBytes"` DstMBytes float32 `json:"destinationMBytes"` } // Get Netflow flows by device id, date range, and Netflow // filter func ( c *LMClient, ) GetNetflowFlowList( id int32, start, end int64, netflowFilter string, ) dp.Pager[*LMNetflowFlow] { resStr := fmt.Sprintf("/device/devices/%d/flows", id) resource, err := url.Parse(resStr) if err != nil { panic(fmt.Sprintf("BUG: get widget list: failed to parse uri path '%s': %+v", resStr, err)) } query := resource.Query() query.Add("netflowFilter", netflowFilter) query.Add("start", strconv.FormatInt(start, 10)) query.Add("end", strconv.FormatInt(end, 10)) resource.RawQuery = query.Encode() return makeLMPager[*LMNetflowFlow](c, resource) }